Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bully Pulpit

At an open town meeting on December 16, 2014, the town council told Mr. Rizkalla
  1. The township’s million dollar water project did not cause flooding in his house
  2.  Had two experts visit his house who “cannot tell us anything the Township did is causing water in your basement”
  3. Will not release the reports of those “two experts”
  4. Offered Mr. Rizkalla $19,000 to go away
  5. That he’s welcome to get a lawyer and sue
Does that sound like the town is being honest?

Here’s another piece to consider.

The township is blocking disclosure of the engineer reports based upon the reports are protected “work product” prepared in anticipation of legal action. Fair enough. The reports probably are “work product.” However, in our country, the government works for us. Governmental institutions don’t enjoy the same rights to privacy as individuals. Freedom of Information Laws and the Open Public Records Act codify the public’s right to government records with certain exceptions.

Work product is a limited exception. As the town attorney surely knows, on July 21, 2014, in Martin E. O’Boyle v. Borough of Longport, the Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed the public’s “common law right of access”. The court further held as follows:
The attorney-client privilege shields the disclosure of documents otherwise accessible under OPRA . . . In order to determine whether the common law right of access applies to a particular set of records, a court must first determine whether the documents in question are public records. Second, the party seeking disclosure must show that he has an interest in the public record. If the record is privileged, the requestor must articulate a particularized need. Finally, once an interest is established, the burden shifts to the public entity to establish that its need for non-disclosure outweighs the plaintiff s need for disclosure. [Emphasis added]
The engineer’s reports are plainly public documents. Mr. Rizkalla has a “particularized need” in knowing if the township turned his home into a fish tank before he spends $100,000 to remediate the basement. Mr. Cannon, an attorney and town council member speaking on behalf of the town council, stated emphatically that the engineering reports do not show the township has any liability.

If so, how can the public’s need for non-disclosure outweigh Mr. Rizkalla’s need to know?

And that’s the crux of the matter. Mr. Rizkalla has the law on his side but the township has taxpayer money. The council can spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on legal fees and stretch the court battle over years. Mr. Rizkalla cannot.

Mr. Rizkalla is not a rich man. Mr. Rizkalla’s home is flooded and likely has mold issues.

So the town council, acting on behalf of the public’s welfare, offers Mr. Rizkalla some money and tells him to take it or sue.

Welcome to the bully pulpit.

>>> Read more!


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Anonymous said...

Now all of a sudden the Confederate flag is a big problem and weaklings are demanding it not be flown or be used as a representation of free thinking people In America. Did you know the KKK from it's inception and despit all the evil the KKK
ctually is the KKK uses the Ametican flag the great majority of the time. So if the Confederste flag is a problem now but the black, red and green striped flag with a big black fist in the center of the flag is not a problem for the liberals ruining our country then I have to ask how long until the American flag will not be allowed to be flown as the beautiful representation of our America as the home of the free and the brave? Think about it because under the likes if Obama, Clinton and those like them our American flag may not be waving freely on our houses or in public much longer.

Kim said...

Let the fun begin my fellow tax payers now if we could only see the democrats walk the perp line.

Just like George S said...

Jim Gearhart on the radio in the garage today when he said something so profound and true and fitting for our towns leadership decisions. The radio host said 'when you speak out against a dysfunctional leadership you're the one ostracized'.

Anonymous said...

Fireworks got rained on tonight

Know why?

Karma is a bitch

Karma because of the corruption of course

Anonymous said...

7/2/2015 8:44:50 PM EST - This is Aberdeen Twp. with a code red message on Thursday 7/2/15 at 8:30 pm. Due to inclement weather the fireworks show for tonight has been postponed and rescheduled for Sunday 7/5/15 8:30 pm at Firemen's Field located at the corner of Lloyd Rd. and Gerard Ave. Thank you.

Is everyone connected to town hall crazy or is it they just don't care what they do?

Why are we getting EMERGENCY CODE RED messages on our phone and email about this?

Stop abusing this important line?

Stop bothering us with this nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen Township web site has the following statement for:


Please take a moment to fill in the appropriate information below to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.

Why is Coed Red being used for a firework display?

Anonymous said...

Political corruption yes

Mismanagement yes

Ethical violations yes

Patronage hiring yes

Fireworks yes

Levitt said...

Why would we want to pick up the unlicensed, criminal element that lives on that side of town bring them to our function? It's bad enough that we have to carry the shame of them being associated with us. Why pour salt on the wound? That's all we need, those dirty people ruining our event. I hear one of them actually goes by the name dork man. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Fireworks is what we get from the corruptocrats. I hit the send ahead of the post being done from the previous post.

Anonymous said...

It is so fitting that the D's can't get the weather to cooperate because of their evil and total disregard for their duty to us the taxpayers and residents. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

The fireworks for the town sizzled but the really big fireworks go public starting next week. Lawyer up is all I can say to the Taggy Tag gang. Sure you've heard it before but this guy never let's go and I've been proud to help him with this shall we say will soon be the very public disclosure. Disclosure shall we say that's coming just in time for the big D election campaign kickoff.

CBeach said...

So typical is all I can say. Such a disappointment this town is.

Funny but truly sad said...

Confucius say

Town website tells us signs on tele poles is unsafe

Confucius say

It is unsightly to say the least and unsafe

Confucius say

Sign on pole has phone number to call so call the company to take them down

Confucius say

Is it that hard to figure it out for our towns employees to clean up the town

Confucius say

Sign on tele poles for weeks now mean no employees really care

Anonymous said...


Matawan And Aberdeen Residents: Reminder, Fireworks Are Illegal

New Jersey law prohibits individuals from using fireworks, and police in some communities in Middlesex and Monmouth counties are issuing warnings this weekend, reminding residents about those laws.

“It is illegal to sell, use, or possess any kind of fireworks without a permit,” State Police said on Facebook. “Each year, emergency rooms are filled with patients who are injured by illegal fireworks.’’

Police in Woodbridge, Middletown and Holmdel have issued warnings, cautioning residents against the illegal use of fireworks.

Anyone found guilty of using fireworks illegally can be fined up to $500 and may receive a jail term of up to 30 days.

100% truth is said...

It's going to be a beautiful day today in Aberdeen so go out and enjoy it.

Know why?

Because tomorrow the democrats get to criminally manipulate our money again to benefit themselves and their political cronies.

Anonymous said...

It really needs to rain on the parade of corruption that us our criminally corrupt political leadership.

Strathmore or nothing said...

Fireworks that were rained out last Thursday night have been rescheduled for tonight. Same time and same lame location of course. What Vinny wants Vinny gets. What you think they choose that location to best serve all the residents of the town. Don't you know that when you have a town of 18k+ residents and only about 300 show up for fireworks that is lame. Don't you know when you have a community day and only about 800 people show up that is lame. And don't you know we have a whole bunch of people working full time to plan and advertise these lame events that less than 1/5 of the town combined attends the exact same lame events. That is not something to be proud of of you town employees and bosses. That is of course except if you're a democrat in this town since then you can say we did something for you every 4 years at campaign time. What do they really do to improve such events or is it just it worked last year so we will just do the same lame thing and keep the natives happy. Natives of course that they don't want coming over to their Strathmore side of town of course. So don't look for any real notice to attend any events in Strathmore either if you live in 07735, 07721 or that side of town that's not Strathmore.

Anonymous said...

Happy July 4th weekend to Aberdeen residents.

Do you know how much Overtime pay will be paid to the police again for the "Annual Fireworks" aka Democrats vote getting day?

