A year ago, I wrote the following – “[T]here is one issue regarding our school district which I consider to be the most important, the most urgent, and the least mentioned. . . What is our school district’s mission?”
To formulate a mission statement, I relied upon Peter Drucker’s Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Practices and Principles (1990):
A mission statement has to be operational, otherwise it's just good intentions. A mission statement has to focus on what the institution really tries to do and then do it so that everybody in the organization can say: This is my contribution to the goal. . .The school board has appointed its vice president, Dr. Gambino, to lead the effort of rewriting the district’s mission and vision statements. A proper mission statement can profoundly impact our schools.
One of our most common mistakes is to make the mission statement into a kind of hero sandwich of good intentions. It has to be simple and clear. As you add new tasks, you de-emphasize and get rid of old ones. You can only do so many things. Look at what we are trying to do in our colleges. The mission statement is confused - we are trying to do fifty different things. It won't work, and that's why the fundamentalist colleges attract so many young people. Their mission is very narrow. You and I may quarrel with it and say it's too narrow, but it's clear.
Dr. Gambino has proposed implementing the “world café”, a methodology that prompts ideas and feedback from a large representative sample of stakeholders.
Sample provocative questions could be – What should the school district not be doing? If you were in charge, what’s the first change you’d make? If money weren’t an issue, where would you send your child to school and why?
The objective is to determine the school’s role and goals.
For a mission statement to be effective, it should be simple, clear, and operational so that every member of the district can say “This is my contribution to the goal.”
Last year, I had argued the revised mission statement should be “To empower parents to determine the best education for their children.”
That mission statement was ultimately “rejected” for the very reason I proposed it – namely, who should have the primary responsibility for educating our children. I believe primary responsibility belongs to the parents. However, the sense I’ve gotten is that most people don’t trust the parents with our students’ education and prefer the “professionals” in our school district to decide what’s best for our children.
Rather than fight a losing battle, I’ve since proposed “To Build Scholars and Leaders”.
The proposal won’t even be considered until Dr. Gambino has first received community feedback and then devised a process for writing, considering, and presenting a new mission statement. Ultimately, the school board will deliberate and vote.
However, by proposing “To Build Scholars and Leaders”, I hope to shape future discussion – keep it simple, clear, and operational.
Still, there’s no reason to wait for Dr. Gambino. Let’s begin the conversation now. What do you want the school district to do for your child? How do you judge whether the school district is succeeding or not? What do you believe our school mission should be?
The school board wants to know. >>> Read more!
“To empower parents to determine the best education for their children.”
I am saddened to read that the MARSD rejected this as one possible part of the mission statement. Unfortunately, the parents in this district are treated as though they have no rights with regard to how their children are taught. They are treated with disdain and pitty if they dare to challenge any of the "authorities" regarding their children. I know of Special-Ed parents who have to fight tooth and nail to get their children the help which is required by law, all the while being treated as though they are stepping out of bounds. I can't imagine the frustration of trying to fight for my child's rights while fighting with his/her teachers and various administrators who so willingly violate laws.
While there may be some more talented and visionary readers who will surely compose a more eloquent statement, my vote is to see this rejected statement worked into the overall message. The children are the unfortunate casualties of the war which has been raging between their parents and those who usurp their power under the guise of being the authoritative "rule makers."
Since you seem to want to turn things around, I respectfully urge you and Dr. Gambino to consider this fact and help the parents of this district feel as though they are partners with, instead of adversaries of the BOE.
"To empower parents to determine the best education for their children" is not workable because its too vague. There are so many parents, each with their own sets of priorites, but only one school district! The statement might encourage conflict among the parents.
My own priority includes a school who is able to help me empower my kid by instilling a deep sense of responsiblity for his own life and for the life of his community. And, most important of all, a life long love and respect for learning. If that can be worked into a statement, I'd be on board with that.
How about including something such as "building a school community that encourages a love of learning, acceptance of all students, and partnership between students, parents and faculty".
Maybe not worded just the right way, but I think the sentiment is one that should be grown in our community.
As the person stated above, there is a real sense of fighting with the school district for some parents. The bullying going on in some of the schools is out of control. The district desparately needs to work on creating a more accepting, tolerant atmosphere.
