Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome Principal Blackmore

Mr. Blackmore’s recent appointment to Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School Principal has aroused a fair bit of public opposition, most notably from some lemons on the town council. Let’s address the two most prominent issues.

Mr. Blackmore is unqualified
“How could a guy who couldn’t even make it in Asbury Park be appointed principal in our district?” So the critics say. Well, let’s see what the folks in Asbury Park have to say. Here’s an excerpt from the Asbury Park Press - "Departure of high school principal comes as shock":

School board member Danny McKee was so upset last week about high school Principal Tyler Blackmore leaving to become principal of the Matawan Aberdeen Middle School that when asked to accept the 36-year-old's resignation, McKee couldn't do it.

I was shocked and very disappointed," said McKee, who is president of the Asbury Park Little League. "I'm going to vote no."

Indeed, Blackmore, who is finishing his third year as principal, has been highly popular in the city and late last week, at the same time people were finding out he was leaving, received a special Spirit of Asbury Park award from the city chamber of commerce.

Blackmore said Thursday he's choosing not to discuss why he's leaving at this time.

One theory to explain part of what happened comes from Barbara Lesinski, the past school board president who just lost her seat in April.

Lesinski believes that when central office administrators first announced a few months ago that the district was going to apply for special school improvement grants funded with federal stimulus money, principals at the high school and middle school were told they would be released from their jobs as part of getting the large grants, as much as $2 million per school per year.

That did not turn out to be true, Lesinski said, but it took a while to straighten out and by that point, she says she believes Blackmore had started to see what other jobs were available.

She also said she believed Blackmore would have have been given tenure this spring despite three new people coming onto the nine-member board when Lesinski, Garrett Giberson and Danny Weiss lost their seats a month ago.

"But it becomes precarious," Lesinski said. "Why play games with your future?
Here's an excerpt from the APP's editorial page - "Asbury loses a keeper":
Asbury Park High School's loss is the Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School's gain.

The news last week that high school principal Tyler Blackmore is leaving the high school to become principal of the Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School has left students, parents, school board members and the community at large saddened. And some are left to wonder why this happened and what can be done to prevent outstanding administrators from leaving a district sorely in need of them.

Blackmore, 36, was a principal who got things done. Among other things, he started a mentoring program, administered through the Boys and Girls Club, in which 37 high school students have signed up. Another 15 teenagers attend a college-bound mentoring program run by Monmouth University. He recently received a special Spirit of Asbury Park award from the city Chamber of Commerce . . .

Blackmore's departure is a major loss to the district. His shoes will be tough to fill.
Promoting from within would have eliminated an administrator position
This statement assumes the only way to eliminate administrator positions is through attrition. Not so. We can also terminate. Upon the administration’s recommendation, the school board decided to employ twenty-two administrators. We had no obligation to do so. We could have fired every vice-principal in the district, the deputy superintendent, the directors of accountability, the director of technology, etc. We could have eliminated every single administrative position that isn’t mandated by law.

The school board decided how many administrative positions to staff. Promoting from within would have reduced terminations by one. It would not have provided any savings.

Do we still have too many administrators? I believe we do. However, I also recognize the need to maintain an orderly transition as we continue to reduce staff with minimal disruptions. We could have outsourced transportation, guidance counselors, child study teams, secretarial staff, teacher aides, etc. I proposed doing just that. However, the administration argued we’d be biting off more than we could chew and the school board sided with the administration.

Of all people, our town council members should be the very last to suggest the school board lacks the stomach to fire people.
>>> Read more!


Anonymous said...

Why did he make $109K at APHS and we have to pay him $130K for a middle school?

Aberdeener said...

Principals are paid according to the MRAA contract.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sir. That article is my idea of top knot journalism!....a past school board President "believes" that administrators were told they were going to be let go and she "believes" that Blackmore looked around for something else because of that and she "believes" he was due for tenure...blah, blah, blah. That's not a news article, its a credo.

