Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Holidays

Once again, everyone is asking “What is this world coming to?” We are all victims of Newtown. We didn’t lose as much as those who lost their lives or the victims’ family and friends. Nor did we suffer the trauma of the survivors or their family, friends, and neighbors. But we all felt the pain, imagined the horror, and wondered “Is there no end?”

Terrible news abounds. Politics. Economics. Violence. War. And yet, these are the best of times.

Thank God we are horrified by the thought of someone killing children. A friend of mine, an Aberdeen resident until his recent passing, was a Holocaust survivor. He once saw a mother trying to stop her baby’s crying. A Nazi officer ripped the baby from the mother’s arms, grabbed him by the feet, and smashed his skull against a wall. Just like that. Didn’t think twice. At the same time, America blocked Jewish refugees from entering this country. Nobody cared.  Today, we’re concerned about medical treatment for terrorists and prisoners on death row.

The country’s racing towards bankruptcy. Why? Because we’re more generous than we can afford to be. Same story for Europe. At what time in the history of mankind have governments been on the verge of collapse for being too generous?

We worry about our children’s future. Will they be better off than us? Heck, yeah. From Roman civilization to the 18th century, what were the greatest inventions? The printing press. That’s it. Today, even poor people have cell phones, televisions, air conditioning, etc. My son gets games on his iPod for a dollar. I worry he gets too much too easy.

As for Islamic terrorism, that’s not nearly as scary nuclear Armageddon with the Soviet Union. And look at the rise of democracy and human rights around the globe. This is a sharp departure from human history.

There’s a balance in the world. As the capacity for good grows, so does the capacity for evil. Yet, let’s not forget the riches we can bequeath to our children or the lessons learned.

Happy holidays and a blessed new year. 
>>> Read more!


Barrack will get you what you need said...

Poor people have Obamaphones. Everyone should be equal in society according to the Barrack philosophy. No rich no poor just equal. That is the Obama philosophy that is dividing America purposefully. Right Barrack?

Your neighbor has a better house or car than you Barrack will get you a better house and a nicer car. Why because it's only fair. Jay Carney the press spokesman for Barrack told the press today that now the rich must pay more taxes to be fair. Now that is the latest heart string to be pulled but only since the tragic and preventable Newtown Connecticut shootings does the administration pull out that new lie to push the liberal agenda.

So now according to Barracks mouthpiece it is now only fair that the rich pay more because now its only fair for parents supporting children with mental disabilities to be helped by taxing the rich more. Now mental disabilities like Adam Landis gets paraded out now at this sensitive time it is insulting and shows the D's will stop at nothing or say anything to blame the wealthy.

But the D's will tell you they aren't politicizing this tragic shooting to prop up the gun control issue, My ass they aren't. Barrack Hussein Obama is a joke along with his socialist liberal agenda.

Anonymous said...

Radio hosts like Limbaugh and Hannity are seen as alarmists, racists, divisive and worse. But if you look at our society much of what they say is true despite their slant or party affiliation. America and society is doomed if we do not do something to get people off welfare and the other forms of social assistance. We cannot affor to give everything to everybody because they want the government to be their daddy. That is the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god.

Anonymous said...

The remnants of the USA is doomed when a holes like our elected officials can't be honest and work on our behalf. As is their responsibility and sworn duty to do by the way. They have sworn an oath to god not to this mysterious Norm Kauff character so often held up to example after examle of illegality, backroom dealings and worse. he deserves nothing more than our scorn and contempt.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you read the post criticizing Ivanasshole in the last posting subject about preparing for hurricane sandy. Ironic that Mr. Warren gave us more info to be prepared versus our towns leadership. Thank you Mr. Warren.

Right Freddy said...

I read the Ivan-ho post on the last subject although it was hard to find. It was right on the money once again. No one has ever responded or defended Kauff. They can't defend that old douchebag. I think the 20m figure given to the towns engineers is low myself. As for Ivan-ho saying no one looks at this blog.



