Sunday, August 21, 2016

Questions for Hillary

Election Day approaches and Hillary is the strong favorite in Aberdeen. She's been stumbling on the campaign trail so let's help her with some easy questions.

  1. How would you protect female interns from Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner?
  2. How much would you charge for the Lincoln Bedroom and should checks be made to cash or the Clinton Foundation?
  3. Which bathroom would you use to store your personal email server and will it be open to transgenders?
  4. On radio, you bragged of using a technicality to get a child rapist a reduced sentence and you accused the 12-year old victim of being the aggressor. Why brag?
  5. In Whitewater, you designed the sales agreements to strip the buyer of all home equity if he missed a single payment for any reason. The contract was legal in Arkansas but illegal in most other states. As president, would you seek to make it legal nationwide?
  6. You wish to increase the number of Syrian refugees coming to our country by 500%. Do you believe that will make us safer?
  7. Simon & Schuster paid you $14 million for a book that only sold 200,000 copies. Ebay paid you $315,000 for a 20-minute speech. Cisco paid you $325,000 just to sit on a stage with the CEO. Do you think these companies got their money’s worth?
  8. Can you name a bill you sponsored as senator?
  9. You have promised to create millions of jobs through infrastructure projects? In today’s age of technology, do you see road builder as a job of the future?
  10. The last 8 years has seen the most anemic economic growth in American history. What would you have done differently?
  11. What was your greatest accomplishment as Secretary of State?
  12. How is your health?

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