On April 19th, Aberdeen Township’s planning board and town council were very clear that they were being forced to approve an ordinance allowing the construction of 194 new housing units because, if they didn’t, the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) would withdraw certification at its April 21st meeting. The only evidence that COAH would do such a thing was township attorney Dan McCarthy’s insistence COAH told him so.
On Thursday, I reported that McCarthy had lied because Aberdeen wasn’t on COAH’s April 21st agenda and RCM, the developer, had withdrawn its COAH petition so there was no possibility of losing certification at the April 21st meeting.
Now, more lies have been exposed. At the infamous April 19th town council meeting, the attorney and town council claimed COAH had threatened to withdraw Aberdeen’s certification during its March 10th meeting and that the only person who had heard the threat was township attorney Dan McCarthy.
Well, the minutes for that March 10th meeting were released this week.
First, Dan McCarthy was not the only representative from Aberdeen at that meeting. With him were Joe Criscuolo, Aberdeen’s town manager, and Diane Dabulas, McCarthy’s co-counsel. It’s amazing that nobody recalled Criscuolo was at the March 10th meeting, particularly Criscuolo himself who sat silently at the dais during the entire council meeting.
And then there are the March 10th minutes themselves. All it says about Aberdeen is that the “matter was referred to a task force.”
Furthermore, McCarthy claimed that Lori Grifa, acting commissioner for the Department of Community Affaris, personally threatened the township. Does that mean he’s also claiming the task force, consisting of three members of COAH (of which Grifa chairs) aren’t independent thinkers or that Grifa was so determined to hammer Aberdeen that she would the task force's recommendation?
Also, how likely was the task force to submit a recommendation at the April 21st meeting had RCM not withdrawn its petition? Do the task forces really operate that fast?
So, next question for the town council – Why did nobody know that the town manager was at the COAH meeting and why didn’t the town manager acknowledge being there? >>> Read more!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
More Township Lies Exposed
Posted by Aberdeener at 10:35 PM
Labels: Aberdeen, COAH, McCarthy, Town Council
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Aberdeener why did you use the name Joe Criscuolo as being the town manager of our Aberdeen? Everybody knows that Norman Kauff is the town manager. Norman Kauff is the planning and zoning board leader. Norman Kauff runs the democratic party. Norman Kauff does everything just short of cashing the paychecks of each employee in the town from what we read here. It is a wonder how he has time to do these exact same corrupt, illegal and immoral things in the other towns he robs under the guise of political pay to play. Pay to play my ass Norman Kauff is stealing and robbing taxpayers and residents of all of their hard earned monies and their equally hard earned quality of life under the guise of pay to play. Wait i got it, Norman Kauff has people like Joe Criscuolo, lawyer for $$$$ Mcarthy and now we read about this Diane Dabulas person who we find is also on salry to assist Norman Kauff and all the rest of his corrupt gang of political miscreants to perpetrate his lies against all of the people in these Norman Kauff controlled towns. Looks like Mayor Fred Tgaliareni will have a lot of explaining to do at the next council meeting. Cut your losses Mayor Fred Tagliareni and rescind the changes to our area and the projects you approved off of what is unfolding as just more well orchestrated lies by Norman Kauff and his pay and pay and pay operatives. The question needs to be asked what the legal bill for these meetings where no proof is offered other then the lawyer handpicked by Norman Kauff. If it was not so sad it would be funny. It is not funny. Who is involved with these lies from Norman Kauff on down is what the next post subject should be about. Try this title on for size. Professionals who say one thing knowing it is not the truth as it is what Norman Kauff demands of those he pays and controls. Either that or anothe example of the corruption that is Norman Rauff rears its ugly head once again in Aberdeen.
Go back to the prior post exposing 'lawyers as liars' and watch the whole 22 minutes of video recoreded by the Aberdeener it is post no. 57 as posted by the Aberdeener highlighted in blue.
Very interesting is all i can say, to say the least. The only thing the video did not record and show was the puppet strings that Normy uses to make all of them do exactly what Normy says.