Also include the fact that any and all major expenditures in excess of $500,000.00 requires voter approval. We should never again "not be allowed" to approve a major expenditure and use of our tax monies like Quinn and BARZA pulled with the $2,000,000.00 football field debacle ever again.
Don't you find it rather perculiar that when you ask for positive input only four people respond? Perhaps you would get a better response if you blasted Quinn, Rappaport, or Glastein. It was difficult for the Kauf haters to spin this one.
That is because this is pseudo intellectual nonsense. It will produce no results or change one thing. Determination of policies for the management of the district is the only responsibilty of the board of education. When board members learn that we will all be better off. The emphasis should be on the Districts commitment to encourage all students, faculty and employees of the district to pursue lifelong learning.
Dear Mr. Anon-
You have a point-but the Aberdeener doesn't care-he has become a politician.
Yes Edith- I have spoken
I am disappointed that more people haven't chosen to participate in the discussion. A proper mission statement can define the organization's purpose, set targets, align procedures, and energize stakeholders.
As for those that despise me, I'm honored you consider me worth the time and energy.
I think the following is a good statement; maybe a little tweaking can be done:
Through an active partnership among staff, students and parents, the mission of MARSD is to provide a safe, enjoyable, and challenging environment where all children develop the skills and enthusiasm necessary for life-long learning.
This covers the topic of staff, students and parents being responsible and partnering together. We want safety in the schools, which has been discussed here and at the BOE. It should be enjoyable and challenging at the same time. School should also prepare us for the future.
Very interesting.
I've noticed the term "lifelong" learners being used. How would you measure whether someone has become a "lifelong" learner?
Also, what about developing character?
Life-long learner would be hard to measure, but we would want our children to further their education after MARSD, go on to college, the military, etc. MARSD should not be the end of the childrens learning experience it should create a good foundation and build for the future of our children.
We could add character in the statement. Maybe at the end of the statement as such, for life long learning and the development of moral character. Like I said it can be "tweaked".
I think that far too much emphasis is placed on the myopic view of what can be measured by test scores. This has caused an environment where teachers spend several weeks during each year preparing students to take a standardized test. While some form of testing is needed to measure effectiveness, it has become in too many instances the only measure of success.
The Aberdeener asked for how one would measure "lifelong learning". I don't know. How does one measure the advancements made throughout history because of curiosity? Curiosity is an outgrowth of the creative spirit and many innovations. Many of the innovations of our lifetime were achieved despite the narrow thinking that is often tested.
Testing certainly has its place; but, only concentrating on programs that can be measured by a standardized test will only limit creativity which has resulted in American innovation in fields from technology to medicine and is what sustains our entrepreneurial spirit.
I hope that the board realized that there are many ways to teach our children. We must teach our children to be mathematicians, mechanics, architects, artists, web designers, inventors, and whatever other careers exist 10, 20, and 30 years from now, that we haven't even thought of yet.
So, yes, we all need to be lifelong learners.
I think the partnership of the school district and the parent's involvement should definately be included in the mission statement. In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you are a parent of a special needs child, an average student or a high achieving student, as a parent you should never feel that you need to fight the school district on your childs behalf.
I disagree regarding the inclusion of "parental involvement" in the mission statement. Parental involvement is not the ultimate goal, it's a way of reaching the ultimate goal.
How we achieve the mission should not be included in defining the mission.
As for measurements, that word is not synonymous with testing. Rather, you need a way to determine whether an initiative warrants the resources to help us achieve our mission.
So, let's say I started a program to have children visit the elderly in nursing homes. I think everyone would agree this is a commendable idea.
My questions would be - What's the school's mission? How does this program play a role in fulfilling that mission? How do we determine if this is the best use of our limited resources?
If we can't measure "lifelong" learning, we can't answer that third question.
My point is, there needs to be a PARTNERSHIP between district and parent. This hasn't been the case in the past. I believe parents have every right to have input into their childs education. How would you suggest this be implemented? Where is the appropriate place to include this, so that parents are heard and included, when it comes to their childs education?
life-long learning can't be measured but it is something we should always be looking to do and should be a mmission of the school for our children. If teachers don't make learning fun and challenging it may turn off students to want learning as a life-long mission.
