Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Teacher Truancy

On June 15, 2010, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled “Missing in Newark: Its Teachers”. The article reported:

  • The daily absentee rate among teachers is around 7%, “nearly twice the urban-district average of 4%”
  • Nearly half of the teachers took at least two weeks of sick leave whereas New York City teachers only get 10 days of sick leave per year
  • Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for Governor Christie, called the situation “completely unacceptable”
  • Jonah Rockoff, a Columbia University business school professor who has researched the correlation between teacher absenteeism and low student performance, said it "surely makes the difference between passing and failing" in some classrooms
  • Rockoff also said "A contract that makes it easy for teachers to take lots of days off may not be attracting the kind of professionals that Newark parents would want for their kids"
  • When Joseph Del Grosso, president of the Newark Teachers Union, was asked whether teachers had a duty to report to work when they weren’t sick, he answered “We're not priests or nuns"
But here’s the real shocker. The Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District has the same absentee rate.

Last Monday’s school board agenda included the contract renewal for Source4Teachers. In S4T’s report, the company listed over 6700 vacancies among staff during the 2009-10 school year, a 12% increase from the prior year.

S4T provides substitutes for a little over 500 district positions and the school year was a little over 180 school days, discounting the snow days. Excluding vacancies for professional training, our district has the same 7% absentee rate that made headlines in Newark.

Even the prior year’s absentee rate was about 40% higher than the urban-district average.

(The absentee rate for private industry is about 2% according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.)

Why does our staff have such a high absentee rate? I suspect it has little to do with sickness.
>>> Read more!


Anonymous said...

Maybe they were absent so much because you and Chris Christie have been making them feel like shit.

Anonymous said...

Or they figured "what the hell? I might as well use up my time before that DICK has his puppet vote to lay me off."

Anonymous said...

Joey...when was the last time you went to work?

Anonymous said...

Joey does not work, if he did his house would not be going up as a short sale and his house would not be vacant. Since you are living in the Bronx now are you still alowed to be on the Board of Ed.?

Aberdeener said...

I'm self-employed. Excluding religious holidays, I'm always on call. If I shut down 7% of the time, I wouldn't have a business.

You think it's normal for people to call in sick 7% of the time? Where do you work?

Anonymous said...

Hey shorty...I mean Joey (I say shorty in reference to the short sale on your house)

Who are you to talk about anyone's job? You're going to need to find a new job soon bud. You can't live with mommy in the Bronx and work on the Board of Ed in NJ. And don't use that because daddy died bullcrap, because that was many moons ago. I'm not being insensitive...I'm just calling you out because you like to name drop, and have no right to. There's too many shady dealings going on in your household.....or what used to be your know what I mean. How many more mortgages are you going to need to buy your way out of this mess, you fraudulent, know-nothing political hack. Find a new job, because your current one breaks a few ethics rules, and your blogging has now become even more of a joke, do to your hypocrisy. I can't wait till this makes the papers.

Aberdeener said...

I'm living in the Bronx? I'd invite you to my house this second but then you wouldn't be anonymous anymore.

Aberdeener said...

Ah, it's summertime. That explains the recent burst of nonsense comments.

For all their brilliance, they still can't explain the 7% absentee rate.

But let's talk more about my house. Obviously, that's far more important than our children's education.

Four Close Sure said...

You don't want to talk about percentages Joey Warren. You obviously do not know how to manage numbers. Usually, if you buy a house for 465k, it should sell for a profit...not for 399k. I wonder how much more debt you have that we don't know about. Suck on that one you irresponsible failure.

Warren Jeffs said...

Joey doesn't care about a child's education. He cares about lining his, and his buddy's pockets...You'd think he'd use his corrupt ways to pay some bills.

Anonymous said...

Alas, Joey's facade crumbles a little more.

The Great and Powerful Norm said...


Anonymous said...

What's the matter Joey?

You only like it when other people's homes and properties are discussed on the blog?

Well, I'd like to talk about how you... I'm sorry, I mean your wife... purchased 7 Ithaca Court in September 2006 for $465,000, with you listed as a "non-borrower" on the recorded mortgage. Then, let's talk about how difficult it must have been for your wife to be the breadwinner of your household while having small children and a useless schmuck for a husband.

So, in May 2008, you were added to the recorded mortgage where the house was refinanced for $384,000. You also took a $33,000 home equity loan at the same time. That means you were in that house for $417,000 two years ago with a mortgage and a home equity loan with 30 year terms.

Now, you're selling it for $399,000 in a short sale, which is allegedly part of an amicable divorce between you and your sugar mama. Oh, and take it from me, you're dreaming if you think you're getting $399k for an ill-maintained house on a one-way street with a construction site behind it. So, I hope you enjoy your short-sell bath, asshole. What's that saying, pride comes before the fall, right?

Maybe you should spend less time worrying about teachers' absentee rates and more time worrying about getting a real job and your wife back...

And Joey, don't try to dispute the above. It's all right here in black and white. Just search for Block 69, Lot 26.01 to see deadbeat Joey's mortgage finance bonanza.

Anonymous said...

Oh and for those of you who don't know. Jennifer DelPercio is Joey's wife. And, be sure to click to the second page of the search results to see Joey's mortgage woes...

Anonymous said...

Facilitate short sales by extending pre-existing government guarantees to personal loans

Banks are forcing people to stay in homes they can no longer afford by making short sales extremely difficult and often requiring homeowners to first destroy their credit history through missed payments. However, if mortgages already have government guarantees (i.e. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, etc.), we can extend that protection to any personal loans to cover a short sale. The personal loans will be levied additional fees and interest charges to cover the added risk but the home seller will be spared the crushing expense of owning a home he no longer wants and the risks to Fannie Mae will be reduced since the house is already underwater.

