Last night, about two hundred MRTA members and their supporters attended the Matawan-Aberdeen school board meeting to oppose the sole agenda item – outsourcing custodial services. In contrast to the March meeting, the staff acted with great decorum and restraint. Most of the speakers had prepared statements and attacked the concept of outsourcing, not the board members’ motivations. The crowd allowed each of the board members to speak without interruption.
The union proposed allowing labor negotiations to proceed in hopes of reaching a settlement that would save the custodial positions. The board members responded the union had ample opportunity to offer concessions that would match the expected savings from outsourcing but, unfortunately, the union concessions were too little too late. In the end, the school board voted unanimously to outsource the custodians.
The story hasn’t quite ended because there are three custodians in their 25th year of service. If the school board can reach accommodations with the union, it’s possible those three custodians will have the opportunity to complete their 25 years and thereby acquire lifetime health benefits.
I’d also like to respond to some of the issues raised at the meeting.
The district expects to save $500,000 this year and $700,000 next year from outsourcing the custodians. Despite the “substantial concessions” offered by the MRTA, they weren’t enough. I assume that if any board member thought the MRTA might match those savings through additional concessions there would have been a motion to table the issue.
For everybody who remembers the bumps we had (and still have) privatizing the substitute teachers, if we hadn’t voted last night, the vendor may have had difficulties properly staffing, processing, and training its employees by July 1st.
The district has not provided all the documentation the union has requested. Personally, I prefer full disclosure when reasonable and I don’t believe the union has made any unreasonable requests. Even if the administration is within its rights to withhold certain documents, I disagree with its decision to do so.
Lastly, I stand by me earlier comment of “Show Me the Money”. After college, I took a sales job. My manager told me that what differentiated a great salesman from a failure was attitude. A great salesman began his day with a plan to succeed. A failure began his day with a hundred excuses why nothing was his fault. Excuses are like butts, he told me, everybody has one and they all stink.
Right up to the moment the board voted, the union leadership had an opportunity to save the custodial jobs. Their excuses for failure are just that – excuses. All they had to do was offer to stick with the current salary guide for one more year. For MRTA members, the difference would have been $1,000-$1,500 per year before taxes. That’s how little they cared for their colleagues.
If it’s not about the money, then what is it about? >>> Read more!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The School Board Votes to Outsource
Posted by
3:05 PM
Labels: school board, Teachers Association
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You were so vocal regarding J.B's ethics charges and offered us much insight and information. Can we count on you to be as open and forthright regarding YOUR ethics charges. Now it may just be a rumor, and if so, I hope you can put an end to it,but if it is true can you please explain?
There is something to the rumor. I'm awaiting guidance from the board attorney if I can go public with it.
However, no ethics charges, or any other charges, suits, petitions, whatever, have been filed against me. If that were the case, you'd be hearing it here first, just like when I was threatened with a libel suit.
Why did not ONE Board Member, including you, say "All they had to do was offer to stick with the current salary guide for one more year." and then suggest they immediately go into negotiations- you know, the kind where they stay up all night until they come up with an agreement. The Board adamantly (and individually) said it was too late so if you are saying that the union could have saved the custodians last night then you and/or the Board are liars. Shame on all of you- the teachers are right- they need to get guarantees in writing. You guys are big fat liars.
Why did they not do this?
Why did they not do that?
They (Mr. Kos)did not do anything because that is what the NJEA told him to do. Don't you know that this is all a plot by Governor Christie against the teachers? Bullshit!
This is all just nothing but excuses from the NJEA union represenatatives all across the state just like Mr. Kos at the MRTA. Mr. Kos longs for the BARZA days when contract negotiations were over before they had even begun, and of course his union won every year.
O'h the times they are a changing?
Now if we can get Kauff and his scum out of town the citizens who pay the bills for inept leadership and financial messes like BARZA and Quinn left us with, we taxpayers might just stand a chance.
The only thing changing is that people are starting to see the truth about the narcissistic board that we have in this town. The lies are starting to come out, and the arogance of Mr. Kenny, O'Mally and the rest of them is coming shining through.
They forget they work for us!
Anon 7:34
"Why did not ONE Board Member, including you, say 'All they had to do was offer to stick with the current salary guide for one more year'"?
I did say it.
Independent, March 22
“If the unions made concessions to us, there could be substantial savings,” Warren said. “If we were able to find substantial savings, that money would be going toward job preservation. If the unions want the custodians to remain, they can make concessions that would allow us to fund the custodians’ jobs … and we’re not just talking about custodians, we’re talking about scores of jobs. If we had some concessions, and they don’t need scattergrams and they don’t need fake meetings. All they need to say is, ‘We will stick with our current salary for one more year.’ That alone would more than save every custodian.”
Hey Aberdeener how about a recap of the council meeting tonight?
Aberdeener said it but it doesn't mean it is true. O'Malley was "done" with the custodians. It wouldn't have mattered if the teachers offered up their first born sons, the custodians would NOT have been saved.
Yes, I was at the town council meeting tonight. If anyone wants to my "performance", Mr. Aitken was videotaping.
My major gaffe of the night was referring to planning/zoning board attorney Leckstein as "Lesniak". Oh well.
I was also exceptionally rude to Mr. McCarthy but that was intentional.
So, here's what I learned.
Mayor Tagliarini had a long talk with Leckstein following his threat to use police force.
Mayor Tagliarini was under the false impression that we would lose our certification at the April 21st COAH meeting.
The council knew that McCarthy was accompanied by the town manager to the March COAH meeting but failed to mention it.
