Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Borrow Now, Borrow Later

It's local election season again and time for another Republican drumming. Should the Republicans choose to win an election rather than just run for the heck of it, here's a place they might try looking.

Aberdeen's Financial Statement to refinance its debt obligations.
  • From 2012 to 2016, the municipal tax rate increased 17% (Page A-6)
  • From 2012 to 2016, municipal spending increased 20% (Page A-7)
  • Municipal debt is $26.9 million, 144% of the annual budget (Page A-9)
  • From 2012 to 2016, municipal debt service increased 63% to $2.175 million per year and now accounts for 11.6% of the total budget (Page A-7)
Those numbers will worsen as interest rates increase. Now, you know why the township is so gung-ho on development. The money is already spent. 

Below is a letter I received that I'm re-printing with the author's permission.

N.J. "Oath of Office" or is it the "Oath of Abuse of Office"?

I _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the Authority of the people; and that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform al the duties of the office of ___ according to the best of my ability, and that I will not use my office to grant preferential treatment, nor to seek personal gain, favor, or advantage not available to the general public. (so help me God* opt).

Keywords: I swear, support, defend, Constitution of the United States, true faith, allegiance, faithfully, impartially, justly, best of my ability, not use my office to grant preferential treatment, not seek personal gain or advantage not available to the general public.

Are any of these "keywords" the truth of the decisions, votes, and spending of our taxpayer dollars to not have truly brought community wide beneficial actions by our elected Democrat only officials "Oath of Office" in Aberdeen? Many in Aberdeen say "absolutely not" from simply looking around our town you can see that the "Oath of Office" sworn to by our Democrat only leadership was more truthfully an "Oath of Abuse of Office" that betrayed the entire Aberdeen community.

Many stores in Aberdeen have been closing up operations (despite an Aberdeen Economic Business Council supposedly formed to help all of the towns businesses equally). Our neglected beach areas promised to be improved that campaigns labeled "The Jewel of Aberdeen". More truthfully our "Jewel" of a beachfront areas have been ignored (despite 2017 campaign year "promise of a new Water Park). Over 15 years of photo ops and failed political promises.

More proof of the past two decades of Democrat only “promises” to bring our town senior housing and "lower taxes through "smart development" with constant campaign promises that "this next building development will finally bring a Main Street to Aberdeen". That Main Street "promise'' of course never happened for decades. The current building surge no doubt will also be used in Democrat campaign 2017 literature as "progress" but it will be very costly "progress" under the equally questionable and manipulated PILOT Program that strips our Schools of much needed tax monies from such politically controlled and approved building projects.

In Aberdeen was the "Oath of Office" so often taken by our leaders been a citizen betraying "Oath of Abuse of Office? Was the "Oath just empty words for decades with politicized photo-ops and political lies and tricks to maintain corrupt political control? We in Aberdeen

>>> Read more!


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Cliffwood Proud and Cliffwood Matters said...

This year our areas of Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach in Aberdeen will matter like never before. Bill Sullivan and Micheal Canberg will represent all of us loudly. These two men will not be silent dolts like those we've had representing our areas of town before.

Anonymous said...

Look at that I just drove by a Shop Local sign on the front of a business celebrating 62 years in business. Signs like that remind people of the business proudly being a part of that community for decades, much less reminding customers of their business.

Of course it wasn't in Aberdeen that I saw that Shop Local sign. That is due to our lazy do nothing politicians and their handpicked for political party allegiance and political party fundraising through pressuring local businesses to fund local town events for politicking using our economic business group as political operatives. Of course if you're one of the self serving board members you can leave your business banner up forever it seems at De Marco's and the pawn shop by our center. It shows the real selfish political action committee of the AEBC under the mayors buddy Carmine. I mean as much time as the mayors truck spends in Carmine's parking lot something is going on.

Democrat scum said...

How is it that the Obama administration knew Russia was hacking our governmental operations and computer systems for years and did nothing. And now the Scumer-Pelosi Democrats are blaming Donald Trump for Russia interfering in our government operations and elections despite the fact that he has been the President of the United States for less than six months? It is politics at its worst against a man who wants to Make America Great Again after Obama screwed up everything he touched for eight taxpayer betraying years while embarrassing America on the world stage.

Absolute truth is said...

Aberdeen adopts 2017 budget with no tax increase


Get ready to bend over and take it in the ass for your school tax increase due to our elected officials stealing from the schools

It's called PILOT

Payment in Lieu of taxes (politically manipulated to cover our towns financial mismanagement by our elected officials)

Of course in Aberdeen under these corrupt and immoral democrats PILOT really stands for

P Payments
I Improperly
L Legislated
O Orchestrated
T Thievery

Anonymous said...

If you must know the drone used by the ATPD is a member of the Dept. It was not purchased by the township. But let me guess you asswipes knew that already. Get a life.

Bus rider said...

Still no pool club so I guess they don't have a calendar to know that they should be open.

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen FAKE NEWS is

We have honest politicians in Aberdeen
We have hard working politicians working for us
We have independent town management
We have honorable financial management
We have a prosecutor not arrested for drugs
We have a councilman not arrested for drugs
We have a police force that is proactive
We have s business group that helps business
We do not have political family hires on payroll
We do not have politicians taking illegal bribes
We do not have low income only in Cliffwood
We do not have empty stores all over town

Sorry got to go to work

Please add as you like

Anonymous said...

Two special elections last night that the demoncrats thought they'd win. The demoncrats lost despite their 24 7 365 fake news and slanderous attacks on Trump that are the ret of the carefully crafted demoncrats disregard of the Trump doctrine to Make America Great Again. America will be Great Again despite the likes of Schumer, Pelosi and their partners in crime that is the liberal media. What we see on a daily basis in 97% of the media s a political party bent on destroying our America.

Anonymous said...

Wake up Aberdeen today is the first day of summer. It is also my sincere hope that it is the last first day of summer for three do nothing democrats. Democrat politicians in Mayor Fred Tagliarini, Deputy Mayor Margaret Montone and Councilman Joe Martucci who do not deserve to be reelected due to their complete and total disregard of anything close to effective, honest and ethical leadership.

Our towns 27 million dollars in debt was incurred under the democrats only and it only begins to scratch the surface of the democrat only official misconduct. It is time our town is saved from these self serving politicians who have for far too long selfishly put themselves and their political party before the needs of us the citizens, our local businesses and most importantly the students of Aberdeen who are our future.

I urge you to search out the candidates running for elected office on the republican ticket and hear what they have to say and how they will repair this town from the democrat only, two decades long damage done by the democrat party. The candidates are Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey.

I am anonymous by choice to not be harassed by those who fail us all while ignoring the costs of their ineffective leadership.

Anonymous said...

Another genius move by our corruptocrats and so much for Fred's shared services campaign of bullshit when Fred espouses shared service agreements and cost savings with our neighbors in Matawan. I mean he talks about it every campaign to voters but then shared services of course never comes to fruition but it sounds good when you are lying to voters every election.

I think Fred missed a big opportunity and a simple shared service benefit for residents by not having the two towns fireworks on separate nights. If only someone looked at the calendar or actually coordinated a shared service or shared fireworks event in order to double the opportunity for people to watch them all while celebrating the birth of our great nation.

If nothing else our three campaigning this year for reelection idiots could've lied for votes at both events if only they were held on separate nights. Oh hell it's going to rain anyway due to the Aberdeen democrats self serving bad juju or is it really just bad karma? Either way they suck. Right Ivanasshole?

Anonymous said...

The firetruck is gone I hear not to scrap but to a trade
source says it happened in typical democrat shade

Come on you really expect to hear about such a thing
you got to know it had to have a corrupt political ring

Our democrats cannot do anything on the up and up
it would be counter to their what's in it for us buildup

Cost of used fire truck was said to be 30 or 40 grand
still not enough to buy a cushy democrat only island

A corruptly funded island paid for by all us taxpayers
probably name it for us as well "For All The Naysayers"

So it seems the firetruck was traded away for a truck
said to be a used truck to which I say what the fuck

Who made that deal I have got to ask the democrats
probably the person who does the single bids for rats

Now I am digging in about the paving machine mess
am trying to be a junior G-Man you see like Elliott Ness

The other little bit of news I heard about just yesterday
democrats are worried about the election going astray

Seems the folks from Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach
do not think our Mayor and Council sweet like a peach

A peach like our democrats you see can look very sweet
but just like our democrats can really be a rotten treat

Anonymous said...

I just saw a cop drive down my street. Is it a leap year? Cause that hasn't happened in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

























Anonymous said...

They report that the dems spent $30,000,000.00 and lost in yesterday's election run offs. How many homes for severely injured veterans could that money have built I wonder.

Anonymous said...

Give the guy a break maybe he's got a Ronald McDonald fetish.

Anonymous said...

Cliffwood and Cliffwood each Facebook
John Shea said to someone
why not go to Aberdeen Today group and ask the mayor, he's the one who posted this message there. He should be able to answer your question.

why is it that the mayor and other council people are going on Aberdeen Today and giving out information that should be presented to all Aberdeen residents. Why do these people answer questions that only folks in that group can see?
Why are we paying for pr people both employed by township and by private company and these elected people are doing the job of staff person?



Anonymous said...

You know the D's are hurting our town and they D's only are to blame. Vote them out on Election Day.

Taxpayers said...

Aberdeen Township
Free Movies in the Park
Aberdeen Township invites you and your family to three Free movie events! You bring the chairs and blankets and we will provide the movie and fun.
OOPS! Guess the so called brains over there did not read the names and ratings of movies.
R-rated movies are not for family night movie. Who Okayed these movies?
Who is paying for them? Taxpayers or benefactor?

Remember they said the green recycle pails were Free of charge, no cost to us, BUT IS THAT TRUE, so If you go to town website and see minutes (part below) of workshop for 9/20/16.
We are also looking to provide recycling containers to residents. Towns that give recycling containers have an increase in recycling participation by residents. 32 gallon recycling container is $15.80 each; there are 4993 garbage pickup which would costs $85,000 for containers. Where did that money come from?

They are not very prudent with spending our money.