Right Freddy

Such a disappointment you are Freddy

Anonymous said...

I hear the Kauffcorrupted were in hiding yesterday what with Governor Christie in Aberdeen to kick off his reelection campaign. Hopefully it was a veiled message for the Kauffcorrupted to pack their bags and skidaddle. F you I say to the Kauffcorrupted and you to Kauff.

Anonymous said...

The towns handling of the storm was a joke. Wait until they try and raise taxes to sit cops at traffic lights by me. Don't get me wrong bit was great to see them out in public rather than hiding and talking on the phone. I will commend the workers out picking up the branches and all the storm damage.

Anonymous said...

happy holidays is only if Kauff and his gang get arrested.

Dexter said...

Does Jim Laura live in Ivanhoe? Maybe he got put up by Normie to deny the truth of the illegal goings on in town.

Anonymous said...

It's Jim Lauro not Laura.

My Christmas list 2013 said...

All I want for Christmas is for Santa Kauff and all of his equally evil, corrupt and unethical evil elves that serve on the Santa Kauff controlled boards and council to be arrested, indicted, tried, convicted and jailed for all of their crimes committed against us business owners, taxpayers and residents of Aberdeen in the name of the Aberdeen democratic party politics perpetrated under the corrupt, immoral and illegal control of Santa Kauff.

Anonymous said...

Norm said....


Anonymous said...



Figure it out yet?

Anonymous said...

There he is the train lot hunter patrolling the parking lot looking for pregnant women and old ladies to ticket. Bah humbug I say to the parking lot Scrooge.

Aberdeen taxpayers said...

F Santa Kauff

Get over it said...

There he is doing his job again.

Anonymous said...

Reorganization meeting coming up. I hope it's the last one Kauff controls. Got to figure taxes are going up either way with his engineers cleaning up on the storm cleanup. Thieves all who are in cohoots with Kauff. You too coach Fred.

Anonymous said...

Another lame attempt to chide the code guy again. He don't care probably what people say.











Beach Drive said...

Mayor Tagliarini we are still waiting Mayor? Why Mayor? Waiting for what you probably have to ask yourself Mayor? Leadership is the answer Mayor. Leadership Mayor look the word and definition up. You are a joke Mayor and so are your fellow council members and that Police Chief you should have fired him. Apologies and excuses are like assholes Mayor. Aberdeen has plenty of assholes unfortunately Mayor. You can start with those assholes previously named above and the others that you have underneath you in town hall mishandling our needs after the storm. The emergency preparedness and response by you Mayor and the others still is not what it has needed to be. Proud of yourself Mayor? You shouldn't be. We won't forget Mayor.

Anonymous said...

goodbye i hope you keep tabs on the gang of thieves that says it is our town council, manager and mayor.

Warren Dr. said...

Enjoy your retirement W&J and you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Norm said...

I hope you crash on the drive down. I also hope some swindler steals your retirement savings. I pray that some redneck in your new home state reenacts the Ned Beatty scene from Deliverance in your colon. I wish hemmerhoids the size of golf balls on you. Other than that, congratulations and enjoy your retirement!

Santa Kauff comes tonight to steal said...

Keep those home fires burning red hot tonight in Aberdeen. I say it again make sure to keep the home fires burning red hot or else. Or else what you may ask as residents, business owners and taxpayers here in Aberdeen? You see if you don't keep the chimneys flues burning red hot tonight all over Aberdeen you'll wake up in the morning to find the Santa Kauff and his corruption laden town council, town lawyers and the gouging CME Santa Kauff elves will have stolen all of your holiday present.s Santa Kauff and his corrupt political elves will rob your holiday spirit all the way down to your christmas tree. Santa Kauff and his corrupt political elves care little about you or yours holiday festivities. Santa Kauff and his elves only seek to feed their insatiable appetite for our beloved communities destruction. That is all that Santa Kauff and his politically corrupt elves care about. Right Santa Kauff? Right Santa Kauff's corrupt political elves?