The council never voted to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with RCM and it was never discussed in public because it was only "memorializing" the town plan.
The first reading of the ordinance for "inclusionary housing" was never on the agenda because it was a last minute thing.
McCarthy "never said" Commissioner Grifa or COAH threatened to withdraw certification. Rather it was his interpretation. (Too bad for him we have the audio.)
The proposed $2 million tax increase is only preliminary and the council will strive to at least keep the tax increase to something within reason.
Let me see if I have this right.
Aberdeener posts a quote from the Indepedent indicating that if the MRTA made concessions scores of jobs could be saved, and he wasn't only talking about the custodians. In a previous post the Aberdeener stated that the Board was facing a 7 million dollar budget gap and could not gaurantee in writing where the savings from a pay freeze would go.
Now I didn't graduate from an Ivy League school with a degree in economics, but those statements seem to be in direct conflict with each other. How could the Aberdeener make such a confident statement to the Independent stating that money from a pay freeze would go to save jobs, but he couldn't make a gaurantee to the MRTA stating that a pay freeze would be used to save jobs?
Why don't you source the second quote because I'm fairly certain you're misquoting me and that could be the source of your confusion.
This is from your Rodeo Clowns gem:
"Mr. Kosmnya also stated the union was prepared to make concessions in exchange for a written guarantee of no layoffs, as if that were a possibility with a $7 million shortfall."
Let the double talk begin.
Okay, I know you didn't "graduate from an ivy league school" but in one place I said we could save more than just the custodial positions. In another place I said we couldn't save every job.
Where's the confusion?
Why didn't you speak during last night's Board meeting? Everyone else did.
Two reasons - I didn't have anything to add and anything I said would have inflamed passions.
sorry for the typos above--before ya all lose to point and want to play Websters. My spell checker did not work on a blog post.
Really, you couldn't type without spell checker? You should definitely homeschool. You'd do a great job.
Lying lawyers, politicians who thought this and thought that wrongly, important votes not properly or timely posted, loud opposition to a politicly corrupt and kauff ensured development plan put together only to make kauff and his pals rich and happy and more examples of politics idiocy seems to have just been badly perceived by the public is bull. Nice to see that coach fred has no freeking idea what he is doing. Somethings never change right coach fred. You cannot believe a word anyone connected to kauff says.
Lawyers not telling the truth along with confused politicians at last nights council meeting. Looks like the only thing missing was another way to expensive CM&E study and a little white envelope pushed across the table to Kauff from the bosses at CM&E. Just a typical day in Kauffville. Right Normy?
Hey Joey,
I bet you thought I'd gone away, but I've just been doing some more research…
Now, last time I posted Joey called me delusional. He denied that he and his Aberdeen Republican friends’ unwavering support for Dr. Dick O’Malley's massive pay increase had anything to do with politics. That it was merely coincidence that Joey’s champion, Dr. Dick, is a Republican committee member in the Republican stronghold of Raritan Township, Hunterdon County. Joey said it was ridiculous to suggest that Dr. Dick would use his North Jersey political connections to influence elections here in Aberdeen…
Well, former BOE member O’Connell didn’t think it was so outlandish when he suggested Dr. Dick should disclose his political contributors to the MARSD. O’Connell’s suggestion was vehemently opposed by Joey. That’s because Joey wanted to rush Dr. Dick’s contract extension through before May 21, 2010, because otherwise Dr. Dick would have to contribute to his health benefits by law. Just another favor to Dr. Dick from Joey and his Aberdeen Republican pals…
But, back to the issue at hand… Is it ridiculous to suggest that Dr. Dick would use his Hunterdon County political connections to influence elections here in Aberdeen?
Shockingly (although not to me), Dr. Dick has already used his North Jersey friends to help at least one Republican get elected in Aberdeen. Take the case of Joey’s friend, Dr. Jeff Delaney. Dr. Delaney is a registered Republican, and on April 20, 2010, he was re-elected to the MARSD Board of Education. Just like Aberdeen Republicans Ken Aitken, John Gartley, and Tom Aljian, Joey wholeheartedly endorsed Dr. Delaney during the election, calling him a “friend” and extolling his “amazing personal story.”
Along with Joey, Dr. Delaney fell in line and helped rush through rush Dr. Dick’s contract extension. In fact, he was essentially the deciding vote in a 5-3 split. So, how did Dr. Dick reward Dr. Delaney?
Aberdeen residents may remember getting only two pieces of literature during the school board election season. One was a “Budget Newsletter” from Dr. Dick and the other was a campaign postcard from Dr. Delaney. Well, I’ve done some homework and found that both of these pieces of literature were mailed by the same printing company, Alphagraphics in Hillsborough, New Jersey. Not surprisingly, this Alphagraphics franchise is owned by a Flemington resident, Tom Hopkins. Where is Flemington? For those of you not familiar with North Jersey geography, Flemington is the county seat of Hunterdon County, and is bordered on all sides by Dr. Dick’s hometown of Raritan Township. So fellow Aberdeen residents, I ask you… Why is Aberdeen school board election literature being mailed from Hunterdon County? And, even more importantly, where did Dr. Delaney get the money to undertake a Township-wide mailing?
Now, this is where I took a page out of your playbook, Joey. According to New Jersey law, a candidate must file campaign contribution reports if he spends more than $4,000 total or receives more than $300 from any one source. Notably, it makes no difference if a candidate spends his own money because, by law, such funds must go through the candidate’s campaign account and be reported just the same. Moreover, if a candidate spends more than $1,200 at one time between April 7, 2010 and April 20, 2010, then he must also file a report within 48 hours under New Jersey law.