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you people think our Aberdeen is not honestly and ethically managed with our tax dollars always spent in the best interest of us taxpayers by our politicians and town management. I don't know about you but I love living here in Aberdeen Maryland and would not want to live anywhere else. I for sure would never want to live in that Aberdeen town in New Jersey. That town is a real mess and their town leaders are illegally hiding everything they do from the public until the last minute. Worst of all their business alliance group is laughable and only acts to protect itself while only propping up the criminal politicians in town.

Anonymous said...

The dems are going to pull out all the stops to get votes this year. I gotta figure if you need your lawn cut or gutters cleaned they'll do it. They're afraid of the outpouring of opinions over these projects that are crushing Cliffwood.

Anonymous said...

Toke em if you got em right Greg?

Long time resident said...

Anonymous on June 15, 2017@4:05 in there posting a look into the dirty little secrets inside town hall. Granted we don't know if it is true, but if it is there is some big problems that need to be looked into. What was worse was is that it possibly shows official mismanagement and serious abuse of our tax dollars. This must be looked into as I think that post submission may only scratch the surface. I'm a democrat and if this is true it stinks to high heaven. I am willing to give people the benefit of the doubt except that post leaves plenty of doubt. Again if it is true that is.

Anonymous said...

Street sweeper? Did you really see a street sweeper in your area of Corrupterdeen? I haven't seen one in over a year. and that's being kind. Maybe they are sending it to sweep up all the mud outside the condos being built over on 34.

Anonymous said...

You got to check out candidate for Aberdeen Mayor Mike Canberg taking on Greg Cannon on the Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach NJ website.

Cannon is dishonestly great as the all too typical politician who is also also a lawyer not honestly answering a question by deflecting to another question on another subject altogether.

Just so typical is just so typical of that low life.

Anonymous said...

Up early today to once again hit that little white ball
hoping against hope to the democrats take the fall

A fall as in investigated, arrested and long put away
for all they've done to hurt us taxpayers every day

They have done little for this town you can plainly see
except millions corruptly went to their buddies at CME

Studies annually on properties long to be developed
never built upon for decades due to Kauff corrupted

Demands made for specific law firms and his kickback
even under the lights we were told and takes us aback

No one said a thing of those who were told it happened
the proof is that the chosen developer was Kauff removed

You see if you don't pay to play in the Kauff his big fee
don't get to develop any land without paying big to CME

Sure Kauff they say has been gone for years and years
we unfortunately pay far more presently leaves us in tears

It is no doubt that Vinci's buddy the one we know as Fred
resurrected development opportunities long thought dead

It is easy to do when the town manager gives up her power
to Fred and his cohorts who think they live in a tower

The tower of corruption, collusion and political corruption
building with felons and those willing to pay bribes on and on

With walk away monies in the millions for what we'll never see
as long as they get a little bit with the really big money to CME

CME, CME and CME is truly the biggest corruption based profiteer
with an unexplained debt of $27,000,000.00 for what never clear

You see it is all just smoke and mirrors by our politicians you see
all carefully crafted by our crooks and theIR evil overlords at CME

We are paying big to the tune of $2,100,000.00 in debt each year
for what we can only be sure financial mismanagement is clear

This next election will not shift the democrats power base you see
next election is for four to shift control is hard with big CME money

Money that the democrats funnel using all our tax money you see
for studies on the same properties generate campaign CME money

Look at their treasury report for donors names that you'll never see
like the democrats individual donor list mostly coming from CME

Bus rider said...

Passing the swim club that is still not open and can't help but laugh again.

Town worker said...

For Joe who is still out there waiting to come back. I saw this this morning and thought of your situation and of those involved with you. People here say you're a bad person so they can feel less guilty of what they themselves failed to do for you. I still cannot believe you are still not here working. You deserve to be back to work and you are definitely needed.

Anonymous said...

Street sweeper out on trash days when they really could not clean the streets effectively having to go around every driveways trash cans out for pick up. That is just one example of the incompetence and the just so typical of the corruptocrats not truly caring about this town. Know why that is my fellow aberdeeners. Cause the do nothing corruptocrats and their town hall do as little as possible minions don't give a shit about doing their jobs. They don't have to do their jobs I guess since no one holds them accountable. I hear that is soon to change with the republicans finally having candidates. If they're smart they start off with what services we do get and where did all the f'ng money go. That will win this election since the corruptocrats hide everything from us anyway.

Anonymous said...

Which cop is it that they call the real estate cop?

Cliffwood Matters and Cliffwood Proud said...

Just when I think Councilman Cannon cannot be that big of an asshole he proves me wrong once again. Now instead of telling the truth about the taxpayer hurting development that they've allowed here in Cliffwood, he tries to deflect all blame away from his and his fellow politicians community betrayals. That and to say nothing of the other numerous failures at leadership starting with Anchor Glass. Michael Canberg, Biily Sullivan and Gus Toomey will get all of this families votes. As for the mouth that roars and says nothing being Greg Cannon he better not think he will win next time.

Anonymous said...


Thank God it's Friday!

Anonymous Rules!

Anonymous said...

Lies to us is an understatement since him and the other scum are screwing us every single day. They can't help it though after all they're democrats.

Maybe it's me said...

Another close to a week with nothing beneficial coming from our democrat only leadership. It's like the worst Groundhog Day that last for decades culminating in almost twenty seven million dollars in debt. Maybe it's me but it is long past the time we get rid of the present political leadership that has never been leadership.

Anonymous said...

I have had enough and this is my first trip onto here so here is my thoughts after reading Councilman Cannon' latest ignorance.

I write to all who will read this that it looks like our Councilman Cannon is now purposely pissing off us Cliffwood Matters people. I guess we will see the results of his continual asinine comments after this November election results are counted. Too bad Cannon' stupid ass is not on the ticket this election year. The more I find out about him the bigger idiot, liar, toker, and all around typical scummy politician he constantly proves himself to be. Whether it be on Facebook or elsewhere he never fails to prove himself to be a self promoter of idiocy.

Myself I will not be voting for any democrat or anyone in the pockets of or is beholding to the present democrat administration ever. Maybe Cannon is just that much of an asshole to constantly disagree with anyone that dares to question him or his action or the democrats? I mean he promised more transparency in government in his last campaign so where is it? The Councilman Cannon I see and read about is not transparent, he's just a horses ass. That fact is very obvious if not clearly transparent as he responds to any and all criticisms much less as he laughingly tries to defend or deflect his and his fellow politicians roles in ignoring the will of us people here in Cliffwood.

They have sold us out to developers who will build their projects and leave our community they will make worse with their pockets bulging full of money. Likewise we have no doubt there must be a lot of money, jobs or more down the road for those involved in approving these hurtful projects. That's right I said projects and while it may not be politically correct they are projects as they will have all the trappings of typical projects and resident conduct soon enough. That is why they are far away from their precious Strathmore. Of that there is no doubt.

I will be voting for Mike Canberg for Mayor, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey for Councilmen on Election Day 2017

Let these men get elected and make Greg Cannon their first project. I would also suggest that at every council meeting under our newly elected Mayor Mike Canberg they drug test Councilman Cannon. In fact drug test and alcohol test all of the council people at every meeting now that I think of it.

Cliffwood Matters TK

Anonymous said...

They're not trying to get rid of Joe they're trying to kill him. It's crazy they've strung him along for over a year. I know him a bit from when he lived over on Elmwood. The best thing for us is that that guy doesn't stop and he'll be heard. I hope he starts writing the papers also.

Anonymous said...

From Matawan First Facebook June 1
Read an interesting Facebook post by Mayor Fred Tagilarini, and Councilpersons Margaret Montone and Greg Cannon regarding the Aberdeen budget. There was also an article in this week's Independent newspaper about the Aberdeen budget. Aberdeen indicates that their tax rate this year will remain flat, due in most part to their aggressive development on Route 34, Church Street, Train Station area, Anchor Glass, etc. Funny that they don't mention how these developments will affect our school taxes for both Aberdeen and Matawan residents. Well, let's wait and see if the student population increases from these developments before we judge these projects

Where was Facebook post by Tagliarini?
What happened to Martucci? Isn't he running for reelection with Mayor and Montone?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Councilman Cannon might be doing another drug intervention for a worker that had an accident at work. At least this accident didn't get called in like the woman witnessing a worker of ours buying drugs on work time in a town truck this time. Use that one Joey Mac and I need you to avenge me.

Anonymous said...

From Matawan First Facebook June 21

Citizens , We find it enlightening about how the MATAWAN Broad Street project is still being discussed by an Aberdeen Councilman when he mentions nothing about the redevelopment projects in his own backyard . The Church Street project , Route 34 project , Aberdeen Train Station project , which if you look at are bigger and will have more units than the Broad Street project . Also , let`s not forget the enormous Glass Works project , a project that , along with the other Aberdeen redevelopment projects , will increase our student population , add hundreds of cars to our roads and will reduce our quality of life. . Funny how one person can in another municipality, criticize what MATAWAN does , but believes their overdevelopment is great . Also , our question is a simple one : since both municipalities share a school district , did the Aberdeen Town Council ever talk to MATAWAN about their redevelopment plans and how it would affect MATAWAN residents ?

Anonymous said...

Cliffwood Beach water park have a new completion date yet Freddy boy? All the not from our town residents are looking forward to abusing it you f'ng morons. No fences and no security but don't worry you will all few votes out of that monumental waste of tax dollars. Let's see 2.5m spent in an area ignored by your democrats for decades and now the thing you actually do you put in a f'ng swamp. That's ok though Fred it's not like the town couldn't have bought the old pool club in Strathmore and improved that for a secure area for the towns residents. Then again building a waterpark in a swamp and flood probed area makes perfect sense when you want to make certain we stay over here and far away from your precious Strathmore. What happened to you Fred?

Anonymous said...

From Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach Facebook Jun 24
Someone on the Aberdeen Today Group said they’d like to hear from both sides about how the pilot program at glassworks and at the train station works.
Councilman Greg Cannon explained with the following:” PILOT is an acronym that stands for Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. Essentially, the town and the developer agree on a set amount of money that the developer will annually pay in advance of construction instead of waiting until the property is built and then assessing the taxes afterward. It provides certainty to the developer who is loaning money to build the project. And the amount is usually lower than the taxes would ordinarily be to incentivize the developer to build. In the case of the Glassworks, 85% of the property is not part of a PILOT and will just pay ordinary taxes from day one. In order to incentivize the developer to demolish the glass factory before doing anything else, the town agreed to a PILOT on 15% of the property. But that 15% still generates tax revenue - it was just an agreed upon amount in advance and slightly lower than the expected assessed value. people confuse the fact that the PILOT Payment on the 15% does not get shared with the school district with the notion that they're paying no taxes.
And there's nothing that we can do on the local level to change that. The State Redevelopment Law says that it doesn't go to the schools. Another thing to call our legislators about, as they could change that tomorrow and the effect of using the PILOT to incentivize otherwise difficult development would remain the same.