Normy the curtain is closing so it is time to take you final bow.
F U Normy.
The right questions need to be asked starting now. The first one is who is Norman kauff and do you as a sitting Zoning Board member, Planning Board member, Council member or Township Manager litened to what Norman kauff tells you to do without question.
After all there will be "Lucy you have a whole lot of 'splaining' to do" Ricky Ricardo slang from I Love Lucy with a similar cast of characters in the daily feature that is "We hate Kauff and here is why".
I think from the last two subject posts lited here we will very soon be having our own little television sitcom playing out in our council chambers. Working title as my film student son would say could be " I hate Kauff" starring a whole cast of co-conspirators from the aforementioned boards, council and town management. I for one hope that Stuart Brown gets a guest sarring role along side Ms. Gallo. That episode title will have to be "how questioning CME money got us kicked to the curb".
I hope it is brought to us without commercial interruption myself. I think the Aberdeener and whomever else has videotaped the recent lie fest or who will videotape upcoming Kauff corruption displays need to stream it live on the net. The world that we live in needs to recognize our Kauff.
More lies from kauff and all the rest. Anyone surprised? Anyone think lawyer Mcarthy will be conspicuously absent at the next council meeitng ? So many questions because of so much corruption. So much Kauffruption that is.
Right Mr. K. ?
Once there was man named Kauff
Kauff ended up going to jail
Kauff kept saying
i'm Norman
i'm Norman
i'm Norman Kauff
i'm invicible
i'm invincible
i'm Norman
i'm Norman Kauff
people like me
people like me
people like me
don't go to jail
i can't go to jail
i can't go to jail
i can't go to jail
i'm invincible
i'm invincible
i'm Norman Kauff
To jail Kauff deserves
Kauff deserves to go
so to jail he will go
he won't be so invivible
he won't be so invincible
so to jail Kauff will go
so to jail Kauff will go
so Kauff will end up
so Kauff will end up
bent over the sink
bent over the sink
everyday he spends
everyday that Kauff
spends in jail
Coren can give you some advice on being an old Queen inside Norman. Here is a hint call Coren collect.
I think they are BRINGING IT and Norm will be the Bitch when he goes inside for his crimes against the citizens. Do you really think with people writing various officials, reading the newspaper articles, the Aberdeener and more no one is going to look at what is going on in Aberdeen?
Keep thinking that Norm.
I would not use the word BITCH around Norman Kauff from now on. He may soon be wearing that label full time real soon. Prison is not a pretty place Norman. Even your a-hole buddy will have told you that. By the way a-hole buddy is still ok to use right now to describe Norman? Coren is proof of that. Isn't that right right Norman?
I cannot beleive that the man who coached my son is alligned with this man Kauff. Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Sad to say. The most telling fact is that Fred has not come on here and defended his actions or inactions.
Mr.Warren, will you be going to the next Town Council meeting to follow up on all of your findings?
I hope to be there. Not certain. In the meantime, still digging.
I'm hoping to hear from Commissioner Grifa by Tuesday. If not, I may have to launch a writing campaign to get her attention.
She's the last piece in the puzzle to find if there's any truth to anything that was said.
I think people should go and ask definitive questions of the manager who attended the meeting yet sat silent of his attendance while they screwed us over. The lawyer MCarthey who should be asked to put in writing, in his own hand, a complete and total recollection of the meeting that he his assistannt, who should also write it down, and the town manager attended citing the specifics and directives that the attorney and board used to vote against our repquests that night.
This whole thing stinks and it stinks of the politics as usual that pervades these past twelve plus years of Norman kauff and his corrupt control of all things aberdeen. If you are offended Mr. K. too bad. We are offended by your contempt for those of us your puppets work for. Time we cut the puppet strings of corrupt control of our employees on the council and boards that decide our fate.
Lies Lies Lies all lies.
Do you really think anyone from Team Kauff will tell the truth?
Just more politicians and appointees bowing to corrupt Kauff.