Now I get it.

Anonymous said...

Joey, looks like the rodeo clowns are home on their computers today. Don't worry, they will be back to work shortly. Oh, I'm sorry, they will probably take another day off! Welcome back rodeo clowns!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you really want to model this district after NYC! Well Joey, your a board member now and the teachers contract is in negotiation. Why don't you cut their sick days in half.

Anonymous said...

So teachers get about 10 sick days a year plus 3 family illness plus 2 undesignated personal days -

BUT dont use them or a BOARD MEMBER will talk about you on his website.

AND if you save them - you will lose them at retirement? I dont get it.

The other thing is this Mr. Warren - redo you calculations with these facts in mind :

1. The 20+ retirees might have used up some and also might have used them on workshop days knowing they were leaving the profession


2. When a female goes on maternity leave - they are forced to use their sick days FIRST up to I believe - 30 days.... these 2 facts greatly distort your numbers and your point of contention in this article -

You teachers are fools because Mr. BOE Member is just trying to get a rise out of you and hope you direct your anger at him so it will be seen on his blog -

which may hurt the negotiating process- whoever your union leader is should show the NJDOE this article after he was told to stop the last time.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the 2 points from the above about numbers being MISLEADING.

A YOUNGER staff does include families of child bearing age - so when a new baby comes into the world - the FAMILY unit is stressed. The female teacher needs time out of school and the male teacher may use days to be there for the family.

It is funny - the older staff gets ridiculed for being paid too much and the younger staff gets ridiculed for taking time off with families and sick kids.

And how many of those days out went to those retiring and STAFF WHO WAS BEING LET GO and wanted to use their days???????


Anonymous said...

Sick days are to be used when you are sick. I don't know of any private company that doesn't frown upon its employees using up all their sick days. Do it a few years in a row, and you're out permanently. And none of the companies I know pay you for unused sick days. You don't even get paid for unused vacation days, if you're too busy to use them. These teachers have to start living in the real world. And No, nor do we get overtime in the real world, we're paid a salary. Overtime is expected if the job isn't completed.

Anonymous said...

Here is all the public needs to know. Bob Ingle put it straight in todays press. He says, when you have a school system dominated by teachers unions, you have misplaced emphasis. It is not about kids. It's about perpetuating itself and collecting dues to buy off lily-livered politicians more interested in getting re-elected than education. The union doesn't like merit pay based on performance because it maintains all teachers are equal at the same experience and education level. That's absurd. Tenure is also a problem. Guaranteed job protection after three years practically assures a job for life. Job security and pay are based on seniority, not performance.
If you, Mr. Warren believe the above is true, then you are the only one who can do something about. Yet, you recuse yourself from the one place you can make a difference for the kids. Attacking you about your personal life only proves what thugs we have to tolerate with our children, but for not standing up and demanding to represent the public at the table of injustice, shame on you.

Anonymous said...

180 school days - 15 paid days off = 165 school days to work.

Not too bad for the pay + benefits teachers get.

Anonymous said...

Who cares what Joey says? Either by sale, or by foreclosure, Joey is outta here!!! Woo Hoo!!! That's all that matters!

Anonymous said...

A school system without a teacher's union would have an atmosphere resembling this blog's! Personality's demanding allegiance, back biting, sabatoge, distrust and constant turn over of staff. A nightmare!

the ghost of Marie Panos said...

Joey is trying to sell his house at a loss because I have been haunting the shit out of it.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry but I agree with 4:06 pm....

Unions have flaws - but without tenure and the like= politics, favoritism,and self serving would be rampant. A parent calling in a favor to get a teacher fired because little Johnny didnt EARN a 90...... and we all know this to be true...

Anonymous said...

The days of Barza are gone! They gave the union everything they wanted plus more in return for screwing the kids and taxpayers. Without them, they are nothing. That is why they keep complaining about Dr. Dick, who doesn't put up with their! All they have is farmer Marty, ethically-challenged Rubino, and back-stabbing Patty D. Good luck with them. Get back to work and shut up!

Aberdeener said...

So, caught with indefensible abuse of sick leave, an abuse so rampant we're on par with Newark, a few loudmouths think they can win the argument by changing the topic. (Hey, Sad Sack, is that you playing Anon? Thought I recognized you.)

Let's see. Losing money on the house. Not planning a short sale (we'll bring money to the table). Still running a business from home. Not getting a divorce.

So many lies, makes me wonder if you have an agenda. :)

By the way, if people think a 7% absentee rate is okay, then we've got bigger problems than teachers playing hookey.

The Fair Dinkum said...

Once again it looks like The Aberdeener has struck a nerve.

Anonymous said...

People let's face it..where else do you get tenure after 3 years. Pls the best thing Gov. Christie could do is bust the Teacher's Union and their hold on the taxpayers of NJ. It is not the days of the Triangle Shirt Factory. Understand I'm not saying teaching isn't a noble profession. Unlike a previous commenter, without the education given to me by my Teachers, I wouldn't know the difference between due and do.

Trying to detract from the real problems and focus on Joey is a sad attempt by small minds. Matawan seemed to have lost the Matawan Advocate, it would be sad to have Aberdeen/Matawan lose the forum the Aberdeener provides.

Anonymous said...

Joey NEVER answers any post that contradicts his LIES and observations run askew.

what about the posters who questioned your numbers ?

