Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Two-Faced Tax Hike

Click here for Aberdeen Township’s preliminary 2010 budget

Once upon a time, I argued the Matawan-Aberdeen school district and Aberdeen Township had a shared responsibility for our high taxes. And, once upon a time, that was true. But no longer. The school board set a goal of limiting tax increases to 2%. The residents have declared that no tax increase is acceptable and the actual increases have been below 2%. The town council, however, has no such restraint. Over the past three years, Aberdeen Township has imposed larger tax increases, both percentage-wise and in real terms, than the school district. Aberdeen Township has the 5th highest tax rate in Monmouth County and you can thank the town council.

To understand the impact of the school district’s tax increases, we must first recognize that Aberdeen pays for two-thirds of the tax levy. (Aberdeen currently pays 67% of the tax levy, which is slightly lower than it was before the property assessment revaluations but two-thirds is still a reasonable estimate.)

This year’s school tax increase is still being decided by the municipalities (and could be appealed) but, for the sake of argument, let’s err on the high side and say they only cut $200,000 from the proposed budget. That would leave a $676,000 increase for the district or a $453,000 tax increase for Aberdeen Township.

The town council’s preliminary budget calls for a $2 million tax increase. (Sheet 3b) Now, that will certainly be revised downward but how much do we truly expect the council to cut? For guidance, we can look to Matawan. After their voters rejected a $223,000 school tax increase by a 5 to 3 margin, the council unanimously approved a $555,000 municipal tax increase.

Last year, an election year, the council was only able to cut $352,000 in taxes between the preliminary budget and the final budget. (Sheet 3b) Still, for argument’s sake, let’s assume the council cuts one million dollars from the projected tax increase.

Using the above assumptions, here’s a comparison of tax increases from 2007 to present between the school district and the municipality.

2007 Tax Levy
2010 Tax Levy
% Change
$ Change
$6,990,240 $9,225,073 31.97% $2,234,833
School District
$29,111,480 $29,800,190 2.37% $688,710

Even using overly generous assumptions, over the past three years, municipal taxes have outpaced school taxes by 3 to 1 in real dollars and over 13 to 1 on a percentage basis. And this doesn’t include fee hikes like the $92 sewer increase per year per household. Nor does it include the over half million dollars CME (town engineer) snares every year from local homeowners and businesses.

Nor does it excuse the town council from using one attorney who lies to the public and another attorney who recommends using police action against the public as the basis for creating more unwanted development that will crowd our public schools.

So, the next time your tax bill skyrockets, please remember to thank your town council. And the next time your kid gets stuck in an overcrowded classroom, please thank your town council. And when you try to leave but can’t sell your house due to high property taxes, please give a big “thank you” to your town council.

But when the town council tells you its cutting the school budget to lower taxes and then turns its back on you and votes for a massive eye-popping municipal tax increase, please tell them what you really think. >>> Read more!


Our pool story said...

Ever since last year when my wife I put in a pool I seem to read the legal notices section of the paper more often. In the process to get our pool we were entangled in such a paperwork nightmare. A nightmare over just wanting to put a pool in our yard. Now that our paperwork plight is over I occasionally look for the different types of notices that people have to put in for public notice. Today such a notice appeared entitled advertisement and notice to bidders. It seems the Township of Aberdeen is seeking bids in regards proposals that are being sought for the "ADA Accesible Seawall Park project".
Read it if you get the chance.

When my wife and I started our process in town hall we had been warned it would not be easy from several of our neighbors. They seemed to feel it was like a spanish inquisition every time they went into the building. There always seemed to be a change or another piece of paper that was needed. My wife and I went into the proces with open minds and sure enough our minds got barraged with requirements and worse. It is as if we were stupid. We were treated as if we should have known all of these terms and measurements right from the start. We are not professionals that do this every single day. Anyway the pool gets put in and we paid costs on several fronts to get it in almost waht the pool cost in the first place.

So when this mornings posting mentioned the town engineers and I read this legal notice all of a sudden one question hit me like a ton of bricks.

So here I go in hopes that someone can answer it. Do the taxpayers and homeowners have a municipality that works for them or do we seem to work to sustain the municipality. What we paid for this and that along the way for our pool was almost what our pool cost.

I now ask this since I see the name of the town engineers and the words "plans for the "proposed" work prepared by David Samuels P.E. Township Engineer, CME Associates may be examined, and then it gives the address.