Anonymous said...

Lame yet again so its got to be enough Norm for uou to know that you are still Aberdeens number one louse. You and all those that betray the public trust you surround yourself with. I curse all of you and I only wish
I and my family could move away also. You people ruin our town with your politics and hurtful decisions.

CBeach and beyond said...

Happy Holidays Aberdeen

Anonymous said...

$haft said...

Happy Kwanzaa

Anonymous said...

back to working to support kauff and cme. no sewers this christmas again.

Anonymous said...

shaft be got paid and shafts be havins a good kwaanzaa thanks be to the matawan tax payers and the racist plantation owner matawan mayor and council. peace out homeys. stop on by to have some vittles and ripple courtesy of masser buccelato. yeah boy

Former councilman said...

Newspaper says that Aberdeen's politicians are having a reorganization meeting January 2nd. So if the rumors are true and the taxpayer gouging Kauff is out and Mayor Fred is in charge there might be some taxpayer cost saving changes coming? to Aberdeen

That could mean that CME Engineering could be out.

Kauff's handpicked percentage paying lawyers are out.

Kauff's democratic party donating Judge could be replaced?

Kauff's democratic party donating prosecutor could be replaced?

New Mayor Fred friendly board members could be appointed?

New Mayor Fred friendly bond counsel could be appointed?

Only time will tell when the appointments are made.

Builders comments say it all said...

Grabbing a bagel yesterday and the two guys behind me are talking about dealing with the town hall politics and how it is so criminally expensive. I immediately knew they had to be talking about Kaufferdeen's expensive and thoroughly corrupt politics that is fueled and probably funded such by builders. Builders like these two men who have been reported to be Kauff's favorite shakedown targets. All that I could say to them was welcome to Kaufferdeen. That is all that can be said to comfort anyone if they are building in Kaufferdeen. But don't forget Ivanasshole says there's no corruption in town? Right you joke of a puppet Ivanasshole?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if town hall is accepting clothes or anything else for hurricane relief. Wife and I are coming to visit our grandkids for new years eve and have much to donate. I did not see anything on the towns website so before we head up tomorrow I thought we would check the aberdeener watchers. Please post an answer soon.

Anonymous said...

Town hall accepting donations for those who still suffer?

That's a funny one.

Aberdeens politicians collecting donations no way.

Know why that can't happen?

Nothing like that can happen for two corrupt reasons.

Won't happen unless Kauff and CME are corruptly cashing in on it.

Right Freddy Boy?

Such a disappointment Freddy Boy

I section said...

Thats a good one aberdeen collecting donation for others in need. The town leaders barely helped the taxpayers much less any other town or residents. And that asshole mayor was the biggest fool of them all hiding from us at the meeting. He started off with lame excuses and almost looked like he had to hold the meeting he did not want to hold with us. I got a civics lesson for you mayor you jerk off. You're the mayor you asshole it isn't all glad handing and marrying people.

Right Norman? said...

Fiscal Cliff?

Struggles ahead for most every American taxpayer.

Not for our oppressor Norman Kauff.

As long as there is political corruption he'll be just fine.

Of course it is all at taxpayers expense.

Right Norman Kauff?

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen is not collecting clothes or anything else. :(
All to typical of the corruption laden town hall leaders.

Anonymous said...

Town hall leaders? Don't you mean puppets? So many questions with so much political corruption and criminality. Right Freddy Boy?

Anonymous said...

There's corruption in Aberdeen with people like Norman Kauff and Fred Tagliarini in charge? I can't believe that since they are such stalworyh members if society?

F U N K said...

Happy Holidays not under the Kauffcorrupt.

Voice from the past said...