Now, I received two of Dr. Delaney’s postcards at my house on April 16, 2010. If he mailed his postcards to every registered voter in Aberdeen, then it must have cost more than $1,200. In fact, it likely cost more than $4,000. So then, where are Dr. Delaney’s election reports?
I checked. The answer is that after registering and opening his campaign account, Dr. Delaney failed to file a single report explaining how he paid for a Township-wide election mailing. A mailing that was sent to Aberdeen voters from Hunterdon County by Dr. Dick’s neighbor, Tom Hopkins.
Now, Joey has called me a “medicated conspiracy theorist”, but I invite anyone to check the above facts. You’d think political-skeptic Joey would be all over such electoral shenanigans. He always is when it comes to the Aberdeen Democrats. But here, Joey and his Aberdeen Republican friends are neck-deep in Dr. Dick and Dr. Delaney’s corrupt bargain. That’s why Joey is keeping his mouth shut and trying to deny THE SAD TRUTH…
So, Joey I ask you again. Can YOU hear ME now? Because the farther down the rabbit hole we go, the deeper you and your friends will end up buried…
Tick Tock Tick Tock…
Are the Administrators taking a pay freeze in Matawan? Many School district administrators are taking a freeze. Including Jackson, Toms River and many more. Including Principals, VP, All of them. Are they taking a freeze this year in Matawan Aberdeen?
Welcome back Greg we missed you. We being the people who know you have been bought by Norman and the cme moneybags. Like your most recent dillusion. Have you figured it out yet? You are so obvious with your attack after Joey Warren spanked your scumbag in arms Mcarthy last night at the council meeting. Can you spell ETHICS VIOLATION yet you asshole?
It seems the Sad Truth is on to something. No response, Joey? You don't see something very unethical here?
Why would anyone take a pay freeze when Dr. O'Malley didn't. As I recall O'Malley got a hefty raise last year along with a contract extension. If the boss won't take one for the team, why would anybody else on the team?
I think "Sad Truth" is on to something. However, as smart as Dr O'Malley is supposed to be, I don't understand why in the world the "little Napoleon" would get himself mixed up with a bunch like Warren, Aitken, Gartley and Aljian. Those four have all the leadership qualities of a wet slug. (Be careful Doc, these four will sing like canaries if pushed)The Republican party can do way better than that.
As far as Mr Delaney, well, if he failed to file the proper election reports then he should be prosecuted OR at least reprimanded.
To Anonymous on pay freeze, that is what I am asking? Is the Superintendent taking a pay freeze like many other Superintendents are? How much does he make to run the amount of schools you have? How many High Schools do you have?
Great questions, Jay.
Let me help you out while I wait for Joey to explain his friends' election mailings and Dr. Delaney's failure to file any campaign finance reports...
MARSD's superintendent, Dr. Dick O'Malley, is not taking a pay-freeze. In fact, he received a massive pay increase last year. He currently makes $185,000 per year plus perks and benefits.
This year, Dr. Dick received a contract extension that includes further "cost-of-living" raises. This is despite the fact that the federal government provided no such increases to Social Security recipients because the Consumer Price Index has been flat or negative for the past year and a half.
Finally, there are four elementary schools, one middle school and one high school in the MARSD. And, don't even get me started on how many administrators work in those schools...
That short answer is that Joey and his BOE are firing nearly 80 teachers, janitors and bus drivers while keeping administrators and raising their pay...
I think it is that scumbag Joel G myself. Then again it could be many other rat bastards like Norman, Owin, assorted liars, i mean lawyers who are attached at the Normy tit or probably councilman cannon as was suggested.
Cannon is supposed to be so smart but not anywhere smart enough to not walk away from corrupt politics like the festering open puss filled sore that is kauff.
All that money out to South Bend wasted.
You can probably find out more about Dr. Delaney's influence if you look a little harder. The Board is going to approve the principal from Asbury as the next principal of the middle school. A principal who came from California and has not lasted in any position long enough to earn tenure. Kind of makes one wonder-no? In the meatime, we will let go of an assistant principal and not advance some of our own good people.
Funny how Joey and his pals griped about Barza and now do exactly what they were screaming about for so long. How come it is OK now?
Next question should be did O'Malley pay for Delaneys signs?
Does anyone think Delaney paid more than $4,000 of his own money to be elected to the board of education? Where did that money come from and how do we find out? Joey, You had a problem with a board members daughter working a part time job for students and this doesn't get any response. It now seems ethics are only an issue when it serves you own personal motives. After Donaghues wife getting a full time job was not an issue, this really hurts your credibility.
As a teacher, who teaches in another district, I'd like to know who paid for the post card I received? It was from:
Matawan Regional Teachers Assn.
Aberdeen Townsquare Shop. Ctr.
1075 B Highway 34
Aberdeen, NJ 07747
and it stated:
YOUR vote is needed to save...
SUPPORT your public schools!
VOTE YES on April 20th!
Was it paid for by the Matawan Regional Teachers Assn. or the Democrats?
Seems to me Jan R has more balls then all them on the board , and DR Dick may be his name but hardly uses it. The thugs are the school board guys punishing the custodians because they cant deal with the teachers, poor example for the kids. Here Janitors were willing to take pay freeze for 3 years just to keep jobs and the board choose to screw them as sacarifical lambs SHAME
To answer your question, NO Dr.Dick did not take a pay freeze, he got a nice raise.
Mr. Warren thinks he deserves it, so most of the other sheep on the board.