Diana said...

Mr. Warren, my husband could not make the BOE meeting last evening and missed your proclamation. I fear I was unable to do it justice.

Would you mind posting it online?

Aberdeener said...


Sorry your husband missed the meeting. It was actually quite moving. I'll post the "proclamation" for you.



One quote from your blog post sums up why you and the BOE are a joke:

"Upon the administration’s recommendation, the school board decided to employ twenty-two administrators."

So, let me get this straight...

The ADMINISTRATION tells the BOE how many ADMINISTRATORS should fill their own ranks? And, you just rubber-stamp their recommendation?

I've heard this argument before somewhere? Haven't I? Oh yeah, it was the exact same argument you were making in the video at the council meeting a month ago.

Remember, when you asked the council if they just rely on McCarthy's advice without doing any of their own fact-checking?

Did you personally check to see whether twenty-two administrators were needed? Obviously not...

So, once again, when it's Democrats (the Council) unjustifiably relying on a Democrat (McCarthy), that's malfeasance, right Joey?

But, when it's you and Delaney (Republicans) relying on Dr. Dick (a Republican puppet-master), that's just good professional advice?

Again and again, Joey. Again and again, I keep catching you in double-standards and fact-twisting to serve your personal partisan bullshit.

But, like you said about the teacher's union, Joey...

"As every rodeo clown knows, you can distract the bull, deceive the bull, and avoid the bull, but stick around too long and you will get trampled."

Joey, you are the biggest clown I've ever seen, so don't stick around too long. Those longhorns are sharp...

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

The Fair Dinkum said...

Well, helloooooooooo, Bill P.! Are you billing your sad posts to the township as PR?

Aberdeener said...

Sad Sack,

Thank goodness, you're okay. I was afraid you had been struck by common sense. Well, if you were, I'm glad to see you recovered.

So, let's see, a lawyer says we better build 194 units or else, without a shred of evidence, and that's analogous to a chief administrator arguing over how many administrators he needs to manage the district.

Well, I guess everyone's entitled to his opinion, no matter how stupid it is.

By the way, how's that ethics complaint coming along? Can't wait to see who signed it. I sure hope you weren't fibbing about that.

Anonymous said...

Joey - Don't you remember? We had a gun to our head.

Kauffwatch is on said...

Any Kauffcontrolled developmental meetings take place lately? You never know with that sneaky scumbag Norman kauff Esquire is up to.

F U Kauff!

Little investigative bird called and asked me a few questions late yesterday afternoon. Just a few questions sir about corruption possibilities in Aberdeen. Possibilities of corruption I said to her? Just call Mr. Warren or look on his blog site THE ABERDEENER, I told her. So I answered her questions and I told the absolute truth. That is of course unlike our Kauffcontrolled leadership of course, who are as far from the truth as you can get.

Watch for those sedans parked on Injustice Lane Norman.

Kauffwatch is on.

Anonymous said...

So, Joe what you are saying is that the MRAA contract states all new hires must start with a minimum of $130,000?

Aberdeener said...

Looking at the minutes, I see Mr. Blackmore negotiated a contract for Step 5 of the salary guide. I'm guessing it's because of his experience though I'm surprised we weren't able to negotiate a lower step. I should have questioned it before the vote but focused on his salary, which seemed in line with what other administrators were receiving.

Joel G should have been cut said...

With the glowing news reports out of Asbury Park over our new hire, it seems he may have been able to write his own ticket. I welcome him to our district but his hiring should have come with an administrator or two who sit idle and just kill time being sent packing. That is you Joel Glastien in case you did not guess. Did you enjoy the rally in Trenton on Saturday Joel? You are the poster child for what is wrong in our educational system. But you have tenure as an administrator so we are stuck with you and your lying ass. I hope the administrtion is fully informed as to what a lying sack of shit you are. Especially since you have repeatedly cost us this school district a lot of money in lawsuits and worse from your ineffectiveness and penchant for lying. Other then that scumbag Normy kauff you are second in line for people who should be run out of town on a rail. Saddle up bitch.