Regarding parental involvement, we need to decide who has primary responsibility - the school or the parents.
Then, I believe there needs to be structural changes to incorporate parents into the educational process. I don't trust attempts to "change attitudes". I'd want policies in place to grant parents rights, privileges, and obligations in shaping their children's education.
There are qualitative and quantitative measurements. We have problems when we stop programs because they lack a quantitative measurement.
So, take you nursing home example, and the work product could be a writing project that is "measured" on quality of writing (quantitative) and a subjective score of empathy??? Maybe that's just a bad example, but it touches on the difficulty of lifelong learning and how much of that is or should be taught in public schools.
Having just seen Terminator:The Salvation on it's opening night last week, I'll just subjectively say that we must nurture a caring and creative spirit in our children. In a time when computers and machines are replacing more and more jobs, it is the human spirit and creativity that will allow our children to best face the challenges ahead.
No answers here. Discuss among yourselves.
Maybe the statement could be something like:
"To empower parents to become more involved with the educational process of their children in an ever changing society."
How about Dr O'Malleys mission statement. Take a dismal school district, make minor improvements by teaching to the test (ed-sol), make a few staff changes, show fiscal restraint one year after run away increases for years, and get a five year contract at five percent per year increases. Does anyone remember Quinn after Klavon. Make him prove it for a couple years at least.
Is the district's goal simply to get parents more involved?
Once again, who has primary responsibility? Do the parents retain that responsibility or have they delegated that role to the school district?
If the former, then let's give them the authority to act and the tools to act wisely. If the latter, then let's focus on education.
The school has primary the responsibility.
If we agree upon that, the focus should be what we want the school to do for our children.
We want the schools to do their part in teaching our children to compete in the world on academic, emotional, and creative levels so that they can positively contribute to our society.
The entitlement mentality of this community is laughable. Everyone wants everything done for them. Take care of your own children. Take the bull by the horns and be responsible for your children and their future. Be partners with the school district. Don't be antagonistic. Your children aren't sacks of dirty laundry that can be dropped off in Kindergarten and picked up at high school graduation washed, pressed and folded. Tax dollars are spent carelessly on useless programs that we have neither the staff nor scheduling flexibility to pull off properly. Parents are the primary educators of children, not hired help. The BOE should encourage a partnership with the parents; the parents should put their childrens' needs first and foremost and stop all the "in fighting" that happens in the schools between the parents and teachers and the parents and the administrators. Twelve years goes by quickly, people. I encourage you not to give too much control over your children to anyone. This is one family that won't allow that to ever happen. I feel sorry for children whose parents believe the school should take care of the primary education of their kids. The only world view they will have is that of the MARSD. Your children will be molded and shaped by their teachers and their PRIMARY teachers should be the parents.
Previous poster sounds bitter. What's with that. I think most people just want the schools to do their part. The effectiveness of classroom teaching will vary due to uneven parental involvement.
I would like to think that all parents put their child's needs first, but unfortunately, we know that's not true.
So the schools have individual children with different natural abilities, different parental support and supervision, different preschool preparation, different life experiences, etc, and the schools have the challenge of teaching with all those differences as a given.
Many of us take parental involvement seriously and are frustrated when we see children that do not have the benefit of parents that care to the level that we do. The schools cannot level that playing field, they can only make sure that they are giving each child the opportunity to learn to the best of each child's ability.
I think the school is responsible for teaching the children, hello, that's what teachers get paid to do. The parent needs to assist in the education, helping with homework, overseeing it, etc. No one thinks they are sacks of laundry to be dropped off, just the opposite, it is not babysitting it is a school, for learning. I do agree with the statement that it should be encouraged to be a partnership, but the school has to do the job, if not why don't we all home school our children, not pay taxes for the school teachers. It is their job to educate the children.
Ah, finally a debate on who has the primary responsibility for educating our children - parents or schools.
Let's try this - The focus is what's best for the children. So, which scenario would be better for the children? The schools or the parents to take primary responsibility?
