What do you do when the citizenry keeps voting down tax increases? Take away their right to vote.
That’s exactly what the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School Board did this month when it voted to move school elections to November.
From now on, so long as school tax increases are kept under 2%, residents will no longer have the right to vote on the budget. Doesn’t take a genius to guess how much the school administration plans to raise taxes each year. No doubt the teachers union will be licking their chops. The district bloat can rest easy as well since the Sword of Damocles is no longer hanging over their heads to cut the fat.
According to School Board President Kenny, “When a very, very fiscally responsible and conservative budget is not passed in an election by a small group of people who may be entrenched or have other interests, we may not be able to serve the very students we are charged to serve.” I guess he’s already forgotten the Barza years.
Or maybe the board thinks a 2% annual increase is reasonable. For the average homeowner, that’ll be about a hundred-dollar increase each year on top of municipal, county, state, federal, plus a host of increases from government fees and regulations.
It’ll be even more exciting for everyone when the statehouse changes hands and that 2% cap is lifted. Then we’ll really get to see whether the school board (whoever that may be) is still “very, very fiscally responsible”.
I always chuckle when people argue that a terribly bloated budget is fiscally conservative because the increase is small. I wonder when Weight Watchers will attempt that diet regimen. Here’s a piece of unwanted advice – When the budget is too big, you cut. You don’t pat yourself on the back for allowing it to grow “just a little bigger.”
Oh, but the school board could always reverse itself in four years. Like that’ll ever happen. Once the citizens lose the right to keep their “representatives” in check, that right is lost forever.
But wait, there’s more. Beginning next November, the town will be introduced to pay-to-play in the school board elections. To date, pay-to-play has remained the province of municipal elections but once voters are already being shuttled to the polls, why wouldn’t the municipal campaigns also whisper to their supporters whom to elect in the school board elections.
Prospective board members begging municipal campaigns for support. That should be a pretty sight. Maybe there’s work CME can do for the school district.
Meanwhile, for all the hand wringing of a defeated budget, I’ve yet to see one worthwhile school program be cut because of a failed budget or see test scores drop from a lack of funding. There’s always plenty of money for pottery class but none for computer programming.
The people of Matawan-Aberdeen have lost the right to slow government spending and only two individuals objected. Shame on the rest of you. Now you’ll reap the out-of-control spending you have sown.
>>> Read more!
Now if we could only get the fire house elections moved to a time that would bring more voters out to vote. That and getting a more informative publication of the firehouse holdings and actual needs of our emergency responders and not just the questionable wants and needs of the commissioners and that abuser chief. But I may as well ask for independent commissioners and a truly independent and honest town council. Like that will ever happen without Kauff having taken his last breat in life. Yes he is hated that much. But then one if the peeves will take over. Right Freddy? Such a disappointment you are Freddy Boy. But those who knew you when all know that too.
Pet peeves or pervs did you mean in the post above?
Doesn't really matter though.
Know why?
Either work for Norm.
Norm has pets, peeves and pervs in his midst.
Right Norm?
there is nothing wrong with any tax increases not voted on by the voters. we have a town council that never votes on anything that helps the taxpayers. they just do exactly what kauff and his engineers tell them to do. we taxpayers will get tax increases and anything else this town council is told to do every expensive vote taken.
CME is the machine that controls Aberdeen. They just use the taxpayers money as the fuel to run the political machine. That machine of coutse is the political corruption that is the Aberdeen Democratic Party.
That abuser chief? He's a joke that should've retired and been put out to pasture years ago, Such a joke he is.
2% is a whole lot better than what BARZA did to us.
Sent by BlackBerry
I agree with the goal of this, that is to save money that would be spent in an April election, by avoiding the rental of voting machines, people's pay to work the polls, etc. but will that mean the candidates run under Democrat and/or Republican banners? Wouldn't that just mean that Norm will increase his power due to all the money they spend come November time? Can't you see it now, 4 council candidates plus 2 school board candidates in all the literature Mr B puts out?
At 2%, school taxes will be going up nearly a million a year, far more than any savings from moving the election.
As the Patch article makes clear, the election wasn't moved to save money or increase voter participation but to stop the people from voting against the budget.