Anonymous said...

Now you are quoting the APP editorials when it serves your purpose. How a about the editorials that scorched this district and board of education for giving outrageous raises in these economic times to administrators. Your guessing as to why you pay someone that kind of money? It is not your job to guess. If this was your company maybe you would't be so free with the money.

Anonymous said...


His salary was in line with what other administrators, the ones that have been working here for years, or the ones being hired in other districts?

Aberdeener said...

His salary is in line with what administrators here are earning. I hadn't realized we were paying him nearly $25,000 more than he was earning in his last job. He probably would have gotten tenure at Asbury Park so we certainly needed to pay him more but I don't know how much more.


"I hadn't realized we were paying him nearly $25,000 more than he was earning in his last job. He probably would have gotten tenure at Asbury Park so we certainly needed to pay him more but I don't know how much more."

We know, Joey. You don't know shit. You just do what Dr. Dick tells you to do...

Aberdeener said...

Sad Sack,
I'm flattered you think I control the school board but I'm really just one vote in 9.

Also, I know you live in a responsibility-free world but, alas, for the rest of us, sometimes we make mistakes. Like that $2 million a year RTI program that went bust.


Is that a tacit admission that you shouldn't have hired a 22nd administrator immediately afer firing dozens of teachers and all of the custodians from the district?

That would be a first for you, Joey. Admitting you're wrong...

Aberdeener said...

Sad Sack,

I did question the number of vice principals and discussed the issue privately with Dr. O'Malley.

My mistake here was looking at just the salary and not the step level of a new hire.

I know it must be terrible for you to imagine that I could make a mistake but nobody's perfect.

At least I admit my mistakes. I'm still waiting for you to do the same.

Anonymous said...

So, we are paynig this guy 25,000 more than his last district?

How much would it have cost us to hire from within? You know 1 of the 2 great candidates we had that already worked here?

How much more is this guy making than the retiring principal?

Is this salary on par with the rest of them in the district BEFORE or AFTER the 4.5% raise?

Anonymous said...

Sure are some interesting comments added to this story: http://www.app.com/article/20100510/NEWS/100510132/Matawan-Aberdeen-board-hires-middle-school-principal


Ya know, Joey… I started out trying to make the point that you’re a partisan hack. That all of your blog postings that blast the Aberdeen Democrats are fueled by your Aberdeen Republican friends: Ken Aitken, John Gartley, and Tom Aljian. In doing so, I stumbled upon the fact that Hunterdon County Republican and MARSD Superintendent Dr. Dick used his neighbor, Tom Hopkins, to mail both his school budget literature and the campaign literature of your friend and Republican Boardmember, Jeff Delaney. In and of itself, this fact isn’t shocking, but Dr. Delaney has still yet to file a single campaign finance report explaining how he paid for a Township-wide election mailing. Suspicion is abound to say the least. However, given the complete lack of reports, I haven’t been able to prove Dr. Dick paid for Delaney’s campaign, and thus, my ethics complaint has unfortunately stalled at the Dept. of Education’s doorstep. The conundrum of self-reporting I guess…

Regardless, given the foregoing, and the fact that you and Delaney have been leading the charge on Dr. Dick's massive pay increase last year, and his contract extension this year, it hardly seems a stretch that Dr. Dick overstepped some boundaries in helping Delaney. Indeed, it hardly seemed a stretch to former Boardmember O’Connell that Dr. Dick may be involved in some backroom politicking using his position as Superintendent. In fact, O’Connell was so concerned, that he suggested Dr. Dick should disclose his political contributors to the MARSD. Curiously, O’Connell’s suggestion was vehemently opposed by Joey. This caught my attention even further as to your Republican partisan shenanigans.