New Year means maybe new appointments to save money for us taxpayers? Not likely to happen under the dems. Not until they all get arrested. Unlike many on here I think the investigation into Birdsall Engineering will spark interest in our local engineering bills and political patronage. If the mayor was smart he'd issue sweeping changes and oust anyone and everything related to Kauff as soon as possible. At least in front of the judge he could sau he tried to stop the cronyism and dem corruption under Kauff. Let's see how smart he is.

IT'S TIME said...











Happy New Year Norm said...

Dear Norm,

Just so you know I have a very important appointment with the new investigating team recently put together in the county offices. You see Norm there is a brand new investigation unit in the Monmouth Cty. Prosecutors Office to deal with your type of person. So Norm in my personal effort to enter 2013 with no regrets I have decided to give all the information I have on paper and in my memory regarding my years on the council to these investigators. My memory along with the other paper document proofs provided to me regarding your political corruption will this week be given of my own free will to this newly formed county investigationunit.

Just so you know Norm I've put together a long list of items from my time on council to bring with me and of course present to the investigators. I am just so glad that I kept everything from my packets all those years Norm. Just so you know Norm the most telling evidence I can bring to them is the letter Stuart Brown gave to all of us detailing your municipal parking lot developer shakedown.

I do realize that I will have some culpability as I should have reported the shakedown immediately. I feel strongly that my coming forward even at this late date will have merit and will know doubt bring me significant judicial benefit in the end.

I leave you with one final thought Norm. Find a really good hiding spot Norm. You're going to need it.


Former Aberdeen Council member

Anonymous said...

How can you look yourself in the mirror Coach Fred? So many questions with so much corruption surrounding you Coach Fred. The worse thing is you think you think you are doing right by us business owners, taxpayers and residents. Think again Coach Fred think again.

Anonymous said...

will you get us sewers this year margaret. i mean it is an election year and all. i think scum politicians like the kauffocrats in town always make sure the towns workers get raises and roads and projects get done. sewers would not be a bad idea for votes for your area margaret. gets us our damn sewers margaret at least try and do something for your own neighborhood.

Gotta ask said...

Solve my home break in yet Aberdeen detectives? I see you undertook 31 new investigations in November. How many do you solve?

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays in this corrupt town would truly be a happy holiday only if the Kauff gang was locked up and awaiting trial.

Warren Drive said...

Loud music continues again this weekend Mayor.

Please tell me said...

7 Justice lane has been removed from real estate sites?

Please tell me the old coot is moving out of Aberdeen.

Please tell me sweeping positive changes are coming to stop the political corruption and bleeding of us business owners and taxpayers by the scourge Kauff.

Please tell me Norm Kauff is truly going going GONE.

? said...

Newspaper says that Aberdeen has a reorganization meeting on the 2nd of January. As a new resident is it open to the public and what is the purpose of the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Reorganization meeting is just a fancy word for appointing the political pigs ok Normie Kauff to continue to dine on our tax dollars at the Notmie trough of corruption. As for assuming that Freddy Boy would make changes that woul be positive to the taxpayers or would attempt a coup by ousting Normie that is never going to happen as long as that old bastards heart beats. Right Normie? So many hopes dashed with so much political corruption. Right Freddie Boy? Such a disappointment you are Freddy Boy.

Happy New Year 2013 said...

Here is my New Years resolution for 2013. I intend to continue to out Kauff and Company for all their taxpayer robbing greed and corruption. So I urge Kauff and Company to really enjoy this New Years Eve as it may be the last one to enjoy outside of prison confines.

To all of my Kauff oppressed fellow business owners I wish you a more prosperous 2013.

Happy New Year

Be safe

Morons said...

It's INJUSTICE LANE you morons. F you Norman Kauff.

Anonymous said...

Norm said...


Do you think you can come up with some new material this year? Queer?


Anonymous said...

