In Aberdeen, every year is an election year and, if history
continues to repeat, we all know what the good people of Aberdeen can expect.
Taxes will go up. The earners have already seen their
payroll taxes go up and many of you may be wondering how the limit in
deductions will impact you. And then there are the tolls. And don’t forget
property taxes are now on autopilot, rising ever higher.
Of course, there are lots of ways to build a larger revenue
base without simply raising taxes but have you ever noticed that the only major
developments to actually happen in Aberdeen are residential developments? Still
waiting for the train station, senior housing, Anchor Glass, pool club,
Aberdeen Forge, etc.? Joe Ciaglia’s appointment to the Zoning Board should be
As for the elections, we can expect another Democrat sweep,
funded by the town council’s unabashed pay-to-play. After all, a township that
can name a park after an egregious self-serving politician certainly knows no
Nor will people care about the town’s response to Superstorm
Sandy. If Hurricane Irene didn’t prepare the town for Sandy, it’s hard to
believe Aberdeen will be any better prepared for the next storm.
Republicans will run on a campaign of ideas but, as
President Obama so artfully demonstrated, ideas don’t win campaigns. Votes win
campaigns. And votes require strategy and lots of hard work.
Then there’s the school board. Once again, the town
demonstrated breathtaking apathy about the education of our children and
property taxes by simply voting for the top slots on the ballot regardless of
which candidates occupied those top slots.
It doesn’t have to be this way. All it takes is leadership
and lots of hard work to turn around Aberdeen. Till then, expect more of the
same because that’s what the voters of Aberdeen want.
>>> Read more!
The town responded to hurricane Sandy or did they? I've gotten three mailings forwarded to me here in Naples regarding brush clean up, powering and heated warming rooms and another mailer on another subject that I cannot recall right now.
In reading these little cards I can be sure who cashed in for his dedicated corruption filled council service with such a political payback. You can be sure that Owen Drapkin who is the designated corrupt professional printer for Norman Kauff and the democrats. you can bet he got paid to send out the useless notices. Notices which mostly provided expired information or was only sent to stop the bleeding from Mayor Tagliarini's dismal handling of the storm meeting. I must say I read the news article detailing the meeting. The meeting to me was so insulting to those in attendance with the term civics lesson as used by Tagliarini as political blame for cover. The attending residents much less those so negatively affected by the improper and ineffective response. To say nothing of those who could not attend for fear of leaving their homes unsecure. Those who could not attend tge meeting are still being ignore by town management from talking to my friends back home.
I'm now waiting for the next mailing that will prod residents and business owners to get logged onto an emergency call and contact list in the event another emergency occurs. A emergency contact list that is the same list the police chief blamed for the lack of information being able to be given out in the midst of the storm. information that was so needed by those impacted by the hurricane the most. That's the mailing I want to see in Aberdeen just as long as the politicians don't use it to spread their lies at election time. Let me see a mailing come election time on how they were there for us during the hurricane. You can bet there will be pictures to make people think they worked hard during the storm. They hid like everybody else except they hid from responsibility for their failures.
I'll be back in Aberdeen for the Spring and Summer and I have high hopes that the real estate market will have recovered enough to get back a bit of what I have lost to get me back on a better financial plain to get back here permanently. Tee time got to go.
Anonymous retiree by choice
Bravo bravo retiree but don't count on a better economy in the USA or Aberdeen with D party in charge. If you sell everything and hide the money you can get on the welfare and food stamp train of do nothing's so pervasive in America today.
Sell everything you own and run for political office like Coach Fred did and Norm will take care of you. All you have to do is exactly what your told by Norm and of course you'll have to vote only the way Norm tells you. But there's no corruption in Aberdeen. Right Coach Fred?
You must admit that there are way too many people in society on government program rolls getting generous checks for doing absolutely nothing. Generational welfare, societal laziness and a pervasive mentality that the government is the daddy so they have to take care of everything in peoples lives to keep them on the same level as everybody else who works hard for what they have.
The democrat mantra since time began with the voter catering democrats who use our tax money to keep the too large segments of society beholding and voting for those who will keep giving, feeding and catering to those in society so skilled at working the too huge governmental systems that are bankrupting our society.