1. with retirees using their days
2. those losing their jobs using their days or they would lose them

3. and any kind of maternity leave MAKES YOU USE YOUR sick days first. So if 5 teachers have babies thats at least 150 out of school combined--- THUS misleading the readers--- as you love to do AND YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT AN AGENDA????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Pot - calling kettle black
Glass house - throwing stones

and ALSO - if you are moving out of town - you have to give up your beloved seat - ANY COMMENT on that question which has been posed to you several times?

Aberdeener said...

If you read the article, you'd already know the answers.

The prior year had over 6,000 vacancies, 40% above the average. So, any answer you give has to apply to both years and has to explain why our district is different from other districts. Are you suggesting other districts didn't have layoffs or their teachers don't get pregnant?

6700 vacancies in one year. There's no excuse.

Anonymous said...

Why does our staff have such a high absentee rate?

"Sick outs"

Union bully tactic to get their raise.

Anonymous said...

Teaching used to be a nobel profession. It used to attract the smartest students. Now the brightest go into the private sector. Sadly, those looking for a secure job, with little accountability, now go into teaching.

We know this is true, because higher pay to attract better teachers is the same rational the unions and many others use in defense of their support for top pay and benefits. I have no problem with paying good teachers, but it needs to be on merit. Then you'll see those just looking for a secure job, no longer interested in the teaching profession.

Anonymous said...

Maternity leave! The very idea! I don't get maternity leave. Screw em! We should stipulate sterization in the new contract. It would serve them right! Such a low life bunch of scum as I've heard characterized here do not deserve the right to reproduce! A bunch of whiney ingrates! Let them find real work somewhere else! I'll tell you what! In Dickens time, they knew what to do with their kind, and they knew how to handle their unions! The unions ran workhouses! And debtors prisons! They knew how to do it in those days!

Anonymous said...

The preceding comment was brought to you by
Snarky Snarkison and is as far away from the sentiment of the typer as you can get!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:22: you might want to rethink that. Do we really want people who are not looking for secure jobs? I don't know, fly by night personalities and good time charlies are not my idea of good role models. Children need stability first and foremost.

Anonymous said...

You are such a jerk:

Read the article your self next time.

"S4T provides substitutes for a little over 500 district positions and the school year was a little over 180 school days, discounting the snow days. Excluding vacancies for professional training, our district has the same 7% absentee rate that made headlines in Newark."

Snow days and professional training was discounted. AND YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT OUR DISTRICT... so the question still remains - staff that was retiring (the number well over 20), staff who was let go - both wanting to use some unused sick days

and maternity leave were not in your study.... therefore a district with a little over 500 positions would be greatly affected by just the 3 statistics.

I also believe that a few teachers were VERY ill and missed most of the year = USING SICK DAYS in the process.... at least 2 in particular.

The sad thing is, I am not even a teacher - I investigated this on my own with an open mind unlike you and your agenda...

Aberdeener =
self promoting

Aberdeener said...


Thank goodness you're not a teacher because you're plainly incoherent. We've got two years of history, each with over 6,000 vacancies, and you think two people getting sick is what skewed the statistics.

I'm guessing other districts have people who get sick, get pregnant, or retire.

Once again, try to show why our district is far above the norm.

Anonymous said...

Are you moving out of town? Or what?
It's a legitimate question...STOP IGNORING IT!

Anonymous said...

The silence speaks for itself.

Anonymous said...

Enter cricket noises here...

Anonymous said...

Its hard to understand your position on this. All your points are good ones, and the teachers should be in the classroom. But, aren't they just doing what is allowed under the contract. We both agree this is crazy. Teachers should be in the classroom teaching instead of wasting time on busy work with subs. The difference is you are one of eight who can do something about it instead of complaining. Yet, you leave the negotiating table where these changes could be made. When are you going to get serious about putting your money where your mouth is. These type of posts point out one of the many things that are wrong with the contract. The more the public knows about it and its abuses the better, but only you had a seat at the table. It may now be left to people who will allow things to continue as they always have. The union is counting on it.

Aberdeener said...


The question here is enforcement, whether we need to begin verifying that sick days are being used appropriately.

I would absolutely hate to do that unless there were no other options.

Anonymous said...

What other options are there?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:56, it's amazing how you twist what is clearly written in black and white. You must be a teacher, union hack, etc. The post clearly states that the teaching profession used to attract the best and the brightest. Now it attracts those ONLY looking for job security after 3 years, great benefits for life and no fear of accountability for their POOR performance. I'm certainly not looking for that type of teacher to teach my children, are you?

Nowhere in the post does it mention we hire fly by night personalities and good time charlies. But twist away, we all know how the teachers union have trained you all.

Anonymous said...

I was just reviewing your article titled Take-Home Pay in the School District and I noticed the salaries you had previously posted cannot be accessed. Why the change? Did the Board of Ed slap you on the wrist?

Anonymous said...

Just throwing this out there, and I'm sure the attackers will be many.

I don't know one parent of a child whose teacher left on maternity leave midway though the year, that was happy about their child starting over again with a new teacher. And I'm sure the feeling is shared by every parent of every child (20+kids in elem. school, many more in MS &HS) in the classroom where this occurs.

It's a problem, and people are afraid of being politically incorrect and won't address this issue. Teachers out on maternity leave shouldn't be given a full class if they plan on leaving in a few months. They are disrupting a year of education for each child in their class. For that reason, they should have other positions for the year they take maternity leave, such as subbing or supporting teachers that are able to commit to the full school year.