Same Aberdeen for 12 years now.
Too bad!
It sounds like Mr. McCarthy had perjured himself for lying and possible other fraud related activities. A complete US Attorney review would be in order and let the chips fall were they may.
It is obvious that the dictatorship that is Norman Kauff may have reached a new all time low in the Kauff money hungry approval of the Kauff/CME/Legal fee bonanza that Kauff orchestrated recently with Ciffeli.
So we must ask ourselves how low can Kauff go in his greedy and throughly corrupt quest against the taxpayers of Aberdeen?
Wiat a minute what am i saying? Kauff is already hiding under the belly of a cockroah so you can't get much lower.
Then again Kauff is the lowest form of species on earth so i have answered my own question.
Never mind!
Kauff you suck!
Way to go Joey!!!
You've done an excellent job of burying your terrible school budget and its impending destruction of Aberdeen with posts about Township "liars" and the Greater Aberdeen Garage Sale!!!
I'm not saying these other posts aren't worthy of airtime, but you always seem to come out with Township "news" and a flurry of unrelated blogs when you and the school board are at your worst...
And don't tell me I'm making this up... See, e.g., last July, which was your busiest blogging month of 2009 (ten blogs, including the one about Monster Mark Coren). Not so coincidentally, your flurry of activity followed right on the heels of your voting to give Dr. Dick O'Malley a 10% pay raise for doing the job he was hired to do.
Now, I think it was terrific to see what became of that asshole, Coren. However, it's curious that this bombshell was dropped as soon as the spotlight was turned on you and your fellow village idiots, I mean BOE members. Especially, since Coren had been in jail for a while already.
So, I see your diffuse and deflect tactics are back at work again this month after your shit-bag school budget went down in flames. No blog about your BOE's failure to do your due diligence and put forth an acceptable budget, huh? The middle-of-the-roaders and the non-partisans in this town are on to your game, Joey... A game that has been bad news for Aberdeen from the start...
In the words of a fellow Aberdeener-reader, your fifteen minutes of being involved in this community are counting down...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Interesting. The Mark Coren story broke as soon as I found out about it. The township story broke when the township voted to approve development. And the town-wide garage sale is only a month away.
Even last July's "flurry of activity", 10 postings, included two funeral notices, Mr. Lloyd's retirement announcement, one on recent administrative appointments, and a mid-year review (I always do one mid-year and one end-year).
You sure have an interesting way of looking at things.
And you sure have an interesting way of finding funeral and retirement notices, as well as problems with the Township, whenever the BOE decides to take Aberdeen another step down the road to ruin...
Party like it's 1999, Joey...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Why is the meeting being held at the high school tonight?
The union's planning to storm the building again, seeing all the good it did them last time.
Because they're expecting a crowd of residents to show up and ask Dr. Dick and his band of Warrenian morons what they're going to do to save our towns' schools from going to hell in a handbasket...
Maybe now, Joey and his BOE will actually take a look at the budget, instead of rubber-stamping whatever Dr. Dick comes up with...
Party's over, oops out of time...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Anyone bringing a video camera tonight so we can tape Joey making a fool of himself as he is usually prone to do?
Don't worry, if he actually says something that doesn't sound insane, we can always edit the video so that only the embarassing portions are made public.
If questioned on this, we can always just claim our video camera only had enough memory to record the portion we wanted to show.
I got a better idea. Why don't you come to tonight's meeting and then we can all watch you on Huskievision?
Be sure to introduce yourself so I can say hello. :)
1) You and your fellow BOE members are the only ones in town that watch Huskievision to see yourselves on TV and feed your self-deluding visions of grandeur.
2) Perhaps that's why you decided to cut funding from our district's classrooms, and not from the television station you like to watch yourselves on.
3) No problem, I'll be there.
4) The only question is how many things you and Dr. Dick piled on the agenda to push public comment past midnight in the hopes my fellow residents and I will grow tired and leave before giving you a piece of our mind...