Look to Europe and see what is our economic future if Americas workers don't stand up and rail against those politicians and political lobbyists who are betraying those of us who work to keep the millions on welfare and far too many other programs lazy and beholding.
I'm tired of seeing people who don't work and are what I label takers who drive up and drop off their children from their new Cadillac SUV just in time for free childcare and free lunch so that mommy can go home and do nothing but wait for the next government check to arrive. Welfare needs to be workfare if we want America to survive. Major changes are needed to save us workers who pay the bills for far too lazy people. It is not racist before you chime in it's reality.
Shaft said....
You are a racist motherfucker.
I'm a realistic mother so go pour yourself another drink Shaft.
Aberdeen is in T R O U B L E so people get ready cause the pains acoming.
Shaft is on the taxpayers tit now as well. Is that racist?
Aberdeen NJ Life is a great site and has a piece on the lack of clarity and openness in the last council meeting agenda printing for public consumption. No appointees were listed. No new board members were listed. No listing of the towns monies and account numbers were listed. No professionals or counsels were listed. Get ready people we tax payers are going to get really screwed again by Kauff and his council puppets once again. So many questions with so much corruption. That means you Mayor.
My prediction is a clean Democratic sweep in 2013. Mayor Tagliarini and his team will be reelected over nominal, if any opposition. Aberdeen will continue under the sound policies that your Democratic town council has governed Aberdeen for nearly a generation since delivering us all from "Murphy's Law."
There will be no election day upset. There will be no Feds. No arrests. If there were to be arrests in Aberdeen, they would have happened in 205 when Bush's man Christie was the U. S. Attorney, in other words a Republican appointed by another Republican. I feel they looked, found nothing here and moved on. Christie was stuck prosecuting members of his own party!
Aberdeen is a competently run town and will continue under the leadership of your local Democratic Party.
Mayor Tagliarini is only the latest of Averdeen's leaders, leaders like Burt Morachnick, Wilma Greenspan, Steve Robinson, Dick Wolfe, Ed Kaufman, and Phil Gumbs. These men and women have steered the good ship Aberdeen(and yes, with the gentle guiding hand of Norm Kauff on their shoulder when necessary) away from the shoals and rocks where we were led by the Powers -Murphy cabal.
The facts are the facts.
Clarity and openness in Aberdeen politics? Yeah right?
None of these sites except the Aberdeener probe the Kauffcorruption in Kaufferdeen that has a Kauffcouncil corruptly, illegally and immorally controlled by an unelected and unaccountable man named Norman Kauff,
Good ship Aberdeen? Is sinking fast under Capt. Kauff.
It appears that the corruption laden Aberdeen Democratic campaign 2013 is underway from the arrival of the Aberdeen Fall 2012 periodical in my post office box yesterday. I do appreciate the smooth glossy pages though as the faces of our corrupt political leadership slides so easily as I wipe my ass with this typically political self congratulating rag.
Great use of that mailer. I'll use mine to help line my bird cages. That's all they're good for because the info within is all crap like my birds.
I was hoping Kauffies next home would be a prison cell.
Casa de Corruption has been sold? I feel bad for the new owner myself. Why? Simple answer because you can be certain that Aberdeen will be raising the accessed value and the taxes on the new owners. Raising those numbers to a true and just value that you can be sure Norm never paid. if it's true Norm has sold and moved that is of course. Many rumors about Norm have been spread for years that were never true. Rumors like the ones that Norm does not run Aberdeen. The one rumor that says Norm is retired and only living on a pension. The one that is most laughable by Ivanasshole recently saying that the town is well run going back years due to democrats going back years. Ivanasshole was naming people whom he must have known. must havd to have been leaders of some sort that as a resident like me for only ten years never would've known.
One thing before I go i beg of you if anybody gets an invite to the must soon be held CME Bon voyage party for Norm I will pay $1,000.00 to go to that party. Of course I'd have to bring a lot of barf bags for the false adulation that would flow like corrupt tax dollars we could all be sure. Forced praise of course given towards Norm as he exits the corruption laden political back rooms in Aberdeen hopefully for good.