As I read the name it was if I had an epiphany. I think really I just answered my own questions and quickly put the puzzle together. I also recall that not so long ago another project was reported and CME had prepared a grant proposal for some work on another property in town. So CME prepared the grant and does all the work? That tells me all I needed to know. It seems they can make their own work and either the property owners pay or the taxpayers pay.

So if and when my children have children I will make sure they go to school and become municipal engineers.

I have never put a posting on this site before and feel this one may start a good dialogue. If any of you have a similar story over a pool or anything else feel free I would love to read of your plight.

Anonymous said...

Come on now with all of the cuts in funding we all should expect it may take a little longer. People are overreacting. All things in time people.

As to the first post I agree. I won't go for permits any longer. I wanted a shed and you would have thought I was doubling the size of my house.

Joey deflects better than Martin Brodeur said...

The Aberdeener suddenly changed the subject last night, and put up a new post blasting the council. While I agree that the council sucks, it seems Joey learned the art of the deflection also.
What happened joey? Did the posts on the last topic come too close to the truth? Is your facade crumbling, and are you outed as a typical lying ass politician?



You hired a new administrator for $130k immediately after firing more than eighty people from the district?

I don't even need my usual rhetoric or hyperbole for this blog post...

You had the nerve to hire another $100,000+ a year administrator less than a week after terminating dozens of young teachers and all of the district's custodians?!?

And, the vote was unanimous?!?!?

Forget ethics, forget the Tick Tock...

My heart (and clock) stopped when I heard this... You and your BOE are true villains...


Aberdeener said...

Sad Sack,

Any news on the ethics charge? Can't wait to see who signed it.

Anonymous said...

Is it still your contention that Dr.Delaney did nothing wrong. It doesn't matter who or if ethics charges are filed. The only thing that matters is if he did something unethical or not to get elected.

Anonymous said...

Yet Kauff and his corrupt control assertions have never been defended by him or any of his merry men and women. That is all the proof I need. F U Normy!

Aberdeener said...

Dr. Delaney did absolutely nothing wrong and if anybody does file an ethics charge against him, we'll be seeking penalties against filing frivolous charges.

i hope a janitor's vote is the one that costs you your spot next election said...

Sounds like a threat. Touch a nerve Joey? A little nervous Joey?Got something to hide?

Anonymous said...

Christie wants to eliminate COAH. If successful what does that mean to Kauffs plan in Cliffwood. Is it too late or has the council sealed our fate.

all politicians suck said...

Christie says he wants to do a lot of things. That doesn't mean he will.

Don't count on it.

Christie, like Joey, and all the other morons that run the school board and town.

all politicians suck part 2 said...


Kauffy sucks said...

That means Kauffy's retirement fund goes down in a big way and cme has to gouge the taxpayers, builders and home owners somewhere else. Don't worry though Kauffy always has a backup plan. Between him, Scudieri and Robinson all the bases are covered. If they have to there is always Shenton to bat cleanup. Right Kauffy?

Thatsafactjack said...

Norman always gets his and screw everyone else. Thatsafactjack.

Disappointed in the Mayor said...

I just watched the Joey Warren
n versus the Kauff liars video. I only have one question of our new mayor Fred Tagliarini. Have you figured out the level of corruption you have involved yourself in yet?

fred you looked so uncomfortable and when you said that you had no problem allowing Liar Mccarthy to speak on your behalf. I truly wanted to throw up. You are such a disappointment to many of us who coached with you.

Whatever they promised you to sell your soul to the Democrat corruption machine, must be paying a lot of bills. I hope you can look yourself in the mirror when you get kicked to the curb or until the authorities come and drag your ass to the hoosgowl.

The d section knows said...

After reading the post above I went back and watched joey take on the lawyer. I loved it when the lying lawyer could not backpeddle fast enough from the lies he got caught in. I too read the paper and saw the quotes attributed to him and I have no doubt the lawyer is just a hired liar for kauff. No doubt about it at all. But the fact that the other council people did not have anything to say just meant that they were already told what not to say after kauff was caught in his get this development approved anyway we have to lie. I say kauff was caught in a lie since he is the low life in charge of these scumbags of the politico who dance on the kauff puppet strings. I hope they all get what they deserve just like Corren in the end. Ouch! I have to say that must really hurt when I think of what Corren is doing or who he is doing. By the way can the bald guy on the council powder up his dome a little bit. His dome shows too brightly in the video. Maybe he should buy some Rogaine stuff with some of that corrupt kauff money he gets. Then again maybe owen has a couple good wig shops for him to use. Got to figure owen gets a volume discount after all of these years. Drapkin should have come out for us in the d section. Now he pays the price for letting us down every chance we get.