I say Again since they were on duty for Thursday's night rain out.

Do we know yet who paid for the Fireworks?

100% truth is said...

So my wife made me go to the fireworks last night and we even went early to put out chairs and let the kids play. It was typical and the usual suspects were there all patting themselves on the back and soliciting votes as I knew they would. I tried not hard to not throw up I assure you. I would say one thing that was nice to see was the fire services educational trailer. That was fitting in my opinion. Then the fireworks started and as the crowd did its usual ooh and ahh I myself did the opposite by saying to myself with every boom and swoosh and explosion I put my own slant on it by thinking to myself with each moan of the crowd momentarily amused and unaware of the costly political corruption at work on this night that was supposed to be entertain but was as expected from the D's purely a political ploy. Every single time I see an explosion of light I think back to the Aberdeen and all of the countless examples of the political corruption and hanky panky that is hurting this towns finances and future. So with every boom i'd think of another D act or hurtful or self serving decision by the D's. So with each swoosh and boom and ah I thought of the patronage family hires and then with the next one it was who paid for the fireworks and what inside track or special deal would they get that is 10X the cost they put into the nights entertainment that they wrote off really as a business expense.

The one guy sitting next to us with his girlfriend was very funny and I think he worked for the town since I was able to overhear him telling his girlfriend the inside dope on different people who were there as to who they were or what they did or didn't do. HIs favorite words describing some of those who walked by was kissass about this one and kissass about that one. That was really funny actually with the word kissass combined with some of the other comical play by play he described to her and especially about the council people in attendance shaking hands and lying to peoples faces. One of his comments was especially pointing concerning a job given out to a wife after a suspension or something like that. Overall the night was political at every turn despite it supposedly being a celebration for families. Maybe next year they can just shoot off the fireworks at a council meeting where the town council is dressed like the clowns they truly are. One could only hope that this towns voters could see through the smoke and flashes of light last night to see how really little this town does for us taxpayers. Sure the fire service and free shirts that I see at such things that do little more than direct traffic while seeking volunteers is a tome for another time. I have to catch the bus and earn the money to keep my family above water until the next tax increase finishes us off and forces us to move out of this overtaxed and underserved town.

Anonymous said...

Dog park? Yeah that's pure genius to shit up the beachfront area of town that every other towns leadership fight to improve. Not in Corrupterdeen though. Dog park ha ha ha

Union proud said...

Joe M you know the yellow stripes not being painted at the lot is a big F U to you because you brought it up.

Anonymous said...

Just another Monday in Aberdeen


Still no agenda for town council meeting for tomorrow night as listed on calendar.

Aren't there laws about having agendas and minutes available to public?

That's a fact Jack said...

How do you best describe total political corruption and incompetence of office and official position?






















Anonymous said...

Fireworks are illegal? Really? When did this happen? Do you need to be informed to wipe yourself after you defecate as well?


New Jersey law prohibits individuals from using fireworks, and police in some communities in Middlesex and Monmouth counties are issuing warnings this weekend, reminding residents about those laws.

Matawan guy said...

It's not confucius funnies in your town hall it's confusion. And worst of all your do nothing Mayor and Town Council know your towns administration is extremely dysfunctional. Don't look for any changes this election year either. And I though my town was bad and I was wrong compared to your mess. It is simply look the other way when it comes to the total lack of accountability or real substantive analysis of each and every department and division in your town when there is supposed to be occasional shakedown analysis of the entire town. Instead of that in your town you get tax and spend or better yet overspend.

Anonymous said...

July 6, 2015 5:54PM

Email from Aberdeen

The new meeting agendas have been posted along with new resolutions and one new ordinance. To view these items, please click on the links below.

Council Meeting Agendas

Council Meeting Resolutions


Do not forget the Council Meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Court Room!

Who writes this junk.

"Do not forget"

are you people crazy to allow this.

We are not idiots as many on council and in town hall act like.

How about something like

"Reminder: Workshop meeting begins at 7:30pm with council meeting to follow"

Show RESPECT for the residents/taxpayers who pay your salary.

And, it is about time you posted the agendas.

Trick being can you find them on website easily.


Screw Up again.

Anonymous said...

Yes republicans please do something. Like the bang up job they're doing in Matawan. What's the average tax bill there? And how long did they pay that top cop to sit home and do nothing? You can clone Reagan and bring him here and your taxes still aren't going down. Get over it or move out of the state.

"I beg the republicans to please republicans do something cause we cannot endure another term of democrat scum."

I sec said...

Welcome back from ocean city and as you said nothing has changed or will change as long as the corruptocrats are in charge.

No political corruption my ass said...

Paid for the fireworks?

See Webster's dictionary definition of

Political donor who

Was possibly awarded no bid contract for municipal work

Has possibly employed town employee spouses

Was possibly member of business group

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't our police be remaining on duty during fireworks displays since the community green shirt team of volunteers are at those events often doing traffic type things. It wouldn't make sense that police would be on very expensive overtime when the volunteers could take up a lot of the duties and keep the police looking out.

Anonymous said...

Didn't the town pay for the fireworks? I'd think our taxes paid for it. Anyone really know who paid or did taxpayers. The truth this time if you please we don't need any comical corruption posts needed since we know our politicians are do nothing crooks.

Anonymous said...

Town hall is open again so let the democrat looting begin. Only about 121.5 hours until the democrats can't touch our money over the weekend. At least for a couple days until the next Monday morning anyway. Right Freddy boy?

Go figure said...

Looks like none of the do nothing politicians read this blog any longer. I suggest this due to the fact business display signs are still on many of the telephone poles in town. And we pay these people big money to not do anything or maybe they just don't care.

Anonymous said...

The wheels of progress are so very slow in Aberdeen.

The crosswalk has been without paint for quite some time plus the lines for cars exiting the parking lot.

But, guess what, Aberdeen's Facebook page has a picture of a public works crew painting lines. FINALLY.

From 1/20/15 Council meeting agenda Public comments

A resident from West Concourse stated at the train station on Atlantic Avenue there is a crosswalk that goes to Aberdeen Station needs to be painted and signs that say Must Stop for Pedestrians. Can you please talk to New Jersey Transit to paint the crosswalk.

Mayor Tagliarini stated we will intercede with NJ Transit.

Did it really take the mayor from January to June to find out that New Jersey Transit does not paint lines on streets in our town?

Gee, he could have asked his good buddy public works man of course that is if he even knew it is his department's job.

Dumbing down of Aberdeen.

Anonymous said...

From the Patch

Matawan, New Jersey - ‎Account Executive at Parness & Associates
Lisa Kreda. Account Executive at Parness & Associates. Location: Matawan, New Jersey; Industry: Public Relations and Communications ..

Aberdeen Township will host a Doo-Wop Night on Thursday, July 16 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Guisti Field in Cliffwood.

1. Why is the public information not doing her job?
2. Why is outside PR company doing this?
3. Why does the town council not do something about this?
4. Why does the town employee get paid when someone else is doing her work?
5. Where the hell is Guisti Field?

Anonymous said...

Inadvertently met up with the republican candidates tonight and it's official we are doomed. Right Freddy boy?

Levitt said...

Your damn right we don't want 07735 or 07721 trash in our lovely sections. Oy, the thought makes me cringe.

Without a doubt said...

When a singular corrupt political party is in office too long and accomplishes nothing that benefits the community that they are sworn to represent what do you call that?