Norm said...
Hey Ivanhoe, you forgot to mention my man Sinclair!
casa de corruption is great and so true. still need those sewers maggie and by the way maggie where is that trail on the 22 acres by where we live. i went by there today after seeing your picture on the trail. i don't see where that trail is off of greenwood. what did you call pelosi and ask her how to photoshop pictures for political lies. by the way maggie would anyone know which property over here is the one they could use according to the article. sewers don't forget maggie.
Our illustrious Mayor Fred "Freddy Boy" "Kauffies Boy" Tagliarini is prominently displayed in my Aberdeen Update in an article that purports a governmental savings of $750,000.00 over the next fifteen years from the solar panels installed on town hall and elsewhere. Savings of $750,000.00? Really Mayor?
In reading the article I keyed in on the following words that cast a dark corrupt governmental leadership shadow over my faith in our Kauff controlled politicians. The troubling words were that "five sites determined by township officials in consultation with township engineers CME Associates". CME those three initials that are continually exemplified on this site with example after example after example of questionable work, unchecked bills, and so much more.
The next troubling thing to me that I read and left me questioning any real savings was printed there for all to read in this Aberdeen Update was that the supposed savings suggested by our politicians are as follows and are with these few words all too telling and casting savings doubts "The next step will be a comprehensive audit by CME of the municipal complex's overall energy usage, including lighting and HVAC systems".
I certainly hope our political leadership asked CME if they are highly qualified and state certified to even do such a study. A study which will no doubt with the track record of CME and our Kauff controlled political leadership completely wipe out any promised savings. In other words we taxpayers get screwed again despite the lies in the latest taxpayer funded Aberdeen Update political campaign fodder.
False praise for Norman Kauff? We should have been at the Vinci park dedication if we wanted to see false political and politician praise. I heard the mayor was looked like he was almost going to vomit as he probably had to use words like *dedicated and deserved* that day at the laughable Vinci park dedication. I wonder if the mayor ever used the word *honest* when describing Vinnie *numbers* Vinci that day. To be honest the words used in this article by Mr. Warren describing Vinci were probably the best words to truly describe Vinci's years of service. Those descriptive being *egregious* *self serving* politician. Maybe the mayor couldn't get those exact words out for they would too precisely describe himself? One final thought as a business owner, resident and taxpayer in Aberdeen myself who is also soon to sell my business and home this year and leave Aberdeen. I will go much farther than Monroe New Jersey as has suggested to be where Norm would move his political headquarters of evil. You can bet that Norman Kauff will get what Norm has always taken from us. That's how politics works especially here in New Jersey. Our politically corrupt New Jersey is where politics and political operatives pay an unelected and unaccountable man like Norm until death. When the end of life does come for Norm Mr. Warren feel free to put *egregious* *self serving* politician in Norm's Aberdeener obituary. 354 days and left time to open up.
Norm moving out of Aberdeen changes nothing. Not as long as there's mail, telegrams, money transfers or political flunkies can deliver corrupt, illegal and unethical payoffs to Norm wherever he ends up. And that includes the hopeful prison he deserves to be in for a long time now. I know Ivanho says blah, blah......... Norm blah, blah, blah........... Democrats blah, blah........
Political flunkies? Do you have any idea what it takes to shakedown developers, homeowners and business owners? It's hard damn work being that heartless and corrupt against your fellow Aberdeen residents in the name of corrupt political masterminds like a man like Kauff.
Next weeks topic: Unelected power brokers exist or not?
Once again the creativity and wit surpasses the corrupt.
Ivan-ho is an idiot.
What towns bones will Kauff chew on next. F him I say and the same for anyone that sides with him too.
Casa de Corruption is a damn funny and very true statement. I hope Norm has gone senile and the new owners of Kauffs now former residence find money Kauff forgot he hid. We who know of the illegal goings on and thievery in Aberdeen that allowed Kauff to pay for that political corruption palace with our tax dollars all stolen through Kauffs corrupt democratic party politics and insider dealings solely controlled by Kauff. He should rot in hell for what he's done to this communities residents, developers, students and business owners like me.
