The Aberdeen Republican Party has a long history of fielding weak candidates without a winning campaign strategy. Continuing the trend, this year’s flag bearer is Michael Canberg, a new resident and community organizer with a troubled financial history.
Canberg rose to local fame after triumphantly blocking the expansion of a Jewish school in Cliffwood. He successfully cobbled together a coalition of those opposed to development, opposed to burdening the public school district, and opposed to Jews from Lakewood "ruining the neighborhood".
Having acquired a name for himself, Canberg’s fellow republicans nominated him for mayor without regard for his personal history.
In May, 2017, a sheriff seized Canberg’s house in Manalapan. According to the Deed of Foreclosure, Tropicana Casino and Resort is listed among those parties with a prior interest in the house, which might explain Canberg’s history of personal bankruptcies.
The county lists either a tax sale or foreclosure lispendens (notice of foreclosure) against Canberg in 1997, 1999, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014, and 2015. In other words, from the year Canberg became an adult (1997) to the present.
Yet, the Republican Party doesn’t realize the irony of making Aberdeen’s debt (which is enormous) the centerpiece of its campaign.
At this point, I’d recommend the Aberdeen Republican Party reorganize as a church since it’s obviously a faith-based organization.
>>> Read more!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Aberdeen’s Hapless Republicans
Posted by Aberdeener at 5:03 PM
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 343 of 343The Matawan Christmas tree is much better than the Aberdeen tree.
Does this guy live in Aberdeen?
Saw this last week on All About Matawan and just now on Matawan Aberdeen Patch
but NOT on Aberdeen Township website and did NOT receive any e-mail to tell us this important information.
Aberdeen Township
December 22 at 6:58am
Notice from the Aberdeen Township Council
Mayor Fred Tagliarini
Deputy Mayor Margaret Montone
Council Members:
Greg Cannon
Connie Kelley
Arthur Hirsh
Joe Martucci
Robert Swindle
Dec. 22, 2017
Dear Resident,
As a result of the new Federal Tax Law, that will cap property tax deductions at $10,000 for 2018, the Aberdeen Town Council wants you to know that Aberdeen Township will accept any pre-payment of your 2018 property taxes.
Payments must be received in our Tax Collectors office by
Dec. 28, 2017 to be posted to your property tax account in 2017. Note that we have a 24 hour drop window outside our building. The last day to use the drop off window would be Dec 27, 2017. Please put Block and Lot number on your check.
Please realize that this notification is not to be construed as financial advice or opinion. We strongly suggest that you discuss pre-paying 2018 property taxes with your financial advisor to see if this course of action is a correct decision for you.
Fred Tagliarini
Mayor, Aberdeen Township
The Christmas song thing was hilarious thanks for the yucks. Never enough time to laugh at the corruptocrats expense.
Will our mayor call and wish me a happy Kwanzaa today. What am I saying the elections over so it's back to ignoring us over here for the next three years. That will be until the next time the democrats need our votes.
Right Councilman Cannon
Right Councilwoman Kelley
Right Councilman Swindle
Right Councilman Hersch
Notice about paying next year's taxes early
Finally, friend told us this was on Aberdeen Nj Facebook last Friday
Aberdeen Township
December 22 at 6:58am
same as one we put up earlier today on here that was on a Matawan site last week
and then someone woke up over in town hall and sent out an e-mail today at 10:45am
4 days later
shows how much they really care about taxpayers
shows how much they DO NOT residents to know what is REALLY going on in Aberdeen
Fred Tagliarini wrote this: We did not raise tax rate in 2017 and with the cooperation of the entire council we will hold the rate again in 2018.
Who does he think he is fooling with the comment above" with the cooperation of the entire council".
The entire council is a joke. At their private workshop meetings the discussion take place as to what to vote yes or no with Fred Tagliarini's and his mouthpiece Greg Cannon
aka Aberdeen Democratic Municipal Chairman giving which direction to go meaning vote yes or no.
Must have another election coming up for council people so No Tax increase.
Never smoke weed with santa is some kind of funny stuff. Right Greggy
If only the creativity of these comments could win out over the political self serving corruption hurting our community.
The democrats finally got something right in town. They're still selfish but the calendar came two months early.
The local patch has an article about a pot smoking santa. Anyone see Councilweedman Cannon lately. Then again maybe it was a pot smoking prosecutor dressed as Santa. Aberdeen New Jersey is one F'd up place under these democrats.
Reorganization meeting is bullshit especially when the calendar has all the appointments before the meeting is even held. No corruption my ass right Ronald MCRoman. Same professionals draining our treasury who control our politicians for decades. Imagine how much the town could have truly been improved without our politicians bending over to the engineers and lawyers much less the democratic power brokers.