Funny how we don't hear anyone bitching about that though.
EVeryone else should take a freeze, but not tricky Dick he deserves a raise!
Those cards were paid for by the NJEA/MTEA
It had nothing to do with Dems/or Repubs.
Anon @ 3:40 PM,
Check the permit number on the imprint indicia in the upper-right-hand corner where the stamp would be on ordinary mail. Then, either call the post office for the permit owner, or compare it to mail you've previously received from the MRTA or the Aberdeen Democrats.
That's how I discovered Dr. Dick's "Budget Newsletter" and Dr. Delaney's postcard were mailed by the same printing company, whose owner is friends with Dr. Dick.
Still no response from partisan-hack Joey on this though, huh? Guess he only uses his investigative superpowers when it suits his agenda. Still waiting Joey-boy...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Joey, Your bullshit keeps coming out more and more....I love it!
So much conspiracy thoeries but not one suggestion on cutting 7 million dollars from a budget. But these idiot anonymous posters can have all the answers on trivial bullshit. Just so typical of such idiots. Try giving a suggestion or two on solving such a budget deficit without laying people off. No that would be way too hard for the ignorant anonymous posters on here. But they have all the answers from their keyboards. And as far as Jan Rubino having balls you are probably right. She also has a LEGITIMAT ETHICS VIOLATION JUDGEMENT COMING HER WAY. And not like the bullshit one some idiots are trying to put on Mr. Warren that will GO NOWHERE. So like the union and its political bullshit put the pressure and publicity on someone else to hide their own greed and uncaring feelings for their coworkers. Coworkers that they kicked to the curb Remember that custodial staff. The union kicked you to the curb from the greedy it is all about me me me fund that the union lives off of. Bastards all of them. The janitors were just collateral damage from the union hand grenade.
While it is true it would be unethical to not disclose where donations for a campaign are coming from on Delaneys part, the bigger question is what is Tricky Dick O'Malleys role in this. He should not be involved at all, especially when board members vote on his salary and length of contract. If he helped in to influence an election he should be fired.
Being a supporter of yours, I am disappointed that you give no response. Have your friends Dr. Delaney and Dr.O'Malley done something wrong here?
Joey will probably answer this with his old standby, "I'm not allowed to comment due to confidentiality rules" things are always "confidential" when it's convenient for Joey or his friends.
Right Joey?
Now do you people get it?
It don't matter what party they belong to.
Even your Joey
Sad Sack,
Sorry for not responding earlier but I wanted to see how far this went.
So, let's see - Dr. Delaney is a Republican and he supposedly used the same printer as other Republicans. And, after exhaustive research, this is all the evidence you have of a conspiracy? Seems pretty thin, my boy. For one, you might want to try uncovering some evidence of wrongdoing. Second, you might want to find a closer link than using the same printer.
Maybe, and this is just a theory, they used that printer because he was cheap and dependable.
Since you're looking for a denial, I'll give it to you. Dr. Delaney has filed all required documentation and it's posted on the NJ ELEC site. Apparently you're too incompetent to use the site so let me know if you want me to download the files and I'll post them for you.
He has not received any donations over $300. (I don't think he got anything over $100.)
Dr. O'Malley did not contribute nor participate in Dr. Delaney's campaign whatsoever.
Now, here's something you might want to investigate - three of the nine board members are former officers of the Parents of Special People and they're all strong O'Malley supporters. Now, why do you think that might be?
Here's another one - This was the first time in recent memory that the board officers were unanimously elected.
How about this - Of the nine people on the board, only one voted against O'Malley's raise, only one voted against his appointment, and only one voted against his contract extension.
I could go on and on but it seems to me the reason there's such unanimity on the board is because O'Malley is doing a damn fine job.
Next time you make claims of malfeasance, like not filing campaign disclosure forms, try something that's not so easily disproven. Even a conspiracy nut job should know that.
Which side of your mouth did you use for that post Joey?
He is doig such a damn good job, he deserves to be the only person in the state to deserve a raise.
Yhe POSP have been running that office for a long time, why not make it easier by putting them on the board?
Why would Mr. Delaney file under John. Isn't his name Jeff.
Maybe delany hould have used the # 1 printer to the kauff corruption sindicate. That is right ladies and gents none other then the wig to the corrupt i mean the printer to the corrupt ownin drapkin. That is the main reason he stays attached to kauff. The laugahble thing is after all these years kauff has not given owin the job he wanted in government all these years.
Dear "blame the union all you janitors"- what's the matter - Did Jan kick your ass in the school yard, too?
Dr. Delaney's legal name is John. Jeff is his nickname.
Joey, you should really check the board minutes like you use to do before posting improper information. You are really slipping to the Dark Side of lies....... or are you stuck somewhere else.
You statement here is not true;
"Of the nine people on the board, only one voted against O'Malley's raise, only one voted against his appointment, and only one voted against his contract extension."
Demarest voted against O'Malley's appointment.
Rubino voted against his raise and his contract extension.
Everybody else either abstained or is no longer on the board.
Dear Sad Truth, I asked about the adminstrators pay freeze because you have less the 7 schools there, the top guy makes $185,000, with one high school. Jackson Super makes 205,000 with 10 Schools, w 2 middle and 2 BIG high schools both close to 300,000 SQ Ft. Toms River is at 228,000 with 3 High Schools, 17 schools all together. How does he make so much for 6 little schools? AND, sleep at night while taking a raise with all the employees he is laying off. At least the other 2 are not taking the raises this year. If he and other admins were taking the freeze and laying off that would be different. Just don't know how he sleeps at night??? This is why CHRISTIE will stop all these supers from making more money then the NJ Governor. SOME make close to what the VP of USA makes
Corruption is rife in town hall. Privatization is a reality that people don't want to accept. People don't go to council meetings and question spending and control. Kauff and the gang think they are untouchable. Just another day in dillusional New Jersey.