D Democrats

E Egotistical

M Malingerers

O Obnoxious

C Crass

R Rats

A Assholes

T Tedious

S Scum

Corruption BOOM said...

Fireworks sponsor is not all they squeeze that guy for I hear the other night.

Not funny said...

Does the connected to family media hire get paid by the picture? So many pictures with so little to show for it much less understand what the picture represents. Maybe it's time for the town council clowns to decide on either a politically connected media cronie or the family media hire to be laughed at.

Anonymous said...

Hey matawan guy I got a question for you. That big building going up over by borough hall is really big. Where's the parking for all of that place gonna be. I'm just sayin that's gonna need a lot of parking spaces.

Mo funny shit said...

Slippeyr dippery hop

Our tons leadership is a flop

I hope they soon all get theres

And they all get arrested and driven to jail by a cop

Mayors trophy my ass said...

Please tell me how much tax money it costs to sponsor the only the police and road crews families really watch them play softball to win the asshole of a mayors trophy. I mean come on all you have to do is just look at the pics. No members of the public seem to attend from the pics I saw. Granted we have to endure the idiot mayos invite to come out there and end up watching the fireworks and all but that location sucks.

Uh huh said...

You expect our police chief to advise people that fireworks are illegal? That would make sense if our police did anything to people who had the illegal fireworks and got arrested for that. In other words our cops don't do a thing. They are just like the do nothing politicians that let the do nothing cops walk all over them.

I have to know said...

When will the FEDS save us and arrest these political crooks that call themselves our political leadership?

Truth is said...

And worst of all the mayor and council know they do nothing.

It figures said...

If the earth was decimated by weather or governments battling the only things they say would survive would be cockroaches and politicians.

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen Township will host an emergency preparedness meeting on Thursday, July 30 at the township's Municipal Building.
By Lisa Kreda (Open Post) July 8, 2015

Again, public information sent out by private pr company.


We, taxpayers, pay for a employee whose job title states this is the public information person responsibilities and want to know why she does not do her job when it seems that all she does is takes photos latest being the 99 photos of softball game and fireworks on facebook.

Manager, Mayor and town council must stop the insanity and start thinking of TAXPAYERS!

Anonymous business owner said...

Do yourself a favor and find the towns business council list of accomplishments that is floating around. Talk about spreading lies and mistruths. They like the corruptocrats are masters of deception. If only they could use their power for good and not political evil.

Anonymous said...

Asked about the code officer inside town hall today and the girl said he's still out. Must be nice to have all that time off and the tax payers paying the freight.

Anonymous said...

Want hear a bad joke?

What do you get with 20 years of only democrat party political control?

Nothing at all

True Nd not funny

Right Coach Fred?

Such a disappointment all of you are

Anonymous said...

Who is the overpaid asshole in townhall that chose the lousy location on Atlantic Av to put the 25 MPH paint that you can't see. Even when these assholes try they fuck it up. As simple S this they can't do right.

What my 12k in taxes gets me said...

Softball game with fireworks?

Community day?

Car show with band?

Movie night?

Unneeded development rushed though politically?

Projects dumped in one area of town?

Beach area dilapidated and unused?

Connected so called professionals on no bid crony contracts?

Tax increases without just cause?

No real financial or workforce analysis ever in this town?

Fire Departments with over 3m in reserves for what?

Patronage hiring without need?

2 media outlets not needed at all?

Business group that does little to help majority of businesses?

Police force that costs over 4m?

Town management not respected?

Town leaders not respected?

Possible recent cover up firings?

What are your taxes and what do you expect?

My name is Henry said...

Talk about a strange coincidence I had today. I'm first off not a normal contributor to this blog and do find many submissions flawed. Anyway today I get off the train and get to a doctor's appointment and there's a few people ahead of me. As I take a seat my phone rings and I have to give my address to the caller. As I end the call the man across from me says to me did you vote in the last election. I respond yes I did and I said I made a big mistake keeping the Democrats in office and I told him it's too long to have one political party in power.

This man looks at me straight in the eye and say well I am going to do al I can this election to get people to think before they vote. He goes on to tell me that during Hurricane Sandy he and many others lived for a long time without power and he said emphatically the towns powers failed us. He gave me numerous examples and recounted a meeting held at town hall that he said the Mayor ran from it after a big shouting match from many in attendance of the towns response and effectiveness.

I found it strange that this mans fervor was so fresh and raw and I could see it in his eyes he was very upset still over this. I can only say I wished him well and I agree one party rule must be stopped now. I urge all of you who read this to seek out your neighbors and friends to think before they vote this year. I would like others on here urge people in town to look around.

What if said...

Have you ever thought how good this town could be to live in if leaders and management conducted themselves legally and worked in the best interest of the residents, taxpayers, students and us business owners in Aberdeen?

Garage said...

Your right union p they hate Joe for saying it needs to be done. If he did nothing all day long or came to work drunk a bunch of times he would get promoted. They still don't get it he does his job and the town is much better for it. I wish the guy in my town did half of what he seems to get done. If Joe brings it up it's like they ignore it and it is a big fuck you to him from the top. Now with Joe home hurt they can still blame him. The most insulting thing is they do our contracts saying they have no money except they got money when they want to and when they want to give it to one of their pets.

Anonymous said...

Its not a town hall idiot that probably picked the spot to be painted. You gotta know the a hole dems always use the engineers for everything. So cme is the asshole that picked the spot more then likely.

Anonymous said...

The list of overpaid idiots in town hall is long and distinguished. Right Freddy boy?

Matawan guy said...

I respond to your question about the construction by Walgreens with the following. I have no idea as it looks like me there will not be enough parking. Ironically the same parking concerns were raised with the Aberdeen boards and council concerning the political rush to approval of the 200 apartments on 34. I guess they'll put cops in a guard shack to keep the peace when people start fighting over parking. Why do people that get elected think they can be experts in everything when they are actually experts in nothing.

Anonymous said...

What if? That's funny but it's never going to happen. Why? Because they're all self serving democrats sworn to serve the evil monster that is CME Engineering and allow themselves to be controlled by the power bosses who pull their political puppet control strings. Isn't that right Norman?

Cambridge said...

My builder put up a sign when doing my house repair and the town made him take it down. The huge sign up the hill has been out there weeks and nothing. I guess that guy made the right donation to the right inspector.

Kim said...

I saw the painted speed notices and they are in bad spots. I think they need to be on an upside not downside. Maybe they will get it right the next time.

Keith said...

This towns leaders run the town with the best interest of the people?

Hahahahahaha no fucking way and not under these democrats.

They're out for themselves and that is all but obvious.

All you have to do is look around or ask yourself what have the democrats done to benefit our communities residents or businesses.

I mean look for anything they've done that has really benefited the businesses and residents.

Like my Gramps used to say words that come out of a politicians mouth mean nothing if those words are followed by inaction.

I sec said...

Is Councilman Cannon really a lawyer?

Anonymous said...

I've been listening to fireworks going off on Atlantic Avenue for over a half hour now. Guess our police force is either busy or at the party that is setting off the ILLEGAL FOREWORKS.

Anonymous said...

No corruption my ass

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Hazlet Business Owners Association

Congratulations to the HBOA Scholarship Winners!

MANY thanks to all the HBOA businesses that assisted in raising the funds for this Scholarship Program. We gave a total of $2,000.

And then we have Aberdeen Economic Business Council.

What have they done for our high school seniors in Aberdeen?

Nothing, as far as we know.

But their claim to fame is a Job Fair.