Why doesn't Ivanhoe realize how much of an asshole liar kiss ass democrat he is just keeps the so called leadership in town able to think they've done anything beneficial for residents taxpayers and businesses. What did the do for us on the shop local weekend. The answer is nothing Ivanhoe the same. Like nothing beneficial that your democrats have done for our town besides robbing our taxes to feed the democrat horde.
And Mayor Fred Tagliarini said that the new stores at the train station were in great demand and the owner had a big list of possible tenants Guess that's why there's not even one being prepped to be opened. Just another liar of a politician here in Aberdeen of course.
Fred T is a pompous asshole with his pablum of political bullshit. He's smooth alright but he's nothing more than a smooth criminal.
I'd smoke with Santa any time but Greg Cannon NEVER cause he sucks.
By the way I would love to smoke a big doobie and then go to a council meeting that has to be run by Rep mayor Swindle. That would be a clusterfuck from the minute he opened his trap trying to follow the procedural wording and all. .
F'd up place is going to get really exposed by Big Joe and he knows where all the bodies are buried. I cannot wait until he blows the roof off of town hall. I mean he's been way to quiet for a guy who cares much less that big mouth of his.
The reorganization meeting soon to occur is exactly like this towns council meetings both are laughable here in Corrupterdeen. Mayor Tags and his evil little elf tell the five others mindless losers what do do. It's obvious as they are the same ones who hardly speak. They're told what to vote for routinely and probably never even read what they vote for. That's why Corrupterdeen fits this town exactly. Especially under these mindless losers so easily programmed like robots. Think not then look at the council meeting minutes going back years and see who says way too much and who says nothing but here, yes, and no as directed. For this these five idiots cost us 40k a year plus all they can steal.
Good morning Aberdeen
You are so screwed
Another 4 years of corrupt democrat idiots
Talk about history repeating itself
You are so screwed
And still the corruption can't be covered up. It's in everyone of these developments the democrats keep telling us will be great for us. Us is not spelled T H E M.
Here's hoping that Aberdeen's DPW director gets the crews out spreading and plowing
soon before it is all just ICE and nothing can be done with it.
Shouldn't they have put salt on the roads before the snow since they have been forecasting snow?
Seems as if Aberdeen Township is failing with services.
Also, do the police still come around and make residents move their cars from streets so plow drivers can do there jobs?
Does Aberdeen Township follow the law about telling homeowners with fire hydrants on there property to Shovel them clear?
Fred talks a great game but does absolutely nothing. Martucci is just a joke. Montone is just glad no one remembers. These are your recently elected officials who rob you blind in the name of democrat only political leadership. Right Ivanwhore?
Sewers after 20 years of lies from politicians and when this is done screwing up our streets and roads you know they'll be a big picture of those same smiling politicians acting like they did all the work themselves.
Just saw Joe Mac at the Chinese place in Matawan. Talked to him for a few but all he would do is smile when I asked what he's doing lately. Kinda strange because he was always so talkative. He wished me a good new year as I left then my son said he was very funny on the drive home.
Happy New Year Aberdeen's
A big big thanks to Mr. Joey Warren for another year of a blog site that allows people to see what the democrats don't want you to see, know or consider. While it may not be widely know to most across Aberdeen it was no less important in two ways. One is the fact that the words and examples of the criminal and unethical misdeeds of the towns democrat only leadership got out. Secondly the democrats were irritated and aggravated by their politically corrupt self service also was being publicized. For that fact alone this never again will I vote Democratic Party at every level thanks the blog host. Mr. Warren is a man who cares far more for his former community than those elected to represent all of us to the best of their ability. Like Abraham Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address Of the people By the people For the people.
While not as famous as those words many words and facts were presented through this blog site and it demonstrates with 100% clarity that our democrat only elected officials did not have not and will not represent us the people, taxpayers and business owners of Aberdeen. I can only hope for changes to happen in this town.
How about this dems xmas time song *they're getting nothing for xmas* but make it *the dems deserve nothing but prison*.
F the corruptocrats killing our town
Happy New Year
Pot smoking prosecutor that sounds ridiculous except this is Aberdeen where all things seem to not be Believable. You know like only The mayorvsaying that only 67 school kids are coming out of the 1200 apartments approved in the past couple years and being built now. Then the big one when we complained about traffic hurting us on Cliffwood Abenue and they said student numbers or traffic could not be considered in the Anchor property development analysis. Simply put lies all lies.
Talkative? I hope he's talkative to the FEDS about the corruption he probably saw while working for the D's.
Traffic on Cliffwood Avenue is going to be a nightmare thanks to our so called leaders. It was bad with the trucks and factory before and now we can only wait and wait. Thanks for nothing Mayor Fred and the rest of you.
