Are we still resolved to have a government of the people, by the people, for the people?
Are we resolved to have a government of the people or single issue interest groups who sell their votes and support to the highest bidder?
Are we resolved to have a government by the people or professional politicians and lifelong bureaucrats who shield themselves from the consequences of their decisions?
Are we resolved to have a government for the people?
- Are rising taxes about investing in our future or bloat, incompetence, and greed?
- Are our schools’ priority education for our children or job security and benefits for the staff?
- Are traffic and parking tickets primarily used for law enforcement and public safety or revenue?
- Is the Veterans Administration hospital system dedicated to providing the best care for our most deserving or a corrupt organization cooking the books?
- Are we a nation of laws or are some people more equal than others?
- Does our government promote hard work and savings or dependency?
- Do our public officials prefer the unpredictability of the free marketplace or the power to pick winners and losers?
- Do we have a government that has earned our trust?
Are we resolved to vote for freedom, safety, and prosperity? Are we resolved to vote for competence and dedication to the public good? Are we resolved to vote that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth?