Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kudos to Cops

Too often, the taxpayers feel they work for the government rather than the other way around. In that light, we should take great pride in the recent actions of the Aberdeen Township Police Department. In addition to the great work they consistently do, the police department recently responded to two criticisms voiced on this blog:

1) The department needs to cut spending
2) The department should maintain a public police blotter

Well, the police department has done both. The final town budget notes a $30,000 cut in police wages and salary from the original proposal (probably in reduced overtime). Granted, even after this haircut, department wages will still increase 4.7% over last year. However, it remains precedent setting. This is the first time I ever recall seeing a budgeted salary decrease that didn’t involve a termination.

The cut also creates a new baseline and will hopefully translate into annual savings for years to come as well as reduced pension obligations.

Next, the police department has launched an online police blotter. Considering a police officer’s primary duty is to uphold the law and prevent crime, I’m happy to see the arrests have not been for major criminal activity.

Special thanks to Chief of Police Powers.
>>> Read more!


POLICE BLOTTER BUT?????? said...

Have you not been watching what is going on in Ttenton?

Have you not seen how indignant the PBA, FOP, FNBA and the Gestapo leadership in the NJEA.

These beholding, Democratic voting blocks and strong pressuring lobbying unions have been, protesting, threatening, name calling and worse against the political leadership in New Jersey to say nothing of the human voodoo doll that is Governor Christie.

All this against our fickle, greedy, money hungry, vote hungry and demonically manipulative politicians for their daring to even consider cuts, increased contributions, cuts in benefits, added years of service and more cost saving measures in many forms that need to be taken against these sacred cow unions?

The worst of it is the veiled threats and outright lies that our children from these unions saying our children will not learn, crime will affect all of us and that responses and effective responses to emergencies are in great peril.


As for the Aberdeen Police Blotter all I can say is? IT IS ABOUT F'N TIME.


And they say no one reads this blog?

How is it that all of a sudden the overgrown lawns of the pool club are on here and then it all gets cut?



As for the new police blotter the lack of a notification of what can only be called a significant crime wave of over thirty home break ins all over Aberdeen and to late for many of thise victims last year and WHAMO all of a sudden we finally have a police blotter website only glimpse that is if you even know it is on the website.


It is an election year and all of a sudden???????????

Think about it Aberdeen voters.

Think about how they lowered the tax increase.










Anonymous said...

All I know is I'm taking fat cat union wages and spending it!
Another loser who failed the test. The stupidity knows no bounds.

COPS can kiss my law abiding ass said...

Did not take the test to get "on the job" went to Nam came back got my degree and went to work. Cops got it sweet and the little 'we can do anything we want and that is that club"can kiss my law abiding ass". They have it good in little towns like ours but none of them could work in Newark or Trenton and they know it. Prove me wrong. Show me the individual work stats on tickets, arrests, solved investigation and more before you tell me I did not take the test. Most of them do very little and they know it. In this town they work a sweet schedule that with sick days and more works them less than the 180 days of a teacher. Take the test my ass. Get a degree that you paid for on your own and not under your lobbying and pressuring union contract with beholding politicians that you let drive drunk. The test is if you can look yourself in the mirror after 25 years not 40 like most of us and say you served the public well. Sitting in your car for hours on end talking on your cell phone is not working. And don't get me started on the too heavy brass ass kissers in the cushy chairs in police headquarters that do nothing much but go to lunch. Did they solve any of the home break ins that have been on here for a long time now? Did they even solve one? I doubt it!

Gen. Westmoreland said...

Charlie should have shot your whiny ass.

Anonymous said...

Lets be honest you got back from Vietnam and police made no money, worked crap hours, and working in the private sector was much more profitable. No one wanted to be a police officer back then and you included. Just like in the 80's and 90's it was much more profitable and people were pulling in a 6 figure bonus on wall street just for getting to work on time after a cocaine alcohol induced party night before. No one said a word during those times. What you people expect police to earn a year for what they do no matter where they work is just plain ridiculous. Sir I thank you for your serice to this country in Vietnam. The hammer has dropped on the public employees. Now expect the same type of officers that were dishonest low lives as back in the 60's 70's and 80's because the job will no longer be on the top of the list and will no longer be sought by good educated people. By the way as for your city officers. Did you know that most of the laid off officers are having major problems trying to find jobs in any of the suburban towns? Why you ask? Because they have police records that were overlooked due to the so called lack of interest. This is what you will soon find here in the subarbs.

Anonymous said...

Did the previous commenter just claim that some police officers have previous criminal records but were hired as cops anyway cause nobody else wanted the job? Did I read that right?

Beholding unions can't handle the truth said...

Look at former Chief Toomer he was a real troublemaker when he was young. If you checked a lot of cops they were troubled youth who often became cops, got comfortable with their position, let their bossy union thugs bring them to a level where they feel beholding and expect the way too generous compensation packages which are bankrupting the state. While the cops are not alone in their F the taxpayer greed and they embarrassed themselves in their public protest in Trenton recently. Their attacks on the one man in Trenton that is telling the truth is what they cannot stand to hear. So they blame the one man who has lied to them the least. They are very happy to support the democrats and other greedy union scum who have caused this financial crisis to occur. But they are greedy pure and simple.

Anonymous said...

I heard the a similar story not to long ago. Not major criminal offenses but things that would keep any applicant in the subarbs from getting a job.

As for the comment about the local officers having it easy and not being able to work in the cities. Who cares, would you have gone to Nam if you had the choice of sitting in Germany making the same money and getting vet status etc... Think about it. I am not talking about your answer now after completing your service. What you would have said then. I also would like to thank for your service in Vietnam. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Hold on sir the police and fire unions did not cause any problems in their protesting. We as americans have the right to protest anything we feel. The original protest which was just police and fire unions back in I believe February was very peaceful and I don't believe there was alot of mudslinging. It was the facts and the show of unity. The last protest which included the communications and teachers unions is where the problems started and the disgusting show of me me me was shown in public.

I do believe that the health benefits should be negotiated on the local front. As for the pensions, the police and fire pension is fulfilled over 75% at this moment. It was the 3rd richest pension prior to Gov. Whitman raiding it. The police and fire pension will be fine and as long as the new employees contribute just as everyone else it will be fine. The problem was when the governor spoke as if all the money from all unions were together and it was so grossly underfunded. That was the teachers and communications that were only contributing like 4.5% as the police and fire were double that amount now at a total of 10%. I believe that the governor should have taken it a step further as quickly as he made this decision and force the merger of small towns especially if you share school districts. Aberdeen and Matawan.

Also be aware that there was a study done in the early 90's and was completed to merge the Aberdeen and Matawan police departments. Someone has to have a copy. I would love to see it.

Admit the truth for once Copper said...

A union leader called Christie a NAZI

You protested because your good deal that is killing the taxpayers is in danger

You want to negotiate at the local level because of the political pressure you have been able to exert over spineless controlled by Kauff scumbag politicians

Next response try answering those questions truthfully

Protect and Serve my ass

All you seek to do is Protect and Serve your greed

Irrefutable facts presented from an oppressed taxpayer in Aberdeen tired of Kauff and a police force that costs way too much and really does very little for 1/4 of a towns budget

Respect the facts I present and admit it's true

More facts taxpayers need to know said...

Kudos to cops?

Each one makes over 100k at least. FACT

The top earner made 155k last year. FACT

The police force is top heavy to say the least. FACT

Did you get a raise last year?

Did you get a raise the year before that?

Did you get a raise in the last 3 years?

The police in town got over 12% in the last 3 years.

Nice work if you don't want to really do it?

They hide what they do for over 4M a year. WHY?

Anonymous said...

It is really good money especially when you can sit in your police car for hours talking to a overpaid school crossing guard. Does her husband really know what is going on while she is working. She is not alone when it comes to cops and other mens wives in Aberdeen. This is not a riddle by the way. It is reality and reality bites!

RIDDLE me this boys in blue said...

What a day for me to check in with the Aberdeener. I look at some of the responses concerning our police dept. and I agree. The funniest thing is the post that said that the post was a riddle. A RIDDLE and our police force is truer and funnier than many of you on here may ever realize. It was a great day when that RIDDLE hit the road. Right boys in blue?

Anonymous said...

I noticed that also, a police car and a car/SUV with a crossing guard parked next to each other, chatting it up...

Anonymous said...

If the taxpayers only knew the half of what the boys in blue do or don't do for their $4,000,000.00 dollars+.
But they risk their lives everyday???????????????????????

Watch out commuters he's back said...

Owner of Lavotis asking code man when he is coming back to work. Code man responded that he is back to work tomorrow. Get the tree stands out at the train station code man is coming back. Watch out all you pregnant ladies and senior people. Code man will be in his perch early in the morning waiting for his unsuspecting prey to park wrong and is anxious to swoop down an nail his prey with a parking ticket. Then again Normie needs the money this election year so all is right with code man back. Right Coach Fred?

Anonymous said...

Riddle and the cops f'n priceless. That donut hole shop never closes for those who 'protect and serve'. Right coppers? I hear it is like a 24 hour drive up window?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you taking pills you stole from some relative's medicine cabinet again?

Right Coach Fred? said...

Those who know the Riddle know what is meant and the number of people it was meant for. Those who don't just disregard and be assured that those who we think hold themselves to the higher standard of the law, as they enforce the law, certainly do not hold themselves to the higher standard in reality.

The local list of just rumor and personal observations is proof enough for many. You see the police almost never really police themselves in our area. If you are waiting for the political leadership to watch them you can forget that as well. The silence and lack of any substantive response to numerous recent biting posts and Riddles this past week is all the proof many of us taxpayers need. The police blotter not being in the newspapers for years along with the only website posting without any public advisory is further proof. How are people supposed to know about it through osmosis? No one really looks at the website for their town. Most people do read the newspaper though. Now did they ever solve any of the 30+ supposed house break ins or not?

Still waiting for that bunch of excuses an lies we are.

Right Coach Fred?

Tee hee! said...

Riddle me this Batman.


Tee hee tee hee!

Dirty Harry said...

Riddle me this....

If my balls were on your chin where would my dick be?

Sewer watch continues said...

Seems one of the more crude boys in blue has awoken from his slumber. Probably on duty. Protect and serve? My ass and that is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me Norman Kauff (aka) Chief Low Life Scumbag of Aberdeen. Right Margeret?
Still waiting on our sewers in case you forgot Margie.

Independent review for police force said...

In my company we carefully monitored budgets, analyzed schedule efficiency, monitored sick time usage, assured overtime was necessary and more. In a municipal system it seems overtime, sick and comp day usage and requirements and much more seem to just be the main problem no one looks at for fear of offending the cops, politicians and others. The costs in most municipalities are out of control. Vehicle purchases, equipment and much more needs close analysis. In Aberdeen that is not happening and the man at the top needs to be brought to account. I think there is a pervasive attitude with such departments to not give back. $30,000.00 out of a $4,000,000.00 plus budget is laughable. It is time the political leadership closely review every dollar. I would suggest an outside non police connected review going back three years to set the tone going forward. Police protection is not to be given a pass. We in Aberdeen are not in peril. We receive services but the costs are excessive and need a very close and independent analysis. I am not a wall streeter so save that venting for someone else.

Sent by Verizon BlackBerry

Anonymous said...

I logged on to this website hoping for some information about my town and instead found it to look like bathroom grafitti in the middle school. Still, maybe you, Mr warren, would care to enlighten me as to just who is Norman Kauff and what is his relevance to Aberdeen?

actual Aberdeen resident said...

Welcome to the steaming pile of shit also known as the Aberdeener. The elusive Joey Warren, aka Aberdeener is actually tucked away at his wife's apartment in New York City, so I doubt he could give you much insight as to what actually goes on in town.

Right Coach Fred? said...

And the Kauff corruption and illegal Kauff control?????

Just goes on and on much to the dismay of businesses, taxpayers, residents, developers and everyone else.

Right Coach Fred?

Norm said...

I am the lizard king...I can do anything

Anonymous said...

Goo Goo Ga Joob, Bro.

Oops! Sorry. That's the walrus.

Dave Coe said...

The old man was covered with tattoos and scars

He got, some in prison, the others in bars

The rest he got working on old junk the daytime.

$haft said...

You see my bad ass face on the app site today? I'm a bad motherfucker. You bitches just don't know style like I do.

I'm waiting for the answer said...

Great post about the independent review of the police department. Will it ever happen? Hell no! Not as long as the numbers runner Vinci is there. Right Norman? $4m police force for what? Idling police cars and the occasional stop sign ticket. I know they do more than that but they have been hiding what they do for years while other towns list their crimes and police activities regularly. I am still not surprised that some of the police who post on here not so anonymously have yet to defend the 30 plus home robberies. Have they solved even one of them? I'm waiting for the answer.

OH SHIT! said...








Now if our leaders in Aberdeen could just kick Kauff to the curb and save Aberdeen from the politically corrupt scum that are the Kauffkins. Like Martha Stewart used to say "that is a good thing". Without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

Buccellatto worry about an Appeal? The Feds found Matawan in violation of federal labor laws. Mayor B finds the Feds guilty of putting their noses where it doesn’t belong. He’s got $16 M in contract to give out for the dams. No time for appeals or EEOC Bullcrap!!

Medgar Evers said...

Apples and oranges. The eeoc bullshit is just another typical Alston attempt at a racially motivated payday. It is completely seperate from what he was found guilty of, and demoted for.

Racist leadership costs us BIG $$$ again said...

And in the end the only ones who lose and will be held accountable are the taxpayers who will pay Alston for being wronged once again. But you racist a-holes hate a man who has been wronged not once but twice and will win again. He will also be paid again with taxpayer monies because of Bucci-asshole-lotto. Who was wrong when he was paid the first time? Who denied his nephew the right to an application and lied that none could be given out? And finally who violated his civil rights which was found by independent persons to have been wronged. Let me guess the handicapped dispatcher who was similarly wronged by various leaders in Matawan got paid as well. Leadership is 0 and 4 with paying out lawsuits but you go being the racist scum and inept leaders that you are.


Not for serious crime?

They didn't print the crimes cause they were not solved

They didn't print the crimes cause they were not solved.

$4,000,000.00 FOR THAT?

$30,000.00 CUT OUT OF $4,000,000.00 GET REAL.





Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thats funny.

$haft said...

In case any of you were wondering, I'm still a bad motherfucker even without the mustache.

DragLot said...

It was Thursday, I was working day watch in the NorthWest corner of the commuter lot. The heat was oppressive, and my air conditioning was broken, but I can not put my personal comfort ahead of the important work I was destined to do here.

Just after 8am I observed a man driving erratically into the lot. He was sporting a geri curl haircut, and yelling to anyone who would listen that he is a "bad motherfucker" and that he was going to "get paid" The man was clearly out of his mind, or drunk, or both. I decided to let that one go.

I wish my air conditioner was working. I would bring my suv back to the garage and demand that it be fixed, but the giant mechanic there intimidates me when he tosses around engine blocks, and other things like they're toys.

Just then...Jackpot... I forgot all about the heat. She was not only pregnant, she was also driving a jazzy, and only had one leg. She had a lot of problems, but what she didn't have was a parking permit.


The story you have just read is true.

On July 31st trial was held in Municipal court.

The defendant was found guilty of violating section 9, subchapter 6, of title 39a chapter 63. She was fined $5.

Anonymous said...

Draglot is in need of serious mental help.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, Draglot's comedy is dead on. Draglot is the only thin worth reading here. Keep it up Draglot!


9:29 is Draglot or as most of us one here call him






Just one thing they did for the taxpayers said...

Politicians suck

Lawyers suck

So says the majority of posters on the Aberdeener.

Are we wrong?

Prove us wrong.

You know that you can't so i'll make it really simple.

Tell us one thing that the Kauff controlled leadership has done for the taxpayers that deserves that they stay as our leadership.

We are waiting for your response.

That will never come of course.

Anonymous said...

I love when you post "we" await your response. Aren't you a little old for imaginary friends?

Just answer one Kauff point or corrupt act said...

I just love it how you question "we await your response" but fall in line with Norman Kauff who is undoubtedly your lord and master. Just once answer I wish you Kauffkins would answer any of the points or questions in regards to the illegal, immoral and unethical Kauff control of Aberdeen. You idiots just castigate Aitken, Nse, Mr. Warren and others who are tired of Kauff and the cost of his corruption. The fact that Kauff and his scum are hurting the taxpayers, workers, residents, school system and us business owners as we just try to survive means little to those of you who corruptly follow that politically dictatorial scumbag Norman Kauff Esquire. Good luck to you when the end comes. I sure hope you have been banking all of your ill gotten gains and know a really good lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I couldn't give two shits about Kauff, or weather he's corrupt or not. I just like fucking with you because you are obviously crazy as shit.

?Typical hack response said...

Typical political hack that you are you refuse to answer the question. You don't care because you are on his payroll. Have a great day you hack. Keep selling out your family and friends while you and your overseer kill this town through political corruption and greed.

Tegando said...

This site has an established tradition of being extremely liberal in its comments policy. That now has to change. The vulgarity being regularly posted has crowded out all civil discourse, making it difficult, if not impossible, to have an intelligent discussion of the issues.

Therefore, I am lowering the bar for comment exclusion. Any comment that includes inappropriate language or innuendo may be deleted at my discretion.

I have confidence that posters will be able to fully express themselves without resorting to the same language they would forbid their children from using.

And that will do???? said...

Limit the verbal warnings, announcements, frustration, examples of corruption and all things Kauff? And that will help the oppressed Aberdeen community how?

F Norman Kauff and all of those who allow many others to follow him blindly thereby destroying the fibre of what once was a great community from within its elected, unelected and unaccountable leadership.

And yet the Kauff corruption rolls on.......

Right Coach Fred?

Mike Oxbigg said...

Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself? Blah Blah Blah Kauff Blah.
Get over it already. Seek help.

Oxbigahole said...

Oxbigahole is another genius that can't answer Kauff????????

Such an idiot he is.

All of the Kauffkins are of course.

Damn sheep is all they are.

Brainless following corrupt greedy sheep.

And the corruption goes on....................

Mike Oxbigg said...

So sad, what your life has become. Once upon a time, you and your crew won the election, and for a short time you were in control.

Sadly, you were promptly thrown out because you weren't capable of running a business, much less a town.

While it is true that you will never again be in power, at least you have your fading memories of your glory days, and your computer to vent your frustrations about the miserable failure that is your life.

Kauffs next puppet head said...

And you failed again to address the Kauffcorruption.

You are even more of an asshole than i figured.

You must be the next Kauff tool to be his council brainless, heartless puppet head to do his bidding.

No ????????? needed.

Right Normie? said...

Hit the nail on the head I think. These scum know they sell out the towns people but they cash the Normie checks just the same. Just like Vinci and the other mannequins. Right Normie?

Go coach kiddies said...

Tegando go ref a intramural toddler basketball game. You can't hang with the big boys.

Mike Oxbigg said...

The Aberdeen Republicans are the Jerry Cooneys of politics.

Nice try but said...

And the Kauffkins are like the Bayonne Bleeder Chuck Wepner who ended up in


Anonymous said...

Prison was priceless cannot happen soon enough 4 me.

Mike Oxbigg said...

Yes, they will absolutely go to prison. Right after the Aberdeen Republicans win an election, and Christie runs a marathon.

Good one but? said...

Thats a good one. But Norman Kauff still is corrupt and he and his Kauffkin scum are killing Aberdeen.

A. Nellsechs said...

You have a better chance of seeing Alston admit that he is a race baiting scam artist, than to see the Aberdeen R's win an election.

Barry McCokiner said...

Norm Rules!!

Rule? said...

Norm rules for now? Will he rule his prison block too?

The Kauff corruption continues and the residents, taxpayers, school system and business owners struggle while Kauff illegally lines his pockets with our $$$$.

Fire house questions and concerns said...

Who is going to pay for the human chimneys cancer care? I'm walking to the bus this morning and the big door is open at the fire house building and there he is killing himself. Is there a law that he has to be a certain distance from the building or door areas to smoke his cancer sticks? What does he do in that building all day? How much is he paid for what he does? So much corruption comes with so many questions. Anyone know how many paid positions are in that building and what the salaries are?

Robert Plantskoc said...

You guys are the pussies that let that cranky old bastard bully you. Stop whining on here and deal with it out in the open, at a meeting. Grow some balls already!

Anonymous said...

Just read the letter to the editor in the Asbury Park Press today concerning Chief Alston. It looks like people are looking into this matter. Hey Mayor B I hope old man Jerry isn’t in stripes before he gets to put out your re-election campaign signs in October.

Khan Alingas said...

Please. Because some clown from an orginization that has about as much relevance these days as 8 track tapes says it was racist too? That's a real shocker. NOT!



Anonymous said...

Ooooohhhh boy!!!

Maybe rev'n Al will stop by Matawan and chain himself to a flagpole for some free camera time, lol. What a bunch of assholes.

Anonymous said...

The charges against Chief Alston – EZ Pass now that’s funny Mayor Bucellato, have you just realized that the Anthony Gray stuff is over? Didn’t you have the council hire the father of a material witness, one of the Matawan police officers, for a job at the train station before testimony round II? Testimony Round II with the Feds watching will be rough for these witnesses.

$haft said...

EZ Pass? Shiiiiiit!!!

I already told you bitch ass devils.

I don't pay tolls.

I'm a bad motherfucker.

Hemmingway said...

To the outstanding ladies and gentlemen who post on this blog:

Please refrain from invoking the "prove me wrong" or "show me a fact, just one fact to support a singularity 'x' that will topple my theory"

When someone, being a person who is postulating something, presents his or her idea as a theory- i.e. something already decided and irrefutable; a hypothesis that has been tested and already decided as having a value of TRUTH - then by asking another party to engage in refuting that theory - or TRUTH - is not only an exercise in absurdity but also a futile one.

It is however, acceptable to say to to query an interlocutor with the proposition of "Prove me wrong!" when the question or topic at hand exists in the realm of possible falsity or possible truth; the imperative assertion of "Prove me wrong!" would all parties in this instance because it could be used to test the value of a hypothesis any party could attach to particular concept, object etc.

I do enjoy reading this blog and keeping up with town where I was raised. I hope I have shed some light on this topic for some of you. Please by all means carry on with the vitriolic rhetoric that is constantly spewed on here- it is quite amusing.

Well, have a wonderful day.


Answer the ? Hemingasshole said...

OK Hemingasshole answer one question in your elegant tome. How CME Engineering bills $1.5 m without open bidding or an in house engineer that would save the taxpayers a shitload (could easily be a savings of over $1m annually after set up costs and staff) of money. You won't answer that because that is the root cause of the Kauff corruption and the killing of the great community that before Norman Kauff was known as Aberdeen. Now it is just the democratic sewer that is Kaufferdeen a community being killed by its illegally controlled democratic political leadership.