Last part said...

The town has only two imperfect tools to incentivize a developer to take down an abandoned factory or clean up an environmental mess: PILOTS and Abatements.
PILOTs are described above and Abatements means no taxes for the first year, 20% the 2nd year, 40% the 3rd year, 60% the 4th year, 80% the 5th year. Abatements can only legally be granted for five years. We have not granted any abatements on any of the projects.
Only PILOTs on portions of projects, except for the Church Street property which is 100% PILOT. The reason the Church St development is 100% PILOT is because the property required a $4M environmental cleanup and the town owned the property and was responsible for it. We made a deal with RPM Development whereby they would clean it up on their dime, help us clean up the adjacent lot, and in return, they got the property (which had negative value) for $1 and a PILOT agreement for the same term as the repayment of the money RPM borrowed to clean up the property.
Finally, people ask: why everything at the same time? The answer is that the FEMA money from Superstorm Sandy finally made its way through the system about 20 months ago to reinvest in Monmouth and Ocean County housing stock. Developers throughout the Bayshore were eligible for what are essentially sweetheart deals from the NJ Housing Mortgage Finance Authority, which dumped $200M into this area alone. That's why it all suddenly jumped up at the same time.
Now, the town had to ok their applications, so if you're not in favor, I'm not blaming FEMA. But, the opportunity was there to take down every abandoned factory in town, and we voted to do it.

Anonymous said...

And in a little under 13 hours the political corruption with puppet management and complete and total financial mismanagement that is purposely hidden from our mayor and council begins anew.

Anonymous said...

You people need to be supportive of our politicians and town workers. Just look at all they've done to better our community. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....

Anonymous said...

What are they going to do when McAleer wins?

Anonymous said...

Under our democrats this town runs like a clock. A clock that never works and has a do nothing council like a second hand that never moves the town forward. This our democrats call progress. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

F the demoncrats

Anonymous said...

Overheard on Father's Day -

Carmine: "Who's your daddy Freddy? Who's your daddy?!?"

Freddy: "You are Carmine. You are. Spank me. Spank me hard!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Granny Pallone, teaming up with the Hamburgaler and handing out free flagpoles?

You and your Demoncratic pals are a disgrace to this country. Where were you when they shut down Ft Monmouth you old fart bag?

PS Did I mention your a fart bag?

Anonymous said...

Riddle me this Aberdeen ...

What do Mayor Fred, Councilman Cannon, Hillary Clinton, and Chuckee Schumer and their gang of Demoncrat thieves have in common?

Answer: No principles, no morals. Fake politicians pretending to be protecting us. Incentize this Cannon, you sanctimonious D-bag (Demoncrat-bag).

Anonymous said...

Last Part poster=Councilman "The Toker Smoker" Greg Cannon

It is no doubt it's Cannon since he can't help himself because Cannon can never be accused of being wrong.
(That's strange because he's done nothing right since he got here)

Here's a few examples of Cannon's screw ups, ignoring, patronage and more.

Help defended politically connected drug users on their third strike

Repeatedly defends the mismanaging town manager who is a true liar and Cannon knows it
(Like they say thick as thieves or thick as liars)

Allowed the purchases of needless equipment that never gets used or is sold at a loss

Hid incompetence by supervisors costing taxpayers monies
(Enough monies that it could've paid for the green recycling cans I heard)

Helped his 5-0 buddies get promoted causing morale problems

Helped his pot smoking buddy get a legal job in town that he was unqualified for
(then again Cannon is unqualified for despite his Notre Dame Magna Cum Dumbass degree)

Hid his drug arrest from voters just before his election

Ignores the major and minor problems in town

Ignores the building of projects hurting us taxpayers and our schools
(not to worry he'll get politically connected discounts for his kids private schooling)

Adds to the 27 million dollar debt that he helps his democrats hide from us taxpayers

Sharpened his knives against women in this and other towns being rude and crude

Summarily dismisses anyone that disagrees with him

Thinks he is above it all

Just a few points on the man that is Councilman Weedman Cannon

It has been said before F Greg Cannon and his democrats

Anonymous said...

I read that bullshit from Last part=Greg Cannon again and I add the following truths of his and his democrats betrayals.

Stuart Brown took down South River Metals building you liar and he got fired for cutting out the politicians $engineers$

Our town took down the old paint factory building under Chief Lou's direction after the puppet town manager ignored him

Factory builders-sweetheart deal- Sandy money and they are screwing us taxpayers and leaving us in their rear view mirror

Factory builders bribed our politicians-betrayed us taxpayers for decades-just to get approvals-ignore contamination-worse

RPM Development is a politically connected group-says it all that we taxpayers will get screwed over it-despite-lies-payoffs

Town had to ok applications?-liar

Jumped up at the same time?-liar

Opportunity?-to screw us taxpayers

(What? Like the A&P that left as their abatements ran out leaving us with nowhere to shop-ignored by our own business group)

Q-Learn anything from the lies that are Greg Cannon?

A-They cannot be trusted to do anything honest or ethical

I will be paying very close attention to the other candidates this year or I will either vote for them or write in the 3 stooges names

Politicians work for us don't forget said...

Two things to know today that will affect all of us in Corrupterdeen. The developments will hurt us and the biggest development that was wholeheartedly approved despite historic warnings and even recent businessman warnings of what would come with these type developers and developments. I mean they say some of these developers are ruthless and even one it is said might be a convicted felon. Try as they will our politicians will no doubt try every excuse in the book when they know full well they were warned in advance. Their greed won out over the needs of us the community and who long ago forgot that we tax payers are in fact their employers.

Anonymous said...

A town worker mixed up with drugs and it wasn't Cannon?

Anonymous said...

Joe won't win they will pay him off like they have done before to avoid publicity. This year is an election year so they don't want him out there believe you me. My husband left many years ago and they pay and then act like it was no big deal. After all it is just another taxpayer check they write.

Anonymous said...


C Cocky
A Asshole
N Narcisist
N Nasty
O Obnoxious
N Nincompoop

Anonymous said...

The opportunity was there to tear down every abandoned factory in town and we voted to do it.

So says Councilman Cannon.

I don't believe one word the man says and here is why.

What Councilman Cannon did not tell you was that the democrats favorite engineers at CME were paid or more precisely overpaid to oversee the old factory tear downs Cannon points out.

This of course occurred while CME was charging handsomely for big unchecked for competitive bids supervisory fees that are filled with corrupt kickbacks to Cannon and his democrat campaign treasury.

That is the 100% truth of why Cannon and his fellow council thieves voted for or took any actions whatsoever to tear down the old factories in Aberdeen.

Right Councilman Cannon?

Wait look who I am asking a pot smoking law breaking me first politician.

Never mind just know he's a liar.

Anonymous said...

PILOT is an acronym then acronym must now be spelled P O L I T I C A L T H I E V E R Y.

P must stand for Political
I must stand for Incompetent
L must stand for Lecherous
O must stand for Organized
T must stand for Thievery

Anonymous said...

$26,900,000.00 went where? This amount of money misappropriated or misspent needs to be investigated. What and how these democrats spent that much money with nothing to show for it is unconscionable. Wake up Aberdeen we are being politically manipulated and robbed by our elected officials and their cronies and hangers on.

Anonymous said...

Ever ask yourself how our useless politicians stand to even look at themselves in the mirror much less sit in a church? After all they are nothing but selfish corrupt little heartless people that betray all of us. This November Aberdeens voters have a big opportunity to rid our community of the democrat only so called political leadership that are complete and total failures in all aspects of governance. Look around is all you have to do some on here say. Myself I feel it goes deeper than that as their betrayal of our community in all its forms is in fact criminal. Just the reported spending of $300,000.00 on a machine that was never used needs close scrutiny to say the least. Novembers election day is fast approaching and the democrats have plenty of ill gotten donations to continue their corrupt and self serving organized crime network. We can stop them we must stop them as two decades plus of the singular democrat only failure is far too much.

Anonymous said...

Our government interferes and undermines elections all over the world. Somehow now Russia has fueled the hypocrites like Senator Schumer and the liberal media that is in itself a political party now based on FAKE NEWS.

Anonymous said...

Silent dolts representing your area? They're all silent dolts in all of the town who only represent themselves, cronies, donors and never forget their number one illicit campaign contributors at CME. Of course this carries through for us over here who have had Joe Raymond, Jim Gartley, Willemina Gumbs and Robert Swindle representing Cliffwood and our Beach. All of the who have ignored and betrayed even their own areas through their corruptly singular allegiance to the democrats.

Anonymous said...

Mika Brizinski and Joe Scarborough have been torturing President Trump and now Trump fights back on Twitter and you'd think he'd killed them the way the stooges in the media are acting. F all of them I say.

Anonymous said...

Waiting on the sun to rise down here at the serene.

It is quiet and peaceful until I remember I live in Corrupterdeen.

You know that Monmouth county town controlled by the democrats that is anything but honestly run and clean.

The fat boy mayor and one pot smoking councilman do all the talking.

And shut down anyone that does any sqwuakng.

You see anything and everything is done only for them and those they like.

While for us who pay the bills only get an annual tax hike.

This rhyming thing isn't that tough. Al from the beach

100% truth is said...

Never has one man (Donald Trump) wanted to do so much to better our nation been so unjustly criticized and undermined by so many who have been directly responsible for failing our nation.

That is the truth

the whole truth

and nothing but the truth

please help us GOD

Anonymous said...

The close of another month with Joey Mac still hanging in the wind. When he starts exposing what he knows they'll be no stopping him. They hired him and they fired him so I guess now they'll pay the piper for all he knows of what they've done. Me I would have gone public on day one. Avenge me Joey Mac.









Anonymous said...

You have no idea how bad things are inside town hall. You soon will hear though and the democrats-rats will not be able to hide this time.