Come on Norm I read that post from one of your former corrupt council creeps. It seems that one of upur puppets has seen the light and looks like he or she is going to turn states evidence against you. So yawn on that you jerk. Let me guess Norm your next post will be that none of your puppets would do that to you. Norm think about it because just like you Adolph Hitler thought he could never be betrayed.bynhis henchmen right up until he was almost blown up at Valcheri.

Normies mouth said...

Lame says it all once again about the Kauffkin response. Keep yawning Normie because opening your mouth really wide as you yawn is a really good exercise for what you'll be doing most in prison. Ouch

Reorganization meeting laughable said...

One of you asked about the reorganization meeting scheduled for this week and what it is? Its the Kauff clones reappointing the same criminals (CME, Lawyers, Planners and others all associated with Kauff, Scudeiri and the Kauff controlled Democrats) to rob us business owners, taxpayers and residents blind. As for the suggestion that our ass of a mayor here in Aberdeen making any changes to benefit all of the above just three words and only three words will be the absolutely true answer.

1) NO 2) F'N 3) WAY!

It's just like the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day except that instead of Bill Murray reliving his own nightmare day over and over again. It's like us here in Aberdeen we unfortunately get ill served by all the same Kauff crooks year after year with millions paid every year with our tax dollars that not so surprisingly gets corruptly funneled back to Kauff and his corrupt Democratic party. And the Kauff clones will all tell you if you ask if it was an open selection process that of course it is fair and open. It's not in any sense of the word an open and fair process. It is as Governor Christie stated the root of all local political corruption when the same appointments are made corruptly over and over again with the same companies, lawyers and names reappointed time and again . They're liars all of them and I say F em all.

Anonymous said...

Shaft said...

You tell that devil bitch what time it is Norm
Now that I cashed in my final race card here, how about a job in your town? I'm still a bad motherfucker.

Warren Drive said...

Yawn and the Kauff corruption goes on.

Fiscal cliff question said...

How do the changes adopted to stop the fiscal cliff scenario affect Normie and his thieves when it comes to their corrupt payoffs? So many questions with so much corruption. Right Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Fiscal cliff is nothing. Bringing Obama back to really do nothing and then bringing him back to continue his vacation cost an extra $3,000,000.00. That's added to the original $4,000,000.00. But he did very quietly sign an order raisin the salaries of every federal worker from Vice President Biden on down to the janitor in every governmental building in the USA while he was here before returning to his vacation. These idiots run our country people. Wake the fuck up will ya?

Before the Kauff Kool-Aid said...

I agree the fiscal cliff pales in comparison to the money stolen by Kauff over the years. The meeting that comes tomorrow night is the biggest giveaway for political patronage tax dollars going. Right Freddy Boy? Does Norm still just give you council members cash Fred? Such a disappointment you are Freddy Boy. Remember these postings Freddy Boy when you get to prison. You had such promise back when Freddy Boy. When Freddy Boy you may be arrogant to wonder? Before you drank the Kauff Kool-Aid that when is Freddy Boy.

Keep Normie alive said...

Wake the F up? Tell that to the investigators in Monmouth County for Christ's sake. They got to get Normie before that weak ticker of his gives out and the grim reaper takes Normie to hell for eternity. Wait hell is too good for what Normie has done to us business owners. Keep Normie alive so he goes to prison with Bubba.

I section said...

And just like in DC our corrupted by Kauff politicians think they are really doing the peoples business. Not unless you spell the peoples business with the letters


Anonymous said...

NJ Public Employees, 2011

Click on a column header to sort. Click on name for more details.

Last Rest County Location Base salary at location Number of jobs* Total salaries, all agencies* fundname groupname

YOUNG JOHN T Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $102,312 1 $102,312 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer WALSH MARTIN J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $100,812 1 $100,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer VALENTINO ANTHONY J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $82,731 1 $82,731 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer VACCARO MICHAEL J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $103,812 1 $103,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer TURCHIANO VITO J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $93,849 1 $93,849 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SOSA RAYMOND A Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $114,408 1 $114,408 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SISTI KATHLEEN Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $100,812 1 $100,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SIGISMONDI THEODORE Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $115,408 1 $115,408 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SIGISMONDI FRANK F Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $112,908 1 $112,908

Anonymous said...