Norm and his assorted political bottom feeders can't be creative they don't have the time. Stealing from us taxpayers is a full time job.
The Kauffcorrupted are like the tale of Robin Hood. Instead of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor the Kauffcorrupted steal from us hard working taxpayers and gives to the politically connected.
Joey you nailed it "Once again, the town demonstrated breathtaking apathy about the education of our children and property taxes by simply voting for the top slots on the ballot regardless of which candidates occupied those top slots."
School board elections are arguably one of the most critical decisions voters can make yet they seem to be taken lightly not only in MATAB but surrounding communities.
Just when for the first time since we have been residents (12 years) I was feeling comfortable and quite frankly relieved that our school district was finally moving in the right direction. Then much to my shock, the community chose to blindly select board members with axes to grind rather than the incumbents that have been responsible for clear, rapid and irrefutable progress. There is no grey area here folks. Great things are happening.
Let’s hope the me/I brigade of malcontents wake up and realize that what’s at stake here is not only our children and community but the reputation of our MATAB and our property values since there is a direct correlation between property values and quality schools. That is of course if they even care enough.
Aberdeen is in big trouble I hear and management is doing all they can to keep it a secret. Secrets in Aberdeen may be batter kept with some of the loose lip council people recently retired by Kauff. Don't get me wrong all the new council people are still assholes like the ones whose places they took. If you really delved deep into their home life you'd be shocked. If you knew how they really got some of their no show and politically connected jobs you'd be similarly surprised and probably very angry. But that's politics right mayor? Such a disappointment you are mayor.
Thats what happens to school boards when the PTO and former school board members who are "a li'l crazy" can't stop trying to push their twisted agenda. They carry grudges just like those they pushed to get elected. Axes to bare or not the students, tax payers and ultimately our entire community lose.
Politically connected?
But the Mayor says?
Mayor's a liar for Kauff.
Never mind.
Another election year? What purports to be open elections Aberdeen have not in any way, shape or form been free and open elections. Not with Norman Kauff and his walking around money buying household votes all over town. I know Ivanasshole will say we don't know nothing despite not one named person, company or corrupt accomplice has ever defends, denied or put their name to anything ever placed upon here for public exposing of crimes against us citizens. Citizens who are mere collateral damage to the political corruption, deceit and criminality of Kauff politics.
To Anonymous who posted on January 10, 2013 3:17 PM:
I don't think Ivanhoe knew the people they wrote about, if they did they would of known that Kaufman and Robinson were lawyers who were both disbarred. I think Ivanhoe might have heard the names mentioned at a party function and just assumed they were some kind of statesmen.
F Norman Kauff and his traitors to the community.
Norm moved away?
What are we going to do for corrupt spending money now?
The Kauffkins
Ivanho writes of delivering us from Murphy... Delivering? Murphy's biggest problem was his demeanor. None of the corruption that you see today with Kauff.
Norm sold his house on 12/26 to Mr & Mrs Burgess, He now lives at 64 draw bridge drive, Monroe , NJ 08831
Disbarred attorneys? No one denies all the examples of political corruption committed in the name of CME, Norman Kauff and his hangers on is in the best interest of the residents, businesses snd reputation of Aberdeen? And the best one of all that there is only a couple people attached to this site? And the silence of The Kauffkins is supposed to prove that all that Kauff and his soldiers of corruption do is honest and all the examples and disbarred attorneys operating under Kauff is just a corruption filled coincidence? Sure it is Norman?
Some things in life are for certain. We are born, pay taxes and die. Those three things and the fact that Norman Kauff is thoroughly corrupt and has damaged Aberdeen through his Democratic party corruption.
Look at the bills from T and M Engineering under Murphy and look at the bills Kauff really won't let anyone check for his CME.
So much corruption with so many questions. Just like the town managers that Kauff has gone through during his corruption filled tenure. Norman Kauff has ruined this community and everyone attached at the Kauff wallet know it.