Anyone hear that a politician in south Jersey says that the $10,000.00 he was given by a govt. informant was just a consulting agreement to HELP with a developmental approval. Guess Kauff can't use that one when he gets slapped in irons for the charade he is trying on County Road.
Can't happen soon enough for many of us.
O'Malley took a pay cut when he negotiated away his right to cash in vacation days.
Also, when comparing to other salaries, you have to look at personal staff, fringe benefits, and other perks.
So, let's compare, but I'll need to see the other person's contract and how many personal secretaries he has.
As for Toms River, I don't think that super is sleeping well at night. :)
Many of us hoped that Fred and the others would bring a positive change to the Norman Kauff controlled leadership. Kauff's control has been too costly all of these years. We as a community need change. We hoped for a positive Kauff free change to better our community with the last election.
So what happened?
Kauff won again.
Aberdeener Dr Dick negociated to not cash in vacation days so he will use them hows that a cut , you really are an ass
O'Malley only agreed to that because the law is changing and he won't be allowed to cash in anymore. Why was he cashing in anyway? Use em or lose em should be the rule for all vacations. They were meant to be used anyway. If that was a cut, then I guess, we should also give allowance if it rains on his day off.
He gave up the right to cash them in, which he was doing previously. He'll be taking home less money than he would otherwise. He would rather have the money than the vacation time. So, yes, it's a cut.
If you don't think it's a cut, try telling the unions their members won't get paid for unused leave. See if they don't think it's a cut.
I was contacted early this morning, regarding a post on this blog that suggested that I, as a former officer of the independent incorporated non-profit parent group in the district, am a supporter of the superintendent for some quid pro quo reason. Although I have been assured by Mr. Warren that his intent was not to seriously suggest that this is true, clearly there are some who believe it is, based on reply comments. I am continuously saddened to see that once again, as all too often is the case in our community, adult "concerns" seem to be far more important than those that should the focus, kids and their needs.
I am more than happy to answer any question or address any concern about my reasons for wanting to be an elected member of the BOE. However, I will not do so in this forum, please feel free to contact me at: and I will do my best to respond to you directly
Anissa Esposito
Allow me to address your points:
1) “Of the nine people on the board, only one voted against O'Malley's raise, only one voted against his appointment, and only one voted against his contract extension.”
--This should read: “Of the nine people on the board NOW” Yet another case of you twisting the facts to suit your own argument. Gambino and O’Connell voted against the contract extension and then left the BOE because they saw the corrupt bargains going on behind-the-scenes with you, your Aberdeen Republican friends and Dr. Dick. Don’t try to play semantic games and include two new board members in your straw poll of people who support Dr. Dick. You just got rid of his biggest detractors. Two weeks ago, you couldn’t have even made this statement and you know it…
2) “Dr. Delaney has filed all required documentation and it's posted on the NJ ELEC site. Apparently you're too incompetent to use the site so let me know if you want me to download the files and I'll post them for you.”
--The mailing cost must have cost over $1,200. Delaney has not filed any 48-hour notices for expenditures over $1,200, as required by law. The mailing likely cost more than $4,000, which means Delaney must file a full expenditure report with ELEC. That is also missing. If I am wrong, please do download and post them. It’s curious you haven’t done so yet, if what you say is true…
3) “He has not received any donations over $300. (I don't think he got anything over $100.)”
--If Republican Delaney was able to raise over $4,000 for mailings and signs for a school board election without receiving more than $100 from any one source or going into his own pocket, then the Aberdeen Democrats might have finally met their match. You really expect me to believe he raised that amount of money in three weeks, and didn’t receive a single contribution of over $300 (even if it was his own money which must be reported anyway)? If that’s true, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Republican National Committee calls Delaney to conduct their 2012 presidential fundraising. Did he hold fundraisers? Does he have a 40-person immediate family? Really, Joey? Do you think the residents of Aberdeen are that stupid?...
4) “Dr. O'Malley did not contribute nor participate in Dr. Delaney's campaign whatsoever.”
--I guess Dr. Delaney’s campaign cards must have gotten up and walked themselves to be mailed in Hunterdon County. You expect the residents of Aberdeen to believe that Dr. Dick and Dr. Delaney used the same mail-order house, whose owner is Dr. Dick's neighbor, and that Dr. Dick had no part in Delaney’s mailing? I’m not even angry anymore, I’m stupefied that you think anyone would believe that… And, I’m scared that you have a significant part in running a $60 million entity if you truly believe that…
Bottom line is your weak denial and shovels of bullshit aren’t going to stop the walls from closing in you and your corrupt friends, Joey…
Tick Tock Tick Tock…
So nice to see that Barza and corrupt council members are giving us all a lesson in how they think and operate by questioning the integrity of those who have exposed them for who they are! See how loudly they yell? It takes a truly morally bankrupt bunch...a one little man who has an unhealthy obssession with the be able to take all these "details" and weave them into some grand conspiracy..but, then again they are disgruntled and they can't believe that everyone does not operate or behave as corruptly as they do. BRAVO, you are all so squeeky clean and repentent now that you have lost your strangle hold on this district!
To quote Nelson (the fat kid) from the Simpsons
I think your wall of bullshit is cracking.