Anonymous said...

A woman says the best thing on Facebook about our disgraceful politicians and it made the most sense to me.

She said:

Mayor Fred needs to go bye bye

Mayor Fred and his gang of thieves have sold us out to crooked developers and cronies and we are paying the bill.

Mayor Fred needs to go bye bye

Councilwoman Montone needs to go bye bye

And finally Councilman "nooks and crannies" Martucci needs to go bye bye

Anonymous said...

Might get some rain today so i'll hit the links early
get in a quick nine before things get squirrely

NJ shutdown due to infighting politicians I hear
they do what they want to us they have no fear

Look at our local politicians a minute and see
they're only fearful of no money from CME

That is to whom our so called leaders are beholding
not like we matter to any of them CME they be loving

Secret meetings held out in Freehold and in Manalapn
those were not any strategy sessions a crooked plan

Being told how to vote and what they're share would be
all gotten illegally of course from the evil that is CME

So my tee time is approaching I have to go now you see
thank God for me playing golf is not controlled by CME

Happy 4th. of July I wish to all of you without a doubt
sadly we are betrayed since we are without any clout

Anonymous said...

Councilweedman Greg Cannon they say went to St. John Vianney High School. Or as he tells it with his fondness for the demon weed

Saint John of the Vapehidinghispotsmoking

Anonymous said...

The new condos on 34 are called Hidden Acres. No surprises there since everything our dems do is hidden.

Anonymous said...

Fireworks they're coming soon I'm told
sounds like this election won't be like old

Source left a message their monies no good
unlike the rumored buying of votes in Cliffwood

Told they threw out sets of numbers all refused
money to buy off former employees often was used

Not this time it seems that's not going to happen
seems plan is to testify put them all in the pen

Told they're over 25 specific incidents you see
I hope against hope many will involve CME

They're our nemesis many looked the other way
only because corrupt campaigns they'd all pay

Off for the fourth celebrations tonight in DC
be back after long weekend with more info maybe

Leaving tonight at 10 to avoid the traffic maybe
staying in Alexandria Virginia with first born baby

Fireworks on the mall will certainly be a big treat
got to stop for crabs in Baltimore no small feat

Hitting the tunnels at just the right time you see
if not I'll end up in big traffic back to my Jersey

Have a very safe weekend to all I wish to you
mayor no doubt a message on return I say F you

Anonymous said...

Looks like our corruptocrats should give up politics and go into weather forecasting business or better yet maybe go into rain making business. It seems that anytime the corruptocrats hold their corruption filled events filled of political lies that are only held to get votes. These vote getting events like tonights Mayors Softball Game and Fireworks across town it rains. Maybe the town should consider holding an event over here in Cliffwood Beach rather than at the area with the least amount of parking like tonights location over in their precious STRATHMORE?

Then again most of the events attendees are lackeys, cronies, town employee and our corruptocrat officials and families attendance numbers breaks down to an average of 6 town officials fawning and lying for votes, 20 employees who want to stay in favor, and sadly only a a few real town residents out of 18,500 residents show up. All of these events when analyzed might be honestly looked at as to the numbers of actual town residents who attend these only held for political vote getting events probably works out to be about $50.00 a person. I am sure far too many town employees spend over $25,000.00 minimally to plan these political only vote getting events.

So as tonights rain storm rolls through ending the corruptocrats Mayoral Softball Fireworks event only held to get out the vote campaign on our dime, at least we can look forward to rain events for our lawns, gardens and lowers at the 5 or 6 political get out the votes long being planned by the corruptocrats to be held between now and Election Day.

Anonymous said...

Toke em if you got em. Right Greg?

Anonymous said...

Off to the Matawan fireworks where I won't be pestered by desperate politicians who only pay attention to me and my family if it's an election year. Canberg, Sullivan and Toomey in 2017 if for no other reason than to piss off the dems.

Anonymous said...

Yet another taxpayer funded phone call of political torment and abuse to prop up the failures we call our mayor and council just came in at 8:35. A call to tell me about the fireworks to go off in 25 minutes. Talk about how desperate the candidates are to use our tax dollars so illegally only to laughingly make us think they care about us rather than expose the truth of their selfishness. Right Freddy boy?

Anonymous said...

Fred, Joe and Maggie got to go for no other reason then their complicity in doing nothing for our town but wasting money.

Anonymous said...

Can we park the big response trailer on the grass instead of taking up needed spots for people to park geez.

Anonymous said...

I'm standing by one of the players families last night and the wife says the fireworks were kind of low to the ground. The husband says everything in this town is underwhelming. That was priceless coming from an employee who's probably seen a great deal.

Anonymous said...

Big thank you to Mr. Warren for his opinions and this site, a site that continues to allow an un-orchestrated and unmonitored by the Democrats view of our Aberdeen. Other sites it seems are monitored, and quite often minimized with political excuses. Also and not so surprisingly many on this sites are tired of being bullied by Councilman Cannon as well. This is especially true on the FB page of our local Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach NJ under Mr. John Shea.

I saw one man a while back who actually congratulated Cannon for allowing the man to raise and lower a towns flag by himself, making the man a town employee of sorts, although unpaid of course. It seems that Cannon has promised the man to work on getting a light for the flag pole, but until then the man will do the deed. If that flagpole promise by Cannon is like the promises Cannon made to my neighbor, at a public council meeting, years ago that Cannon stated he would get the building torn down. Despite the Cannon' promise the house that went up in a fire the night of Hurricane Sandy remained for another two years after the promise to the neighbor. I'd conclude that the light for the flagpole will take years to likewise get a promise from Cannon fulfilled. A man of his word Councilman Cannon he is most certainly not. I can't wait to see him at the towns community day. Tom K. from the beach.

Anonymous said...

Hey Freddy boy what's the next Aberdeen get out the vote event that we'll all have to endure your shameless taxpayer funded phone call reminders for? Is it for the R Rated movie night ? Is that movie night still on Freddy boy? You might want to consider another movie Freddy boy? Maybe "Fiddler on the Roof" or Yenta? Maybe something more political like "All the President's Men" or maybe even "The Untouchables", which I heard you and your political cronies won't be "Untouchable" for much longer. These useless phone calls and political vote getting messages prove that you'll do anything to keep your name and the names of your fellow thieving candidates in the public domain. Won't you there Freddy boy? Just shameless you are Coach Fred.

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing how Trump using Tweets to defend himself and his leadership to Make America Great Again are criticized. If Obama did it it would be brave, revolutionary and beyond great by the liberals and their media. What happened to my America?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter that our town leadership are criminals since they make the rules. They hide the agendas until just before their council meetings are held keeping the public out of the loop allowing their self serving leadership. Of course Councilman Gregory Cannon campaigned on ensuring a more transparent governmental process. Liar! Is the only word that can be used against Cannon as that is what he is and will no doubt always be. One proof is Cannons abusive conduct in town and beyond that can be proven. Then their is the public meetings held and that are supposed to have meeting results printed in a timely manner are only released most often months later and long after the meeting and votes affecting us were held. Then there's the $26,900,000.00 in debt our democrat only political leaders have put upon us without any real substantive results, improvements or benefits to the community with that money spent. Of this our democrat only politicians don't care and that goes double for Councilman Martucci who like Cannon campaign promises were nothing but lies. Martucci campaigned on the promise that he would search every nook and cranny for savings inside our town hall. Martucci it has been said previously on here must be our OJ Simpson who promised to look for the real killers. Like OJ we have our own killers, killers that is of our community, killers of our towns quality of life through our towns credit rating and worst of all with the recent and questionable developments tax monies being stolen, yes stolen by our politicians who merely sell themselves to the highest developmental bidder. Think not? Ask yourself why all of the COAH Council on Affordable Housing projects were put only here in Cliffwood. Are there hundreds of such units in Strathmore like here in Iffwood? The truthful answer is no. There are through a recent conversation only 6 COAH units on State Highway 34, despite a new and well known politically connected to Mayor Tagliarini and Freeholder Arnone both who are closely and not so shockingly connected to the project that has no COAH residents to be placed in those 220 residences that are currently being built across town. These few words I post here now and examples of our politicians true actions are very damaging to our town, done probably with hidden gratuities to our towns supposed leadership, and the not good for us the residents and business owners in Aberdeen. Finally not much is known of the Republican candidates but all I can say is they've not had the opportunities to screw us over as we've been screwed over by our democrat only political leadership for over 20 years and it is time they are replaced as quickly as possible. No incumbents 2017 is my motto. Look closely at this next election and then look around our community for where tens of millions are spent on annually much less an additional $26,900,000.00 in secretive debt incurred by our democrat only politicians. I must say that amount of money baffles my mind to figure out where tens of millions were wasted by our obviously self serving democrats. This is the truth of our democrats elected to serve us and who only serve themselves at our expense.

Anonymous said...

Know how to spell the word *politics in Aberdeen? It's honestly spelled *C O R R U P T I O N

Town worker said...

To avenge me I have to say this to you as you were obviously one of us wanting to be avenged by Joe. Just because you missed your chance to expose the mess in town hall you shouldn't expect Joe to dive on the sword for you. Wait a minute did you mean Joe McAleer? If so that's my bad because he'll not only dive on the sword, he will jump on the sword and curse at it to tell the truth of what he's seen and heard inside these walls. I think he's being very patient because he's been hung out to dry by those who will be scared to death when he starts peeling away the smelly onion inside this building. Many of us are hoping and praying that what is going on with him will help the rest of us still toiling in this mess.

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that whatever street Councilweedman Greg Cannon lives on is going to be renamed High Street?

Anonymous said...

Water park like everything else the dems do will not be completed on time, cost way too much and involve the towns engineers who never saw a municipal project they couldn't' price gouge without a peep from an elected official here in Corruptterdeen.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow marks the birth of our America. In Aberdeen we get to mark the abortion that is our democrat only town politicians.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July to my fellow Aberdeeners! It is my hope it is our towns last 4th of July under our politically corrupt do nothing self serving democrat only leadership. Vote for change on Election Day please vote for Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey.

Anonymous said...