So, we want to know why only 4 Aberdeen businesses were participants and we want to know how many Aberdeen residents attended looking for jobs?

Aberdeen businesses that participated included Quality 1st Basement Systems, Abigail Consulting Solutions, Mountain Energy Solutions, and The Tutoring Center.

How much, if anything, did participants have to pay to be there?

How much did it cost to have this job fair?

Most of all, we want to know how does the type of event benefit Aberdeen?

Is this just an ego builder for Mayor and Chairman of AEBC?

How many businesses do we have in Aberdeen?

How many are members of the AEBC?

AEBC should check out Hazlet Business Owners Association website and information and learn something from them.

Namely, they have all business names listed, accomplishments they have achieved and then some.

Time for AEBC to really do something positive for our community.

America said...

What flag is next to not be able to be displayed? What happened to freedom? What happened to America? Liberalism happened and that is ruining America without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

Here is how you can get some action 12k in taxes. Go to a council meeting with a list of things you have concerns about. There is a part on the agendas, when they get printed that is, that lets members of the community speak. Give your list to each of them and then read it to them. This being an election year they will do everything and anything you want. If you can bring a couple of your neighbors that would be good also. If you don't tell them they won't do anything. They don't care but since it's an election year that's your shot. That and the fact you pay a lot of taxes compared to us in the beach you'll get action right away. We are used to being ignored and only have the occasional election year gift to look forward to. Right Freddy boy?

Charles St. said...

Just got home from vacation and while checking the mail I see an orange card announcing the town emergency preparation night. Why don't the corruptocrats just say it's a democrat candidates night instead of lying and using our tax money crminally. These crooks couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

100% truth is said...

All the tax money wasted all these years to prop up the evil engineers to fund the dems campaign of corruption.

Mick Mars said...

I miss the old guy with the ridiculously black hair.

Taxpayer reality is said...

1:27 left before the democrats continue to misspend our tax money. In other words just another day in corrupterdeen.

Bike rider asks said...

I have to ask when are they going to get the old factory taken down in Cliffwood? I was riding through Holmdel this weekend and it's a beautiful view to the north until you see that big white scrap heap off in the distance. It does not look good for sure for our community.

The new America? said...

Transgender is ok

Same sex marriage is ok

But a flag that represented a civil war hell no it offends some people

What if you are offended by the first two above?

That makes you a bigot, racist and homophobe

That is our new liberal America

Commuter Ken said...

I didn't see a parking ticket on my way to my car tonight.

Commuter Ken said...

I didn't see a parking ticket on my way to my car tonight.

Tired of BS said...










Without a doubt said...

Ever notice how even when it's a beautiful day in town there's still always a cloud of political corruption over the muni building?

Without a doubt said...

Go figure says that the corruptocrats don't read this blog anymore. I think they look on here every single day since they fear what would, could or should be on here next regarding their do nothing much leadership.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about you but I haven't seen the street sweeper in months. Another thing Mr. Laura always did was keep the town clean.

Anonymous said...

Savings from solar the democrats tell us? Just more lies to overfund the engineers who probably didn't do shit but cut and paste. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

Tax savings from development the corruptocrats told us.

Honest truth said...

Democras in this town do what? Nothing is the corrupt answer and worst of all they know it and don't care.

Anonymous said...

The pool club not being open screams it's not open because of political corruption. Bet the owners didn't make the right donation to the local political power.

Concerned citizen request said...

Just in case any of the owns politicians are reading this we need the trees trimmed over the street on Beckstein by the computer lot entrance.

Concerned citizen request said...

Just in case any of the owns politicians are reading this we need the trees trimmed over the street on Beckstein by the computer lot entrance.

Taxpayer reality is said...

Countless examples of nothing positive being accomplished in this town under the D's and they dare to seek reelection. There a joke. A very big and very expensive political joke.

Big thank you said...

Thank you Mr. Warren for keeping this site alive since I am sure the corruptocrats hate it. Their guilt is there problem and they know they're all guilty.

Big thank you said...

Thank you Mr. Warren for keeping this site alive since I am sure the corruptocrats hate it. Their guilt is there problem and they know they're all guilty.

Anonymous said...


Commuter musings said...

Just passed over the speed marks on the way to my train. I agree they are in bad locations and need to be relocated. What's worse is that they've been there for some time and should have been relocated. If not changed it'll just be typical of an administration that cares little for what gets done under their leadership. I realize the word accountability is seldom used in government and this is not the extreme example. It is though an example of lack of supervision and management.

Anonymous said...

And the corruption and mismanagement rolls on. In other words just another of inept democrat control in Aberdeen. Right Freddy boy? Such a disappointment you are Freddy boy.

Anonymous said...

And the corruption and mismanagement rolls on. In other words just another of inept democrat control in Aberdeen. Right Freddy boy? Such a disappointment you are Freddy boy.

Anonymous said...

I heard there's going to be a movie shoot coming to Aberdeen. I hear the title of it is

The curse of the do nothing democrats

What do you expect after 20 years of nothing?

Mo funny shit said...

After the 7th day of creating all things the Lord our God rested. On the 8th day the democrats developed and everything went to shit.

Anonymous said...

Before you analyze the PD work production you better analyze the manager and what she does or doesn't do. Right George?

Stop the corruptocrats insanity said...

How much did the corruptocrats favorite engineers get paid to pick those spots on south atlantic avenue for the idiotic mph paint job?

Without a doubt said...

Is the town going to make sure Lloyd Road is repaved because that construction is f'ng up the road. It's gonna be a mess if the water company don't repave that road.

Just more democrat lies said...

Just left the Doo Wop nite hahaaha wop hahahahahaha car show political nite for candidates is all it is on our dime. By the way the Independent news had a political campaign article where Mayor Asswipe Tag-liar-weenie thanked his a hole buddy Carmine and the business group lady along with not so coincidentally all the democrat candidates on the success of the job fair. like they did anything but show up and one showed up sober maybe.

Anonymous said...

My buddy just asked me if Stevie Wonder painted the 25 MPH indicators on South Atlantic Avenue. That's fucking funny I'll tell you and we pay these people to screw up. Right Freddy boy?

Retired and loving it said...

Commuter musings says there's no management and accountability. Talk about perceptive is all I can say about that. Manager does nothing without her strings being pulled unless it involves the cops or animals I hear. She loves dogs and that is one thing she pays attention to i'm told. The town on the other hand I also hear she don't give a shit about. Talk about short timers disease I guess that's her problem. And what she did to my brothers last summer was a crime much less the forced retirement and suspensions handed out by those who did far worse was insulting. She like all her puppet masters in my old town are ludicrous and I am just glad I did not have to work under them or Johnny boy for that matter either.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit I heard that the corruptocrats held that doowop thing in Cluffwood. Did they really? I mean there must've been as many cops as attendees to protect the mayor and council from "those people from Cliffwood" right Ms. Reycraft. Anything for a vote these lowlife scum.

100% democrat truth said said...

700 comments on this subject post have been added to the thousands more from prior topics that truthfully exemplify the problems, mismanagement, inside cronies dealings, illegal developmental dealings, needless political and patronage hirings and far worse. And how many by name or official denials by the democrat thugs corruptly controlling Aberdeen? None is the guilty answer despite the thousands of examples of the democratic misdeeds and criminality on here for years. Know what they call that? Guilt by silence is the truthful answer concerning the democrats and their cronies and the incompetent management team. It is so obvious they just cash their checks and don't give a shit.

Over and out 10-4 said...