The guy on the other post who said no one seconds Joey's ass bag motions is a comedic genius.
Face it Joey....You're old news. No one is buying into your bullshit anymore.
Unions are not pussies. Good luck!
Unions Rule!
If I matter so little, why do you spend so much time on my blog? Are you lonely? :)
Fred Tag is a f#@$ jerk , always was and still is , robbed from little kids now from us
Fred Tag is getting an awful lot of the hate lately. Welcome to the big leagues Freddy Boy. Who's your Daddy really Freddy Boy? This is what happens Freddy Boy when you think that trophies for all is fair. Indictments seems to be your next stop if you keep cowering to your new Boss. Man up Freddy Boy.
Anyone know if this resulted in any headway with the MRTA?
The fact is that Joey is a partisan ass-bag, who seeks to deflect criticism of the BOE by twisting facts and spreading untruths about the Township whenever the spotlight is placed on him and his friends. Moreover, he does all of this for the political gain of those friends.
Don't believe me?... Well consider the following:
1) The Township Council is controlled by the Aberdeen Democrats.
2) Joey is wholeheartedly allied with the Aberdeen Republicans.
Seems like a reach, right? Hardly, when you look at the record:
1) Ken Aitken is the 1st V.P. and Treasurer of the Aberdeen Republican Club. He also just happens to be Joey's good friend. Such a good friend that Joey endorsed him for the BOE back in 2008. Joey even gives Ken free reign on this blog to promote his political ambitions. Lo and belhold, who was quoted in the Independent as the most vocal critic of the Township's COAH plan? You guessed it, Ken Aitken (scroll to bottom).
2) The video of Leckstein threatening police action at the recent Planning Board meeting is another case of Joey's twisted politics. It's odd that Joey didn't catch any video of the crowd yelling back at Leckstein. Maybe that's because the leader of the crowd was Joey's friend John Gartley a former Republican councilman in Aberdeen. Not surprisingly, Joey also endorsed Gartley for Council back in 2007.
3) Along with Gartley, Joey also endorsed Republican Tom Aljian for Council back in 2007. Then, in 2009, Joey gave his friend Aljian free reign on this blog during Aljian's second failed run for mayor.
4) Indeed, the Aberdeen Republicans find Joey to be such a good friend that their website provides a direct link to the Aberdeener.
5) And you want the cherry on top for Joey, the Republican partisan? Joey's champion, Dr. Dick O'Malley, is a Republican committee member in the Republican stronghold of Raritan Township, Hunterdon County. You'd think Dr. Dick and Joey, as school board members, would stay neutral in their politics, but Dr. Dick is not neutral or detached from the agenda of his political higher-ups, like Governor Christie. Indeed, Joey and Dr. Dick's budget looks more like a political pitch to the Governor than it looks beneficial for Aberdeen. In fact, read Dr. Dick's comments to the Star Ledger when he was running for re-election in Hunterdon County last year. Sounds an awful lot like what we heard here in Aberdeen about the BOE's 2010-11 budget, doesn't it?
So, don’t tell me Joey is an investigative hero. He’s just a partisan hack for his Republican friends. Just a thought, I wonder what the School Ethics Commission would have to say about Joey’s partisanship. After all, the School Ethics Act, N.J.S.A. 18A:12-21, et seq. specifically says: “I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends.”
Even more interesting will be to see how much assistance Dr. Dick and his Hunterdon County Republicans provide to the Aberdeen Republicans’ 2011 campaign…
Just connecting the dots, Joey…
Tick Tock Tick Tock…
Let's not forget that I also voted for Vinci and Drapkin.
Aberdeen has been under one-party monolithic control for over a decade and I have long argued it's unhealthy to have one-party rule for so long.
Obviously, you don't care.
Don't pay coy, Joey. You only supported Vinci and Drapkin because you thought they were most likely to lose and the other two Republicans weren't your friends back then...
In reality, you're just a political hack...