Where are the numerous phone calls advising residents of the warming station locations and hours? That's right I forgot the elections over. We are inundated when our politicos need votes but now when we've had a week plus of historically brutal weather we get nothing but ignored. You elected these idiots so don't be surprised that the failure and out of control spending continues. Right Joe?
Man it is cold outside.
You know how cold it is?
Politicians won't take their hands out of their pockets to take illegal bribes.
Except of course in Aberdeen where politicians will always take bribes no matter how cold it is.
Right Fred?
Three important attributes, Honesty, Integrity and Respect, that the Mayor, Montone and Martucci must remember and make part of their coming years as elected officials.
Remembering the Oath of Office they will take on January 6, 2018 is a solemn testament
to all of the people of Aberdeen.
honorable, morality, morals, ethics, high principles, righteousness, right-mindedness, virtue, goodness, probity, high-mindedness, fairness, incorruptibility, truthfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, rectitude, decency, sincerity, candor, frankness, directness, bluntness, truthfulness, truth, openness
INTEGRITY - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness
RESPECT - agree to recognize and abide by (a legal requirement)
Taken from a previous topic on the Aberdeener
N.J. "Oath of Office" or is it the "Oath of Abuse of Office"?
I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the Authority of the people; and that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform al the duties of the office of ___ according to the best of my ability, and that I will not use my office to grant preferential treatment, nor to seek personal gain, favor, or advantage not available to the general public. (so help me God* opt).
Keywords: I swear, support, defend, Constitution of the United States, true faith, allegiance, faithfully, impartially, justly, best of my ability, not use my office to grant preferential treatment, not seek personal gain or advantage not available to the general public.
Did the McDonald statue thief cop a plea yet? What an asshole a guy with all that money and he steals a statue. A statue with a felony value to boot. But the democrats love him for all the money he will give up to those politically greedy fuckers.
2018 calendar has names and positions already listed matching the agenda and resolutions for January 6, 2018 so when did they approve and vote.
Is this legal to approve things ahead of the official reorganization meeting without the public knowledge or open public meetings law?
OR, is Saturday just for show to make us think they are above board doing things legally?
So, they can have " LUNCHEON FEAST" on taxpayers money and celebrate.
FEAST was the word used after the 2016 reorganization meeting so since this is the mayor we are sure it will be bigger and better than before.
How do you get invited not that we would go, just asking?
Who caters the Feast and most importantly how much does it cost?
Hope the party planner uses an Aberdeen business.
Hey Fred is the $2.5m waterpark open today?
Thank you to our towns snow plow guys. It is just so nasty out and they're working hard.
Campaign flier had something about Streamlining Municipal Government so tell us exactly what does that mean?
Here’s some ideas, in case it was all talk, now just show us some action:
Decrease number of personnel back to 84 when the mayor said it was the leanest town around
Consolidate jobs so less standing around talking, going outside to smoke, talking on cell phone, long breaks with some more than others especially smokers who seem to go out often
Eliminate excess personnel such as those hired by manager as political favors, nepotism, friendship, favoritism and others we are not aware of. Almost forgot, babysitter.
Expect and Demand Accountability from the manager on down especially returning residents phone calls
Stop Exorbitant Raises for Certain “Special” personnel
Stipends – how many get them and for what jobs, see reports, don’t just give out money
Improve Staff Morale, by showing those that do not fall into the above categories, they are appreciated
Put an end to PARTIES and FOOD paid by Taxpayers money
Give us a town website that has current and accurate information as promised in 2012
It was announced that in May 2017 Holly Reycraft was going to leave/retire.
So, what's happening?
Here we are January 2018 and she is still here.
Surely, not because the council thinks she does a good job.
Ads/sponsorship (money) to offset cost of calendar
by the owner of Home Away From Home and Chairman, Carmine Visone, of the Aberdeen Economic Business Council
But, he sure has all of his information up on town municipal website – free publicity on our dime
Same goes for
William Parness, Parness Public Relations Associates who does paid PR work for Aberdeen and is a member of Aberdeen Economic Business Council
He also has all of his information up on town municipal website – free publicity on our dime
Why don't they pay for some ads as other members of the AEBC do?
What do these idiotic email blasts cost us taxpayers?
Not be believable?
What like
Lower taxes
Saving money by screwing over rookie cops
Drug using Councilman and prosecutor
Only 64 school kids out of a thousand condos
Recycling plant in Cliffwood screwing residents
Two media outlets for political cover
And the list goes on
Right mayor?
The rookie cop thing is true. Mayor Tags said the town would save money by lowering starting salaries. How is that true without doing an efficiency study to make sure that our police staffing isn't too heavy with higher ups and detectives? The rank and file officers struggle to answer the largest number of calls per day while far too many sit and hob nob to look busy. Take the sloth for instance who's done nothing for years but kiss ass and make excuses.