I agree with the last anonymous poster who explained that it is a school's job to education our children with the support of parents (or other primary caregivers, to be politically correct).
I don't know- should I tell my dentist how to fill a cavity?
What annoys me is when a parent wants their child to be challenged more and the school doesn't work with the parent. If I want my child to do more advanced work and be pushed harder, why don't I have the right to have my child assigned to a higher level class. I'm fine with my child working harder, why don't I have the final say as to what my child will do! If my child doesn't keep up, I'll take responsibility for that. Or in the lower grades, why can't a teacher give extra enrichment work to those children whose parents want it?
I'm not talking about "parental involvement", as looking for every parent to sit along their child while they do homework, although, I do expect parents to be available to help if needed. I want parents to have the right to determine what they feel their child is capable of, and I want the school to cooperate with the parent. I feel I know my children better than any school teacher or administrator, therefore, let it be my decision if I want to push my children harder than the school might do overall.
Be realistic -- in a public school with a teach-student ration of 20+ to 1, should the teacher or school be expected to meet the individual expectations of each child? It is our job as parents to supplement classroom learning with other activities to better match the individual abilities in terms of strengths and weaknesses.
I'm overstating this here to emphasize what I am saying -- how much "individual" attention should each child get? When my son needed help with reading several years ago, I got extra help. My brother hired a math tutor for his son last year.
Sometimes it astounds me that people will pay for extra coaching for competitive sports, but won't spend the time, money, or effort when it comes to doing what it takes to educate their children.
It would be nice if we had one teacher for each 5 children, but that will never happen, or should it, in a public school.
anon you are correct "supplemant", the parent should not be the primary teacher. We need to work with our kids, if we are to be more responsible then the teachers, what is a teachers job?
20 to 1 x's 5 in the HS so that would equal 100 students. Why can't teachers give them all individual help? (add sarcasm)
The district from what I heard is cutting an AP course. Why aren't more parents complaig about that? oh, because it only effects 5 students! So, while people complaing that parents don't get involved or support their kids some of us can't get the education our kids deserve, but others can.
A teachers job is to instruct and reinforce. A parents job is to make sure that instruction is followed through at home during HW time.
I guess you are one of those partents that believe that their children are given too much HW as well. That should be a teachers job too.
no I don't think kids get too much homework. I think the teacher needs to educate the students and parents need to assist.
The stories are always the same. Those students that have parents that are true partners in their education usually are successful. Sadly, there are some parents who would rather point fingers than parent.
Amen to that!
I'd like a mission statement that includes the concepts of respect, collaboration, community, learning, seeking, teaching, sharing, building, knowledge, and the future.
Are these goals or methods to achieve the goals?
I find it rather amazing that each blogger has listed "TEACHING" somewhere down on the list in thier mission statement. Whatever the mission statement, "TEACHING" should be first and foremost!
And in response to this statement:
"Be realistic -- in a public school with a teach-student ration of 20+ to 1, should the teacher or school be expected to meet the individual expectations of each child?"
My point in my previous blog was, parents should be allowed to pick more challenging classes for their children, if they want their child pushed harder. How is that individual teaching for 20+ students for each teacher? The classes should be tracked, providing more complex and challenging work for those students capable of it or for those children whose parents want their children pushed harder. Tracking doesn't even need to be for 100% of the classes, for those who oppose this type of education. A precentage of the classes per subject can be homogeneous and a percentage of the classes can be heterogeneous. Parents should have some say in the placement of their child in classes. Currently in this district, parents aren't allowed to be part of this process, it is totally controled by the district.
And to the blogger who says:
"The entitlement mentality of this community is laughable"
I'll ask you, what should $9,000+ per year in property tax entitle me to? It is not an entitlement mentality, to expect a school district to educate your child. I am paying for this, and so is every other taxpayer! Furthermore, I am a very involved parent, and I push my children much harder than this district ever did. I shouldn't have to fight the district to work with me to challenge and educate my children.
It most definitely is an "entitlement" issue when the parents in this district have been fighting over the same crap for the past 20 years, and their children still aren't getting educated.