I think you morons spend too much time on conspiracy theories. Both sides have quite an imagination. But in the end nothing will happen. Why? Because say what you will - nobody will be jailed, no one will be prosecuted and no one can prove shit. So, keep the conspiracy machine going boys and girls, you are all very entertaining. More so than "outside artist" who at least had an excuse.
I predict:
O'Malley goes no where
Glastien goes no where
Warren goes no where
Kauff goes no where
The town council goes no where
And finally, as a result, Aberdeen goes no where (and that's ashame).
You cry and cry but none you do anything - just complain. All of you
Enjoy your day.
How can you call a loss of the ability to cash in unused vacation days a paycut when it's handed to him with a raise?
The raise was contractual. If you're contract says you're getting X and, after negotiating a contract extension, you're getting less than X, that's a pay cut.
Sad Sack,
Of course I'm talking about the people on the board "now". That's what on the board means.
As for Delaney, I don't know how much he contributed to his campaign and neither do you. Nor do we know how many cards he mailed or how much it cost him.
That's why you're a conspiracy nut job. You have zero evidence of anything except both he and O'Malley are republicans. Obviously, for you, that's evidence enough.
Tell me this - being there's no evidence of any wrongdoing by Delaney, how do you suggest he prove his innocence of not having done anything wrong?
You say no one knows how much Delaney contributed to his campaign. Isn't that the point, that by law we all should know. It is really hard to believe he spent over $4,000 of his own money to be on the board of education.
I got 5 Delaney postcards mailed to my house alone! Somebody spent some money. Wonder why he did not disclose!
What's the matter Aberdeener, can't take a little of your own medicine?
"It is really hard to believe he spent over $4,000 of his own money to be on the board of education."
That's a fictitious figure. Nobody but Delaney knows how much he spent.
Furthermore, I don't know when are the disclosure deadlines so just because something hasn't posted yet doesn't mean it's not getting posted.
All these allegations are completely bogus. First the truthers, then the sad sackers. Just a bunch of whackos.
Dear Aberdeener,
The point is, Your laying off 80 or more workers and not asking the BIG guys making the money to keep what they have for a year. So he must sleep well at night. Mr Christie is going to stop this wasteful spending of administration so he better enjoy it this year. As for Rittaco,(Toms River) he brings in over 2 million a year in revenue for the town. He is worth every penny and he is not a corrupt person. What does your super do for the Town except take such a high salary to run 6 little schools?
I've posted O'Malley's record and it's quite substantial.
You say there's no evidence of any wrong doing by Delaney. The evidence is that there's no full expenditure report that all prospective board members are aware they must file. In the court of public opinion he is guilty until those reports prove otherwise. Because of that intentional act, you are probably right about never being able to connect it to O'Malley directly, but a reasonable person would conclude that is where the money came from based on the fact O'Malley is the only one who could gain from that kind of investment. The same mailing permit and printer doesn't help him much either. It is obvious O'Malley tried to help him.
Isn't the deadline April 30 every year?
Where is the posting Aberdeener?
The disclosure deadline for expenditures in excess of $1,200 is 48 hours of incurring the expense. Delaney has clearly blown that deadline...
And, don't give me the "no one knows what he spent" defense. It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out that his mailing cost at least a few thousand dollars.
In response to:
"Tell me this - being there's no evidence of any wrongdoing by Delaney, how do you suggest he prove his innocence of not having done anything wrong?"
I make the following proposition:
If you post to this blog:
1) A written statement from Dr. Dick averring that he did not deliver to, pay for or communicate with Alphagraphics regarding Delaney's campaign mailing; and
2) A bank account statement from Provident Bank in Ocean, NJ for "Delaney for School Board 2010" Acct. No. 221272303-7821106577, showing numerous deposits of less than $300 or a large deposit from Delaney himself.
Then, I will personally apologize to Dr. Dick and Dr. Delaney at the microphone at the next BOE meeting...
So, go talk to your friends and see if they'll agree to anything that resembles my proposal. I'll be waiting...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Sad Sack,
You have a deal. Email me privately your true identity so I'll know it's legit and I'll get you your documentation.
So much for being a "medicated conspiracy theorist". Nice work! They will never agree to that because they are guilty.
Sad Sack has my word I'll get the documentation. I need something from him to guarantee his end of the bargain as well.
I'll post the documentation online for everybody to see.
If he doesn't want to share his identity, then let him use a trusted third party to guarantee his fulfillment.
You said Dr.O'Malley did not contribute nor participate in Dr. Delaneys campaign whatsoever.
How do you know that?
Because we've all been laughing at sad sack and his kool aid drinkers.
But yet Kauff and the corrupt and money driven CME rolls on. Get real people? Get real pissed off that is and rail loudly against the corruption that pervades what purports to be the political leadership in Aberdeen. Coach Fred and the others are just Kauff tools all of them. Bring back Stuart Brown say. Wait i forgot he already paid the price for interrupting the money train to CME and the others belonging to Kauff. Brown and Jen Gallo are just the latest casualties in the war on Kauff. Unless of course you count the taxpayers who will pay and pay for Kauff's Pay to Play development on County road. No traffic study, no environmental impact study, no set number of kids into the school sytem and much more that Kauff controls that goes against the taxpayers. But do not worry about Kauff and his miscreants they will be just fine with the envelopes with the BIG MONEY from CME and many others who feed like vultures on us taxpayers because of Kauff.
You're ALL laughing, Joey?
Didn't look like Mrs. Esposito thought anything was too funny this morning...