Don't even get me started on the incompetent lawyers that Kauff uses. They have quite the soiled reputation in North Jersey to say the least. A while back it was on here that the lead lawyer for the town is known as the porn and pedophile attorney sick dimented perverts use in court.
Such talent Norm Kauff surrounds himself with.
Right Coach Fred?
And they want us to believe there is no corruption in Aberdeen?
64 Drawbridge Dr. Monroe N.J. is the new headquarters of the Aberdeen Democratic Party. Let me guess it is a retirement community for the politically corrupt?
Ivanasshole says the democrats have been steering the good ship Aberdeen away from shoals and rocks? Really Ivanasshole with all that is posted on here you still believe that? Disbarred Attorneys? The Judge you name who did little but get do little work jobs for his family members on the government tit?
Ivanasshole suggests that Norman Kauff guided these men and women when necessary. Really Ivanasshole? Ivanasshole claims that Norman Kauff guided the good ship Aberdeen with the gentle guiding hand of Norman Kauff when necessary on their shoulder is repeatedly said because it is so laughable? Gentle guiding hand on their shoulder was mandated and still is Kauff mandated until Kauff dies. Ivanasshole describes one of Kauff's hands on his Democrats shoulders while Kauff's other hand was always deep into the pockets and pocket books of taxpayers, residents, developers and us business owners that Kauff used like his personal ATM to feed his corrupt Democratic political machine, percentage paying lawyers and never forget Kauff's #1 corruption benefactor CME.
It seems that Ivanasshole's ignorant words and defending of all things Kauff may be weakening from reading a few of the the accounts, evidence and the reality of Kauff's corrupt, illegal, immoral and thoroughly unethical control as is posted on here time and time again?
Perhaps Ivanasshole has spoken to some of the corruption filled Kauff controlled board members who would be on the receiving end of angry calls and downright threats and intimidation from Norman Kauff if they dared to question developmental approvals? Questioning the all too illegal Kauff controlled approval and billing process that was and probably is still Kauff mandated to illegally pad any and all legal and engineering bills by continuing the illegally controlled Kauff political power broker developmental approval process.
So Ivanasshole please explain away the so many questions with so much Kauff corruption is all that needs to be said. Why Ivanasshole? It's because it is THE TRUTH and you Ivanasshole and the well named Kauffkins know it 100%. Time to open up with 351 days to go.
Come on people it's Kauffcorruption in Kaufferdeen.
Question of the day.
If Kauffie moves out of town does Vinnie Vinci take over?
Did the towns attorney represent the old town manager arrested for soliciting a child for sex on a computer.
Norm said...
Win an election, then you can talk shit.
The last time you douchebags won an election it was against St Clair Parris!
The town lawyer when looked up his name did not represent the old pervert manager. I would think but you can bet Norm was consulted by his old child molester buddy on what low life lawyer he should get. Now if Norm could just get rid of the two perverts left in Norms inner circle. One I hear is not so close anymore since Norm moved from Injustice Lane. Right Norm?
So many questions with so much corruption and so many perverts surrounding Norm.
You're right Mayor Murphy and his arrogance was his downfall. Murphy did surround himself with some real idiots though. That arrogance combined with Joe MCaleer driving the point to improve and clean up the beach area was ruthless. He would be in the paper week after week criticizing and exposing Murphy and the others for there failures and that Murphy ego. Unfortunately MCaleer went over to the dark side and joined up with the evil democrats we still have now. I appreciated and enjoyed what Joe MCaleer did then except he helped put these crooks in power.
I cannot confirm or deny that the information previously posted giving the new address for Casa de Corruption is as listed factual. A posting showing a possible new address for Norman Kauff's new address for all corrupt, immoral, illegal and unethical political activity that is ruining Aberdeen may not in fact be correct. Just so you don't send dead black roses to Norm or Mrs. Norm to celebrate Norm's departure from the confines of Injustice Lane. F all of them I say.
Lawyers don't care who they represent. They are scum.