Showed up sober that is funny and probably not true. He does like his drink for sure and one more thing we did not pick the spots for the roadway speed limit warnings.

Over and out 10-4 said...

Just reading the recent postings and a big yes is the answer to I sections question as to if Councilman Cannon being is a lawyer. Cannon's got legal experience and way too much experience in pushing his buddies into positions they don't deserve. He also has experience in ignoring railroaded officers. His worse crime is protecting the spineless manager who cannot manage much less make a decision without the chiefs input. We all call her the hockey puck since she's only good at getting pushed around like a hockey puck on the slippery political surfaces the sloths nephew don't clean.

Anonymous said...

You people attack everything the town does. I mean I agree the dems as in dem bums that call themselves our *leadership* don't really do anything substantial but the paint warnings by town hall may actually be a teaching tool. Think about it for a secondMaybe the town is trying to help us in a really stupid way. So what if the dems are trying to teach drivers to read those warnings upside down. What if the town oh just forget it the dems puppet manager won't hold anyone responsible for this latest screw up anyway. I'll post this anonymously so I can leave my driveway in my car and not get pulled over every time I hit the road.

Commuter Ken said...

Have to go to work today and as I am standing on the platform what do I see? Workers are painting the parking lot. I guess nobody took the time to check the weather in Aberdeen. The skies are rumbling and the clouds are ominous and still there's workers in orange shirts painting spots. Now I see what you taxpayers are all talking about on here. My town of Holmdel is expensive to live in yet I doubt they would allow workers to paint in the rain.

No political corruption my ass said...

It's politicianss second lesson when using taxpayers money

Why pay 1 media consultant when you can pay 2 *especially when number 2 is a council persons family member

Without a doubt said...

The corrupt democrat party silence is deafening

Christmas in July said...

Its so darn hot outside I hope our mayor and council met into a pile of ooze dry up and blow away.

County Rd. said...

Sober is funny :) I bet I know which councilman that is. He does nothing over in fact he does less for us than Ms.Gumbs did and that's saying something about someone who really did nothing for us over here. Got to figure Ms.Simms will be next to be the do nothing representative after Swindle gets finished not doing anything for his own neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Seems some of us need to clean our keyboards. I cleaned mine just now because 2 posts I put up stuck on enter and duplication of post stopped.

What freedom is left? said...

What's next for the liberal left? They've taken over California and now the northeast is pussified so now it's time to liberalize the south and they start with the confederate flag? The black fist on the black panthers flag is just fine I bet fro all of the years of white oppression? White oppression my ass the minority community has been taken care of to the point that they don't have or want to work. And I mean all of the minority communities the democrats have spoon fed with our tax money for decades rather than making them work for the assistance that is now a given, no now an expectation from birth.

Matawan guy said...

It's actually a lack of repeatedly flawed supervision and equally and repeatedly ineffective management decisions and worst of all you mayor and council know it and ignore it time and time again. They also won't do anything to change things for the better because it's an election year and it would be embarrassing to change management again. Early tee time before the heat so you'll have to once again wallow in your corruption all of you taxpayers in Aberdeen.

100% truth is said...

So much tax money and so little accomplished that benefits any of us taxpayers or businesses in this community under the democrats. Please vote for change from this one party rule nightmare. Democrats are not the only game in town and they've hurt all of us with their self service geared decisions for two decades.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what the biggest democrat success in town is. They haven't hit caught yet for all the corruption and that amazes even them.

Kim said...

Does anyone do anything about the potholes in parking lots. My son tripped in one going to the bowling alley Saturday and when my husband told the counter girl she did't even write anything down. While he just scraped his knee there is a few big holes in that lot. I have an officer on my street and I am going to ask him to look at it if he can. You'd think the center owner would keep an eye on that type of thing.

I sec said...

Why take just 1 picture when nobody will really look at 99 pictures taken anyway. At least the do nothing dems can say the family media hire did something for the way too much money we pay them for. Cause God knows they don't do anything worthwhile. Right Mayor do nothing.

100% truth is said...

The politicians and incompetent leadership in Aberdeen better not think it's hot outside today. Know why? Because this is nothing compared to hell where they will all end up for all of their crimes against all of us.

100% truth is said...

The politicians and incompetent leadership in Aberdeen better not think it's hot outside today. Know why? Because this is nothing compared to hell where they will all end up for all of their crimes against all of us.

Mo funny shit or is it? said...

How many democrat candidates does it take to change a light bulb?


One to hold the ladder

One to climb the ladder and change the lightbulb

And one to keep Councilman Swindle from falling down drunk

Without a doubt said...

In case any of the geniuses in charge of the towns website care a large amount of photo displays of community events are coming up as not being available as per a google indication that comes up instead of the photos.

Better get it fixed if you want to keep your phony baloney jobs.

After all it's a big keep the corruption going campaign year. for the corruptocrats that are ruining this town with their promise them everything political propaganda campaign that never accomplishes anything that benefits the community.

Stop electing the do nothing democrats if you love Aberdeen. .















No corruption my ass said...

It seems that the democrats favorite donor

Quality First Basement of Cliffwood always has the inside track on all contracts for municipal work advertised

?according to the law?

Sure they do since they also seem to be the towns official spousal employment agency.

If it looks like it's illegal

If it smells like it's illegal

If it feels like it's illegal

And if it's happening in Aberdeen under the democrats

You can be damn sure it's illegal

Anonymous said... says this morning that the A&P across town will soon close. Let's see what the business council and the CarmiFred idiots take credit for when Stop and Shop takes over the A&P that's already announced to be a strong possibility. It would be just like CarmiFred to take credit for doing nothing. Doing nothing? Doing nothing? That is all CarmiFred could truly take credit for. Right Mayor Carmino?

Interesting said...

From the Office of the Monmouth County Prosecutor Website

Special Prosecutions Bureau

Public Corruption Unit

The Public Corruption Unit was created in January 2006 and investigates all crimes that involve the violation of public trust. This includes embezzlement of public funds, misuse of public office, bribery, official misconduct, election fraud, misconduct by corporate officials, bid rigging, and allegations of criminal misconduct by attorneys.The investigations which this Unit handles are typically sophisticated and extensive. As a result, the Unit is staffed by investigators who are trained and experienced to handle all levels of public corruption cases within the County. From its inception, the goals of the Public Corruption Unit were to enforce integrity at all levels of public office and to ensure that public officials execute their duties in an ethical manner and are accountable for their actions. To achieve these goals the Unit is committed to investigate and prosecute all criminal conduct committed within the County by corrupt public officials at the municipal, county and state levels of government.

Anyone with information concerning crimes involving a violation of the public trust should contact the Public Corruption Unit at 732/ 431-7012. Complaints will remain confidential and be expeditiously assessed.

Mom said...

They really need to send the media person to a picture taking class. I dabble myself and it is obvious that she thinks more is better. It is not and it shows.

Failure said...

Aberdeen Does it Again!

Note on website states "Recently, we have received phone calls regarding fox sightings".

The fox sightings were where?

Is everything a secret here in Aberdeen?

Information failure again.

I saw Coren said...

I saw Mark Coren on State Street in Trenton today. I only hope he was talking to investigators about the costly and historic democrat political corruption that has ruined our town.

Warren Drive said...

I'm sitting at the light at Lloyd and 34 and there it is the sign that tells how ignorant and desperate the democrats are. That's right boys and girls it's the Aberdeen Day sign advertising the towns community pride day that is over two fucking months away. One other thing I must ask is how can that big a sign be allowed to block a major intersection like that?