It also doesn't look like you think it's too funny either. You're desperate to know who I am and how I got this information, aren't you?
Nice try, but this isn't a negotiation or a bargain. It's a proposition. I'm not going to reveal my identity until you post the exculpatory evidence.
Even without the written statement from Dr. Dick, which I know you'll never get (so it's not worth giving you my identity up front), it really shouldn't be a problem for Dr. Delaney to give you his public campaign account statements to post on here.
Also, less than four hours ago, you reneged on your offer to post Delaney's campaign reports (because they don't exist). You think I'm going to give you my identity up front, so you and your pals can take it out on my kids? C'mon Joey...
It's killing you though, isn't it? You know your friends did wrong and you're trying to figure out how to minimize the damage...
I'll be waiting for at least the bank account statement...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
And I guess conspiracy nut jobs don't know any trusted third parties either.
So, you just made an empty bargain knowing you would never keep your end.
You're welcome to keep posting but I'm not going to waste any more time on this. I'll post Delaney's filings when they're all in since you don't know how to use the ELEC site.
Figures, Joey.
Dismiss me as conspiracy nutjob. But, only that bank statement will tell the real story. Funny how it would now be a "waste of your time" getting it though... That's convenient...
And I do know how to use the ELEC website. That 48 hour notice isn't there, which is clearly illegal on Delaney's part...
Can't wait to see how much money in $300 or less donations Delaney received in the three weeks leading up to the election, just like Kauff & Company...
The clock is ticking on all of you corrupt bastards....
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Dispute these facts:
A non profit, presorted, bulk postcard costs between 13.2-16.9 cents each to mail. If Delaney sent to registered voters only that's 11,751 of 18,478 population. Mailing costs around $1700.00. Automated services around $300.00. Printing of postcards around $500.00. Printing of signs and wire racks around $500.00. Using these minimums that is over $3,000.00.
It seems that Sad Truth should not be dismissed as a nut case. NO ONE would spend that much of their own money on a school board election. If that's the case it had to come from contributions and a C-1 form must be filed.
Joey, if you have proof to the contrary you should present it. If donations where made legally, why not let us know so this can be put to rest. Calling people names when a logical reason for suspicion exists doesn't serve your colleagues well.
The Sad Truth is King.......!
How do the Parents of Special People feel now that child study team members and all Response to Intervention teachers have lost their jobs? Are they upset that strangers who don't know their children will be assisting them at lunchtime and in the halls? Oh wait, that's right,- Pritchard is just a cleaning company.
Joey Warren should be tarred and feathered, then placed in a short, wide box and mailed back to Brooklyn.
Jan Rubino knows no quarter. She is a piece of crap from the word go. She says on the rebroadcast of the board meeting that she has to distant herself from Mr. Warren. F U you unethical piece of barza trash.
Jan Rubino is offended by Joey Warren who represents a large section of the community who has unfairly paid for all the barza whims and fancies for years is to be ignored? That is typical of someone who ignored no parent families and overtaxed seniors like me for many years.
F U Rubino!
When the ETHICS ruling comes down on Rubino she won't have to distance herself from Mr. Warren she will be officially removed from the school board for her unethical behavior.
And finally to the janitor wearing the black MRTA shirt that said on the back ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL. You might want to show that to all of the teachers in the union who did not save your jobs.
I just watched the board meeting on TV and must admit as a citizen of this community I am disgusted with the arrogant members of the school board. I can't believe we as the public elected such a self-centered group who has no respect for the public. I would go on but I guess my three minutes are up
Dear "Rubino is a piece"- I guess Jan kicked your ass in the school yard, too. You obviously are anti-union and have NO concept of the legal process. So go ahead and sit and fester. By your tone, one can tell you have "issues" other than what you posted. Maybe you should ask your doctor to increase your medication.
Give Joey Warren my love and have a nice day. And, please, do something about you anger before that little vein in your head pops.
Notice neither of the two posts above this one said anything about Rubino seeking campaign donations from people she oversees, approves salaries for or votes on their contracts as a board member? The two posts were all too typical to just blame someone else just like BAR.ZA. and they were also frought with the typical and disgusting N.J.E.A. union tactics. NJEA Tactic #1; Attack those who have to make the tough decisions that are counter to the NJEA playbook.
Then we were able to watch as Rubino repeatedly placated the BAR.ZA. base of hangers on to hoops and hollers that did nothing to help the dire economic situation we are in as taxpayers, communities and state. Just more self serving by Rubino and her N.J.E.A. groupies.
Taxpayers were not that stupid last election day when they elected Chris Christie. Voters were fed up with self serving trash like Rubino, BAR.ZA. and the organized crime group that calls itself the N.J.E.A.
Unions are less then 10% of America's workforce. The Unions time has come and gone. Don't give me the blah blah blah bullshit about they forged the path. They served themselves at the expense of the greater number who paid for their arrogance and deceit.
Now onto more important things. Martucci, Spells and Joel along with many other do nothings need to go. Kids need teachers not janitors in the big picture. Bus transportation by in house employees of the district was a waste and another BAR.ZA. and Quinn mistake. That mistake cost us all plenty. Those who caused many of the problems we still face now wallow in their self loathing blaming everyone but themselves. Rubino knows what she is and she is not honest. Look at the members of BAR.ZA. who come to meetings and sit there with their smug disinterested looks like Barbato who looks like he ate a mouse and it did not agree with him. Zavorskas just looks like she is ready to crack at any minute. Somethings never change. I say good that the two of them look so uncomfortable and uncomfortable. That is the price they will pay as long as they live here for how they destroyed this district through their arrogance and lust for power. Those exact words have been used before and i use them again since those words fit them to a T.