Mr. K. moving won't make one corrupt political difference. Mr. K. always gets his and we taxpayers always get screwed. That is our Aberdeen's reality so get used to it I fear. Whether its Kauff or Tagliarini or some other hack politician to be named later who is control it does not I fear matter one bit. You see the well known county wide democratic political corruption here in Aberdeen is our unfortunate reality. I do sincerely hope there is in fact an official investigation underway to bring relief to us before Aberdeen's politicians reputations for dishonesty make our homes and communities name worthless. Who wants to move into a town so well known for political hanky panky and outright democratic corruption.
Is there anything else to talk about other than that old wrinkly impudent scumbag Norman Kauff?
NEW GUY the answer is NO! There is nothing else that is worth talking about except that OLD, IMPUDENT DOUCHEBAG Norman Kauff. He's quite WRINKLY though as well. Right Mayor?
Rumors were circulating on Sunday that our mayor may be getting too big for his britches in regards to town business dealings? Is this jockeying for position now that another possible yet unconfirmed rumor that Norman Kauff has moved? Does the possible relocation of Norman Kauff leave a vacuum in regards to the takeover of the Aberdeen democratic party corruption? Did Norman Kauff not pass off the torch of political corruption? Did Norman Kauff in fact move out of Aberdeen? So many questions with so much corruption?
Good ship Aberdeen is our taxpayers Titanic.
The road to the criminal prosecution of political corruption is long. Much like the prison sentence Kauff and all of his Kauffin horde should get for what they've don to us taxpayers.
Checked with a realtor friend of my wife on the sale of Mr. Norman Kauff that she was able to confirm that Mr. Norman Kauffs home in town did sell for over $500,000.00. She also checked on the purchase of a new home for Mr. Norman Kauff. The home was built by US Homes aa an Active Adult community in Monroe. The taxes were listed in Monroe as being $7,972.15 a year. Recent sales showed similar sales in the neighborhood of $269,000.00.
Anonymous by choice
Is that a Kauff in your pocket?
Or are you just glad to see me?
Either way Aberdeen is all Kauffed up.
Norm said...
Don't get it fucked up. I moved, but I still own you.
Who in their right mind with $500,000 to spend would purchase a house in Aberdeen?!?!?!
Warning: Not to be confused with a corruption free zone.
Who cares as long as that jerk moves out of town and out of our lives.
Wouldn't it be nice if the municipality leadership of Aberdeen worked for us taxpayers instead of the special interests that only benefit the corrupt Aberdeen politicians and their leeches and hangers on?
I looked on the council agenda tonight and on the bottom it lists that there is litigation with Prime 34 restaurant. My family and I go there often and like the place. Anybody know what is going on.
Free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God Almighty we are free of Kauff at last!
But now what?
Hey Greggie, I see you endorsed Barbara Buono today. Notably missing from that endorsement was Fast Freddy. What happened Freddy? You thinking of flipping back to the Republican side?
Monroe is Middlesex County I think. That might mean that Norm might be bringing his well honed techniques for political corruption to that county now. Good luck Monroe you're going to need it.
Matawan Patch yesterday exposes that taxes in my neighboring Aberdeen went up over 4%. We here in Matawan and other local towns were much lower and in line with Governor Christie's 2% cap to help property owners but not Aberdeen. Maybe this will put those taxpayers suffering for years in the sights of state investigators finally.
While I really enjoy the posts highlighting the corruption despite the one Ivanhoe named poster who occasionally defends the corruption that is so well known needs to be investigated from the top on down. The taxpayers deserve paying the bills deserve nothing less.
norm is gone and you think that is a good thing. what is going to happen to the good ship aberdeen now. sewers margaret don't forget we all need sewers.
Looked on the tax rolls and isn't it amazing that Mr. K.has his information already changed over while my sister who bought her house in the summer is still not changed. Must be nice to have "friends"? Just another example of the corruption under Mr. K.
Same political appointments in Abefdeen means the same politically corrupt individuals and companies are still corruptly in control and overcharging residents.Taxpayers and business owners and this business council is just another mechanism of corruption and nothing more. Right Freddy Boy?
Had to raise taxes last year in Aberdeen know why? Because this year they can't raise taxes know why? It's an election yearning Aberdeen. So much corruption leaves so many questions.
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