We can no longer vote on the budget, expect the full 2% every year. What happens if the cap goes away? The taxpayers lost. The big winners are the unions and school administrators. It remains to be seen if the board of education members will become part of the local political machine. I don't see what stops it.
i can't believe this is even allowed. i don't go to school board meetings because i don't have children. if i knew they were taking away our right to vote i would have been there raising hell. is there any way to reverse this? what do we do now?
Taxpayers lost? Where have you been? With Kauff Incorporated we have lost any sense of community and quality of life due to the corruption that purports to be our town leadership. Right Fred?
As for the school election being brought to the general election I say thank GOD. Know why? Because more people will get to vote on that which we all pay for. It's fair and equitable for all. That is the #1 reason for me.
Now if we could get the FD elections at the same time we could stop the Vinci and Lauro Mafia. That would also be fairer for all. GOD forbid fairness enters the election process. The firemen only voting process combined with the Kauff accountants giving only a quick glance of the FD budgets would also give taxpayers a break from the Mafia corruption.
i just checked the town website and lo and behold the town council is actually having a town council meeting tonight. not like just before last years election when they were cancelled perhaps strategically. not much on the agenda tonight though. it seems another promotion got the police department. then the vote or reading for the highly questionable land sale over here to the town that no one will ever really use. my neighbor thinks the town is buying it in case any development ever happens by the church grounds. just more corruption in our town to question. right norman.
Another Sergeant is getting promoted tonight I was told. It's not what they need I hear from a former Aberdeen officer who retired some years ago. But then again with the extra days off and other perks he told me was given recently only to the top brass this promotion should leave no one really surprised. The info about the extra days off and more for upper management in the force was posted on here a while back also. Nothing should really surprise us taxpayers in Aberdeen. We just get to pay and pay and pay for the whims of the council that is questionably controlled. They also probably start working on the budgets soon so I for one will be very interested in seeing how much over the reported $4,000,000.00 our police force costs us annually. I'm sure our council will say even more money is needed to keep us taxpayers safe for this budget cycle. I am sure as we are all doing more with less in the private sector that our police force will not be cutting their budgets to the bare bone. What's next for us taxpayers to pay for limousines with drivers to take the police brass to play golf on the taxpayer dime? Nothing should surprise us taxpayers in Aberdeen. After all it is obvious that our tax dollars keep a select few very well taken care of while we scrape pennies together to pay our bills and enjoy a few treats like food.
Sent by BlackBerry
Perhaps the guy that "retired" should stay out to pasture, where he belongs.
Perhaps you should put your sour grapes in the garbage can where they belong.
The guy they promoted earned his stripes, and your opinion, or the supposed has been cop's opinion on the subject don't really matter.
Don't feel bad for the street cops as each of them make over 100k each. I know I should have taken the test it will be said. Didn't want too and am tired like the post above for paying too much for too little. I think the town leadership should spend our tax money wisely and have an outside analysis of the whole department from top to bottom. I am not anti police although I am anti millions being spent without real justification. Taxpayers are fed up with more than just this.
Dont forget negotiations are underway with other employee unions here.
Sent by Verizon BlackBerry
Out to pasture is divulging what the way too comfortable taxpayer funded far too comfortably cops don't want made public. Too bad that those who supposedly protect and serve reall only protect themselves at taxpayer expense. I think there is a whole lot the cops don't want made public. Right copper? I commend the post that lets us taxpayers know the real deal. The animosity of the cop who jumped on his own is proof plenty for a clear thinker.
Just let them account for what they all do to earn over 100 grand each. Talk about out of control municipal salaries. Obviously we work for them not the other way around. Check the Democrats campaign donation list for officers names. Right Norman.
Once again the ignorant shepherds are attempting to herd the flock with their propaganda.
Lets use a high budget number to illustrate the point.
The total expense of running the police department is $5,000,000.00 per year.
There are 8,500.00 taxable properties within the township.
$5,000,000.00 divided by 8,500.00 equals $588.00 per year.
$588.00 divided by 12 equals $49.00 per month.
If the council chose to abolish the entire police department, each taxpaying property would save
$49.00 (Coffee Money?) per month and have no police to come running when they send in their life savings to a fraudulent sweepstakes.
So pretty please, with sugar on top...just admit that it has nothing to do with saving money, and has everything to do with jealousy and political maneuvering.