Do you know that our in-district transportation program has been commended several times for being the 'most efficient' in Monmouth County. I remember the years where parents banded together to complain because the buses schedules were so poorly done by outsiders. Can't wait to see the parents reactions when O'Malley privatizes the buses.
Anon at 7:14
1. You obviously didn't see the same podcast we all did.
2. Please post the board minutes that indicates Ms. Rubino violated ethics by approving, voting for, any vendor, teacher, or administator as a direct result of any contribution.
3. BARZA and Quinn are gone, in case you haven't noticed.
4. Christie will do NOTHING (but will make a big show of doing everything)
5. The NJEA will still be here tomorrow and a lot of tomorrows after that.
6. Anyone who believes that Joey Warren represents a majority of this community is delusional.
7. Please see a doctor, you are regressing and living in the past
Talk about dilusional? Get real! Barbato and the brood ruined this district. They did not watch the monies they spent time and time again. Did never addressed low test scores. Did not fire individuals who deserved to be fired. Placed years and years of debt onto taxpayers for unwatched contsruction projects. Ramrodded a 1.5m football stadium past the voters and taxpayers. And Joey W does represent people who do not have kids but pay too high a price for yours. That is the reality and the truth whther you like it or not. Stick your head back in the sand of ignorance where you like to be best.
"people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" can't remember if it was Lioyd or Belgio that said that alot. Perhaps some of the delusional Warren drones should heed that message, their guy seems a little light on ethics also.
Prove it then big mouth since a decision is coming for Rubino soon. That was not ignored versus your vast conspiracy about Warren, Delaney and Dr.O.
What is it when these people will do anything for power. It's the board of education. More than half of the people on it didn't get elected. They got it by default. Yet two others did unethical things to help get the position. No wonder why its disfuntional.
Still no election reports from Delaney on the ELEC website...
Still waiting...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
How come your not using NSECJOE any more and using anonymous names like BARZANJEA and Rubino is a? Your hatred is always obvious no matter what name you use.
Anon at 8:26
Wow, I guess Jan kicked your ass in the schoolyard, too
You have made a statement with no proof, therefore you are a rumor monger and your word is worth shit. Please produce proof of your statement or move on to something else. You are just repeating the same old tired crap from a few delusional individuals and a cry baby loser who lost an election because of his own incompetence.
Right, Ken, blame everybody but yourself.
Please do not engage in a battle of wits as you are "unarmed"
Have a nice day
Imagine if Kenny, Donaghue, and Warren had to run for election to the board of education. O'Malley would have spent all of his raise on funding his puppets.
I saw an article on that said that the union and board were negotiating last night. Is that true? Did they meet?
Won't make a difference if they did!
Donahue has a personal interest in the district if you know what we mean....
The best this district can get for principal of the middle school is a person who worked in a high school in South Los Angeles and is the short term principal of Asbury Park high School? This guy, Tyler Blackmore will start on step 5 at $134,000 and the appointment can't wait until the next regular board meeting? Someone has to know this guy and is doing him a favor. Notice on the agenda #INT is not posted as it always is. How many interviewed, and with all the high salaried administrators in this district not one could do that job? Tyler Blakmore believes saving our urban sxhools is the single most important goal for our society in the 21st century. Here comes the savior from Asbury Park.
When did the Asbury Park HS become one of NJ top high schools?
Can the board of education not accept a low bid based on a bus companies past history? Some board members, new and past who wanted nothing to do with a company that had serious problems in the past and is now being accepted as a vendor.
Joey doesn't give a shit who drives your kids to school, as long as its the lowest bidder. Joey's kids won't have to ride the buses.
Did Tyler Blackmore turn the Asbury Schools into Holmdel scores? If not, who needs him? I guess they are anticipating what our schools are going to turn into once Section 8 is built on County Road.
Bus contracts have to go to the lowest qualified bidder. So, no, we can't exclude someone if they have a bad history but meet the criteria in the bid requirements. However, Ms. Irons has, on occasion, withheld payment from bus companies that failed to provide the described services.
So you are willing to put kids in potential danger because its cheaper.
Would you be willing to do that if your kids went to school here?
Today is the last day for Dr. Delaney to properly file his campaign contribution reports with the Election Law Enforcement Commission, under New Jersey law.
Still nothing filed beyond his two registration reports, despite the fact that he clearly exceeded reporting requirements with a Township-wide mailing...
Joey can tell me that I don't know how to work the site all he wants, but I invite any reader to conduct your own search.
Better have Delaney cook up something, Joey. Time's almost up and there's an ethics complaint already drafted, just waiting to be filed tomorrow morning...
Tick Tock Tick Tock...
Is MILU putting in a bus bid? They have criminals driving their buses:
Milu is going to be awarded routes. Joey thinks he can't exclude someone because of the history, but he can. It just takes some work on the part of the administration but they would rather put our kids at risk. There is a process to not accept them as a bidder but that takes work and commitment. Someone should look up what Esposito said about this bus company some years past and now she will approve that same entity.
The redistricting some years back increased the number of buses. Has any Board member compared the cost savings, if there were any, that the redistricting saved? Maybe we should go back to neighborhood schools.
Esposito is not going to speak up about the buses or any other issue, things are different now
Is it necessary to have 3 VP's in the high school? Plus the director of SPS gets a VP title and the Athletic Director. Why couldn't we lay off a Phillips, Liotti or Scensey?
All I can say is LAWSUITS and more LAWSUITS
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