Party planning is hard work and in our town hall under the democrats is well deserved of a 30k increase in pay in six years. 36k to 66k isn't bad if you can kiss enough ass to get it. I mean there's the couple of phone calls to caterers in favor to the democrats. Then there's the buying candy for her desk. But most important is making sure Carmine is kept happy so he doesn't get his feathered boa ruffled and dime you out to his ahole buddy the mayor. Sooooeeeee
Don't forget the solar savings lie cause you know they all got paid off for that big tax spend. What do you think they got in payoffs for the big costly road machine they never used.
As for the statue stealer he probably got PTI from politicians in his debt or in his pocket or on his payroll who spoke up for the loser in a court room.
Right mayor? Why ask that liar anything? He's a politician so he does nothing more than lie to everyone he meets. You got to know his fellow politicians don't even trust him.
Guessing by now the Reorganization meeting and swearing in of candidates has taken place.
The reorganization today had Republican Assembly Woman De Maso and Republican Mayor Smith from Union beach both there to support Mayor Tagliarini and his Democratic team in other words game set match for what remains of the Republican party in our town, Aberdeen!
The county and state republicans have abandoned the local Republicans because it's just a habdful of disgruntled former employees and recent residents. People like O,Scanlan and Arnone and the others realize that Mayor Tagliarini has the best interests of the residents at heart so they support him and his team.A lot of former local Repeblicans feel the same way and have joined the Democratic team. In fact, Mayor Tagliarini himself was one of them! I hear that even 1 of your candidates last year is realizing his mistake and might switch.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
Got back yesterday and man is it cold at home
not as cold though as for some who corruptly roam
Neighbor shoveled me out so no ticket for me
shovel warnings on my phone and text waning me
Do your sidewalk they tell all of us to do or else
a big thing now as if us seniors have shovel elves
If only half of the towns residents shovel out as told
going after all the rest would be of course very bold
Nothing else to do but warn us all of a summons and fine
by these crooks who on our dime feast on very fine wine
And the democrat only political corruption rolls on or in the case of Corrupterdeen political corruption robs on.
Parking lot was packed for the democrats Saturday reorganization meeting when I drove by. Obviously the amount of ass kissers and hangers on of the democrats and their cronies has grown with all that developers money being spread around lately.
Either that or there was a mandatory all hands that are so deep in the taxpayer till that had to attend to be briefed on the political lesson of deny, deny and always deny that the town of Aberdeen is not in fact thoroughly and completely corrupt from the mayor on down to the janitor.
Either that or the party planner went all out to get another big raise before the town manager gets the boot. Seems no matter how hard mayor Fred tries he can't convince the other idiots on the council to fire her. I mean he must have demanded it six or seven times at least since hiring her.
Isn't that true Greg? Greg? Greg can you put the bong down Greg and pay attention?
They might have had to find a different caterer for this years Reorg meeting. A big screw up on the big waste of a town calendar left out the usual caterer D' Marco's over in the promised and get everything land of Strathmore. That screw up is typical inside town hall where no one checks the work and corrects the constant mistakes by too many in that building. It is little more than a fun house where the ride of accountability is always closed. One other thing I paid a bill inside town hall the other day and it was quite empty. Might have been so because of the holidays. I'll pay attention to who is doing or not doing what next time I am over there.
And all is great in Aberdeen according to Ivanasshole. The word great to Ivanwhore must mean
G Gregarious
R Repugnant
E Egotistical
A Arrogant
T Tedious
Two Aberdeen democrat politicians walk into CME headquarters
What happens next?
No one knows except it cost us taxpayers a ton of money and it won't benefit any of us one bit
Right Mr. Samuelson?
How did they screw over rookie cops when they're paying so much to the top guys who do nothing? You know like the sloth.
Only In Aberdeen.
Aberdeen Township is now hiring a detective secretary.
What does this mean? Must the person be a detective and a secretary?
Wow Greg you got that removed in hyper speed. So much for diversity huh Greg? Live long and prosper Greg. Not!
Accountability in Corrupterdeen is
Non existent in
Town hall
Political leadership
Town management
Town financials
Town infrastructure
A Absolutely corrupt political leadership
B Better move out because taxes keep going up up up
E Egotistical self serving politicians do nothing really
R Repugnant Councilman intimidates citizens
D Democrat only leadership no bipartisanship
E Everything done for big money to cronies-connected
E Economic business council does nothing for businesses
N Nothing gets done to benefit the community-tax payers
To: BC of Matawan
Too Much information
Both Personal with pix
And ending comment - Keep your head up with a name - definitely not confidential or professional for an elected person
In your long winded comment on All about Matawan
Right mayor? Actually it's wrong mayor and wrong town council for decades now. And that egomaniacal druggie lil shit Cannon too.