Look at a sample of these salaries. Something maybe wrong when your civil servants are doing far better then your hard working taxpayers. Check the rest and many 6 figure Aberdeen salaries on the APP data universe pages. UNBELIEVABLE!
NJ Public Employees, 2011

Click on a column header to sort. Click on name for more details.

Last Rest County Location Base salary at location Number of jobs* Total salaries, all agencies* fundname groupname

YOUNG JOHN T Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $102,312 1 $102,312 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer WALSH MARTIN J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $100,812 1 $100,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer VALENTINO ANTHONY J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $82,731 1 $82,731 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer VACCARO MICHAEL J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $103,812 1 $103,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer TURCHIANO VITO J Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $93,849 1 $93,849 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SOSA RAYMOND A Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $114,408 1 $114,408 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SISTI KATHLEEN Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $100,812 1 $100,812 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SIGISMONDI THEODORE Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $115,408 1 $115,408 Police and Firemens Retirement System Police Officer SIGISMONDI FRANK F Monmouth ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP $112,908 1 $112,908

New B said...

I spoke to a neighbor of mine last night who said the towns professional appointments listed in previous posts may not actually be done at tonight's meeting. Don't get me wrong as a political novice only recently awaken to monitoring our politicians that was forced upon me by the dismal response by our towns leadership to the hurricane damage and following cleanup. I am now watching our local politicians and their processes much more closely. I've read many of the posts on this site and other such sites concerning these leaders who are tormented and abused on here on a daily basis. Those named which include Norman Kauff, Mayor Tagliarini and many others makes me conclude the lack of a defense by such people and others named and slandered speaks volumes to the strong possibility of their guilt. Myself I think those named on here in all of these varied subjects must in fact be involved in many of these suggested shady dealings having not garnered even one response or spec of proof that all these things suggested are untrue. This is all to suspicious in my mind for if I was lambasted in such a manner and was not guilty I would scream from the mountain tops to defend myself, my political position and my parties supposed leader. As is said silence is telling in the face of accusation.

7:10 train said...

Wonder why the park press newspaper removed the notice about the reorganization meeting from todays county happening listings printed today? It wouldn't be that the council don't want people to attend would it?

Anonymous said...

Read the agenda from last nights Kauffcouncil meeting. Not much information on appointments, fees and more. That is what corruption really is under Kauff.

Anonymous said...

Read the Matawan Patch and take a look at the nice coverage on our new Matawan appointments. Makes me glad I don't live in Aberdeen under the Kauff mess. Don't get me wrong our mayor is just as much of an asshole as Aberdeens. They both lead by arrogance and flawed promises to voters they don't really care to serve.

Anonymous said...

Just read the post real quick about the Aberdeen police salaries and you can bet that's the base salaries only. You can add anywhere from 20k to 45k to some of those names. You really want to have some fun find out how much the totals are for all police when you include overtime, retirement and health benefits from the chief on down. All that money buys a whole bunch of nothing if you ask me. Where are the statistics to prove their worth. It is said we pay over 4m for the police force. What is the offset when you factor in the tickets and court fines I wonder. 4m for a force of what 36 men and women.

Anonymous said...

Just remembered the money the police get paid to watch traffic go by during construction work.

Anonymous said...


The cops make more than I do!!

Civics lesson? said...

Oh what a tangle web Norm weaves

when all he does is corruptly deceive.

Right Mayor * civics lesson* Tagliarini?

You're a joke Mayor Tagliarini!

Anonymous said...

Appointments? Kauff didn't change any corrupt appointments. So much corruption with so much Kauff.

Anonymous said...

You could thank Brown when he was Manager for the Salaries of the police when he lied his way through his tenor. By the way you could stop blaming Kauff for all your troubles, he does not live in Aberdeen. So now find someone else to blame for your troubles.