But then that would be putting the children above teachers, and no one is willing to to that.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to wonder if, perhaps, there is some merit to the claims by some, that Mr.Warren is no longer a true resident of Aberdeen. While I understand that some post with only the intention of siscrediting him, his silence on his alleged move, or intended move from town is certainly giving his accusers some credibility.

Anonymous said...

Do you know other schools numbers as to teacher call outs before you bash the one you were elected for?

Do we know the NJ or MOnmouth County average?


But let little Joey piss off everyone before he resigns ....

Which will be asked again, DID YOU OR ARE YOU MOVING OUT OF TOWN?

Aberdeener said...

Anon 12:54,

Thx for letting me know my site was down. It's back up. Don't use the site any more except for my own personal posts.

Oh, and I haven't moved out of town so I guess you'll have to suffer with me a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 12:49: Wake up and smell the Recession! There are fifty or more candidates for every teaching job today. Districts routinely let new teachers go before they reach their three year tenure status. That is the status quo. You are fighting ghosts in an ancient arena.

pissed off taxpayer said...

It is sooo obvious that governmental employees have been catered to by politicians. They will fight it all the way to the hill to keep the spoiling gifts they have not deserved for too long. Like is said too often want to work hard get a job want to work very little get a governmental job. Teachers, cops, firefighters and many more have gotten too much for too long.

The Fair Dinkum said...

Once again it looks like The Aberdeener has struck a nerve.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe if we could fire the tenure teachers that have become lazy and are no longer good teachers, than we could keep those younger teachers that deserve the job because they work harder and have more drive. But now we are back to the accountability issue...

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that O'Malley is moving to Aberdeen and has plans to run against Cannon next year. Rumor has it that the Republicans want O'Malley because of his name identification and money he can get from Kyrillos, Ocean and Hunterdon County Republicans.

Aberdeener said...

In a word, no.

Anonymous said...

to Mr.aberdeener,
Why do you think that the teachers hvae such a high rate of absence?

Anonymous said...

Understand suspended Chief JAMES ALSTON, Matawan P.D. reneged on the agreement he had signed with Matawan to retire. Well, let's get the hearing over and done with now. No more delay tactics by him. The whole town wants to know what are the charges against him that caused the original investigation. If found guilty, then fire him, if not do the necessary. Either way Matawan has to move on. Can only imagine how the rank and file of Matawan's P.D.'s morale is at this time. For my two cents, you all did and continue to do a great job for the residents of Matawan, without ALSTON!

Shaft said...

To the contrary, I don't need my officers. I'm a bad m*therf***er...

SHAFT's my name. SHAFT's my game...

Petey Wheatstraw said...

This is gonna be fun to watch. Maybe Matawan could sue him this time for a change.

Bootsy Collins said...

I'm not so sure about the Shaft reference. He reminds me more of Samuel L. Jackson's charachter in Pulp Fiction.

Anonymous said...

If only there was a way to add the sounds of Curtis Mayfield to this thread.

Anonymous said...

The public school system exists for the teachers.

Jules said...

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

Alston = Jules

Anonymous said...

Re: Alston. Let's stay away from any racial references. It shows a lack of intelligence. Stick to the facts. Exactly what did he do to warrant (no pun intended) the investigation by the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office? He had to do something. Let's get it all out in the open and let Matawan move on. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! Not even suspended Matawan Police Chief James Alston.

Anonymous said...

Jules, Quoting the scriptures does not make James Alston innocent. Nor does it make him a champion for any cause but his own selfish interests. You mock all God-fearing people by your comment. Go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from and take your bible with you.

Throw that card away (it don't work anymore) said...

ATTN: Religiously and Racially sensitive morons.

1. The quotes are from the movie Pulp Fiction

2. NO ONE made fun of Alston's race, just his hair.

Anonymous said...

Dumbasses @ 11:06 & 11:10 a.m.,

C'mon... Jules is a character from Pulp Fiction, (1994) who quotes the Bible. It's not religious or racist, it's pop culture...

If he was a white guy with a 1980's sport coat, I would have gone Don Johnson.

If he was Hispanic, I would have gone Erik Estrada.

Take a breath, drink a cup of coffee and unbunch your panties on a Saturday morning...

Or, go back to Norm Kauf and your miserable existence. Sorry for bringing a little levity to this morgue of a blog...

Samuel L. Jackson said...

That's a mighty tasty burger.

Anonymous said...


TO A THEATRE (or courtroom) NEAR YOU!!!




Vincent Vega said...

And you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?

Chief Shaft said...

Le' Royale

Marcellus Wallace said...

Vincent Vega in the house???

Anonymous said...

That movie tops my list of most despised. Not exactly my idea of a good time. Its just a series of situations manufactured solely to produce a cringe, albeit peppered with decent acting and clever one liners.

Anonymous said...

This is the epitome of high art!

Anonymous said...

The best part is Christopher Walken telling the kid how he carried his grandfather's watch up his ass for 2 years in the POW camp.

The truth is a terrible thing! said...

Who is next to comment ignorantly George THE MOTHERSHIP FROM PARLIAMENT FUNKADELICS Clinton? You people and your veiled racism disgusts me. The man has a right to his day before a review panel and can risk his salary, retirement and pension if he wants.

By the way one of you racists mentioned his cousin suing the department. What would you do if your cousin wanted to be a cop who when he went and asked for an application and was told they were not giving any out, BUT THEY WERE in fact giving out police hiring applications BUT ONLY to white applicants. What would you do? Would you keep quiet?

Go iron your white sheets will ya, you local KLAN meeting is about to start?