And while in the past, I may have used some over-the-top rhetoric in my anger and frustration at the clear politicization and Republican control of the school board. I am now simply stupified beyond belief. Reviewing the comments section of the Asbury Park Press article about the ridiculous hiring of a 22nd administrator in the MARSD, I found a link to this picture. From left to right are: 1) New MARSD Administrator, Tyler Blackmore; 2) Republican Assemblyman Dave Rible; 3) Republican Assembywoman Mary Pat Angelini; and 4) Athletic Director, Ron Strandridge. You read that correctly, the new MARSD administrator and former Asbury Park H.S. principal, Tyler Blackmore, was specifically honored by two Assembly Republicans at the statehouse. It must be just another GOP coincidence for Joey and Dr. Dick…

But really, why aren’t the kids at this event to be honored for their state title? Were any local Asbury Park politicians (who are not Republicans by the way) invited to this photo opportunity? The answer is that the kids weren’t there and the Democratic politicians weren’t invited to Mr. Blackmore’s shindig with Assembly Republicans. Only Mr. Blackmore and his close friend, Ron Strandridge, were honored by the 11th district’s two Republican Assemblymembers. This is yet another unbelievable (and Joey would have you think coincidental) Republican connection for those getting jobs and raises in the MARSD while teachers and custodians are being fired…


Now, I know what you’re thinking. THE SAD TRUTH is on another rant trying to weave random internet postings into a political conspiracy by the school board that affects Matawan and Aberdeen. But, did you see the Assemblywoman holding the football jersey in the picture? Her name is Mary Pat Angelini, and guess who her daughter is? Kudos if you got this one… Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini’s daughter is Matawan Republican Councilwoman, Toni Angelini. So, is it any wonder that the Republican-controlled Matawan town council passed (according to Joey) “an understated and professional resolution” about the incompetent, Republican-energized and corrupt school board? Especially when the major issue with the budget cuts is the hiring of Matawan Councilwoman Toni Angelini’s family friend, Tyler Blackmore, as the district 22nd administrator, while eighty other people are being fired?

I mean, I’ve said it before, but you really can’t make this stuff up…

And, as usual, Republican-mouthpiece Joey is right up front with his proclamation defending: 1) the school board’s Republican champion, Dr. Dick; 2) the new Republican-connected administrator, Tyler Blackmore; and 3) the Republican-controlled Matawan council’s resolution, which neglects to mention the hiring of Councilwoman Toni Angelini’s family friend as the major issue.

I’m glad that ethics complaint on Delaney didn’t reveal my identity, Joey. Because by remaining anonymous, I’m digging up more partisan skeletons from your backyard than I even have time to post about. I think I’ll continue my anonymous destruction of your credibility and continue showing that every public action and statement you make serves the agenda of you and your Republican friends… That is, unless your wife moves you out of town… Only time will tell…

Tick Tock Tick Tock…


Oh, I almost forgot about another huge "coincidence," Joey...

Tyler Blackmore's former employer: Asbury Park High School is located less than 3 miles from Jeff Delaney's place of employment at the Monmouth County Superintendent's Office in Neptune. Now, if you believe they don't have some connection while both working for the public education system less than 3 miles apart, then I have a bridge I can sell you...

Again, just another unbelievable coincidence for Joey and his friends... But, according to Joey, Delaney has been known to drive to Hunterdon County to visit the post office, so maybe location isn't everything.

Speaking of great location, I hope Joey's realtor is marketing his wife's house as a dandelion farm. Maybe the buyer can get the same assessment as John Samaha... You can't get out of this town soon enough, Joey. You're a disgrace...

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

... a RAW NERVE has been struck by the sad truth...


Aberdeener said...

Sad Sack,

You're quite the detective. How did you ever think of googling Blackmore? Was it your own idea or did someone help you?

I've got to admit, it's very suspicious. I mean, why would a state assemblywoman representing Asbury Park want a picture with the local high school principal who was the keynote speaker that year for the New Jersey Future Educators Association Conference.