Anonymous said...

Pure incompetence and financial mismanagement and trickery is what we pay our taxes for in this town. It was quite evident to me last night. I've been awaken to the disregard and contempt the present town leadership has for its citizens. I witnessed complaints just be almost ignored and scoffed at in the least. It is quite obvious there is no respect for the citizenry in this municipality. Let the race begin I say.

Anonymous said...

Pure incompetence and financial mismanagement and trickery is what we pay our taxes for in this town. It was quite evident to me last night. I've been awaken to the disregard and contempt the present town leadership has for its citizens. I witnessed complaints just be almost ignored and scoffed at in the least. It is quite obvious there is no respect for the citizenry in this municipality. Let the race begin I say.

Matawan guy said...

Did any of the idiots in your town hall check their calendars? I mean there's something to be said for advanced notice and all but over two months in advance of the towns community day? I mean they all know that day is just a big political please vote for me despite the fact i've done nothing for the last three years for you and your family meet and greet. I just can't help but to laugh at all of you in Aberdeen that put up with this idiocy and obvious favored crony advertising because that's all it is really if you think about it. Over two months early is only one of two things. It's either desperation or favoritism to the businesses on the sign that must be big contributors or friends or relatives of the towns politicians. Either way it is ridiculous to see play out much less having to look at these signs for two months.

KIm said...

I see the businesses have chipped in or better yet been overly charged to be on the signs for Aberdeen Day. Funny how the town engineers don't ante up to be on those signs. What am I saying? WE of the Aberdeen know that all the engineers money goes for the democrats campaign. Silly me what am I thinking? I forgot for a moment where I live and what political party is ruing our town. .

Anonymous said...

Was there a do nothing democrat only council meeting last night? The last one they cancelled illegally without any notice to the public so I've got to ask on here since the so called political leadership here in Corrupterdeen are the annual winners of the taxpayer betraying game that is political corruption aka democrats hide and seek. God forbid this mayor and council follow the law much less properly inform the public that they are all supposed to represent and serve to the best of their abilities. Best of their ability my ass is all I can say to that. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

Where's my BE PREPARED for another 4 MORE YEARS OF DEMOCRAT THIEVERY AND CORRUPTION warning notice in my mailbox? No corruption my ass.

Anonymous said...

I used to write

And the corruption rolls on

Then I wrote the corruption rolls on and on

Now I need to write

And the patronage rolls on

And the family and friend hires rolls on

And the mismanagement rolls on

And now it's the insider deals on municipal contracts for big political donors I hear

I borrow this last sentance

No corruption my ass

Anonymous said...

10:10 is a radio station but in Corrupterdeen 10:10 is just the corruption time under the 24 hours of corruption under the D's. Right Freddy boy?

Without a doubt said...

Met a couple of the republican candidates last night at the council meeting. The whole time I am listening to them all I hear in my head is the song "If I *the*y only had a brain". But guess what? I'd rather vote for them then the criminals we have now any day.

Just another day in corrupterdeen said...

All this complaining

All this mismanagement

All this corruption

Know what that means?

They're democrats

Expect nothing less is our reality

Anonymous said...

Yo I got yo Carmine right here

Anonymous said...

You people keep asking what have the democrats done. Take a ride around those of you who live in Strathmore. Come over the Cliffwood Beach or drive around by the middle school or just take a ride in the County Road area if you want to see what the political leaders or town managers over the years haven't done for a large segment of our Aberdeen.

Anonymous said...

Who was the democrat that Norman Kauff sent to shakedown developers they called *The Milkman?

Anonymous said...

I hear the line for political favors for residents is out the door. Oh yeah it's an election year so if you want your street paved or a sign in your street get in line. No corruption my ass.

Anonymous said...

Up the street on Van Brackle there's been a big pile of limbs and shrubs for over a month now. Is it time to put such things outside already for the fall pick up? Just wondering is all.

I sec said...

Emergency Preparedness Night for us to be informed on Hurricane preparedness? So we in the I section have to figure that Mayor Fred has figured out what to say to us after being chased from town hall with his "civics lesson" between his legs. I still laugh overtime I think of that night. Him and Congressman Pauline who like my favorite cartoon Snagglepuss exited stage right as soon as he could also because we were not satisfied with the towns emergency responses then and I doubt they've learned much since then despite the white military vehicle I saw recently when I accompanied my buddy for his exchange with his former wife. Like others I wonder if this night is just a meet the candidates night. I hope it is because if I can go I will have a series of questions for the candidates.

Without a doubt said...

Just wondering asked about debris at the curb for a long time and the answer is THE TOWNS LEADERSHIP DON'T CARE

Raise taxes to cover the corruption said...






Because the criminal democrats cannot touch our tax money in about 7 hours and 18 minutes

Anonymous said...

So, it looks like A&P is closing and Stop and Shop is not buying it. Any suggestions on what can go there?

Anonymous said...

Can we get get Mark Corren back?

CBeach said...

Fall pick up you say silly poster just call any of the dem candidates and you people in Strathmore will get your problems solved immediately. I guess we should be happy over here to just be being considered for the dog park by the dog loving manager that she wants to give us. How long until this manager gets kicked to the curb I wonder. She's lasted longer than the past few of those in that job. Dog park like that's going to make us happy over here like that lil treat where dogs run around and piss and shit is supposed to make us think they give a damn about us. They don't and they know it but they do have the religious beanie school votes locked up. I hear they march them kids down in a line to vote the same idiots back in. Wonder what they get for those votes.

Union proud said...

So Joey Mac how many margaritas did you have today on national tequila day? Hope to see you back at work very soon the town needs you back and soon. You can be sure the bosses won't tell you that but it shows all over that you are not around. Break out that big machine cause you got a half hour left so drink up. You got my number so just call i'll grab a pie on my way.

100% truth is said...


Matawan guy said...

Don't you get it yet you Aberdeen types. It's a big plan in Aberdeen to get rid of all the people that work hard for the taxpayers in your town. Then you see all of the politicians the management and the employees left after the firings and forced retirement like that long time cop last year will leave just the do nothings. Man am I glad I live in Matawan and that's saying a mouthful.

Anonymous said...

Whats with all the stuff on the first aid lot in the beach

Anonymous said...

The democrats have done what?

Nothing is their priority

Political corruption is their priority

Themselves is their priority

Their sworn oath to God will be judged

They must not maintain majority

Vote these crooks out

Anonymous said...

Hurricane preparedness presentation? I hope they include how if you're connected to the dems they'll do the cleanup for you.

Anonymous said...

What do you get from 20 years of failed democrat party leadership in Aberdeen?


Absolutely nothing

100% truth said...

When you keep electing the same political party that does nothing year after year do you know what you deserve?

You deserve the same thing the democrats have done for you year after year.

You deserve nothing

Absolutely nothing

That is what we have gotten from the democrats

Vote them out finally this election day

Save Aberdeen from the politically corrupt democrat evil

Kim said...

Pictures are not the websites best representation are not the best representation of our town for sure. I mean does anyone in power look at these pictures before they put them on the towns website. Volume of pictures is often criticized and is justly done if for no other reason for making things look like large amounts of people attended these events. It is all smoke and mirrors if you just look a little bit at these events pictures. The other thing I find truly sad is the towns Facebook. Is it me or is the community team just continually patting themselves on the back for self praise. It's like anything and everything they do has the same people and most of the pictures are not related to emergencies or preparing for emergencies. I will be attending the town hall event this week and am sure there will be a full contingent of emergency types for the press and voters to be impressed by. I hope others that attend like me will look past the what will obviously be this political vote getting show.