Anonymous said...

Don't blame the town council for the loss of teachers' jobs you slime. Your board is the problem, you're the problem. The town has to cut money, check with what matawan wants. You only have some facts, not all facts. Your problem is you are sending your children to private school and don't want to pay taxes...plain and simple. So go somewhere where they want you.

Margey said...

What does this mornings news say about Governour Chris Christie to make towns only have to put 10% of new housing aside for low income? Is it good news for our neighbors on County? Does it give even more power to Mr. K. that would be even worse. How can this corrupt man be so powerful he was never voted in. It seems like he is our own little version of the man from south Jersey Norcross that Jim Gerahart talks about on 101.5 radio. It's as if Jim spits on the ground everytime he says that mans name he has so much contempt for that mans name. Then again some of the posters here probably do that when they speak or post of Mr.K. also. If I live till the next election none of the people serving on the council will get my votes. They seem worthless and easily led. The one man I knew who was a town supervisor he is most upsetting to me. My late husband used to talk about him so he got my vote. Never again if he does not stand up against Mr.K. who he saw all of the years he worked for the town. My first husband worked at American Can for many years and that building sits there and looks terrible. If that was in the Strathmore side you could bet it would be torn down years ago. It reflects badly on our area but that seems all right. It is not all right for us to look at.

Anonymous said...

We don't want any more housing built in Aberdeen, either side. $6-10,000 per HOUSEHOLD does not pay for the cost of $13,000 per STUDENT with possibly 2,3,4 or more STUDENTS PER HOUSEHOLD. Stop the building! Go get ratables!










Fred Tag was warned said...

Two face that is what our town council is. Two faced liars each and every one of them. Abe Lincoln turns in his grave over these type of pawns in the game of greed and political corruption. That is why Fred Tag has no problem letting the lawyer for Norman Kauff speak on his behalf. You are truly worthless Fred Tag. You sleep with dogs so you get fleas Fred Tag. The writing is on the wall Fred tag if you read it. Can't say you were not warned can you Fred Tag. How many people told you about Norman and his parking lot shakedowns Fred Tag. How many warned you of all that he has done to this town. Did you listen Fred Tag. The answer in your heart is a resounding no. They big boys don't listen to the word no in prison Fred Tag.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joey, I see your house is for sale on the real estate market.

Why are you planning on moving?

Are you going to a better town with a better school district?

Are the taxes too high here?

Whats going on......?

Anonymous said...

Is he really selling? Correction, is the person that owns the house he occupies selling? If so, WOO HOO! DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE ASS ON YOUR WAY OUT!!

Anonymous said...


Who signed ethics charges against you?

Rubino is ethics nightmare said...

No one signed any charges you dipshits. That would mean that the anonymous geniuses who can solve all the worlds problems anonymously on this site would have to come out of the closet. HMMMMMM just like Corey Booker will have to do if he seeks higher office.

I'm so bad.

Speaking of out of the closet anyone hear anything from Coreena (a.k.a.) Mark Coren lately.

Anonymous said...

Good one about Coreena. You can bet some people at town hall keep tabs on Coren. They say he was a real bastard when he and Kauff ran the show. Now it is just Kauff running the show and taking all the graft. Are'nt we lucky.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon at 3:38
You're not BAD. You're just a MORON who hasn't a clue.

Moron this said...

Jealous you could not come up with something so funny?


Keep defending the scyum like Coren and Kauff all the way to the poorhouse.

Keep allowing cm&e to rob us blind.

Get real you a-hole.

Anonymous said...

You know, of course, that every single one of your mothers have mustaches. And my Daddy can mop the floor with all your Daddies! All of them! So there! Nanny nanny poo poo!

Anonymous said...

My grass was high so what said...

The infamous nsecjoe came to my house this week cause my grass got high. Excuse me if I did not have it cut while I was away for a month. The notice on my door gave me five days until the 5th of May. That was not enough so when after the five days it was not cut he came by again and left me another notice. I mean come on sure the grass was about two feet high but who cares. I mean its just grass. I have now been code enforced upon.

Anonymous said...

Bet you he never left a notice on his pal Joey's door.

Just 2 idiots above this post said...

The last two are idiots.

First idiot allowed his grass to not be mowed for a month. Next time be considerate and pay some kid to cut it while you are away. Bet all of this idiots neighbors were glad Joe came by and I don't know? DID HIS JOB.