Hugh G. Rection said...

I love how anyone who dares disagree, even slightly with you is automatically an "asshole" are you sure that you aren't the asshole?

The answer is yes said...

Yes I know I am not an asshole as I do not deflect, deny and defend the Kauff corruption that will implode the community of Aberdeen from within those who were elected to serve the people not the thoroughly corrupt Norman Kauff. I certainly hope you can understand that as you bend over for Norman Kauff every day.I hope you are proud of yourself? I am for outing the Kauff crimes.

Anonymous said...

You can't tell these Kauff-kins anything. They are blinded by their greed. Right Norman? Heming-a-hole is proof of that. He would not answered the one question related to the engineering costs and certain savings if the Kauff connected CME is sent packing. Typical hide and seek from the a-hole Heming-a-hole is.

Sent By BlackBerry

Anonymous said...

Yup, you're an asshole all right. Nice attempt at trying to make your last 2 posts look like 2 seperate people, nice try, but no cigar.

Anonymous said...

Once again no answer to the engineering $$$$ ?????. You are useless.

Anonymous said...

Let's see....


You're still an asshole.


Anonymous said...

keep hiding from the truth that cme costs too much but enables the kauff corruption.

Anonymous said...'re still an asshole.

And yet the corruption rolls on..... said...

The corrupt scum attached to and defending Kauff can never respond to the truth. Their are 1.5 million ($$$$) reasons why. Right Normie? So Hemmingway, Ivanasshole and all the rest of the Kauff allegiant can never answer to the rapists that are C.M.E. and all of the Kauff corruption.

Anonymous said...

I hate Kauff too. But, you still are an asshole.

Anonymous said...

When is Chief Alston’s Appeal Hearing? So the Borough hired the father of a material witness in the case for a job at the train station? Tell me that’s not true –surely Pasquale Menna, that champion of civil rights, advised Mayor Paul and the council that you can’t hire the father of a material witness during an investigation?. Is it just me or is there a strong appearance of impropriety surrounding this matter? Hey Mayor Paul when are we getting that fire truck? The Fire Department’s not voting for you this year. Oh wait that was Mayor Paul on the phone I’m getting that job at the train station. NEVERMIND!!

there is no Chief named Alston said...

Lieutenant Alston, who I believe is suspended right now, which would make him civilian Alston already had his hearing.

Big $$$$$$ checks for everybody involved said...

The father of the material witness you refer to is an experienced employee who does his job. And I guess you are the Amazing Kreskin to know what his son who is also a fine experienced officer will say about the incident with a known drug dealer. Can't wait till you realize how stupid you are when the check gets written to Allston, Menna for his legal services and Mennas thank you check to the Buccellato campaign. Thats how political contributions get funneled to corrupt ignorant politicians like Buccellatto. At taxpayers expense of course. Buccellatto 2011 you assholes deserve him.

D. Moted said...

From stars to bars, huh Shaft?

Ptl. said...

It should be Patrolman Alston. That would be poetic justice.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Po Po, there was some serious shit going down tonight at the train station and a ton of teens. Police from all over were there, caught the tail end of it... Teen Terrors!

Anonymous said...

Just read the letter to the editor in the Asbury Park Press today concerning Chief Alston. It looks like people are looking into this matter. Hey Mayor B I hope old man Jerry isn’t in stripes before he gets to put out your re-election campaign signs in October.

Anonymous said...

The charges against Chief Alston – EZ Pass now that’s funny Mayor Bucellato, have you just realized that the Anthony Gray stuff is over? Didn’t you have the council hire the father of a material witness, one of the Matawan police officers, for a job at the train station before testimony round II? Testimony Round II with the Feds watching will be rough for these witnesses.

Anonymous said...

Hey Big $$$$ Check for everyone – an experienced employee who does his job? Can you say No Show JOB he does less work than Joe Altomonte. Jerry II should give it up an investigator has been parking at the Matawan train station without a parking pass. Guess what no tickets – Matawan Parking Enforcement Officer ZERO – Investigator Free Parking FIVE!!! That’s right Jerry II you are 0 for 5. The investigation continues.

Bucci is a racist fool said...

More typical racism, veiled threats and more while the few ignorant idiots allow Bucci and the council to ruin our town. I used to laugh at the assholes that run Aberdeen and how the taxpayers get screwed over by Norm. Now it is Matawan and the Bucci idiots that are costing us plenty. When the checks get written to Alston I hope Bucci gets what he deserves, That would be indicted for unethical behavior.

Wheres the next $$$ job said...

Gumbsy is not running for reelection?

Drapwig is not running for reelection?

Vinny (numbers runner) Vinci is not running for reelection?

Bill S. is the new corrupt face of theDemocrats?

What the F is going on?

Who has been promised more money jobs?

Who has been pressured out by this blog?

Who has cooperated with the FEDS?

So much corruption remain in Aberdeen?

Right Norm

No ???? mark necessary it's the truth.

shitty chief don't mean racism said...

Where can I get one of those decks of race cards that you people like to throw around so freely?

Example: A guy gets a job, he shouldn't have had in the first place because he's black and the town doesn't want to fight a suit. Then, when he totally shits the bed, its not because he's unqualified, its racism.
I could really skate through life if I had some of those cards. Maybe I should call that naacp guy that wrote the press about Alston. I bet he has some laying around. Maybe he'll sell me some.

proof that anyone can sue said...

When this is over, Matawan should sue whover the asshole is that created this leaky bag of shit by promoting Alston in the first place. If they would have grown some balls 15 years ago, instead of taking the easy way out and paying him off even though his suit was bullshit, he would be long forgotten by now.