Anonymous said...

The wasteful, incompetent and mismanagement continues in 12 hours and 45 minutes

Anonymous said...

WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? I just got my tax bill up 4% again. I just did a rough calculation. I have lived in Aberdeen for 36 years. I have paid $226.000.00 in taxes during that time. The model I am in cost $16,000.00 brand new in 1965.

D's said...

Post after post detailing the corruption and patronage hiring and countless examples of the D's not serving the taxpaying community. And worst of all the D's think they're untouchable. Well we shall soon see how untouchable they are.

Anonymous said...

If you drive up to an intersection in town and can't see the car driving through the intersection that hits your car because a giant Aberdeen day sign is blocking your view who is responsible? Answer is corruptly simple the town of Aberdeen is responsible for allowing the sign to block the drivers view at an intersection. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

If a self serving greedy politician awards a municipal contract that violates the law and no one turns him in for it do the taxpayers suffer?

If a town official oversees the awarding of a contract that involves his spouses employer and no one turns him in for it do the taxpayers suffer?

If a big campaign contributor is awarded contracts without the required three bids necessary to award said contract and no one turns him in for it do the taxpayers suffer?

If the town fails to monitor itself under the rules of official conduct according to the great State of New Jersey and no one turns them in for it do the taxpayers suffer?

Maybe we will get that answer from the email I just sent to the Attorney General for the State of New Jersey?

After all someone has to try and get rid if these immoral and self serving politicians killing this once fine community.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about a new slogan for Corrupterdeen while I'm donating blood.

So please take a minute and read and vote for one of these that you feel best represents the reality that is our communities leadership and more.

Aberdeen where our politicians promise the world but accomplish nothing.

Aberdeen where so many are paid so much to do so little.

Aberdeen where politicians and management know they do nothing for big bucks but don't care that they're betraying The Lord our God.

Aberdeen where as long as no one says anything everything is just fine.

Aberdeen we are so screwed.

Please vote for your favorite or feel free to add your own for consideration.

Anonymous by choice for fear of revenge by politicians and the do nothing's that work for the town getting paid too much.

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the corrupt to the core business group is looking to help us over here replace the a and p. I fully expect an article in the paper soon with smiling politicians saying they're working on just that. Of course they'll do nothing after the news print dries.

KC said...

I sec I got to ask if you and any of your neighbors the town ignored during Sandy are going to the emergency prep nite this week. I got to tell you I would go but I am under contract and selling here and under contract in Dover Deleware so I am a short timer. Also I couldn't stomach Tag-liar-weenie and another of his idiotic performances in front of the public. Wait a corrupt politician minute anyone want to put money that he is not there and is said to be on vacation. Just thought of that one and got to figure that's a strong possibility. If anyone goes from this site give us details after you finish throwing up of course from the swarm display of fake concern from the politicos.

Just found this site said...

$19,000.00 to a man that it looks like the town is screwing royally is what I get from his story. I also get this out of the story. It could be any one of us that could be treated like this. I think the town is protecting someones big mistake. I will pray this man gets some legal help and he should embarrass the town in the process.

Charles Street said...

Who's next to fall under the managers ax next

Larry said...

I agree the 25mph paint job could be in much better locations. If the town don't change the locations you can just add it to the list of countless mistakes the town makes attributed to the total lack of supervision. It is ironic that one of the painted areas is right next to a 15mph sign post warning. Just when you thought the town could do the simplest thing and do it right. That's why i love this blog since it never fails to disappoint.

What happened to America said...

This a-hole of a president is giving nuclear arms capabilities to the #1 terroristic country in the world

Keep electing democrats you idiots

Please vote republican next election said...

Senior housing is supposed to get underway soon according to the democrats?
We've been told that every election season for 16 years by the democrats FACT

Big properties off 516 have been said to be developed by the democrats?
We've been told that every election season for 20 years by the democrats FACT

A transportation village has been said to be developed to also give us a Main St. feel by the democrats?
We've been told that every election season for past 16 years by the democrats FACT

The old factory across town has been said to be developed by the democrats?
We've been told that every election season for 12 years by the democrats FACT

The *Jewel of Aberdeen* the small beach area ACROSS TOWN has been said to be improved by the democrats?
We've been told that every election season for the past 20 years by the democrats FACT

Sewers have been need and been promised for an area of our town by the democrats for 20 years FACT
Sewers have failed to function properly contaminating the area and water systems in the area under the democrats FACT

The handpicked business council is only a political action committee to further the democrats fund raising FACT
Business council doesn't help the businesses in town much less represent our community well under the democrats FACT

None of these democrat campaign lies have ever come to be under the same democrats in Aberdeen FACT

None of these democrat campaign lies that would give us a Main St. feel happened under the democrats FACT

None of these democrat campaign lies that would lower our taxes happened under the democrats FACT

None of the democrat campaign lies to senior citizens of senior housing COMING SOON happened under the democrats FACT

Do you know what the democrats have done?

The road improvement program rewards their big political donors with millions of our tax dollars FACT

Legal fees paid to the handpicked by and percentage paying to Norman Kauff legal firm accomplished nothing FACT

Planning and Zoning boards of handpicked family members has slowed this towns progress and reputation FACT

Patronage and family hiring of unnecessary and duplicate positions continues to cost us tens of thousands FACT

Disrespectful leadership based upon flawed promises continues to negatively affect our community FACT

This is our towns unfortunate reality under the same single party democrat leadership for over 20 years now FACT

On Election Day cast your vote for positive change PLEASE VOTE REPUBLICAN and bring bipartisanship back to Aberdeen

We cannot afford any more democrat promises and lies of what will never come despite the decades of campaign lies FACT

100% truth is said...

Nothing from nothing leaves? Aberdeen screwed over by the corruptocrats every single day.

Anonymous said...

These so called leaders are just plain evil.

Mo funny shit said...

I hear the rumors of a movie being filmed involving the corruptocrats of Aberdeen are false.

I hear it's actually a TV series like KUWTK as in KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS


Because they're guilty said...

How many D's to change a lightbulb that was hilarious and once again very creative. And the silence from the D's is deafening.

Because they're guilty said...

How many D's to change a lightbulb that was hilarious and once again very creative. And the silence from the D's is deafening.

No corruption my ass said...

And the political thievery continues except I hear there's a big snafu with the 200 apartments on 34. Maybe our asshole of a mayor and council rushing through the approvals for the rumored Freeholder buddy so fast might have bit him in the ass. Wonder how many units the dems will get under the table ala Kauff and Coren who back in the day got special deals under the table when they built the nearby condos also on 34. Then again Minutulo was said to have followed the Kauff Coren corruption playbook when he bought his unit also on 34 years ago. Funny how the dems don't want any condos like the ones being built on in Cliffhood.

Matawan guy said...

And still not one democrat, official, manager, supervisor, voter or town employee has defended the criminal democrat horde. Know why that is you residents of Aberdeen? Because they all know the democrats that purport to lead your town are guilty of mismanagement, insider dealings, patronage hiring and much more you taxpayers are not aware of yet.

100% truth is said...

What do we get from 20 years of democrat only leadership? Nothing is the politically corrupt and self serving answer. I will be on vacation for the next two weeks with limited cellular and internet so I will catch upon my return. I hope Aberdeen is here when I get back and does not implode due to the democrats do nothing leadership style.

Larry said...