And, your relationship with the Aberdeen Republicans has become all the more cozy as of late. Indeed, I bet everyone is wondering why Dr. Dick and his Hunterdon County Republicans would support Joey and his Republican friends here in Aberdeen?
Oh I don't know... Maybe because of Joey and his friends' unwavering support for Dr. Dick's massive pay increase last year during the worst economic situation since the Great Depression...
Guess only time will tell...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Hmmm. And how do you explain that before I joined the school board I was aligned with the mostly democratic wing?
Oh, how soon you forget, Joey...
You turned on them here when they refused to attend your buddy Ken Aitken's sham debate.
Remember?... When they refused to give you fodder for your then-blossoming blog. Your true colors came out at that point when you called them a "left-wing cabal"...
But, the people of Aberdeen saw through your game back then.
Unfortunately, no one challenged your unopposed run in 2009. And now, you, Dr. Dick and Mr. Aitken are bold enough to play your political games right out in the open.
I can assure you that you will never run unopposed again. The clock is ticking on your fifteen minutes of political hacheting...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
A conspiracy theorist should really do his homework. Get back to me when you learn who's a republican and who's a democrat on the school board.
Thank you for proving my point, Joey. There aren't supposed to be Democrats or Republicans on the BOE according to the School Ethics Commission's Code of Ethics.
That's why I never thought to look. Not surprisingly, you seem to know everyone's political affiliations though...
I guess that's your job as a political mouthpiece. Unfortunately, your time as such is running short...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Wow, people on the school board aren't allowed to be registered republicans or democrats? And you found all that in the board's code of ethics even though there is no such rule and, if there was, would be plainly unconstitutional?
Such brilliance. You should be a lawyer.
Never said BOE members couldn't be registered Democrats or Republicans, Joey...
The ethics rules do not prohibit registered political affiliation, but do prohibit political affiliations and partisanship from entering BOE activities. Something that you plainly allow on a daily basis.
Moreover, the fact that you know all of the BOE members' political affiliations off the top of your head proves my point that you're nothing but a partisan hack.
By the way, Joey, what are you registered as?
Why don't you let your readers in on the secret of your political affiliation?
I'll be waiting...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Not so fast on the keyboard this time, huh Joey?
I'm still waiting for you to let your readers in on your constitutionally-protected political affiliation...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Ok fine, Joey.
I'll do it for you, since you don't have the guts to openly admit what is already patently obvious...
Mr. Joseph B. Warren is a card-carrying member of the Republican party, just like his friends, Mr. Aitken, Mr. Aljian, and Mr. Gartley, as well as their soon-to-be benefactor, Dr. Dick...
Shocking, I know... But more importantly for us (the independent and well-reasoned people of Aberdeen) their political schtick is almost up...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Awww, Joey...
You don't want to play anymore?
Have you packed up your blog and gone home with Kenny and Johnny?
In your own words from a few weeks ago...
Can YOU hear ME now?
Because all I hear is the clock counting down on Joey and Dr. Dick's corrupt bargain...
Tick Tock Tick Tock
The union's planning to storm the building again, seeing all the good it did them last time.
It did a lot of good Joey, you just aren't bright enough to figure it out yet are you?
Looks like Dr. Dick has many friends in Trenton, especially the Governor!
Also, Raritan Township's lawyers are two prominent and powerful people, Republican Senator Kip Bateman and Former Governor Donald DiFransesco. Look out Dems, Dr. Dick looks like he could take you now by himself!
Nice work Anon @ 8:07 PM...
I think that's exactly what Joey and his Aberdeen Republican Club friends are thinking...
Which leaves independent Aberdeeners with no where to turn for leadership...
The only question is when Joey and his friends will give Dr. Dick another undeserved raise or contract extension to entice him bring his political guns to Aberdeen...
My guess is right after the June Republican primary in 2011, when political contributions open up again for the November election...
Only time will tell...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Fred always lied as the self proclaimed baseball Czar now he betrade the public trust. Wonder if did Fred ever coach with Coren
"Such brilliance. You should be a lawyer."
Norm already is.
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