Anonymous said...

Alston will be forgotten just as soon as he cashes the checks for being maligned, insulted and discriminated against by the Matawan leadership. Politics as usual in New Jersey. NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR POLITICAL LEADERSHIP ONCE AGAIN.

He's playing you once again said...

Lieutenant Alston is using his racial heritage, to exploit, and profit off of the tax payers of Matawan.

Anonymous said...

And the political leadership did what?

Anonymous said...

The political leadership at the time caved in to his racial bias bullshit. So here we are. At least they don't seem to be caving in again. Good, fuck him. He already leeched too much money from us. Time to flush that turd.

Anonymous said...

What did the political leadership do? Well Matawan is being charged with unfair labor practices and a federal agency has found them guilty! What does Mayor Buccelato and Borough attorney Menna do with full knowledge of Freeholder Clifton? Demote the Chief two levels to Lt. The feds are still shaking their heads. Even the conflicted hearing officer is stunned as it more than he recommended!! Matawan Wild Wingers – NO RULES BITCHES!! I heard they hired the father of a material witness in the case for a job at the train station! NO RULES BITCHES!!

Anonymous said...

"No Rules Bitches!"

That sounds like it came straight from Shaft's quote book.

3:40 is 100% CORRECT said...

Anonymous 3:40 is 100% correct. 100% correct!

$haft said...

You bitches are gonna see. When I win my shit, I'm gonna take charge for real. Matawan gonna be the flyest po po around. Them bitch ass devils are gonna shit when they see the NEW Matawan PD.

Anonymous said...

Proof that anyone can sue: He lives in South Carolina and was a Chief of Police here a few chiefs back.

Anonymous 3:40: You have no idea what you are talking about to start. The material witnesses father has been working at the train station for years prior to the incident. Nice try trying to ruffle some feathers though. Kudos!

This mess has gone to far for even Alston. He is running now. He doesn't want it all to come out in the courts so the public knows the truth. Alston and his attorney thought that Matawan would back down by now and he would just get his way but they haven't. I applaud the Matawan politicians to stand up to this made up racial exploits.

Elijah Mohammed said...





At least we don't have....... said...

Alston gets paid for unjust treatment and racism.

Buccellatto and the others are not accountable to us.

Just another day in Matawan.

The only good thing is we don't have that scumbag Norman Kauff and his engineers and lackeys around.

Anonymous said...

SGT Friday’s son says just the facts concerning the 39 year decorated Matawan Police Chief Alston. I find it interesting that the APP quoted Matawan Counsel Menna that this matter is a personnel issue and the circumstances can not be discussed with the public. YET people seem to know just enough facts to damage the 39 yr. officer. I wasn’t there and you weren;t there but we all know something. Don’t bother telling me about the witnesses (testimony problems I hear) and police car camera’s (so convincing the DA dropper it and the hearing officer didn’t think much of that either).

I’ve decided to write a screenplay based on the rumors. I’m calling it “Buccellato’s Way” staring Wesley Snipes as Chief Alston and Al Pacino (minus two testicles) as Mayor Bucci. The make-up artist will put on a beard and goiter and you’ll think Bucci’s playing himself. Brando mumbled in the Godfather, Pacino will whisper in “Buccellato’s Way”.

Scene I – “Setting up the Chief” – Rumor has it there were a number of trumped-up charges forwarded to the DA. None stuck including the one being appealed. I figure I’ll include a car repair investigation, a he didn’t part his hair in the middle investigation, a he didn’t kiss Bucci’s ring (like someone else) investigation. Send me suggestions it’s still a rough draft.

Scene II – “The Witnesses” - Rumor has it that an ex-con is the main witness. I can work with that. We’ll include the story line that he was reluctant and a high ranking Matawan PD officer had to hunt the County for him to drag him to the hearing. I’ll talk to Danny DeVito maybe we’ll use a Neptune location. The cop will enter a crack house, he’ll ignore multiple crimes at the scene. Should I have him off-duty (with town police vehicle using EZ Pass) or on-duty? After the hearing the ex-con will relocate to a warm climate – I’ll have to come up with a source of funds. Suggestions please.

More to follow: Sgt Frinday’s Son.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:07. Thanks for confirming that the material witness’ father got a job at the train station. So it’s just a matter of the timing? Did he get it before or after the testimony? Payment COD or on Delivery? Did the Bucci Wild Wingers take any other applications? We’re other people interviewed? Did he get the job based on fair and equal hiring practices? Yeah all above board just like when Rita got her job!!

Alston’s running? He’s appealing – read the APP!

Keep applauding the Bucci Wild Wingers for their inept, racist and corrupt hiring practices. I guess you’re going to vote to re-elect Bucci and Clifton in November. There’s just no way to explain the support of uneducated, ignorant, racist voters for the Buccellato / Clifton ticket in November. Matawan Wild Wingers – NO RULES BITCHES!!

Get a life and pay on the way there said...

The conspiracy blowhards are dead wrong on the man who has the job at the train lot. He has done that job for over two years. Long before the incident with the drug dealer scumbag that the racists defend on here.
Nice try you assholes. Get a life and on your way to getting one pay more in taxes to cover your political hacks racism. And you taxpayers are paying Menna another political hack for his ignorant legal advice.

$haft said...

I don't pay for shit. I'm a bad motherfucker.

ALL KAUFF 24-7-365 said...


$haft said...

Fuck that bitch ass Kauff. He ain't no bad motherfucker. I got the market cornered on that shit.

Crime pays under Kauff said...

A while back someone asked what kind of job Vinci, Drapkin and Gumbs would sell themselves out for by not running for election again. It has got to be for more than the council gets paid and the illegal money Heir Kauff funnels to them like clockwork. I am figuring it has got to be election consulting again on the state level for Vinci, big democratic printing jobs for Drapkin and the real estate mogul Ms. Gumbs is for sure going to get a big chunk of those apartment fees down by Funtime America. And they say crime don't pay. Under Norman Kauff Esquire it does. Right Vic Scudeiri?