Wow is all I can say about the latest Cannon family thing on Facebook. I think the brother is brave to come out but he's got more than that to explain relating to his road rage arrest that got squashed mysteriously in his bros own courtroom. Why wasn't it moved out of that towns court is my first question. Where is the investigation of that much less all the other criminality is my second question. That town is like a backed up sewer it smells bad long before the flood happens.
Once again that useless business aebc guy is front and center with his a hole buddy the mayor in a picture of the opening of the Hidden Village apartments. What business is involved in an apartment building? Wait it's monkey business of course as in politically corrupt monkey business Aberdeen style. Useless is all I can say especially when this rumored politically connected apartment gets no low income Housing like the ines we've got in Cliffwood. Fair and balanced bullshit. I saw Swindle front and center so there must have been a bar.
More lies about Route 35 being improved should be coming soon. Gotta figure the dems have given out big funds to study and study what's so obvious. The dems ignored the areas for years so it wallowed and decayed. Aren't the dems ever able to stand up to their own mistakes.
With the extreme cold going deep into the loosely compacted soils of the new water park I wonder how much will it costs to repipe the waterpark if the pipes broke.
Andbthe pool club will
Open in 2018
Not open in 2018
Choose 1 and post your opinion
Thank you
The laughing bus riders of Shop Rite
Q. What has 200 apartments and not one apartment for seniors or low income people?
A. Hidden Village Apartments in Strathmore
Q. Why are all the low income only in Cliffwood?
A. Hidden Village projects has political clout
Q. Why didn't Swindle ask these questions?
A. He does what he is told to do by the mayor
Just like
Anybody ever consider that of all the really bad four letter words that FRED is the most offensive one to us Aberdeen taxpayers?
Guess the mayor,council and manager finally are getting the message that residents are watching how our money is being spent.
We noticed that photos of re-organization are nowhere to be found or else they are hiding them on a different site. Good, because we do not want to see them making like they are good for our town when they really are not.
The dems care about Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach every election season from October 1st until Election Day then it's back to Cliffwood who? Cliffwood Beach where?
What a family is all I have to say after this latest announcement.
Now Greg Cannon has a new mandate to worry about. Ouch I guess you never know.
Getting really cold out in Aberdeen. How cold? So cold that the warming stations are closed in town because they don't pay people to open them. Typical of scum politicians. Right Freddy boy?
Aberdeen Township Facebook
Christmas tree pick-up will resume once DPW has finished with the snow clean-up. we thank you for your patience and understanding.
Quin Bond On the Aberdeen Today page, the mayor had commented on a post that I had about usage of the trees for the dunes on the beach and had mentioned that he would be making some sort of announcement. I was wondering, what will DPW be doing with the trees?
Aberdeen Township we researched doing that for our dunes, unfortunately, because we have a narrow beach, and get water up to the dunes routinely, we would not be able to keep the trees in place long enough to build up the dunes. We do chip them and use them for compost so they are not wasted. We are continuing to look for other ways to strengthen our dunes.
What's with the mayor commenting on another Facebook page group about the dunes on the beach but not on town website for everyone to know what is going on in Aberdeen?
Does he not know Aberdeen has many different sections, not just Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach, with many people throughout the town who are interested in what's happening in our town but he seems to forget this and is always trying to make the issues about that area. There are issues all over and he should get his act together and show us he is the mayor for all not just those from 2 sections of town.
News reports have a lawyer taking money that was not his. Didn't that happen to one of the Kauff crew of miscreants. Another one was disbarred for theft years ago too. Honest hard working civil servants my ass. Right Fred?
Lawyer up mayor and council as it's coming sooner than you think.
Mayor Tagliarini:
What will you do your first 100 days in office, do you have a specific plan that you definitely want to get done in that time? Have you done anything yet since we know that it is January 14, 2018 so it is less than 100 days and then years after that. So, tell us please what you plan to do for us and our town.
We Want to Know.
Please honor a great man taken from us too soon. Martin Luther King is honored today in an America he would still feel has a long way to go. God Bless America
Did Aberdeen hold a MLK event today?
I'd still rather have hapless Republicans then
Self serving
Pot smoking
Law breaking
Developer bleeding
Citizen ignoring
Business ignoring
Student ignoring
Taxpayer ignoring
Self promoting
Free spending
All About Matawan has this
January 13 at 8:40am
Our current garbage hauler Solterra just started picking up the entire town of Middletown. $21.7million dollar contract and 10 trucks per day. Middletown has garbage, recycling, and bulk laying all over there streets. So needless to say they currently have their hands full.
Brett Cannon
Brett Cannon It’s a nightmare and we are stuck by government contract. In my short time, the complaints against this company are the #1 thing I hear.
I was thinking, Matt can I contract you out personally? ������ In all seriousness though, did your company put in? I wasn’t on council back when this went to bid.