Dear "More Ignorant,"
Please refrain from utilizing facts and actual numbers on the Aberdeener Blog. It is the Aberdeener's policy and procedure to deny reality and advance jealous, idiotic delusions. Neither your rationality, nor your sensibility have any place in this forum. Good day sir.
--Joey Warren, Aberdeener, err, New Yorker.
And once again the underworked and overpaid police are posting on here blaming us taxpayers for bringing to light their excessive salaries and benefit packages and for daring to express ourselves for being tired of being abused by overcompensated spoiled brats who really do very little for too much.
How about the 250K that is paid by us taxpayers for just the 3 living retired police chiefs alone. I looked one up and he makes half of that 250K by himself.
Police really do what here in an ?unsafe Kaufferdeen?
Stop whining and face the facts taxpayers are pissed.
How about Explaining the very large numbers of police and fire who all too conveniently get ?injured on duty? and retire with tax free pensions and free lifetime medical benefits.
You can't so don't even try.
You'll just embarrass yourself again trying to continue the masquerade that working here in Kaufferdeen is dangerous and that you ?risk your lives for us taxpayers and business owners every day?.
Even you know that's a joke?
i respect the police but overall they have politicized their positions in a manner that is far from honest. attack away.
i forgot something. who is the one retiree making that much money. if he wasn't the one who solved the lindbergh kidnapping he is robbing the taxpayers.
But police have gone through years of training, work around the clock and carry a gun to protect us? Sure they went through training. After all do you know how much education you need to sit side by side in a parking lot talking to each other for hours, eat for half price or less at local restaurants and vote as a block with their family members in tow for the political party in control of their pay and benefits.
Shut up and pay may be the title of this post involving the school vote being changed to November but it is also what police officers and the union that has worked its magic with the states corrupt political leadership, leadership statewide that has bankrupted our states finances with its police and various other governmental worker unions.
Shut up and pay for our police? How about our police shut up and work. How about showing us what they really do for all that money I ask the town council or the mystery man that pulls their strings. The pay and benefits packages that are bankrupting our state must be stopped and brought in line with us in the real world. After 25 years I don't get to sell back any days. After 25 years I don't get free medical for life. After 25 years I don't get anything close to 65% of my pay. The whole system is broken and it does not take a police officer, detective or CSI to know it.
Well said to say the least.
Hey Joey what do cops in the city (Not in NJ) that you live in make?
NJ Police Salaries
Police salaries stack up well when compared with other professions. The average municipal police salary last year was $89,630, compared to the state’s average per capita income of $50,313.
Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics show municipal police make more than civil engineers ($87,090), architects ($85,050) and rank-and-file firefighters ($71,810). They make less than dentists ($154,130), veterinarians ($117,170) and real estate brokers ($96,240).
Federal data on 2009 wages also show New Jersey officers are the best paid in the country — the median salary for municipal and sheriff patrol officers is $80,120. (That’s lower than The Star-Ledger’s calculation for median salary, which includes superior officers.)
New Jersey is rivaled only by California at $78,460, according to the federal statistics. Illinois trails in third with $69,900. New York is ninth at $60,620, Connecticut 10th at $60,490, and Pennsylvania 19th at $54,140.
There are 465 New Jersey districts out of 538 districts which have budget elections that have made the switch to move election to November. That equals about 86 percent of districts with budget elections. This eliminates the need for school boards to put their proposed school budgets out for a public vote as long as the budget remains at or below the state’s 2-percent levy cap.
MARSD went a step further by recently adopting district goals that among the goals includes developing budgets that will not exceed 1.5%. They didn't need to do this. The legislature and the governor has given them a cap of 2%but they chose to self impose a measure of added fiscal responsibility. This is good for for the school community including our taxpayers and I commend the Board and the administration for doing so.
So you trust the state to never lift the cap and you trust future boards to adhere to this board's non-binding goal and you live in New Jersey?
The 1.5% goal will not last. What is the consequence if the goal is not made? Think about it.
Yep Joey, and you live in New York, right? So, take your opinion and shove it up your ass you carpetbagging parasite.
Let this site die already, or turn it over to one of your lunatic followers. It's now beyond embarassing that you delusionally chime-in on events in a town you left over a year ago. At least let someone run it that's been inside Aberdeen's border in the last six months...