Anonymous said...

To get a life and pay on the way there – “he has done the job for over two years”. Then explain why the position was posted 11/16/09 Resolution 09-11-13 “Establish the Position of Part Time Railroad Parking Enforcement Officer and Authorizing the Borough Administrator to Advertise and Interview for Part Time Railroad Parking Enforcement Officer”.

Looks like you’re trying to mislead. Who’s the blowhard and asshole now?

Is that Resolution some inside joke? Advertise and Interview – how is it the son of the Mayor’s right hand political operative got the job? Another example of the unfair labor practices?

Oh and btw Bucci we’re not voting for you and Rob this November. You promised that new fire truck – undelivered. You promised you’d get rid of the Police Chief – undelivered. You’re DONE!! Oops that was Mayor B on the phone he’s getting us a Dalmatian for the fire house. I am going to look so handsome sitting next to the Dalmatian in next year Memorial Day Parade! NEVERMIND!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:39 on the “What’s Next” topic wrote “Wouldn’t it be great if “due process” was speeded up and this nonsense was brought to an end”. Who do you think is holding this up? The borough received the conflicted hearing officers report in February. They didn’t move forward until the EEOC issued their report in June. Mayor B is stalling this thing hoping to run out the clock passed Election Day. Let’s hope the citizens of Matawan are smart enough not to re-elect the current inept mayor. Matawan taxpayers are screwed!

Mayor B campaign song sung to KC and the Sunshine Band “I’m your boogie man”.

I’m ur Bucci man, I do what I want

I’ll spend ur money, all I want

I’ll get the Chief on ur taxpayer dime

And if I fail it’s not a crime

I’m ur Bucci man, I.m ur Bucci man

Re-elect me now

I give up to anonymous @ 3:54 said...

Anonymous @ 3:54

OK I give up you are right their is a grand conspiracy that Allston is guilty he won't get paid again and Bucci-asshole is acting in the best interest of the community.

Now when your grand illusion goes south just remember this post as I will be laughing at you so hard I will be crying.

So go on trusting politicians, insurance agents, used car salesmen, door to door salesman, cops and every other twisted asshole like yourself.

I hope Allston gets paid and you and your like minded assholes reelect Bucci-asshole and all the other losers you blindly defend like the good corrupt asshole you are.

So get back in your closet and play with your sisters naked Barbie dolls you sick mother f'r.



Sent by Verizon BlackBerry

Anonymous said...

Well that said it all. But no one mentioned Norm Kauff and his corrupt whores next door in Aberdeen. Well at least the barbie doll thing was funny. More Kauff and Coach Tag please. I cannot get enough Kauff. I got a feeling Bubba in prison will not be able to get enough Kauff really soon.

Norm and his will pay for eternity said...

I need more Norm too. You know why? Because him and his allegiant corrupt political operatives are killing a community and everyone in town hall knows it. Myself I just love seeing Vinci at church like he is praying for his salvation from all his crimes against the citizens going back fifty years. It is like when Frank Sinatra was getting old and was worried about getting close to God when he took his last breath. Sinatra built his own church on his estate. Don't worry about it Vinci you and your fellow Norm groupies have a special place to go. It is called hell and all of you deserve to be boiled in acid until your bones disintegrate and the have your soul skewered and turned on a grill forever. No salvation for the wicked Vinci. No matter how much you think you will get next to God after breaking the law since you were a child. You and yours will pay for your crimes.


It's over for you Kauff guy. There's a new flavor of the month. Go away. Alston/Shaft makes for much better reading.

Anonymous said...

Enough with the " they're picking on me cause I'm black" bullshit. If you weren't black, they wouldn't have made you chief in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I give all the respect in the world to Bucci and the rest of the council. They didn't back down to Alston and his BS. Alston wants nothing to do with all of his exploits coming out in a court setting. He and his lawyer are the one's dragging it along hoping that Matawan would back down and give up. It's almost over and he will get nothing more then what his contract says. Bye Bye Shaft!

Anonymous said...

SGT Friday’s son again just the facts.

As noted in my previous post I’ve decided to write a screenplay based on the rumors. I’m calling it “Buccellato’s Way” staring Wesley Snipes as Chief Alston and Al Pacino (minus two testicles) as Mayor Bucci. The make-up artist will put on a beard and goiter and you’ll think Bucci’s playing himself. Brando mumbled in the Godfather, Pacino will whisper in “Buccellato’s Way”.

Scene I – “Setting up the Chief” and Scene II – “The Witnesses” were developed in a previous post so I’m on to Scene III.

Scene III “The Deal” – Rumors on the blog are that a material witnesses father got a job at the train station after testimony against the Chief. That’s a great storyline so I’m thinking the following dialog”

Mayor: “This is what you have to say and he’s gone for good. Don’t worry this will do it and we won’t have to put up with that black bastard anymore (I’m cleaning the language up for a PG rating).

Witness: “I don’t know this doesn’t seem right”.

Grandpa: “Do it he’s gone and your father gets the job”.

Father: “Papa needs a new pair of shoes”.

Mayor: “Do it and everyone gets what they want”.

Witness: “OK SHIT”

Scene fades as Mayor smiles!

I know you all won’t be happy unless the Mullaney’s are in the screenplay. I’m not sure what scene yet but this is my initial idea.