$26,900,000.00 was spent by our politicians? On what?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it have been nice to have a waterpark in Aberdeen for the residents to enjoy by now? We can bet there's a CME swimming pool full of our unchecked for legitimate spending tax money being corruptly spent by the dems. Spent that is on the towns yet to be completed Waterpark in the Swamp. Not like it's f'ng hot out. Idiots all of them each and every self serving, useless, heartless taxpayer betraying one of them.

Anonymous said...

America was built from the ground up by hard working and very brave individuals. Numerous wars have been waged since 1776 with millions of lives lost, damaged and changed forever.

Now when one man wants to Make America Great Again liberals, democrats and the newest and most damaging political party now titled The Media is hell bent on destroying our President Donald Trump.

What happened to our America?

Liberalism happened to our America

Support President Trump and restore America

Thank you and God Bless America

Anonymous said...

Big celebration tonight for our pot smoking Councilman Greg Cannon you can bet will happen tonight in town. You see the national liberal democrats want to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Nothing would make Cannon happier. You can only imagine he'd be very happy if all drugs were legalize since it would cut down on his having to defend the drug users that get caught working for the town that have political pull. I can't remember if he had to go to bat for the supervisor who drove a town vehicle drunk a lot or the sleeping supervisor. either, although he had name juice anyway. But he sure went to bat for the supervisor who screwed us over on tens of thousands in grant money and pushed the town to buy machines we never use. Avenge me Joey Mac avenge me.

Anonymous said...

Sitting on the Union Beach walk waiting for fireworks in NYC to commence. Hoping we can see a little of it. Happy birthday USA

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you said thank you to a veteran?

You are free because of the service and sacrifice of millions of brave men and women who served to keep America the greatest nation in the entire world.

What have you yourself done to better America.

I said better America so the democrat politicians in Aberdeen can sit the one out.

When I get to post about destroying a town due to self service and greed then Tagliarini, Montone, Hirsch, Martucci, Swindle, Kelley and Cannon can join in.

Aberdeen town finances exposed said...

Borrow now, Borrow later is aptly named for this post subject and the one thing that shows clearly is that the borrowing by governmental agencies and the controlling politicians actions and inactions is a constant by politicians. Our town has a 26.9 million dollar in past debt and they're spending 2.17 million dollars a year of our tax monies only continuing to pay just the debt service on the 26.9 million dollars.

This is totally unacceptable and unfortunately has been totally unacceptable for years in Aberdeen despite most every resident, business owner and resident not knowing of said debt, much less the debt service that fails and has failed historically to pay down the 26.9 million dollar principal debt. It's like buying a house and never paying anything but the purchase price interest for decades while never even chipping away to lower the homes costs ever.

The main problem is that our towns political leadership, town management and its employed financial arm have amassed an unconscionable, if not criminal. I say this as these individuals in their official or compensated actions continue to spend money frivolously, if not more accurately politically. If we tax payers were to look at the books on what this massive amount of money was spent on I think we would find that the great amount of monies spent lined up totally with political campaigns and the political operatives, professional services and others creepily attached at the purse strings of our towns finances, finances that have been misused on a massive level of malfeasance if not criminally spent.

It is my hope that this upcoming election with the Republican candidates being the MayoralCandidate Mike Canberg and Councilman Candidates Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey will bring this debt and almost politically manipulated and very costly game of hide and seek, with the hidden from public view of that debt to us the average tax payers who are not savvy enough to find where this massive amount of money was spent and more exactly on what it was spent on.

Democrat debts. much less the possibly criminal actions or what has been more possibly political spending needs to be looked into immediately. We have given our towns Democrat (only) leadership tens of millions every year (possibly over 35 million dollars a year) and still they've amassed an additional debt of 26.9 million dollars. On what this money was spent is hidden if not criminally hidden and until Mr. Warren who is the creator and host of the Aberdeener, for which this resident thanks him for bringing this spending if not outright criminal spending by our Democrat only leadership and others they control to light we have I think been intentionally in the dark. It is time the brightest light possible been shining on our Democrat only politicians before they spend one more dollar.

It has been reported on here in recent years of municipal projects have been undertaken by our towns leaders and the long purported puppet management have been questionably awarded if not criminally awarded. This possible political cronyism, political patronage and possible politically criminal behavior needs a top to bottom review, as soon as possible.

In closing I wholeheartedly thank Mr. Warren for being brave enough to put himself out there for us, his former fellow residents.

**** I will remain anonymous in this submission especially with this my longest post submission, as not incur the wrath of those I highlight, criticize and fear.

Anonymous said...

Reading Cannon's hairbrained -pun intended about hair or lack of hair- excuses are worse than laughable as they are truly insulting. While I, much less we may not know the intricacies of the our local governmental processes surrounding the development approval processes that Cannon and his ilk use to questionably approve the building boom that they control and that is currently, and for us who pay the bills, is corruptly underway. While Cannon seems quickly dismissive in his and his co-council members deflecting explanations the building approval processes here and under our democrat only politicians has been historically to say the least circumspect. From the days here in Freneau where several developers interacted with the tag team of corruption we know as Norman Kauff and Mark Coren that never brought any developers to build.

This at times occurred when building was booming everywhere else except around our town, and was directly due to the Kauff and Coren negotiations of failure due to their dishonesty that never was able to get anything built except the bills to the towns professionals and hangers on associated or beholding to the local democrats only. These were the meetings like the one with Tony "Fat Tony" Spalliero or "limousine Tony" that required significant, shall we say "coercions if not outright bribes" of our officials like the rumored firetruck "request" by a fire official to get his vote for his approval. Years later this same negotiation went from a very expensive fire apparatus to just two Ford Expeditions valued at one fifth the price in order to gain fire officials approvals.

Then there were other Kauff negotiations that went badly for prospective developers like the infamous "under the lights municipal parking lot shakedown" said to have immediately stopped the best chance at a senior housing project, over nine years ago now that further delayed the democrats campaigns of lies that senior housing was coming to Aberdeen. Of course that the senior housing promise the democrats campaigned on for twenty years while never delivering on senior housing until 2017. This type of historic processes is at the root of the Cannon excuses that despite Cannon's involvement only being less than eight years now we can all be certain Cannon is fully aware of the crooked processes that have brought the recent and too no doubt be cert costly to us building boom currently underway. With Cannon and his cohorts it's easy to know they're liars. It is when you see their lips moving that they are not telling you or I the truth of anything they do. Try asking any of them about the paving machine they bought that is hidden away. Hommina Hommina Hommina will be their stumbling answer like Ralph Cramden's characters response to questions he did not want to answer. This was from The Honeymooners TV show starring Jack Gleason from my teen years. Cannon like his other council members are a joke, a very expensive and self serving joke.

Stay tuned as there is much more to come from this historian of the Aberdeen Democratic Party corruption and corrupt practices. This election year will have a much better informed electorate from what I know and what I intend to share with as many people as I can, albeit anonymously. By the way these submissions are also being printed out and are being sent to those responsible to investigate such things. It may take time but when they get as many as I intend to send they will start looking.

Anonymous said...

Why is it the dems hold events that hardly anyone attends like the softball game that hardly anyone attended. It's wasting money, time and worst of all not meant for our town to enjoy. If the dems want to get votes they should work for the residents that need the A and P food store replaced. Or will that building make for better housing just like the old Manna building. I hear that just recently sold and quickly. Does anyone see what is going to happen if the dems stay in power. I for one have had enough and with the Obama and Clinton mess I'm done as a dem myself totally.

Anonymous said...

Grand Opening for Aberdeen's Veteran's Park Postponed

In the wake of last month's fire, Aberdeen has postponed the July 13 grand opening of the reimagined Veterans Park in Cilffwood Beach.
By Lisa Kreda (Patch Poster) - Updated July 5, 2017 11:45 am ET

In the wake of a fire last month, Aberdeen Township announced that it has postponed the July 13th grand opening of the reimagined Veterans Park in Cliffwood Beach. Consequently, the township’s annual Car Show and Doo Wop event that was planned for that evening at the new park will be moved to last year's site, Guisti Field in Cliffwood

The June 11th fire destroyed many structural components of the beachfront park’s new playground, and the township was informed that there will be another two-week delay in receiving the replacement parts.

“After much discussion, our engineer, attorney and contractor have advised us that opening without being 100% complete would create unsafe conditions for our children,” said Councilman Joseph Martucci. “While this is extremely disappointing, public safety is our paramount concern.”

Deputy Mayor Margaret Montone added: “Our contractor for the project was ready, willing and able to add construction crews to complete the project by July 13th, but the parts have not arrived. We will keep the public informed on a new Grand Opening date.”

Located at Ocean Blvd. and Lakeshore Dr., the new Veterans Park will feature a multi-dimensional active and passive recreation area including a pirate and tall ship themed playground areas for ages 2-5 and 5-12; a pirate ship themed water park (spray pad) for all ages; a picnic grove with shade structures; a multi-purpose field for little league, softball, and soccer; a kayak and small water craft launch; a gazebo/band shell; a flagpole and War Veteran’s Memorial Monument; and a restroom/equipment/storage building.


Anonymous said...

Sitting in my doctors office waiting to be called and I look down and there it is, a New Yorker magazine ot more precisely the northeast liberals bible. On the front page is a picture of President Trump posed in a Nixon like pose with his hands posed with the exact Nixon style peace sign arms outstretched in a cross like stretch.

Of course this is the old style I am not a crook type pose used to crucify Nixon and force him out of office.. The article written by Frank which is entitled just wait Watergate didn't become Watergate overnight either, I knew not to read it to know the slanted that this article is much less the liberal slant of defaming President Trump in a 24 hour news cycle seven days a week 365 days of the year that is the liberal agenda such articles discussed me. Where I ask you were such articles from liberals like Frank Rich when President Obama was president with the bail out $650 million solar panel deal with the democratically connected company that went out of business within six months of getting a $650 million gift from the government in the stimulus mess. The Obama mess in Syria, Benghazi, and let us not forget Hilary Clinton and the 35,000 emails she disposed of, the increases in Bill Clintons speaking fees under Secretary Clintons time as Secretary of State and the many other serious messes she skated on. But Frank Rich did not write up any of that of course. Time will tell and the A Trump leadership will win out and the Obama mess will be a bad memory soon enough. Not that it wasn't a mess the entire eight years Obama wasted. Liberalism must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Same photos with the same people and not a lot of attendees not associated with the town. I ask why bother?

Anonymous said...