You truly are a loser. If your wife wasn't such a fat mess, I'm sure she'd have left and found a working husband by now...
It's once again amazing that Mr. Warren knows nothing according to the Kauffkins and the anonymous policemen who are defending their too generous pay and benefit packages being exposed on here. So Mr. Warren is wrong? I don't think so? Right Norm?
Warren was too much of a pussy coward to say a word about the cops when he was an actual resident of Aberdeen. Now he's some sort of folk hero to 2 or 3 morons. Amusing, to say the least.
Don't forget Governor Christie is wrong too? Right cop?
Sent by Verizon BlackBerry
I thought there were only 4 morons posting on here?Now there is only 2 or 3 morons left posting according to the anonymous asshole cop. Keep thinking that you ignorant F. When the arrests happen how many people will fill the courtroom to watch all of the Kauff scum get processed for their political corruption that is killing this once fine community? You can bet it will be far more than 3 or 4 you can be sure. Right Norm? By the way i'll bring the snacks. I claim front row center.
It can't happen soon enough for many. wait for the 3 of us. 3 of us sure that is all that are on here.
It was 4 or 5 until that asshole that called himself the truth died, and his bitch edgeview ted got his piece of shit house forclosed on. Now there are only 2 or 3 of you queers left for us to taunt.
"Keep thinking that you ignorant F. When the arrests happen how many people will fill the courtroom to watch all of the Kauff scum get processed for their political corruption that is killing this once fine community?"
Blah, Blah, Blah, just keep re-electing me like you have every year since this blog began. I love the cops and they love me.
I would bet the farm that two thirds of the police department couldn't even pick Norm out of a crowd. Yet you poor, delusional wretches continue to buy into the insanity that comes out of here.
Perhaps when you're riding the train in the morning to chase the big bucks in the city you can read some self-help material or have a phone session with a mental health professional. Stop being another ignorant robot who drinks the Kool-Aid that is dished out by the legislator of the month and examine the facts.
Norm you will be loved real soon. When Bubba bends you over the sink and cornholes you dry Norm. Then you will be violated in a similar fashion as you have done to us taxpayers for far too long. Take that Norm.
I work for what I get every single day. No one really thinks that a cop should get the pay and perks that the taxpayers who pay the bills never see except the overpaid cops themselves of course. Police and other such state workers will tell us that they do an important job. Really? They should but won't look unto themselves for the truth that such employees as a whole have been used by the same politicians who tell us it was not their fault that the taxpayer choking salaries are bankrupting our state. Politics has caused this and the state workers know that their cushy deals were the main cause. Now they just don't want to get off the taxpayer gravy train that puts a bad taste in the taxpayers mouths and they blame us not the politicians they have wined and dined with their union dues. They are overpaid, overcompensated and we can no longer afford to pay millions for glorified security forces much less the rest of the workers with similar and overly expensive benefit and retirement packages that the many are oppressed taxpayers pay for with abandon. The political football in Washington and Trenton will soon become even more oppressive with the upcoming presidential and governors election that will have those already promised too much promised even more with lies they know are lies but will accept the even more expensive lies and they know they're being lied to as long as they get just one dime more.
They don't care who Norm is as long as they keep getting overcompensated. Right coppers?
Norm is the devil!
Norm is the devil!
Norm is the devil!
Even Norm knows that.
Right Norm?
Right Mayor?
Right Town Council?
Right Town Attorneys?
Right Planning Board?
Right Zoning Board?
Right Town Planners?
Right Aberdeen Democratic Party?
Right Attorney General?
Call everyone you know and tell them to read the Bayshire Independent soon. I just got my copy and there is an article about the train station area. That is the area that will spend our tax dollars being studied over and over again with nothing being built ever. Nothing will be built but the bank accounts of the politically connected. My aunt lived over there until she died and now they tore her house down and did not put a new one up. I'll bet one of the politicians bought her house and will get a big piece of the taxoayer pie. Is there a way of knowing who owns propert in the area that would benefit the present political party or certain names to look do in that area. The article says that the Mayor can't say who they are dealing with. Why not mayor something to hide. Maybe you own propert there mayor. This blog had people posting that the norm character secretly owns property across town that has never been denied. How about that mayor any answer for that. I'll wait.
Looks like former councilman Nick M. is busy today on here.