The role of Mr. M would be perfect for John Wayne but unfortunately he’s deceased. So we’ll go with Fred Thompson. The role of Ms. M will require an intelligent and strong willed women. You know someone that Bucci and his boys can’t deal with as they’re use to some stay home in the kitchen cook pasta and keep your mouth shut bimbo. Barbara Geddes from Dallas would be perfect but she’s dead and you’d need someone with a personality between Barbara Geddes of Dallas and Grannie form the Beverly Hillbillies. I’ll go with Sharon Stone. The scene takes place at the Keyport K of C for a prayer fundraiser for the Police Chief. The dialog is as follows:

Mr. M: “Thank you lord for these gifts . . . and on a personal note thank you for my hot smoking wife . . . Amen”.

This is going to be a freeking BLOCKBUSTER!!

More to follow: Sgt Frinday’s Son.

Just the facts is an a-hole said...

Just more creative


For those of you in Rio Linda that means its made up and has not one spec of realty or actuality.

That is just the facts!

Anonymous said...

It seems the police are thinking about red light cameras in town. Too bad they didn't have them when the cop ran the red light and my cousin got hit. Then we could have the proof that the cop was wrong and caused the accident that injured that young girl. $4M for what?

Anonymous said...

Wesley Snipes? Are you kidding? Bootsy Collins would be a better choice for the role of Alston

Anonymous said...

Was there really an accident with a cop? I heard something a while ago that a cop was in an accident over by Mcdonalds on 35. Was that it.

Anonymous said...

How about the guy that played Grady on Sanford and son? Or Scatman Crothers? Is he still alive? If so, he would be perfect for the role of Alston.

Anonymous said...

If they're both dead, I'm sure Ron O'Neal could use the work. He could play a pretty decent Alston. But I would really love to see Alston played by Scatman, the guy that voiced Hong Kong Fuey. That would be sweet!

Anonymous said...

Matawan Aberdeen Patch has article on Alston


I just can't sleep said...

Just woke up and took a long hard Kauff. Now I can't get back to sleep because my Coren is bleeding. Maybe i'll calm myself down and jerk my Kauufkin.

Anonymous said...

The guy that played the boyfriend in Coming to America could play Alston.



Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Darien Holmes?

Greeeeaaaaattttt one about Norm said...

The post titled Right Normie was great. So creative, biting and true. Right Norm is the best cause you know all of the low lifes attached to Norm have a network of squealers who lets all of them know what is on here every day. If nothing else for those few minutes to get everyone advised its a little less time for the Kauff gang to steal the rest of everything that isn't nailed down. Right Coach Fred?

Justice is coming! said...

It's not stealing it is business as usual Kauff style. As far as everything that is not nailed down being purloined by the Democrats, honestly there is not much left so that is the real reason why Vinnie, Owin and Willy G are bailing out and not running for reelection.

But fear not oppressed residents, taxpayers and like me business owners in Aberdeen, Norman Kauff and his CME are well taken care of. All us oppressed taxpayers who are fighting to survive can be 100% sure that Norm is just living a very simple stress free life of a retired former lawyer, a lawyer whose service to various municipal communities is over (???) although he gets paid by his handpicked by himself replacements.

Like the old Jewish gangster in the Godfather movie said when he was questioned about his involvement in an organized crime syndicate, he responded "I'm just an old man living on a pension". Norman Kauff Esquire is our "old man" living on what was supposed to of course be all our pensions. Our pensions, our life savings, our nest eggs or whatever you want to call it that have been completely drained from all of us by the criminally corrupt Aberdeen Democrats over that ten plus years of what purports to be the leadership nightmare that is Norman "ABERDEEN IS MINE ALL MINE" Kauff.

F you Norman Kauff and all your followers killing the community of Aberdeen.

Justice is coming and it will be served up all of you!

Anonymous said...

So what is the next step in the Alston mess?



Anonymous said...

Actually, the correct answer is Alston gets put in check, Big Time!

Your self amusement is laughable said...

Keep up your self amusing thoughts on Alston. When the taxpayers have to pay Alston AGAIN what will you say then? Your silence will be deafening I am sure.

Mike Oxbigg said...

Actually, I don't live in Matawan so the Alston outcome means shit to me. You are correct on the self amusement part though. This shit cracks me up!

Big Ox-hole said...

MikeOx didn't your mother ever tell you that amusing yourself would drive you insane. She was right if she did tell you that.

Mike Oxbigger said...

I got you to chomp on the bait. Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry when the truth is out, you will hear from all the people who don't think Alston should be Matawan's Police Chief.

Fan of $haft said...

$haft...Where u been at? Kickin ass and takin no name I suppose.

Bucci sucks Bucci said...

The whole town of Matawan if going to hell in a hand basket with these moronic politicians. Pat Menna doesn't care if they bring up charges on Alston, he is getting paid regardless as for Alston we the tax payers will end up paying him again. Alston isn't worth a shit regardless of his race, just another drunk person with aunthority who can't handle his booze and loves to talk down to his own.

The mayor is an outright dummy who couldn't run an imaginary town let alone a real one. Here the Fire Department is down to two (2) working fire trucks and nothing gets done about and why, we have no fucking money because of miss management. Lets approve a three story residential housing complex (The Preserve) with a ladder truck thats been broken for the past 6yrs, you fucking idiots! Whats Paul say, our friends from other towns can come help us, thats just what I want to hear screaming from a 3rd floor window as the flames creep up slowly, "don't worry, our friend with a working ladder truck should be here any minute now!".

Down town looks like shit and no one wants to open a business here. Day laborers were able to shut down the 7-11 that has been there since I can remember and now Quick Check will be next as they shit and urinate all over the place there as they wait for assholes to pick them up and pay them cash under the table while I pay for their wives and girlfriends to have multiple babies in the hospitals with no money or insurance to cover the cost.

I'd rather pay for lawyers to keep the day laborers from loitering and soliciting work without paying taxes than keeping that asshole Alston out of a job. Make him an offer contingent on his retirement as "Chief" and be done with it and we'll start from scratch AGAIN.

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