I miss Shaggy and Scooby Doo

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of money to pay every year without anything that you can see improved in our town after the spending or probably better stated misspending of $26,900,000.00.

Anonymous said...

Peachtree how are things at the problem social club on County road? I doubt the town will do anything since it is an election year. Let us know how it's going over there.

Anonymous said...

I just read that the waterpark in the beach are of towns opening is delayed by a few weeks due to a fire. A fire and floods since the building started. I guess all we need is famine then for this really bad idea that is wasting so much of our tax money to be a mistake of biblical proportions.

Anonymous said...

WTF is all the loud bangs and booming going on right this minute in Holmdel? At first my wife was afraid the water tower on the hill above us ruptured except there's no water running down upon us and best of all we are alive.

Anonymous said...

Progress? Our crooked democrats have given us ?progress? and it is their democrat only debt of $26,900,000.00 a debt incurred without any true benefit to us the residents, businesses, taxpayers and students of Aberdeen. That is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, please help us God.

Anonymous said...

Main street? The democrats have used that line so much on developmental proposals it is laughable, much like their leadership.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that the big booms and explosions last night were from the old Bell Labs property in Holmdel. I'm surprised at the volume of the explosions cause it was really loud here so never mind living close to the property. It must have been deafening close by I am sure.

Anonymous said...

I just read that the town manager introduced a new code officer named Kevin Marr recently. The article also discloses that Kevin Marr addressed the towns business community on his not wanting to drive businesses out of town. This it seems was occurring at a recent meeting held over a month ago. So Is Joe gone now or is this just the end of round 1? I don't like to answer my own questions but he's not the kind of guy to give up easily. Time will tell I say and I hope it is the democrats who end up doing time not Joe. Anyone with more information on this please share what you know.

Anonymous said...

I've been back for a few with little to do
so I'll drop a dime on the Tagliarini crew

Seems they think no ones been paying attention
I came home to new message of big contention

Seems a decisions forthcoming my source says
it will result in game of who said what and when

Seems up until now the process been followed
now it seems that changes to who swallowed

Many may soon be exposed for their crimes
other meets investigators of the political crimes

Best as stated before they did themselves in
reached out to former politician he's prayin

That's not normal for him I can tell you that
maybe he's afraid of being sworn to soon chat

You see they think no ones paid any attention
or wrote anything down but the old red hen

Very wring is what I've been told most recently
seems some are very disillusioned with CME

So who'll turn on the others and take a plea
will have to explain all their big kickback money

I'll tell you now to get your vision checked soon
as this will be something to watch at high noon

One more time my source says it'll be crazy
long as the big guy doesn't get info hazy or lazy

Anonymous said...

Looks like our mayor and manager got called out for the liars they truly are. Firstly this is about a families memorial to a murdered son located in the farthest reaches of the town just next to a bridge that enters the Cliffwood Beach section of Old Bridge. It is quite literally less than sixty feet from being out of the entire town, much less the obvious fact that it is in a desolate location right next to a small bug filled creek.

Granted it is in close proximity to the democrats latest voting bribe all at our taxpayers two and a half million dollar waterpark vote getting expense. Knowing our corrupt to the core and heartless democrats they probably would allow the memorial to stay exactly where it is if the murdered young mans family firstly were residents of Aberdeen instead of Old Bridge and secondly I'll bet that if the murdered boys family paid the towns engineers to do an absurdly expensive engineering study of the memorial theyd allow the family to keep the memorial exactly where it is.

Now in reading the article it explains the families tragedy at the loss of their son while also exposing certain truths of their sadness at their loss, as well as their difficulties with our towns management and politicians.

Firstly they have had the memorial to their so on that location for two years. That's is of course the same exact two years since the senseless murder of their son and brother as well as the two years since the Aberdeen police have failed to find their sons killer. If for no other reason the memorial should be left alone if only to serve as a reminder that those we employ and pay quite handsomely have not solved a murder.

In addition to that it points out the true mismanagement and uncaring attitude of the Town Manager Ms. Reycraft who the family justly criticize for her repeated failures to meet or answer their calls, much less as has been known be town hall callers for years of her failure to return phone calls from us the public. This has been historically a hide and seek method of Reycraft's management style as well as others we employ. Just like the now I hear retired road supervisor who also failed to return calls, calls that were likewise known by the manager and our idiot politicians who did nothing. I also have read he's the one that bought the dry expensive road type machine not used for years and something more about recycling monies.

This is a families tragedy that shows our towns leadership for what they truly are as they are self serving beauracrats who seek to blame a family for their failures to justly and honestly respond and allow a memorial way out of public view to serve as a reminder of loss and accountability of our police and officials. Do yourself a favor and find this article and decide for yourself as to the conduct of our excuse driven politicians too who accountability is as strange a word as honesty. Myself I am sickened by their conduct. I can't wait until Councilweedman puts his $.02 into it being the ignorant toker that he is. Then again I'm shocked that Tagliarini is quoted and involved. Maybe this time he'll pound on the town managers desk and ask for her resignation and not back down this time since she's also obviously mishandled this entire situation amongst countless others. Unless of course she mishandled the situation because Tagliarini didn't control his puppet of a town managers strings well enough. This town is a joke and this type of thing is just scratching the surface of the mismanagement and political hanky panky.

Anonymous said...

I love the historian of the democrat party post of 7/5/17@11:19 AM as that individual is starting to give us a very fine and detailed look into the democrat only corruption history in town. Keep it up is all I can say to whomever is doing it. That and I hope the campaigning republicans are paying attention to this site contents. The republican candidates and the authorities who should be looking into our towns every nook and cranny. Right Joe Martucci? Big ups to historian whoever he or she is. Before I forget F you to Ivanhoe.

Anonymous said...

Joey Mac remember those who do bad to you will get what they deserve and it's called karma. Avenge me Joey Mac.

Anonymous said...

Big booms and explosions? That was not just any fireworks. That was fireworks that was for our corrupt mayor and council to enjoy after having been personally invited by the developers of our old factory across town on Cliffwood Avenue. Invited that is to a rooftop celebration honoring the politically corrupt who have sold us out to several developers building on town now and who will soon not be paying their fair share of school taxes.

I can see it now the political elite of Holmdel and Aberdeen hobnobbing with the multimillionaire developers of the two projects. I'll bet the mayors a-hole buddy Carmine Vissone, he of the do nothing AEBC, which stands for Absolutely Every Business is Cashable. This since they and the business set up to be a PAC is really only a group to only serve and safeguard themselves.

Anyway back to the rooftop boom boom room. We can bet our mayor was fun of himself and if asked to speak spoke glowingly of the developers and their drive to succeed in Aberdeen and Holmdel where the party took place. I imagine the few Freeholders who attended may have been shopping future developments to soak for illegal bribes all over the county. You see it is not just Aberdeen that is corrupt. It is the entire process and not just the quickly approved 200 unit politically connected luxury apartments so very close to me and mine that strangely enough has no low income housing mandated as was the case in the Cliffwood parts of our community.

Anonymous said...

Tic toc Freddy boy it's coming from every side now. Lawyer up all of you is my advice to all of you do nothings. On another topic your handling of the murdered boy memorial is typical of you since the parents who are not residents that can vote for your do nothing fat ass.

F our demoncrats said...

Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? That is the saying of my sons favorite pro wrestler Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. As a taxpaying adult in Aberdeen my personal favorite saying is

"Can you smell the democrat only political corruption is costing us in Aberdeen?

I can assure you It smells like long time taxpayer wasted, cronyism, personal patronage and illegal kickbacks from CME and others on our dime.

Anonymous said...

If there is a god pelosi and schemer will never meet him or her as they are truly liars and sinners. Right Councilweedman?

Anonymous said...

Another week of politicians doing nothing has stated here in corrupterdeen. Maybe they need to film another Groundhog Day movie here? I mean every day is exactly the same. Nothing gets done with money wasted.

Anonymous said...

People get ready for the tax raising pain is acomin
the democrats inflicted taxes will soon be stormin

It will soon be raining on all of us corrupt democrat increases
the political democrat only PILOT theft causing school tax raises

What is even more troubling is the democrat spending
the historic political vote seeking waterpark is still pending

Over 2.5 million dollars used in a known often flooding area
way out on the latest reaches of our towns little used area

Years ago the area structures were neglected I've been told
lack of protection was a big cause the true reason untold

From buildings and rollerblade fenced in area that was abused
big tax spending for area long ignored leaving this voter confused

The waterpark placed in area part of the big spend at what real cost
to be used for only a quarter of the year is really big money lost

Would a skateboard park with hills and angles have been better
years ago it was part of that areas plan that never took hold

Now they've raised the level of dirt and added a ball field too
don't we have a need to diversify our parks uses beyond a few

We have a lot of ball fields all over town in our parks for years
we truly needed a study on the needs of our youth with no fears

Many communities have put in skateparks for their youths to move
kept them out of shopping centers where police have to remove

The big concern not addressed is who will really be able to use
it is a legitimate concern as well as safeguarding to not be an abuse

The location makes it difficult for many to know or travel to and from
much less security and monitoring of the properties use fear to come

Many who've used the area for years I'm told have not been from here
so I ask for who is this park being built in a locale some might fear

Points to the obvious this idea is full of costs and fees without a doubt
just another big spending with questionable in an area without clout

I take my recycling over that way I see a big wooded area right across
seems that property was another democrat land buy payback a big loss

Belonged to a democrat connected donor developer is possible I'm told
either way if property was never used it left taxpayers out in the cold

It looks like a big area if they needed yet another ball field design by CME
there is no doubt that's the driving force for campaign kickbacks you see

Planned corruption based campaign year spending going back years plan
this goes way back to campaign funding for Kauff to buy off family klan

It is well know he'd go to certain areas of town with illegal cash in his hand
well kept secret very quiet taxpayer funded plan that put the town in debt

Makes the water park spending in the ignored area not a door to door bribe
just another taxpayer funded vote getting by our corrupt democrat tribe

The water park area history is not a good one so security will be the key
no doubt it'll be big campaign publicity before it gets swallowed by the sea

When you go over there to take a look at our democrats big money spend
remember there is more to worry about like where our protective dunes end

Over 2.5 million dollars spent without increasing the dune protecting course
us taxpayers will have to pay and pay when the rushing waters come in force

Anonymous said...