Yes, the property taxes ARE astronomical. Yes, we do pay a large portion of those taxes to the school district. Yes, the school district should be wonderful considering the budget. However, does it do your kids any good to keep them in this district "just because" you pay so much in taxes if they're not getting the challenges they require?
The schools suck. The district sucks. While you all sit here on this blog and bitch and moan about how everything sucks, your children are most likely falling behind (not all, but some and some is too many). Whose fault is that? I say it is your fault for not being more proactive in the educational approach instead of laying the responsibility on the district. They SHOULD be responsible for the education, but they're not doing a very good job and you, as a parent, should stop pawning off your kids and step up and do something about it.
YOU are responsible for educating your children or for being responsible to find them the best education possible be it in this district or at a private school. If you use the argument that we pay too much in taxes, you've sold your child's future for a pittance.
Who said I sold my kids out! Believe me, I do alot more in educating my kids than this district ever did. As well as fight to change things in the district.
You're the one who seems to have the attitude of just thowing up your hands and letting it continue.
It's those of us fighting to do something about it that are starting to make a difference!
You're missing the mark. The fact that all you do is fight is why the kids in this district lose out. Did you ever think that the fighting is just an evasive tactic? Does anything ever get "fixed?" Doesn't this school district just keep coming up with temporary programs or plans that never really amount to a hill of beans? They're all just fancy ways of appeasement. They throw the parents a class or an "enrichment" program to make them think, "Wow! My little Suzie is just THRIVING in this glorious school district! They have something for everyone at the good ol' MARSD!"
Meanwhile, even our "enriched" children aren't that bright. I've met a few. They're on par with the "average" students from some of the surrounding school districts (whose school portion of their property taxes is less than that of Aberdeen).
So, tell yourself what you must, but remember that as you fight, time ticks away and your kids are still stuck in a crappy school system.
I laugh when I read your posts. Really, I do. I didn't throw up my hands and leave the fight to you to manage. My kid doesn't attend any of the "wonderful" schools in this township. I saw the problems early on. I saw how the board blew off parental concerns and I enrolled my child in another school. Fight away! You're not going to make a difference in this district. Nobody listens to you! Learn it now!
I'm listening. I've seen firsthand some of the dumbed-down exams, even in the "advanced" classes.
This board is aware of the problem. I have shared my concerns with the superintendent and the high school administration. I've also floated some possible remedies. Let's see what happens.
I truly hope you are listening. As I said, I pulled my kid from this district's lousy school system, but I would hope that other children will be able to benefit from some sort sort of educational reform.
Hey Aberdeener,
I'm glad you're listening. Maybe you can give this some thought.
Today, June 2, I just received my child's HS progress report via US postal service, which went from the period of 4/8/09 thru 5/18/09. Fifteen days after the period ended. There are only 9 more teaching days in the year, then final exams. If there was an educational issue which needed my attention, what could possibly be done in 9 days? I'd like to know why the school district waste 15 days to mail out a progress report.
Furthermore, HS finals are Wednesday - Friday, June 17th, 18th,& 19th. All 4 hr sessions. The following Monday & Tuesday are also 4hr sessions, where the high school students solely sit for 4 hours in the auditorium. What a waste of time!!!
Sounds like people are still pretty pissed off at our educational system under new management.
This upcoming year, the school will transition to the Realtime system, an online application that gives you immediate access to your child's academic record.
However, I wonder when the information becomes available. I'll raise the issue with the superintendent and take it from there.
Regarding the calendar, I believe these exact issues were raised at a prior board meeting with a number of board members arguing that school time should not be squandered.
Apparently this was common practice and the administration had a "rationale" but the calendar is already set for the upcoming year so there won't be any changes until the following year.
Thanks for letting me know of the problems.
Aberdeener -- Mission statements typically refer to the How (the atmosphere or environment created) as well as the What (goal sought).
Anon 47 -
Teaching may be a primary purpose of schools, but teachers, students, administrators, and parents need to prioritize respect for one another and a few other atmospherics before teaching can be accomplished, so the order of my concepts to be included in a mission statement was not arbitrary. Consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs: self-actualization comes only after four other more basic needs sets have been met.