Second idiot has a hard onm for Joey w. and hides his name but can't keep away from the blog. The second idiot and another anonymous poster tries WEAKLY VERY WEAKLY to embarass the man who keeps us informed. Probably a Kauff protecting scumbag.

Have a Aberdeener day you two idiots. Why don't you two go play Coren and his cellmate love connection for the rest of the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry Mayor Fred they have game night in prison , you and Coren can play porno password with Bubba

Anonymous said...

Dear MORON, I'm not defending Kauff. I just think you're a moron. Guys like Kauff come and go. Sooner or later they get it in the end - just like Coren (get it, just like Coren. That's a joke, son.) But being a MORON is forever. Have a nice day Mr. Moron and tell that other moron, Joey, I said hello.

Anonymous said...

Funny...I searched the phone book high and low, and couldn't find anyone named just 2 idiots above this post...guess you hide your name too, don't you? Jerkoff...

What happened Mayor Fred? said...

So many intentional playing with words when it comes to Kauff and Coren. So here it is plain and simple for the people in the cheap seats.

Kauff is a low life blood sucking scumbag who needs to be shown the door by our supposed independent leaders recently elected. The true reasons are many and it would take too much time to explain. Plus the payroll leeches would jump on and deflect that which they no is true.

Coren is a low life scumbag who is where child pedophile scum like him belong. I hope he spends every stinking day remembering all that he did to the people that worked for him. In the end *no pun intended* *yet anyway* he turned out to be a closet homosexual who preyed on young male children. He exposed himself to and arranged to meet a male child under the age of 16 for sex. I hope he spends every day keeping all of his prison buddies from doing to him that which he hoped to do to a young boy and probably had done undetected.

Sadly though these are the people our former coach is associated with now. Oh how the mighty have fallen is all I and many others can say. I can assure you our new Mayor of Aberdeen is not as well respected as he thinks is since he joined team Kauff.

Anonymous said...

Is it necessary to have 3 VP's in the high school? Plus the director of SPS gets a VP title and the Athletic Director. Why couldn't we lay off a Phillips, Liotti or Scensey?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the recent comments about Fred. He volunteered more time and energy then most. But to see him now associated with the corrupt Norman Kauff and all of the others attached to the Norman Kauff purse strings truly sickens me. I truly do not know what I will say to him when I see him next time. I am torn having known the man with the leagues and now the man who many feel has sold his soul to the devil.

Anonymous said...

Sold his soul to the devil? The guy was a lifelong R and now he is a D. He did not just become a Democrat he became Kauffacrat. That is the worst political thing to be in public life in Aberdeen. That means Kauff buys and sells you and you better write that check or you'll end up on the street quicker then a snap. Kauff politicians will talk to you, smile and nod in your direction. I do not trust any of them. I do not at all believe one word they would ever tell me. I am an older woman and I don't curse. I'll let my husband do that since he hates two face politiciansm like we have. Each and every single one of them cannot be trusted. From Obama down to our local Kauffacrats,

Anonymous said...

Joey, When are you moving? Any offers on your house yet?

Anonymous said...

If you sell your home, do you plan on moving to a another home in the district. Since the membership of a Board of Education shall terminate immediately upon the cessation of the members residency in the school district, it is a valid question.

realty idiot with Kauff on the loose said...

Keep pestering Joey Warren like a child while Kauff robs us blind. You F'n idiot. Did you not get the realty listening you A hole? Grow up you jerk and spend the time where it makes sense. Kuaff is public enemy number one.

the wizard of oz song said...

Ding Dong! The jerkoff moved!

Anonymous said...

Joey does not cut his grass. Joey reports the corruption in aberdeen. Joey votes to save the district from cutting more teachers and ciriculum.


GRow up will ya?

All Kauff all of the time said...

Just let a person who complains about grass complain. He is on the MRTA union payroll or a member of the low life scumbags who defend Kauff and attack everyone else to deflect the blame from Kauff. All is right in the world of corruption.

Yes all Kauff all the time.

Anonymous said...

Dear phonebook. You're right, I looked for "just 2 idiots" in the phonebook, too. I didn't find a listing. A funny thing happened when I typed in MORON - the address 7 Ithaca Court popped up.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I got the same result. It also said, For Sale, house and surrounding forest, could possibly be converted back to lawn with the right heavy equipment. It also said that the janitor blood spilled all over the property could also be purchased. Sounds like a sweet deal to me...

Anonymous said...

Anon at 8:12-thanks for tag teaming