Reading my morning paper and it gives me another reason to be glad I live in New Jersey. I read of once gain a well known idiot politician in New York who despite that big mess of a city with D' blasio and more has the time to seek personal attention for demanding an investigation into snortable chocolate. Healthcare mess, trillions in national rising by millions by every second debt and so much more and Senator Charles "upchuck" Schumer has time to concern himself over chocolate.
This my fellow American is the man controlling or being controlled who is heading up the nations Democratic Party. Give me a break is all I can say if snortable chocolate is the national crisis to him, with everything else our America faces every day. Makes me wonder what Schumer and his Democrat Party would have said if President Trump had brought up snortable chocolate as a topic needing to spend our tax dollars on. Talk about keeping ones face and name in the limelight or better year talk about truly "fake news". Politicians all of them know no level at which they will not lower themselves to stay in the public eye.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the towns fire houses give out child finder stickers any longer? A neighbor just had a child and I'd like to get one for the babies room window. Please let me know.

Anonymous said...

They introduced a new code officer? I hope it's not the guy who's not been doing the job at all since the last guy left. Don't get me wrong I didn't like the last one but he was on top of things with my nemesis Eugene Demarco and the mess they leave in the back. Although we are halfway through 2017 and Eugene is keeping his 2016 fakakda business award banner up. Like anybody cares about an expired banner hanging for so long. Maybe I'll print up my own award banner and leave it up until 2018 ends. No forget that me they'd come after for sure.

I mean across from me there's been big graffiti spray painted on the old Kicky's Sushi business for 5 months. So obviously the town can't be stupid enough to hire a do nothing like that who couldn't have remedied that by now. Then again it much surprises me on what goes on around here.

You can also tell when it's an election year in this town when anything and everything that's done gets written in the papers or on websites for every subject or issue occurring in town only gets attributed to or by the current candidates names. Flawed publicity attempts with equally flawed concerned quotes of words that they didn't ever say. It's all how things need to be seen not that is actually occurring for voters to be lied to about. That's why this town has two media outlets after all. One being a supposed council family hire and the other a well connected to politics and politicians media firm that's paid for on My business taxes and the residents dime. Now to make matters worse I read where the connected media guy from In-Justice Lane sits with that blowhard Carmine and the other handpicked, as it is said by the mayor to sit on the business group. The. business group that does nothing for our businesses like the mayor and council that do nothing for the towns people.

Some might say that's politics. I say that's a complete and total violation of what these politicians are supposed to do for residents, much less business owners like me. I wish I could vote in this town for my taxes because I'd write in Gayle Jackson since she's got spunk.

Anonymous said...

What are the odds that a private pool club and a town water facility would both take too long to be completed? The odds are really good if this towns engineers from hell are involved in both. You see everyone the longer a facilities opening takes the more the engineers from hell can put in bills for their uselessly repetitive inspections. You see the money the engineers kickback to the local politicos campaign has to come from somewhere. Of course such private pool clubs and crooked town projects scream for corrupt overcharging.

Anonymous said...

Good morning all it is time to hit the links
try and forget how our politics really stinks

Read about the boom boom boom recently
our own fireworks are politicians paying CME

You have to think the same engineers for so long
especially for being paid to do so much wrong

I am told our politicians look the other way on that
otherwise come election time Fred would pass the hat

Elections here are only a thousand or so votes you see
but the average democrat spending each year is all CME

So let's do the math for a minute and we shall see
a million in engineering fees gets Fred a 50 thousand fee

That has been the average spent back to Norm you see
Norm could always count on the good old boys at CME

Norm could go over to County Road and buy dinners you see
because Norm had Vic Scudierie money from IEI and CME

So the math of a less than 1000 vote election costs $50 a vote
not bad an average spent for democrats holding our throat

Reaching out to the republican candidates very soon you see
see if we can finally get rid of Fred and the other goons at CME

Anonymous said...

To town worker* I ask you is Joe gone because according to a post that says another person was introduced in that job. I know Joe worked hard for us, maybe too hard and our politicians got calls I'll bet. They'll have no problem throwing him away since they don't really care about the town unless they need votes. Like is said on here all you have to do is look around. It shows clearly especially over here in the beach. Please let us know if you hear anything.

Seawallwalker 1

Anonymous said...

That would have been the best place for a skatepark with the smacking and clacking noise skaters make. It would have been better used than three months as well no doubt. I hope the area is for residents only or otherwise it's not good.

Anonymous said...

I hear a councilman in town says he don't read this site. I doubt that because he and the other do nothings fear what has been getting put on here lately. You know posts that expose the absolute truth of their crimes against us the people they work for. Scratch that are supposed to work for. That means you Mayor Tag-liar.

Think not? Think again said...

What didn't get done today while the town manager was on her work computer looking at eBay or some cute puppy dog website?

Anonymous said...

It is obvious the Democrat history here in Aberdeen is a historically expensive, politically corrupt, and thoroughly self serving mess with the only things getting done always pay handsomely to the kickback kings at CME. Right Dave?

Anonymous said...

News and explosive proofs of the mismanagement is coming before Election Day and the idiot dems only have themselves to blame. The three idiots running this year will be saying why, why holy shit why did we lose very soon. Avenge me Joey Mac.

Anonymous said...

Tell me you saw our asshole of a do nothing but take care of his friends mayor on channel 12 news. If you didn't see it on channel 12 news put in Aberdeen mayor and murder memorial. What a fiasco that thing is. No ? is needed I assure you. You can read between the lines and know he and his puppet manager crossed their idiot excuses wires on that thing. I also agree that the memorial should stay as a reminder of the young troubled mans murder. If the sloth was involved it'll never get solved but I'll bet there's plenty of crime scene photos from the photo business run out of the PD and if the murdered boys family wants to sell their house the police also have a sergeant for that. I'm told it's all he does is real estate for years on our tax money. Of course he attends all the democrats political events so he's covered.

Does anyone do their Job Right said...

From Aberdeen Township Calendar on website

July 2017

Wed July 12
Recycling Pick-Up Section II
Library Board Meeting


Banner across home page has notice Planning Board Meeting for Wednesday July 12 has been cancelled.

Facebook Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach has it posted as Planning board.

SO, which is it Planning or Zoning?

Have the Games begun?

Anonymous said...

It's 10:00 clock

Do you know where your corruptocrats are?

J said...

The town sends out an electronic mail saying that the new water park opening will be delayed through no fault of the town due to a fire damaging materials for the water device. How is the fact that no one in the towns employ or leadership really kept an eye on the area? How is it not there fault? Must be an election year? Not there fault is just like all the reasons all facilities in the area for decades like the rollerblade park and other structures that were destroyed through vandalism, neglect and a general malaise by our towns politicos for Cliffwood and Cliffwood Beach over the past decades. Vote these incompetent crooks out of office. Vote Canberg, Sullivan and Toomey on Election Day to save our town.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight regarding the mayoral and his puppet mismanagement who mishandled a monument for a murder victim is a problem but a councilman arrested illegal marijuana and ecstasy possession along with a guy who that same councilman corruptly gets that same guy the job as the Aberdeen judicial prosecutor is no big deal? Amazingly it's just so typical of our corrupt democrat only self serving do nothing politicians here in Aberdeen. Vote these crooks out of office. Vote Canberg, Sullivan and Toomey.

Anonymous said...

Pool on Lloyd open yet?

Anonymous said...


Tagliarini he's our man

If Tagliarini can't do it

His asshole buddy Carmine can

That Tagliarini thinks he deserves to be mayor again is insulting to ever person in town.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Tag-liar of your town is in the front page of the newspaper representing your town today with lies. The article is important to read as it is full of lies like that the one that says the memorial is interfering with your towns new water park. It is a parking lot across the street in reality so if anything it is interfering with one parking spot. It is obvious that this entire situation has been mishandled by your liar if a mayor and others your tax money pays. Take a look as there's got to be much more to this liar and those he controls.

Anonymous said...

Front page of the Asbury Park Press this morning has Mayor Tagliarini defending his obvious incompetence. I guess channel 12 news didn't want to cover his lies again. Micheal Canberg for Mayor 2017 we can't afford the democrat liars even another day. There are $26,900,000.00 in tax payer debt and those are the true reasons why he and his fellow crooks on the council have to go. Vote them out 2017.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This retired guy loves golf without a doubt
except that it is way too hot and muggy out

I do have tickets to go watch the ladies play
up at Trump National in Bedminster Saturday

They're saying Trump shouldn't attend the event
it's his golf course so I'd say go pitch a tent

Watching the ladies play should be different for me
so long as the even doesn't have a sponsor like CME

You see CME loves to wine and dine those they bribe
according to public records most go to the democrat tribe

No offense at all is meant to our American Indian brothers
as politicians over centuries have lied to them and others

So it is to rain and storm tomorrow I hear on the course
I intend to spend the day up there with my town hall source

I sure hope they have much too report to me this time to rhyme
if things work as I hope our politicians will end up doing hard time

Peachtree said...

I think these buildings going up on Cliffwood Avenue will be worse than anyone has expected. I wonder what the traffic analysis said about the 500 condos on a one lane road that is already overburdened with too many cars and trucks. Maybe Councilman Swindle should have asked since he lives close by. I'll be moving shortly so it doesn't matter to me and mine. What are we to do with representatives that don't honestly represent?

Anonymous said...

Doo Wop

Doo Won't be happening tonite

Karma's a bitch Mayor Tag-liar

Anonymous said...

Let us talk about our do nothing M&M's inside town hall.

First we have candidate Martucci or as I refer to him as Mr. Nooks and Crannies from his complete failure to investigate the potential savings available in our towns spending. You see Martucci campaigned on that topic that became another politicians lie just to get elected. Then you add his do nothing, say nothing and check anything hie or his fellow politicians have done while he's been sitting idle on council.

Then we have another M&M as in Margaret Montone whose own failures for her area and the lack of sewers the democrats have promised for over 20 years and never provided. Her similar to Martucci mannequin leadership style fails us routinely.

VOTE in 2017 and check out then-democrta candidates Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey

Anonymous said...

WTF is it with pools and this town? Now a water recreation park isn't going to open as scheduled? These democrats are useless!

Anonymous said...

Why does Granny Pallone and his Demoncratic Party hate us and our country?