The truth is a terrible thing!

No more racist than you said...

Actually, they turned away white applicants also. I happen to be one, and know others, however, I didn't sue.
And, the cousin was already employed by a law enforcement agency at the time. The cousin's employment with that agency ended shortly after. That's a whole other can of story in itself.

Vincent Vega said...

That's a pretty f-ing good milkshake. I don't know if its worth $5, but its a pretty f-ing good milkshake.

The truth again about Matawan said...

Sure they did anonymous and that is also why the cousin WON THE LAWSUIT because "they did not give out applications to anyone after they told him they were not giving out applications" LIAR!

The man won the lawsuit because they did give out applications! And guess what? Matawans taxpayers had to pay again for other political and management snafus.

Leadership in this town sucks and has always sucked. That is why they pay the lawsuits because of their stupid leadership, management and their racism.

Why did C-Town leave?


Why did Alston win the first lawsuit?


Anyone remember how much it cost to settle the handicapped dispatchers lawsuit?

That was another ingenius leadership F up by the Matawan management and political leadership.

Deny that?

You can't!

It is the truth!

Anonymous said...

The only truth is that politicians are so afraid of being called racist, the bow down and settle anytime a "minority" files a suit. It doesn't even have to be legitimate, they will pay you to go away. This is the truth of the matter. That guy was ABSOLUTELY NOT the only person not given an application. He may very well have been the only black man not given one, but there is no way in hell he was the only one.

In this day and age, unfortunately, all you gotta do is mention the word racism, and they bend over backwards for you. Just look at those race baters in NYC, Eric Adams, and Sharpton, just to name a few.

Anonymous said...

And another thing, if Alston was a white guy with a mullet, instead of a black guy with a jerry curl, I would be making fun of him just as hard. There is a certain level of professionalism in that position, and neither of those hair do's project professionalism. Do you honestly think they WANTED to make him chief? My guess is Hell no! They just took the coward's way out and made him, so they wouldn't get sued.







Police Chief, Money and new car said...

Anyone hear about some special school that Aberdeen is sending their Police Chief to? I thought they had some huge defecit. I saw him driving a new car the other day. Where is all the money they say they did not have? Hmmmmm!

More lies from Coach Tag?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Warren side stepped the question again...

"Oh, and I haven't moved out of town so I guess you'll have to suffer with me a bit more."

Very cunning.

Here is the question plain and simple - when your house is settled, are staying in this district or are you getting a new place out of town forcing you to give up your seat?????






Anonymous said...

Hey Matawan let's talk about the reason why Chief did sue your wonderful town?
Mr Warren check the facts about this case.

Anonymous said...

He sued because he saw easy money. This is not the south, and it certainly is not the 1960's. If anything, it's the other way around nowadays.

Hacks, Kauff and our taxdollars said...

He won and the reason he won was bad management and even worse political hacks who sell out the taxpayers. Hacks whose improper decisions cost all of us plenty and to wit these same political hacks are never held accountable.

Right Kauff?


Anonymous said...

By the way the is he going to an some academy on the taxpayers dime. Did you know who also make reservations for a visit? Fore!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you saying?

Anonymous said...

OOOOOHHHHH i'm telling!

Reservations for a visit?

That is f'n funny!

Anonymous said...

Can someone PLEASE translate for anon @12:55?

Realist said...

Nah, he won cause its cheaper to pay then to go away, even when its a bullshit case.

Anonymous said...

Is race the reason Spells and PHillips are still working in the district even thought they are blatantly inefffective?

Duh! said...


You ask and answer your own question. It is not the color.

District was afraid of outside agitation being brought to town. Cheaper to keep them? Not really!

They are ineffective and it is not their color that make them ineffective but it kept them here and ineffective. They are not alone and their are many colors that are ineffective in the school district staff and leadership.

Anonymous said...

We all realize Alston sued Matawan and won. That is history. Can we concentrate on the charges brought by the Monmouth County Prosecutor's office and passed on to the Borough to handle. These charges are not racially motivated, rather job related. Will we ever find out what the charges are or will it be swept under the rug? How many attorneys has Alston gone through to date? Can all of the previous attorneys been wrong or has he kept shopping till one believes his BS!

Can the Borough get this matter over once and for all? Enough already!

Anonymous said...

Did he sue and win? or, more likely, did he sue, and the borough settled? There is a huge difference. Without a trial, he never proved anything, except that he wanted money.

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

I think YOU in the caps are the racist here. And we are not talking about A FEW THOUSAND! Its a FEW HUNDRED THOUSAND!

The only thing I agree with you on is this...The politicians at the time screwed up. I think they screwed up by not calling his bluff back then, when he put his first BS suit in. If they had done that, he would be nothing but a distant memory right now, instead of looking for another payout for something that's his own damn fault.

If you feel that makes me a racist, fine, think what you want...moron.

Anonymous said...

Let's go to the video. Make it public.

4:10 hiding the truth? said...

Your white sheet is showing 4:10.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone in the video is wearing white sheets.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:52,

Perhaps you could explain how someone asking for the alleged video to become public would be considered "hiding the truth" ?????

Also, how could that be considered a racist comment?? "Your white sheet is showing"

Don't you ever get tired of using that word to describe everything you don't agree with?

Those who protest too much said...

Anonymous at 7:12

Those who protest too much have the most to hide. But that is ok anonymous since you could just get under your favorite white sheet.

Normie, budget, police cars, academy and more ??? said...