Anonymous said...

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read :

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5 When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Can you think of a reason for not sharing this? Neither could I.

Anonymous said...

As long as that old fool Kauff lives he will control and fleece the taxpayers of Aberdeen. Right Freddy boy? Such a disappointment you are.

Anonymous said...

Justice lane is Kauffs address in Aberdeen. Kauff lives in Aberdeen. Blame Stu Brown who was fired for checking into the Kauff & CME corruption? Let me guess Jen Gallo also checking into the bills from The corrupt CME so often discussed on here just left on her own and Kauff didn't push her out like Stu Brown. Kauff is evil plain and simple. Kauff can move and he will still corruptly control Aberdeen.

Anonymous said...

Wherever that thief Normie lives he's in charge. Corruptly, immorally, unethically and illegally in charge. Right Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Cops in Aberdeen should be glad they don't work in Camden where the county laid off over 400 cops and would not hire any of them for the new county force. Know why? Most cops are crooks. Most cops drive drunk. Most cops feel they are special. They're not their just overpaid unless the work in high crime areas. Aberdeen is cake and most of the force there and in my Matawan would be afraid to work in a Camden or Newark. Where cops make far less than the glorified security force we have here and in most small towns. Waaaahhh on that.

Anonymous said...

F you Kauff and your corrupt horde too.

Anonymous said...

Norm said.....


Anonymous said...

Why is my garbage still sitting out in front of my house mayor? Guess you can fire the police chief and the code officer since neither of them do their jobs. Useless this mayor is since my garbage was supposed to be gone on Friday mayor. Ill bet your garbage was picked up on time mayor. Willing to bet the code officer checks to make sure all the councils trash is picked up on time. Years ago that code guy was on the ball I guess he's like all the rest just going through the motions and cashing checks. Useless all of them are.

CBeach and beyond said...

This town is going to hell.

Devil of Aberdeen residential status said...

Cannot confirm or deny that the devil Kauff has moved.

Anonymous said...

Keep yawning really wide Norm. Your mouth easily opening really wide will make you very popular when you get to prison. Right Bubba?

Anonymous said...


The cops make more than me!!!

They get to drive drunk!!!!!

I can't do that anymore because I traded my 1986 Escort for a bag of dope!!!!


Anonymous said...

Once again you people think the code officer does everything including the garbage. You're wrong because we all do more than one job and the garbage is a im sure a contracted service. Let us do our jobs and stop blaming the people in the job instead of the supervisors or council. We do the work and they take the credit. All we get is the blame when they do something wrong or stupid.

Anonymous said...

Kauff, Robinson, coren, Kelley all cashed in and covered each others crimes and illegal and immoral habits. And you taxpayers paid the bill.

Wake up Aberdeen said...

Full garbage cans when I went to shop this morning. Let me guess the D's won't acknowledge that mess either. You can bet it will require a big engineer bill. Wake up Aberdeen your politicians are robbing you blind.

Island Place said...

Received a paper on my front door earlier today alerting us in the I section to look into this blog and the contents and contacts. All I can say is i've been on it all day and don't like what i've read. If only a tenth of what i've read these so called town leaders need to be run out of town on a rail. Betrayal is the only word that comes to mind from what i've read so far. I've not been impressed since the storm meeting and since being alerted to this site the only thing I am thankful for is being alerted to this mess.

Anonymous said...


What mess is that?

Is it the no bid and unchecked contracts to connected contractors who illegally pay Norman Kauff?

Is it the form of government illegally run by an unelected, unaccountable and unethical man in Norman Kauff?

Is it the towns main corruption being tied to contracts to the number 3 connected political conttributor in the state of New Jersey?

Is it the police department management that costs so much but whose statistics and never efficiency is never questioned?

Is it the not so secret secret of the manager and councilwoman pushed out for trying to weed out the corruption and excessive monies spent corruptly.