A very positive note about the schools - I went to the 5th grade band concert and chorus to see my son play the sax last night and sing in the chorus. It was an amazing thing to see so many talented children and committed teachers who worked with them over the last two years. This was a great example of how our district is developing well-rounded students to include the arts and sports, in addition to academics. This is important because research has proven that these children will be more successful than if they had only pure academic experience.
I encourage everyone to catch the show on cable (if it's on) and more importantly come to their community concert in Matawan later in June at Terhune Park.
Edgeview, I think that it's ridiculous for you to expect the entire community to bear the expeses for a skateboard park. Are you trying to tell us that as many kids are as interested in skateboarding as football, baseball, basketball etc.? There are skateboard parks in other towns, I guess your son likes to ride a skateboard, good for him. If I get a petition for a ski jump ramp with 200 names on it should we than build one? Let's be serious, not everyone wants to spend extra money on something like this.
Not everyone is interested in camps, football, soccer, etc. but we still pay money for it.
Why shouldn't we pay money for a skate park if there is enough interest?
The community puts money into things that no one has shown any interest in, trying to show that they are doing something (like the hockey rink in by Cliffwood Beach that no one uses), so why not put money into something that does have people interested?
Not everyone is into organized sports. Instead of having these kids riding around town, possibly getting into trouble, why not give them a place to go, where they'll be required to wear safety gear, won't be damaging public property that will need repaired by grinding or landing on it.
Just because one person wants something is not enough reason to get it. Just because one person doesn't want it is also not enough reason not to look into it further.
I am sure the roller hockey rink is there because people said they wanted it, now it gets little to no use and is actually closed at the moment. I believe that if a skateboard park is built the same would probably happen, it would get used in the beginning, soon we will see it neglected and sprayed with paint and then little to no use. What about a waterpark? I would like one, we all can't have what we want.
Skateboarding is an athletic endeavor that does not require a team to participate in. It has a rich history from the 50's onward.
If we can have fields for football, soccer, summer programs for basketball, cheerleading, soft ball, etc. what is the big deal about creating a place where kids who don't want to participate in a team sport can have fun?
This community could do much worse than creating a place where kids can go after school and do something that is physically challenging and where they might be social without having to join a team sport.
Throw in a small fee to enter the park and lessons, and it could even make money.
I really don't see why there is any negativity about creating a safe, fun place for kids to play.
Skatepark is closed wah wah wah. How about it is all the way on the other side of town. Gee maybe that would have been a good reason to buy the pool club. Then again the powers that be would not have made enough money for that to be worthwhile. So our leadership passes on a significant sized piece of property in the largest and most densely populated area of town. I hear the price tag for the pool club was $850K. What is that about half of what gets funneled to the Norman faithful? Hell we could have gotten CM&E to sponsor the place and we could have put their name on the entrance. I could see it now.
This recreational facility is sponsored by CM&E. It is paid for with the millions of dollars given annually to my company by the corrupt leadership of this community and from my 'close personal friend' Norman Kauff Esq. who gets his share annually as well.
Thank you. D. Samuelson
Talk about truth in advertising?
1950's? It didn't become popular in it's present form until the 1970's in CA. Get over this skatepark idea, I am sure people around here would pay for it. GO TO SEVEN PRESIDENT's, they have a huge skatepark, that's where I take my kids, we don't need one here.
I asked this question previously, but I think it may have gotten lost in the shuffle of posts (please excuse me if it got answered and I missed it).
Aberdeener, do you know of any opportunities in the community for free or low cost tutoring or mentoring that will be going on during the summer?
The MOST program appears to close down for the summer.
As someone who's child could use the extra help, I'd appreciate any info you could provide.
(And if there isn't anything, perhaps it could be considered by the board for next summer. If your child hasn't failed anything, or is in older grades and not considered for an extended school year, there seems to be no way to get them academics through the summer.)
Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I don't know of any program but I'll ask at the board meeting tonight.
Several board members had questioned why a student needed to fail a class in order to qualify for summer schooling. The superintendent indicated that there was no educational rationale but that allowing more students into the program would cost money.
I believe we can expand the summer program for next year but certainly not this year. As for alternatives, I'll ask and let you know.
Thanks :O)
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