Even more suspicious is that the picture was taken two years ago and she hasn't posed with him since. Do you think they saw you coming, Sad Sack?

By the way, how did Blackmore get the keynote speaker gig? Looks like you've got more investigating to do. Be sure to let me know what you discover. We're counting on you.

By the way, if you're going to file a complaint against Dr. Delaney, you need to go to the ELEC, not the DOE. Maybe that's why you didn't get anywhere. But be careful. I hear Delaney has spies everywhere.


Yes Joey. It's all coincidence. It's pure coincidence that the first picture that comes up on Google of Tyler Blackmore is a picture of him with a Republican Assemblywoman whose daughter is a Republican Councilwoman in the town he just happens to end up working in two years later, after his prior public education employer, who is down the street from the public education employer of a Republican BOE member's employer, let's him go. Then, after he is let go, he ends up in the Republican Assemblywoman's daughter's town and his boss is a Republican committeeman in the Republican stronghold of Hunterdon County, who's biggest champion is a Republican blogger who lends his blog to his Republican friends whenever they are running for office...

Keep sticking with the "coincidence" defense, Joey. And, I'll let you know when pigs fly over my house past a blue moon...

Anonymous said...

Is it a crime to be republican these days? I didn't realize the democrats were doing such a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

Had you "negotiated" a contract for the new principal at $10,000 less, which is $10,000 more than what he was getting you could have saved golf and some clubs at the middle school. But I guess the Board doesn't "care about our kids". In these "tough economic times" it's nice to see the administrators setting a good example by taking a pay freeze or pay cut to save programs...NOT!

Anonymous said...

As long as you're posting facts, how much are the other principals in the district getting paid currently, including the middle school principal who is leaving?

Aberdeener said...

Here's what the principals got in 2009. Since 2009 covers half of 2008-09 and 2009-10 and, they're getting over 4% raises for 2010-11, well you get the picture.

RUSCAVAGE 139,705.86
Olsen 139,244.59
O’Keefe 136,077.63
Bera 133,560.94
Wayne 129,722.47
Janover 129,402.41
Farrell 125,814.95

Anonymous said...

So the new principal is going be getting paid more than a few of the others? How many years of administrative experience does he have>

Anonymous said...

Please put years of experience and/or steps next to these principals' salaries so we can compare apples to apples. Don't forget to put Blackmoor's stats in the list also.

Aberdeener said...

Blackmore was principal 3 years in Asbury Park. I think he was principal a couple years in California as well.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if they are Republicans or Democrats, the schools have definitely improved since O'Malley came, and I happy with his changes. My opinions are based on the school work I now see my children doing.

I have to questions why people object to these improvements. Doesn't seem like their reasons are "for the kids" at all.

Anonymous said...

I wish Mr. Blackmore success. He has pretty big shoes to fill.

The year 2009-2010 saw the fruition of a virtual dream team of administration at the middle school. Ms. Olsen, flanked by Mr. Uglialoro "Mr U", and the incomparable Ms. Carter had that school running beautifully.

I hope that Mr. Blackmore realizes that he inherits a school administration that had reached actualization. Which makes it more of a challenge than usual. Both vice principals are more than ready to actually run a school themselves. The current year saw a magical mix of age, gender and racial diversity with top talent, a synergistic combination that rarely comes along.

I wish Ms. Olsen a wonderful retirement, or success in whatever endeavor she chooses to pursue next.

I congratulate Mr. U on his excellent development as an administrator, while retaining his excellent rapport with the students.

Ms. Carter will be a phenomenon wherever she goes. A perfect balance of tough, intellect, and compassion, she will be able to write her own ticket.

Mr. Blackmore you are inheriting the very best in these two staffers. Your challenge is to make it better, or not lose the edge you have been handed. Hopefully the district is giving you every advantage to make it so.