So is the chief padding his resume and leaving soon? So many questions for a little town with supposedly big money problems. Seen some new police cars over there also recently so I am left to inquire what is up with that? I ask again what about the money problems in Aberdeen? By the way where is the budget while I am at it Normie? Coach fred you got anything on the budget? The silence is deafening?

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Farrakhan. Do you pump your gloved fist in the air when you type too? Say hi to Elijah for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 7:43, I think you dropped your beret.

Move why don't you said...

The prior two posts were outclassed not once but twice. Racists that they are. They are probably the geri-curl idiots who want to keep the black chief in his place. Hey you two I hear the prices of houses and white sheets are real low down south. MOVE! Your people are waiting for you. We don't need you. We don't want you.

pot calling the kettle perhaps? said...

I find it ironic that the poster that accuses those who disagree with him of being racist, is telling those he disagrees with, to move, and that he does not want them here..Hmmmm.

Is Normie room temperature? said...

You should move if you show yourself for the idiot that the two of you or one of you are. Geri-curl bullshit shows you for what you are. Shaft comments show you for what you are. Yet Norman kauff lives? Life sucks for us taxpayers as long as he is not at room temperature. F U Normie!.

Anonymous said...

Kauff is a drain on Aberdeen, no one is disputing that. Alston is also a drain. Both need to be shown the door.

Norm said...

Hey, easy there, I love Alston. He's my kinda guy.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Warren

As a BOE member how do you allow racially sensitive comments on your blog? SHouldnt you lead by example for the students?

And #2 - Who is now the negotiating team for the BOE? Why the switch? It is highly irregualr?

Quentin Tarantino said...

Are you serious? you are going to honestly sit here and type that he DOES NOT look JUST LIKE Jules from Pulp Fiction???? If you don't think so, you are blind!!! Who the hell do you think my inspiration for the charachter was??

Aberdeener said...


I have a higher tolerance for comments against public persons and I don't find the comments regarding Chief Alston's appearance to be racist.

As for leading by example, though I permit such comments to remain on the blog, I personally do not engage in such banter.

I don't know where the balance is between free speech and censorship so I've generally chosen to lean towards free speech.

Anonymous said...


what about the second part of the questions posed to you by that poster? about the BOE?

Anonymous said...

Racially insenitive?

Try watching the shows or listen to the music your little Biffy or Bobby listened to.

You are out of touch.

Get real.

Aberdeener said...

Ah, sorry about that.

Board VP Hayward is chairperson of the negotiations committee. Also appointed were Dr. Delaney and Ms. Esposito.

We've expanded the committee by one and eliminated the rotating seat.

To be honest, most of us have no experience in these types of negotiations and we're still getting our sea legs.

I'm confident in the committee's ability to communicate the full board's positions.

Anonymous said...

Just like someone posted on here weeks ago calling cliffwood, clifhood. It's the norm around here, people are insensitive and this town will always be divided. Why is it that people who live in Cliffwood are from Cliffwood and the people from Strathmore are from Aberdeen? Why? It is just another way of seperation.

Jules said...

Screw all of you. As soon as I get my settlement from my next bogus suit, I'm gonna retire and move to Europe, to be with my pal Vincent Vega.

firehouse questions said...

How much do they pay the guy who sits and answers the phone at the firehouse on Lloyd Road? I had to go in a while back and there he sits all alone. Anyone know?

I still think there is a whole lot going on there that we should know about. We shall see?

Firehouse costs how much said...

Too much and he is not the only one being paid too much to do very little. Anyone surprised? That place is just a good group of hard working volunteers who dedicate themselves to all of us who are improperly led by a bunch of old cogs. And the worst part is that all of the leadership is connected. Yes that connected is exactly what i meant. That place is little more then a social club like those who dot brooklyn. The only thing missing is the gravy cooking on the stove and Frank Sinatra playing in the background 24-7. The finances are the thing that really needs to be looked into. Our elected officials won't though since all their campaign workers come out of that house. That place needs a thorough investigation from the top on down. That will happen? Never!
Vinnie, Jimmy, and all of the rest know what will happen. The only one missing in that house is that old rat Kauff. If he was there the corrupt leadership would be complete.

Investigate every inch said...

True is the only thing to say about that. From when Lou stole the Expedition truck the rats have run that house of fools. Investigate every square inch of that building. On that I agree

Anonymous said...

WOW is all I can say to the last 3 posts. I agree that the volunteers are needed and they all deserve our respect. If there is a problem at the top that always goes down eventually to all of the membership. This is also not the first time allegations have been stated involving the same elders in there midst. It is time that this whole thing be looked into. How about it Coach Fred? How many members will be lost that we need to satisfy the older members who keep themselves paid. Very well paid possibly while many volunteers risk much more? There is much to be said for the elders putting in there time. There is also something to be said about staying way to long and hurting the operation and functions of the organization. Time may have passed them buy. They need to go and allow the changes for the future.

Anonymous said...

The last few sentences could also apply to Alston.

Jules said...

MMMMMMMMMM!!! Now that's a tasty burger!

Anonymous said...

So, Joe all the members of the negotiating team for the board are ALL part of the parents of speical people group?
Is is true that the board also fired the attorney? Can you tell us why?

Fire update: NSectionJoe said...

This post is to let those of you on here know that at a very serious fire in the Santa Fe neighborhood occured today where two of our brave volunteer firemen were injured. While both were hospitalized and released today, it once again shows how much we count on and should respect their service.

If I hear of any fundraising or clothing collection for the family who lost their home today I will post all related information. This in hope Aberdeen can open its hearts once again for a family in need.