So many more questions with so much corruption?

The truth about Aberdeen said...

It is not corruption people it's politics. It is dirty, filthy, corrupting, illegal, destructive, hurtful, disgusting and divisive politics. In other words Norman Kauff along with his Kauff controlled puppet town council don't care about us business owners, residents or taxpayers. That is the corrupt reality of our Aberdeen.

7:00 train said...

Manager Brown was a good guy who tried to stop Kauff.
That's why no one will stand up against Kauff.

Anonymous said...

Norm said......

Funny that you keep mentioning prison rape. Your wife and I play this game in the shower with a soap on a rope, a shank and a gerbil. She loves it.

Anonymous said...

So many questions is a joke because Kauff thinks he and his are untouchable. Not for long I hear.

Retired and loving it said...

While I don't live in Aberdeen I am very fond of the Aberdeener for keeping Norm Kauff in its sights.

Daily scorn is well deserved said...

F. Y. N. K.


Intone Bob said...

How can the man who is supposed to be our mayor be so easily manipulated to betray us so often? So many questions with so much corruption is right on the mark.

Anonymous said...

Norm said...

I can't wait for Aberdeen Republican season. I will probably need a bigger freezer with all the carcasses from last November. That fat one from the board of Ed race took up a lot of room.

Anonymous said...

The only carcass Norm will be yours as in Car c ass. It short for where you'll end up.

Cause you're an

Anonymous said...

Lame once again Norm try getting your Mcaleer to write for you. I remember when he used to get Murphy's goat. No more i guess unless that's what happens when you turn these republicans over to the dark side.

Anonymous said...



Taxes going up in Kaufferdeen said...

And the reason that newspapers and The Patch have not reported the goings on at the Aberdeen reorganization meeting last Tuesday is? I think it is because of the new corruption costs to burden us in order to keep Kauff in control. You see all of that corruption must be kept secret.

God forbid us lowly taxpayers, voters, residents and business owners know what the politically corrupt leadership in Aberdeen is really doing. They'll blame the hurricane for taxes going through the roof sure. They dare not own up to their abysmal response when our neighbors, family and friends needed them most.

Creativity rules said...

Love the creativity with the incarcerated post. I peed my pants on the just ask Kauffies wife one also. Kauffies wife is all mine though and I can prove it. She gave me a key for the back door of the new house the Kauffies are moving into.

Anonymous said...

Raise taxes in an election year in Kaufferdeen? Never! Its easier to raise the engineering costs for the roads getting paved and other truly useless projects to gouge the tax payers in town. Thats what really finances the Kauffcorrupt Kauffcampaigns in Kauffedeen.

Anonymous said...

Norm said...

Creativity rules? You call that creativity? No, my friend, that is not creativity. Creativity is the way your wife keeps you in the dark about what goes on between her and I when you aren't around. Next time you're with "your" kids, take a really close look at them.

Anonymous said...

Lame again Norm but you will soon have too much time to reflect on your crimes and contempt for Aberdeen in a 6x9 prison cell.

Anonymous said...

Norm said....

I'm not going anywhere you moron.
5 years from now, you will still be writing your stupid ass comments about raids, prison sex and crown vics. I will be still doing my thing. You live in a fantasy world.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Kauff should not be in the mix I think. I'm sorry she has to pay the price for her scumbag husbands illegal, immoral and thouroughly corrupting of Aberdeen. Maybe Ivanasshole should write about that instead of falsely defending the indefensible Norman Kauff and his puppet politicians that are ruining Aberdeen. As far as taxes going up of course the taxes will go up. The ferocious appetite for political payoffs under Norman Kauff grown and grow with every day. Like is said so often (there's no corruption in Aberdeen) that's another Ivanhoe lie.

Anonymous said...

Haven't been on this blog in a while. I see it's the same shithole as before.

Anonymous said...

Shithole is the corruptly run town hall building. Right Mayor Fred?