Nick may be busy but at least he is busier and more involved than our reactive not proactive police force. Right copper.
how proactive can they be when so many never really do anything and others were supposedly given a whole bunch of time off. must have all made the right donations during election time. think about it.
Proactive? Reactive? What do you mean by that?
4:55 train said...
Another disgruntled casualty of the fog of political war. Ignorant Posturing is right. This is all about envy and thought distortion. I shoulda...coulda...woulda...but I chose not to. So now I'll just whine about it.
How's that train smell at 4:55?
aitken and nsec and toomey and some others were on here and we knew who they were and they made sense. now they don't come on her muche. i still think it is important to piss off the criminal enterprise that is kauff and associates so maybe they will comeback. until then i ask again. where are our sewers margaret.
F you Kauffkins.
The Aberdeen Taxpayers
5 million I thought our PD cost us 4.5 million?
Whatever it costs the town council will never look at the police costs. It's the sacred cow. My neighbor got a medical disability retirement for an at work injury as a cop in Jersey City. He went out with big pay and lifetime benefits off a back injury. His back looks pretty good when he bowls every week on Thursday nights in our league. I asked him once how his back was feeling. You know what he said to me? The back is fine and the checks are too. But nothing is wrong with that I guess? It's the crime that is condoned I guess by pension review boards that just rubber stamp everything put in front of them if it involves a cop. He's a great guy but he's riding the taxpayer train without guilt. Just another abuse of the taxpayers.
Don't forget the risk their lives everyday for us?
Sure they do?
This aint Afghanistan people.
Millions wasted and politically motivated.
Politicians are killing America from Obama to Kauff.
Right Norm?
Went skiing this weekend so I missed you Norm.
F you Norm and his Kauffkins!
And the corruption rolls on. Right Freddy Boy?
It's not corruption. It's the democratic way. Right Kauffie?
Too bad the only ones who hate being exposed for their corruption won't deny it on here and use their name.
Know why they can't deny it?
Because It's all true.
100% true.
Right Norm?
they love the attention i think. i hope they love all the attention in prison too when they all get convicted. i know it won't happen cause there is no corruption in aberdeen according to the corrupt ones afraid to show themselves and deny it like was said before. sewers margeret don't forget.
Kauff and his scum will be here forever I was told by one of our uniformed officers recently. It was said that Kauff is like a cockroach who will be here even after a nuclear holocaust devistates the earth. In other words pray that the Ewing investigation takes down Kauff and his scum. If not Aberdeen is truly doomed with the corruption that is the Kauff controlled town council and his other puppets that help Kauff facilitate the fleecing of all of us taxpayers under the guise of supposed democratic political leadership.
democratic and leadership is just two words that mean the same thing. it means corruption. it's an oxymoron.
right margeret.
I suggest that Norm and his 40 thieves start watching the movie Shawshank Redemption. Norm you might want to pay very close attention to the scene where Tim Robbin's character gets beaten and raped in the dark areas of the prison. Paybacks a bitch right Norm?
Just read the police activity reports in my paper. Guess what? No crime in Aberdeen again? I have to conclude that from my $4,000,000.00+or- police department not being listed in the newspaper again this week along with a large number of towns in our area. I guess we will get listed in the police reports just before the next election cycle when our corrupt leadership needs votes.
$4,000,000.00+or- what a joke. I'm not laughing.
Sorry I'm running late tonight Norm.
F you and your puppet scum.
How much did you steal today Norm?
I have to say i find this site informative and amusing. i am a resident of Aberdeen Maryland and while looking up information about my community found this site. I must say that I truly believe all I have ever heard about New Jersey if only ten percent of what I have read on here is true.
The creative posts on here while often insulting seem to seek to only embarrass the politically powerful into admitting their complicity in their political crimes against the taxpaying electorate. I am certain the bloggers know full well that politicians can never be shamed into defending themselves much less identifying or defending the
presented evidence of their political dirty work.
I must say I find this Peyton Place type atmosphere in Aberdeen New Jersey quite amusing. Keep it going for those of us who would never even think of relocating to such a community. Like is so often said there is no business like politics because politicians never have to work.
Normie did you read the post from the person from Aberdeen Maryland? I love it that people who don't even know you who are also people who don't pay taxes here either think you are a scumbag also. I love it. Kiss our abused taxpayer asses Normie.
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