Thank you to all of the brave firemen and first responders who answered the call once again. It should also be known that other communities firemen and assorted services helped out as well. Thanks once again to all involved.

Kelly said...

Great post Joey and the family will be in our prayers. Nice sentiment for our emergency service workers also. You're a class act.

they all suck, replace them all said...

Now for some NON class acts.


For that matter, the ENTIRE council

The ENTIRE board.

And a few more I'm sure.

Yawn.... said...

Anon 8:17

All the members of the former negotiating team, except Mr. Warren, are longtime members of the "exclusive" Kings & Queens Bowling league....what does participation in a non-school district funded organization have to do with the responsibilities they must fulfill as board members? One has nothing to do with the other. The parent group seems to do nice things for kids, like that awards thing they do every year. They gave a lot of teachers awards too this year at the boe meeting, so they must like teachers. I think it is high time people get over all this conpsiracy theory rumor spreading stuff and take a hard look at what is really happening around them. It is more good than bad, folks.

Anonymous said...

And, you must be a racist cause you dare say Alston should go.

Anonymous said...

Suspended Matawan Police Chief James Alston will have his hearing next week. Hope it becomes public record. Although I know it is a personnel issue, I think everyone should know what this man did to be brought up on charges. Matawan is between a rock and a hard place. Either way Alston will cry discrimination. He makes it bad for those of us who are truly discriminated against. Or does he think the rules, regulations and laws don't apply to him?

Anonymous said...

You want him subjected to the same rules the rest of us are?

Let me guess, you think he should be penalized too if he's foud guilty too, don't you?


Neville Flynn said...

I am tired of these motherf**ckin' snakes on this motherf**ckin' plane!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe M. for the post. I await your information on the family when it comes available. Perhaps the Aberdeener will have some information. I know he has been busy and may not be local lately. If he knows anything he will post the information i'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Fraud, any word on who paid for Delaneys Campaign. No one wants to answer this simple question. Papers were never filed. Joey, what happened here.

delaware danny said...

Hey Joey I hear this Matawan Police Chief thing is Racial. My friends in matawan tell me its all because he;s black. Other tell me its good govt and he's not being targeted. But if that's the case why is he the only one being investigated by the mayor. It seems other who are white get a free ride. I hear the chief was scheduling a hearing for PO Marsalis - seems citizens reported he was buying drinks at a local bar for an underaged girl and he;s marrried. I'm hearing the mayor cancelled the hearing and now the girls father has a position on the planning board. I hear he's a local contractor and I guess this will help his business. there is also rumors that 2 other officers were reported and the chief was investigating that a 15 yr old girls performed oral sex at the borough firing range an the two PO. I hear the mayor cancelled that too. Also the CFO had harrasment charges filed by fellow employees. Mayor mary orders and investigation but I hear when Mayor Paul took office he cancelled the investiagtio. the water department (the CFO husband works there) was reported by a borough whistleblower that dept employees, friend and family haven't been paying proper water bills for over 10 years. Seems they only paid the mimimum water. Potential loss to the borough of $250K. I hear the mayor had the water dept investage themselves and found no problems. No one was arrested , no restitution no firring. I also hear Mayor Pauls son was arrested for selling drugs. GOt PTI and 200 hr service from the same prosecutors office that has investigated the Chief (cleared each time). I hear he did 2 hours with the local fire dept and the fire chief signed off on 200 hours. I hear the cheif received a report that the Mayor sone was still selling drugs out of his pops house. the chief confided with LT Gallo (in line for the chief job). Gallo I hear reported the chief to the prosecutor. I don;t live in Matawan any longer but what's going on up there??

cameras aren't racist said...

I heard the chief's problems have about as much to do with racism, as they have to do with global warming.Let's go to the video tape, shall we?

Anonymous said...

@delaware danny, Could your friend be "Buddy Mullaney?" The same ex- Councilman who drove Matawan into debt, voted to spend money from the next year's budget to cover expenses of the previous year? You are trying to make this political and it is not! Why don't you mention the charges against Alston since you know so much. If you know all these allegations as fact why didn't you report it to the Monmouth Prosecutor's Office? CHICKEN! Poor Delaware inherited a gossip monger. What kind of low life gossips about a persons children. SHAME ON YOU! All of this to deflect FROM Alston's charges? Can't wait to hear what those charges are and let's see if you have something to say then!

Gentleman Jim

Anonymous said...

@anon12:32, As a bartender in the area it is surprising that no one mentioned Alston's real problem. Enough said!

Anonymous said...














Coren in movies? Love it! said...

Coren a movie star. I love it. I hope he stars in "Who got shanked in the prison yard for being a sick Mother F'ng pedophile?" Sick bastard that he is. You too Normie for being his friend and probably hiding his secrets. You corrupt freak Kauff. You suck too.

Anonymous said...

You can bet that Norm and Drapken have started planning the welcome home party for their a hole buddy Coren. Thick as thieves those three are. You can also bet that Steve Robin-slave-son will be around in his usally lackey position. The number one Kauff lackey who is always at the ready and doing all of Norm's corrupt bidding. Somethings never change? Right Norm?

On the other thing I do like the Coren gets shanked in the prison yard thing. He deserves far worse for that which he got caught trying to do and that Coren may have gotten away with. All this with his depraved obsession with young boys. There were those rumored troubles that Coren may have gotten some help getting out of when he was manager. Who knows?

Maybe former Chief Kellie knows?


More Kauff and Coren PLEEEAASSSE!

Make them pay for all they've done!

Let them live with the shame!

Scum that they are!

F both of them!