Whats with the bump sign on Lloyd did the idiots in power just realize we have been driving over that bump for years and now all of a sudden its a problem.

Have you had enough yet? said...

Do the corrupt democrat math my fellow taxpayers here in Aberdeen

Take 1 ego driven placating mayor


6 council puppets who don't have an independent thought between themselves


1 manager in fear of losing her cushy do nothing job

Add all that together and it


Absolutely not one thing we taxpayers can say was a positive for our community

So if you like the current status quo of our community keep voting for the same do nothing democrats

If you want a change from the do nothing democrats

Vote for all 4 republican candidates if for no other reason to bring bipartisan leadership to our town

Anonymous said...

As goes the nation so goes Aberdeen. Stop voting for democrat liberals or we are doomed.

Aberdeen Dem and Proud said...

All of the critics bad mouthing the Dems offer little substantive proof or evidence. They have done a nice job of keeping Aberdeen a nice town. Ask yourself one question, do you really think the nonexistent slate of republicans can do any better? Granted, we have an alumnus who certainly colors his hair jet black, but at least we can be proud that he has his own hair on top of his head.

Vote D in '16.

Anonymous said...

Only 2 days left and we will have another 2 days where the corruptocrats can't get their greedy hands on our tax money. Right Freddy boy?

Keith said...

Once upon a time

In a land far far away

There were honest politicians who worked diligently on behalf of their constituents

Guess where that isn't

That's right it isn't Aberdeen for sure

Anonymous said...

Here is something that everyone should donate to.

Rotary club collecting school supplies

The Matawan-Aberdeen Rotary Club is currently collecting various school supplies to be distributed in the fall to local children in need.

Items must be new and can include backpacks, crayons, erasers, glue sticks, pencils, pocket folders, loose-leaf paper, portfolios, pens, composition notebooks, pencil boxes and scissors.

Donations can be dropped off at the following locations. First Choice Loan Services Inc., 500 Campus Drive, Suite 101, Morganville and Court Jester, Kearny Bank, and Columbia Bank, all on Route 34 in Aberdeen.

The club is also seeking new members. Meetings are held each Thursday at 12:15 p.m. at the Court Jester on Route 34 in Aberdeen. All are welcome to attend.

Fn a right we're screwed if said...

If you go to the emergency night at townhall tomorrow night ask this one question just before it ends. Who do you call if an emergency happens like the democrats maintaining control of the town for another four years.

Anonymous said...

Can businesses keep their signs up for over two months like the Aberdeen day signs?

Anonymous said...

It's here

It's here

It's here

What's here?

The democrats politically corrupt meet and greet the candidates night that is disguised as a night to inform the community on how to be prepared for an emergency.

The one thing that will not be discussed in any way shape or form will be the abysmal response by the towns political leadership, management and employees to hurricane sandy.

If you decide to go to this purely political show be sure to bring your personal vomit bag because as soon as you exit your car be prepared for the onset of democrat candidates to be smiling from ear to ear with those fake smiles they wear to disguise their disinterest in what matters to us.

One more thing before my bus pulls up


Wary in the I said...

Come one come all to the corruptocrats campaign kick off tonight at town hall. By the way if you see a lot of people in uniforms milling around looking dazed and confused all around town hall tonight with shiny new emergency equipment then you should know that it is all just for show since they never train or really use all that equipment for much more than directing traffic. One would think with all of them directing traffic we wouldn't have to pay so many police officers to stand around at $100.00 an hour.

So sadly tonight much like the Memorial Day ceremony in which our corruptocrats insultingly honor our emergency service workers simply for more campaign propaganda. Their self serving political choices for votes instead of properly honoring the real heroes that are our Veterans of our Armed Services. That iss the Memorial Day is and has always been the day of honoring them not as our corruptocrats use the day. So Memorial day similarly as tonight is really just a smoke and mirrors campaign event.

Reading much of what's been on here since Hurricane Sandy I see a constant and justified anger towards our illustrious in his own mind Mayor Tagliarini having witnessed myself the mess that that presentation before a concerned and haggard community was far from professional and seemed to initially be a photo op for politicians with us in the I section as an afterthought. We were without power for a good amount of time and Mayor Tagliarini and many others in leadership failed us then and I fear will not have gained the real and substantive knowledge to handle whatever emergency comes next.

My wife and I will be there tonight and will not be greeting the candidates as they would like since they're obviously out for themselves and use nights and events like this and Aberdeen Day politically.

Aberdeen Dem and stupid said...

Aberdeen Dem and Proud is neither really and they ask for proof so here it is.

Little substantive proof or evidence?

Here it is and feel free to respond with facts.

Have you seen your tax bill lately?

Have you seen the big signs all over town announcing proposed development?

Have you seen the parks and beachfront deterioration?

Have you seen that big ugly factory?

Have you seen the recycling out at the curb going into the trash?

Have you seen the pay increases to those who fail all of us?

Have you wondered why the town doesn't analyze itself?

Have you seen the exact same connected accountants analyzing the town for 20 years?

Have you read how the party boss is paid off by his replacement?

Have you seen the insider deals for connected property purchases under green acres?

Have you seen that the democrats have DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?

Now as for the democrat with the dyed hair AKA Vinnie Vinci just like the present democrats he only served himself.

So do yourself a favor and take your lips off Norman Kauai's ass you suck up to all things evil.

CBeach said...

God is sending a message for the D's to repent their evil ways. Know why I can think and say that. Anything and everything these crooks plan gets rained on. If only there was enough rain to flood and carry the corruptocrats away from this town they are ruining.

Anonymous said...

You people need to know that all of the democrats truly care about our town succeeding. Wait a minute o.......

Never mind

I thought this was the Aberdeend. Blog

No you people are screwed in Jersey

Anonymous said...

My neighbor who just moved in with his family from North Jersey asked me if local events are taped and broadcasted for the community to see. So I said what kind of events do you mean exactly. He said you know like baseball games and school board and town chair meetings. I said town chair meetings like of politicians. He replied yes exactly the towns administrations action. I think I alarmed him because I was almost hyperventilating from laughing so hard. Imagine that council meetings in Aberdeen being broadcasted to the citizenry. What a concept that would be. That will happen here the day after hell freezes over or the minutes and agendas get printed on time and according to the laws of the state. Right Freddy boy?

Thank God said...

Whew the thugs can't get at our money until Monday at 8:30

Without a doubt said...

I agree with the signs being in stupid location and the time frame is stupid. Come on people they're democrats. I got another one for you are the signs for Aberdeen Got Talent. We all know Aberdeen's politicians got talent for sure. I mean they are the most talented at doing nothing and still getting paid to do nothing. Then there's the talent for failing to manage the towns workers. And the talent the democrats have that is second to none by promising the world every election and delivering nothing despite their promises. So if I attend this years Aberdeen Got Talent show I will hope that the Carmine and Fred show of them kissing each others ass publicly does not show up again this year since I was totally embarrassed watching the business dinner at Piazza de Roma. Two of those buddy fests in the same year would force me to go out into my garage and suck on my tailpipe until dead. .

Anonymous business owner said...

Signs and more signs all over town and I see more every single day. What happened to the sign guy who was all over me about my signs last Christmas time. Is it only local businesses that he bothers the most about advertising signs? I have had my business in this town before every one of these town politicians was born. So I should be stopped for advertising now and then to keep my business afloat. Maybe if I joined the fukakda business alliance I'd be left alone. At least I'd be able to call someone to complain to if I paid up. The only time you see anyone of these politicians to talk to is election or donation time.

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