So, is Brett Cannon trying to make a deal with a new company even though he says we are stuck by government contract? Wouldn't that be breaking the law?
Sounds to us like he is implying if he was on the council thinks might have worked out different.
Is Brett Cannon the mouthpiece of Matawan Council as his Brother Greg is on Aberdeen Council?
Where's the pics of the big buffet Mayor Tagliarini. You know if Frank Pallone shows up you'd put the feedbag on for his stupid ass. I remember being in the room the last time Pallone showed up at the meeting after Hurricane Sandy and you hid like a little girl. Pallone ran out like the lil pussy he is when we started getting loud as you and the other council idiots took pictures with that useless congressman from Long Branch.
The last reorg I went to Demarcos and Carmine both put food into the feast. All I see today is smiling no good politicians and a cake. Either they cut back or didn't take pictures of the feast. Maybe McAleer putting the big debt out to the public made the democrats think twice about the menu.
Councilcrook meeting is about to start so if I got it right that means it's almost time for the lying to begin by the corruptocrats.
There's some hankie pankie going on with the old Manna House. Looks like nothing's changing but the illegally attained wealth of the mayor and council. Who says crime doesn't pay? In Aberdeen it pays real good if you don't have morals and care little for your Oath of Office or swearing that oath on the Bible. Right Fred?
The mayor and council have no need to lawyer up in other words there is no investigation.
There hasn't been any 10 yr investigation. No big exposee by big Joe or anybody else. Not Stu Brown, not Joe Criscolo not anyone.No black cars pulling up to Mayor Tagliarini's house at 4am or anyone else's house either. The fired water dept foreman is content and retired in Florida, no exposee there either. The only "investigation" was more than 10 yrs ago, when the FBI ended up arresting the mayor of Keyoprt and other republicans. They took a look at our town, saw nothing was going on, nothing to see here, and moved on, that's it.
The Republican party in our town, Aberdeen, is reduced to a couple of disgruntled ex Democrats, Toomey and Mignatelli who couldn't be team players. Along with some recent residents who usuallu move on to other communities.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
Rest easy my fellow tax payers here in Aberdeen your hard working democrat only leaders are keeping things financially prudent.
Want proof?
Just look at the latest SOA Superior Officers Association contract negotiation and raises given to the top 4 police officers in Aberdeen by your democrat only politicians.
But there's a 2% cap so it's got to be no more than that right?
Think again my fellow Aberdeeners
Right Mayor Tagliarini
Right Deputy Mayor Montone?
Right Councilman Cannon?
Right Councilman Hirsch?
Right Councilwoman Kelley?
Right Councilman Swindle?
Right Councilman Martucci?
Think again Aberdeen because your political leadership is not thinking about you one bit,.
Just goes to show they start the year with the Aberdeen Mayor and council not doing things differently.
Private Public Relations company again doing the work of the Paid Public Information Officer of Aberdeen township. WHY?
Patch article:
Aberdeen Swears in Mayor and Council Members
Congressman Frank Pallone swore in Mayor Fred Tagliarini and Council Members Margaret Montone and Joseph Martucci on January 6.
by Lisa Kreda, patch contributor/employee of PR company | 3 days ago
Stop wasting our tax dollars.
More wasting of our tax dollars
Aberdeen Township Officials Welcome Hidden Village at VIP Event
Aberdeen Township Officials Welcome Hidden Village at VIP Event
Aberdeen Township Officials were on hand to celebrate the VIP Grand Opening of Hidden Ridge, a community of 200 luxury rental residences.
by Lisa Kreda, patch contributor | A week ago
I don't agree with Ivanhoe much, but in their post on 1/6/18 at 5:08 pm they brag about something that has become a problem for Aberdeen's Republican Party. That problem is people like Serena DiMaso and other so called "Republicans" giving aid and support to the Democrats. DiMaso did in fact attend the reorganization, just as she did 4 years ago when she said:
"Mayor Tagliarini is someone to be admired and truly a representative of all the people and does what is right for everyone, as does the rest of this Council. I live in Holmdel and I know what a great town this is. I am very happy to be here today and on behalf of the Freeholders, we wish all of you a healthy and happy 2014 and we wish the Governing Body of Aberdeen the best of luck."
Damn, with Republicans like that do we really need Democrats? Actually, she sounds like Ivanhoe! I wasn't at this year's reorg meeting, but I'm sure she said something just as gushy.
Last October it was Declan O'Scanlon expressing some Taggy love:
(on More Monmouth Musings) O’Scanlon, a Republican running to replace Senator Joe Kyrillos in the 13th legislative district, praised Tagliarini and the Aberdeen cops, “Congratulations to Aberdeen. Their new contract is an example of how the cap should work. Labor and management coming together and creating solutions that work for the community. Thanks to the creativity of Mayor Tagliarini’s team and the union negotiators, five young men or women will have new careers in law enforcement, public safety will be enhanced, the veteran officers and their families will continue to be fairly compensated and property taxpayers will not see their bills skyrocket. That’s how government should work,” the Assemblyman said.