Media bias and the Beck rally #'s said...

Media bias and political collusion was proven once again this past weekend. My partner and I went down early Staurday and attended the event. We would have liked to have stayed in a hotel but the excessive taxes we pay from political corruption and American dishonor by our political leaders leaves little to live on.

Anyway we arrived and spent the day with over 400,000 + of our new friends. Yes it was that big a crowd despite Al "Tawana Brawley told the truth" (NO SHE DID'NT) Sharpton and his band of maybe 20,000 if that who just attended to be a distraction.

Ask yourself who will get more media? Al Sharpton of course as he fits the liberal profile and will help spin the real numbers on who attended the Beck Rally. MEDIA BIAS or not? You decide.

We went and enjoyed it. Many people are tired of politics unusual and usual and we all will see that much more clearly in November.


Al Sharpton said...

Wait until you see how many we have marching in the streets of Matawan, in support of our oppressed brother, you racists!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me, Al Sharpton wouldn't touch this matter with a ten foot pole. Remember Tawana Brawley?

There is NO racism matter to address! September is approaching rapidly.

Jules Winnfield said...

On the contrary, - don't need Al Sharpton, I'm a bad motherf#c@er

Al Sharpton has done??? said...

Al Sharpton is a piece of garbage. Not because of his color. Not because of his ethnicity. It is because he is what is wrong with a person of any color that is in a supposed leadership position and whom really profits off of the back of ones own people.

He is no different than Ferdinand Marcos, Idi Amin Dada, Po Pot, Fidel Castro and many others in leadership positions whom control and have perhaps have far more improper control over people than they should to the detriment of the same people they supposedly want to be the guardians of.

What has Al Sharpton really done?

Anonymous said...

The Mayor of Matawan was not responsible for the charges against Alston. Which part of the Monmouth County Prosectors office can't you read? If and that is a BIG IF a Police Officer reported Alston for breaking the law, rules or professional misconduct...GOOD FOR HIM/HER! Our Police force is working with the Borough under difficult circumstances. They (excluding Alston) have been performing their duties and protecting Matawan. They deserve our appreciation, not the lies suggested by the so-called delaware danny. He should be called delaware dimwit!

May the powers that be watch over and protect our Police, Fire and First Aid.

Do work son said...

Well said about Sharpton. Don't forget the do-nothing really Kennedy boys. They gave this country away with the social programs that still almost bankrupt this country.

Remember those of us who work. We all must work harder and longer now so that all of those social programs and give aways can take care of the generational welfare and assistance program people.

All colors of the rainbow need to get off of their asses and work.

Anonymous said...

Suspended Matawan Police Chief Alston, tick tock tick tock can you hear it.....what will it be fired, demotion, or ???????????

Whatever is decided you know you are going to try to use the race card. ha ha Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Jules Winnfield said...

On the contrary, you can't fire me, I'm a bad motherf**ker!

Anonymous said...

It all depends on what you have are not above the law...

Tick tock tick tock I hope Matawan gets this matter over with. Then maybe we can move on to the important issues facing the Borough. Alston will sue no matter what happens. Maybe if he put all his efforts on doing his job he wouldn't have the charges brought against him. He will never run out of Lawyers....

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the Asbury Park Press or Independent will cover the hearing of suspendsd Chief Alston? Is this a closed hearing? Will the charges be brought out for public information? Afterall, don't the residents pay his salary and benefits? Today is the day.....will Matawan ever be rid of that litigious Alston?

Anonymous said...

No, Matawan will, most likely, never be rid of the litigious Alston.

Why would he go away? Matawan has already served him well in the past as an ATM.

You can rest assured, the attempt at another withdrawl is already in the works. Hopefully the current administration has the balls to fight back this time.

I know, I know, racist, blah blah blah, white sheets, blah blah,blah, KKK, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

The "snakes on a plane" picture made me laugh so hard I was in tears.
I just hope he just leaves. Such a burden on the town.

Anonymous said...

There's another one where he is on one side, and Jules from Pulp Fiction is on the other, priceless

Anonymous said...

Wow. reading this stuff is great. I know a Matawan cop who said that now while the chief is gone, that things are really improving from the new management. Hopefully the counsel will get rid of this s*&t-bag soon. I've been told first hand that all he does is bring morale down.
Go Matawan P.D.!!!!
Just get rid of that racist crying, sue-happy chief.
Has anyone heard any news? was there a trial? WE NEED TO KNOW.

Jules Winnfield said...

On the contrary, I'm not going away, I'm a bad motherf**ker.

Anonymous said...

Has Alston been shown the door? Or not?

Did the council grab their collective nut sacks? Or, did the bow down to the threat of yet another fake racial suit?

Would this have happened if Woody went straight to the police?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He has a tail? Sweet!

Anonymous said...


Jules said...

Mmmmmmmmm! That's a mighty tasty burger!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The rumor mill says that Alston's case is being kicked back to the Monmouth County Prosecutor's office. Another delay. Meanwhile the suspended PD Chief James Alston is getting paid with benefits. Where else could you find a job where all you have to do is sue, sue, sue! Break the laws, SUE, break the rules, SUE, get suspended from your job, SUE. Will the Monmouth County Pros. Office have the guts to end this nonsense? If the charges against him are proven...then DO SOMETHING!

Joe Friday said...

Anything new on Matawan V Rick James?

Anonymous said...

Once again it is back to the Borough for Alston! PLEASE Matawan do something! Did Alston have to turn his gun and badge in? If not, can we all sleep knowing this man has a gun and knows how to use it?