If the local GOP can't count on its own state and county team members, that's a problem, and it will be as long as those officials keep kissing Tagliarini's ass. It would suck to be them if Fred decides to run for the Senate or Assembly.
Councilweedman has been very quiet lately. Must have got scared by Norm saying there'll be a change in the democrat ticket next time. We can only hope is all I can say.
Anyone know when Daylight Savings time is this year?
Guess the rules have been changed since it is listed as February 11 and March 11 on
Aberdeen township online website calendar.
IF ONLY Aberdeen could get it right. Doesn't anyone in management ever double check things that are published or put on website? From everything we see the answer most definitely is NO. They think they are perfect. Be assured NOT by any means is the answer.
Joey Mac I hope you read the press today about municipal lawsuit costs. Make them pay is all I can say. That and talk to the press they'll hate that most of all.
And the pool club will ____ ____ open this summer?
Whoop there it is Aberdeen. Yes it isanother corrupt year of our do nothing legal democrats awarding their politically connected supporters and friends and relatives their big money contracts. Done of course to ensure big kickback campaign donations for the jobs like the Public defender and Prosecutor. See they have to donate to the D's every year just like the Judge does. It seems that Cannon' illegal drug toking buddy is still the prosecutor for the town and that is still amazing and typical of Aberdeen.
And the democrat only political do nothing corruption continues.
F the democrats
And the do nothing olitical corruption rolls on
Go Eagles
I've been taking a break from poetry you see
Unlike our politicians and their thieves at CME
Once again I'm told of this years AEBC dinner
we can be sure us taxpayers wont be a winner
Held for politicians and business owners only
they don't want taxpayers there not so funny
More self agrandizing back slapping is that thing
not accomplishing anything but wasteful spending
Has McAleer given up yet cuz it takes a toll trying to out the crookedness in this town. On the drug prosecutor and druggie councilman alone there needs to be a big lookie loo.
Not much from the Lil shit lately. Maybe he got a dressing down from Mayor Fred.
1 of 100 safest communities run by the most corrupt politicians with the really big debt Joey Mac points out. Safety is great but the corruption is costing way too much.
Matawan-Aberdeen Patch
Aberdeen Named To NJ Top-100 Safest Cities List
Aberdeen placed 85th in the National Council for Home Safety and Security’s annual rankings of the Top-100 Safest Cities to Live in NJ.
by Lisa Kreda, patch contributor | 2 days ago
Why is the town continually using a private public relations company to put things on Patch when we pay a person employed by the town as the public information person?
We received 2 e-mails from the town with this story and wonder why the paid employee cannot put things on the Patch? Waste of our tax money paying a politically connected firm for doing the job a second time.
Please be aware that credit card machines are currently down at Town Hall. You do have the option to pay your utility bill online, although there are fees associated with paying online. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
Gee could it be there is no electric to power it.
Is this another way to get residents money? Pay online and get charged a fee?
MARQUEE in the front of town hall has not worked in MONTHS. Why?
What happened to all the Solar Power we have or should it be had?
What happened to the updated information we were to get showing usage and savings of solar?
One more thing to show how the council just spins every story!
Just got back from a quick vacation and saw the video and pics of Governor Murphy in Marlboro. Much like Tagliarini' buddy Carmino our asshole if a mayor was right behind Murphy firing the speech. Looks like our mayor Put on some weight because I saw Murphy and I saw mayor Fred standing right behind him but I couldn't see Carmine at all. Because he's always up the mayor Fred's ass as is usual.
Someone in Aberdeen either manager, mayor or boy wonder must read this site to see what is being done wrong. As you can see below it was mentioned the error in town calendar about Daylight Savings Time and it has been rectified.
Why do residents have to find this stuff and not anyone in town hall double checking
what is being put our to residents.
IF ONLY said...
Anyone know when Daylight Savings time is this year?
Guess the rules have been changed since it is listed as February 11 and March 11 on
Aberdeen township online website calendar.
IF ONLY Aberdeen could get it right. Doesn't anyone in management ever double check things that are published or put on website? From everything we see the answer most definitely is NO. They think they are perfect. Be assured NOT by any means is the answer. January 24, 2018 at 7:13 PM
Governor Murphy wants to legalize marijuana. Guess who'll name his next kid Murphy?
And the corruption rolls on under the dems
On your mark
Get set
Do nothing
Our Aberdeen only democratic reality
Time is on our side
Yes it is
Because investigations take time
State of NJ has allowed public voting dates for fire commissioners and most importantly budgets to be moved to November on Election Day. Aberdeen has moved to keep the fire election budgets the same in February when most voters don't vote. While volunteers are important significant monies and leadership decisions locally have been carefully controlled by a few people and millions in taxes have only been voted on by 90% by the firemen and their families only in February. This needs to change and our towns leadership has shown they don't care about us by allowing the vote to take place in the middle of the winter rather than in November when most voters vote and are most informed.
If at first you don't succeed
steal a Ronald McDonald's statue
Yeah that's a real asshole move
And he's Fred's go to boy for money in town
What happened to you Coach Fred?
What's going on with the lack of credit card use at town hall? Somebody not doing their job or paying a fee on time maybe? Like my water here in the beach something doesn't pass the smell test.
Any truth to our pols looking for people to open a legal pot shop in Aberdeen. That's all we need right? A pot shop permitted or courted by our pols after pawn shops, massage shops and numerous businesses closed in town. Oh that's right they've got all these apartments going up so they've been busy. Busy that is filling their pockets no doubt.
Snows coming again I can't wait for spring
Knowing that councilstoner he'll name his spawn Murphy Bongwater
What is a Cannonism? It's telling everyone who'll listen that your honest when you're really a self serving crooked politician.
See also
Is the Saturday spending meetings over yet? The corruptocrats call them budget meetings but all they do is spend. We know that better since Joey Mack publicized the 30m debt they've amassed is spend and hide.
Boy wonder rules in his own mi d but thinking Normans tired of the bullshit. True or false Fred.
McAleer is pushing buttons exposing the towns 30m debt and the council is pissed. Come on Joe didn't blow that money on greasing the engineers. No corruption in town sure there's no corruption they will say. Then where'd the monie go.
Donation boxes allowed in town now or what. I know we got approval for ours. Let me guess how long that box will be there. I mean it took 6 months to get rid of the graffiti on the old sushi place over there. But the mayor did get rid of the guy committed to keeping the town clean like nobodies business. So I guess the mayors happy as he drives around town not looking at the mess the town is. Losers all of them ain't that right Joey Mack.
And the pool club that is almost as much a laugh fest as our corrupt to the core politicians was supposed to be open for Memorial Day and guess what? More excuses more delays more bullshit. This time there's a hint that they can't pass inspections or something. Maybe the owners didn't make the right campaign donation this election.
Can one of the townhall idiots get rid of all of those plastic Christmas figures in the beach.
Joe you've gotta go down Texas Rd and see the house next to the bike path. You had it cleaned up years back but you know how things are now. It's a shit show around here.
Been away finalizing my new retirement home
now getting ready to sell my Aberdeen home
Met the mayor and town leaders while down there
nice guy to say the least unlike the idiots we have here
Told them what I wanted to do to make the property nice
didn't have to jump thru approval hoops and pay a big price
To say I am looking forward to saying goodbye to Aberdeen
would be an understatement to this town not so honest or clean
Meeting with realtors today and the sign is going up For Sale
37 years in this town and am glad to say goodbye but I'll rail
I'll rail before I leave against our dishonest political gang
hopefully they'll all end up on a prison worker road gang
Did you get this in your email from Aberdeen Township:
TIPS TO PREPARE FOR STORM: sent by Freddy T and crew
Shouldn't something like this come from the O&M person?
Must Freddy always have his "title- Mayor" in the news?
Let the people who are paid to do the job DO It.
And the red donation box is going to take how long to get removed out of our shopping center. A fireman I know says they've got those boxes for fund raising for the fire house due to a special approval from the town fathers. It only took six months to get rid of the graffiti across the highway after all.
Did anyone hear if the mayor was arrested? Told by my sister that she was stuck on Lloyd road and someone left a car in the road after a bad accident and the person went to a home nearby where he was arrested. Just another law breaking politician who'll probably get away with all of it. Look at what we have for leadership in town just druggies and law violators are in charge.
Budget address by our new Governor yesterday. There's a shock tax increases out the ass. Typical tax and spend democrat exceptbges an elitist Ashe just like Corzine was.
Hapless republicans are still better than the crooks we've had for way too long. They're spending our towns money on cronies and lining their own pockets through kickbacks. Just ask Ronald Mcroman.
Not the current mayor listed in the arrest sheet. This time anyway. Looks like there needs to be a driving school for former politicians around town lately.
That guy who has all those christmas things in his yard should be ashamed. Just like whomever is not telling him to take them down. You can bet when Manna House gets new occupants those christmas decorations won't stay up so long.
Ppl are still talking about Hillary's emails. What about Mark Coren's emails? When he was twp. manager he had his personal email linked to the town website. Everybody else, the mayor, council, had township email accounts but not him. His was an Optimum On Line, while the others were township. (I think we all know why) What information; personnel, litigation, residents concerns, etc.; went on his nonsecure account? Who did he share it with? Well?
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