Why didn't Granny Pallone fight for preventing the closure of Ft. Monmouth?

Why is Granny Pallone supporting the accused Aberdeen McBurgaler and its corrupt, inept Mayor TagLIARini?
Need another civics Sandy lesson Granny?

Oh, did I mention you are a fart bag Granny Pallone?

Anonymous said...

Sanctuary cities = TREASON!


Anonymous said...

I just saw the Ch. 12 News report with our mayor talking about the murder memorial across town.

You know he was full of it with his supposed concern for the family.

They are not Aberdeen residents who can vote for him.

So guess what?

No vote can be cast for the mayor so that makes you the goat.

The mayor and that manager marionette of his gotta go.

If his son or daughter or a member of their family was murdered that memorial would have round the clock protection.

Hypocrites one and all.

Democrats and incumbents out this year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's me? Have you noticed how when anything comes up on the patch or other local sites that encircle Corrupterdeen isn't positive for the Corruptocrats it disappears quickly. What are they gonna do when McAleer starts telling all he knows to news and TV stations? How about that idea to the avenge me poster?

Anonymous said...

Rain out again for these poorly attended town events. Why bother Freddy boy? Why waste the money with a $26,900,000.00 debt caused by political corruption, patronage, cronyism, mismanagement and hankie pankie?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'll bet Shaggy and Scooby Doo would say avenge me too. They got screwed over by Velma too. The list of those screwed over by Velma is much longer than than the list of those she takes care of handsomely while screwing over the ones she doesn't like. And the town council and Mayor Bobblehead and his sidekick Councilman Smokeajoint do nothing. Right Mayor Mcroman?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice if our kids could be cooling off in a waterpark?

Or more truthfully

Wouldn't it be nice if our kids could be cooling off in a waterpark that cost way too much money citing the towns existing $26,900,000.00 politically corrupt crony and patronage based debt incurred only by our do nothing democrats like Mayor Fred Tagliarini, Councilwoman Margaret Montone and Councilman Joe Martucci who think they deserve to be reelected?

They and none of the other do nothing democrats do not deserve to be reelected they deserve scorn and rebuke

Don't get me wrong the waterpark is a great thing for kids if it wasn't"

1. Obviously a placating residents for votes in a long neglected area of Aberdeen
2. Wasn't placed in an area that frequently floods due to a wide open dune area
(our democrats have done nothing to correct or safeguard the area for decades)
3. Being placed in an area with a long history of vandalism of everything ever placed there
4. Generated big unchecked for true and valid engineering costs overcharging taxpayers
5. Will result in smiling candidates patting themselves on the back despite all the costs and their historic failure to lead honestly

Isn't it ironic that the almost exact same costs to build this waterpark would have paid down the towns democrat only debt.

If you see any of the democrats-candidates seeking reelection between now and election day ask them questions 1-5 and why?

Anonymous said...

Shabatt Shalom Joey Warren

Toke on a bone Councilweedman Cannon

Anonymous said...

Granny Pallone - Do you support Sarsour?

Speak out now and denounce her phart bag. You and your Demoncratic are a disgrace to this country.

Anonymous said...

Here it is another week of corruption has ended
just another week of all of us taxpayers offended

Offended by our selfish political do nothing whores
sell themselves to highest bidders only deserve sores

Sores just festering puss filled sores for their crime
against all of us who pay the bills for decades of time

Time they've wasted with so very little to give us pride
pride in our community traded for illegal bribes they hide

They stage these town activities like the buzzards they are
to do meet and greets to get votes hiding who they truly are

If you listen to what they have to say as they lie to you
ask them one question like what have they ever done for you

No doubt they'll talk road paving and the new water park
ask about the idiot managers stupid idea of a dog park

They know she's an idiot they control like a robot puppet
she actually will do anything if she can bring to work her pet

I'm told the mayor wanted her gone years ago and often since
but to her rescue Cannon comes and the mayor can only wince

My source tells me ears hear that they are soon to give Joe M the ax
what's that going to cost us in legal fees all just a big raise in our tax

Time will tell is the only or easiest thing for me to say about that topic
I hope it leaves the mayor and council soon too be in a prison pic

Anonymous said...

You'd think that just one of these low life politicians would defend themselves on here. Sanctimonious scum that they are.

Anonymous said...

Another month halfway over and the democrats continue to fail at every aspect of leadership. They are expensive failures to say the least. Vote them out on Election Day and save what has not been throughly corrupted and sold to the highest bidder. Please consider the republican slate of Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gust Toomey.

Anonymous said...

I saw our old code officer Joe last night and tried to talk. Our talk was very brief to say the very least. He's definitely different from the last time I saw him at a beach concert. I had not seen hm in a very long time and noticed he has changed a bit. I asked him if he will be back in our area checking things soon and he immediately said no I will not. I asked him about a couple of houses on the next street and all he said was call the mayor and tell him because he runs things anyway.

Anonymous said...

Waterpark not opening on time excuses are nothing compared to the excuses you'll hear if you ask Candidate for Mayor Tag-liar-ini, Candidste Montone and Candidate Mannequin AKA Candidate Martucci.

Anonymous said...

Know what corrupt self serving do nothing democrat only public officials who constantly violate their oath of office gets us?

1. $26,900,000.00 in debt with nothing to show for over two decades of democrat only political corruption
2. A waterpark with an excessive cronyism based excessive unchecked cost of over $2,500,000.00
3. A waterpark constructed in an often flooding and often vandalized town owned property
4. Community Center rehab to an existing building stolen from the First Aid through deceit and lies
5. Community Center rehab and misspending of $500,000.00 in a taxpayer violating crony based illegal single bid
6. 690 residential units added to an already hazardous overly congested one lane road within a 1/2 mile
7. County road social club with suggested drug activity, public drinking and disruptive public disturbing behavior
8. Politically connected Green Acres land buys of politically connected democrat donors owned properties costing millions
9. Overly expensive Solar Savings Program that never provided any savings and TV of savings not worked for years
10. $300,000.00 road machine bought and never used due to mismanagement and failure of competent manager/supervisors
11. $35,000.00 in taxpayers money wasted to buy a used fire truck never and used it with mayor selling out taxpayers with lies
12. Aberdeen Economic Business Council handpicked with nary a benefit to any other businesses unless board members
13. Aberdeen Economic Business Council acts as a Political Action Committee for our do nothing democrats
14. Two decades of lies to bring long overdue sewers to an environmental catastrophe in Freneau area of Aberdeen
15. Millions in taxpayer monies funneled to towns professional services with corrupting campaign kickbacks to democrats

Do you get it yet my fellow taxpayers?

Do you see the truth of the democrat only political corruption we pay for in the 15 examples above?

Di you see why republican candidates Mike Canberg for mayor with Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey must be seriously considered?

Help Cliffwood Matters and Cliffwood Proud save what is left of our town.

The democrats currently in power must be completely replaced in this election and the next to save our once fine community.

God save Aberdeen

Anonymous said...

And Like clockwork the do nothing but. I'd manage and corrupt spending will begin anew in the morning inside town hall if Corrupterdeen New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

Miss Jackson does have spunk and I would vote for her in a minute.

Anonymous said...

They'll spend 10x what they should to get rid of him cause it's not their money. I hope the whole thing in court can be attended by the public. Do you swear to tell anything but the truth? That is what these crooks will do cause they can't tell the truth ever

Anonymous said...

Ever notice how almost anything our do nothing democrats do the weather never cooperates? Not that any of these events are really well attended by the towns residents. 18,600 residents and if they're lucky 1% of town residents show up. And I laugh at the pictures that are taken of these events are always only of the same towns corrupt officials and kiss ass employees. I almost hope these poorly attended events did in fact have great weather since it would save us from those fucking annoying phone calls from our asshole of a mayor.

Hi neighbors this is your mayor Fred Tag-liar-weenie once again trying to make you think I give a shit about any of you calling to tell you that the event we told you about isn't going to happen once again due to rain.

It happens a lot and these sucking up for votes only mayoral phone calls cost us a lot of money.

And they're so fucking annoying to boot.

Anonymous said...

Counciltoker Cannon is embarrassed by the road machine thing I hear so ask him why he spent 300k in tax money and hides it.

Anonymous said...

How ironic is it that our democrats are choosing to show a movie in the park about one man being in control of a group of criminals.

That is so true to life here in Aberdeen where our politicians are truly more like an organized crime syndicate under "The Don" Fred.

Our representatives of the people who took an oath on a bible to serve all of us to the best of their ability don't serve us.

Their true abilities are to only serve themselves and their do nothing democratic crime syndicate out of the Airport Plaza in Hazlet.

Right Norm?

Anonymous said...

In 27 minutes the democrat only corruption starts all over again.

Anonymous said...

Looks like our McDonalds is opening this Saturday. You know the scummy corruptocrats will be all over that one. Let's see there'll be Tag-liar-ini and Montone and Martucci front and center since theyre the incompetent 3 up for undeserved reelection this year. Then there'll be the few AEBC idiots that only serve to not get hammered for all of their violations and to keep pressure on their competitors. I just hope we don't have to see the chief of police this time looking like a political stooge smiling ear to ear. I'd go if we weren't going to be in Lake George just to see if Ronald McRoman showed up with the Ronsld McDonsld statue he stole.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The silence from the democrats to everything on here is the proof of their guilt.

Anonymous said...

How about the fines paid by our administration for people not doing their jobs? Ask the democrat candidates about that? If they say it never happened mention it is on the internet under Aberdeen's $26,000.00 fine. Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey will allow bipartisanship to return to our town that is not only democrat voters.

Bus rider said...

I cannot be the only person laughing at this pool club not opening still.

Anonymous said...

How could these D's spend us into that much debt? This needs more than an investigation it needs indictments, guilty pleas and long prison sentences.

Time for a major change said...

Recent posts have asked questions about our towns politicians that are easily answered, You see they're no good have done nothing and anything they do actually accomplish costs way too much as they take care of their donors, cronies, and the taxpayers nemesis known as CME. Vote these crooks out of office in November by voting for Mike Canberg and Will Sullivan with Gustav Toomey. We can save our town from these crooks we know as our current mayor and town council.

My two cents said...

As long as these Adolph Hitler style Axis of Evil democrats are in control our town gets worse. What is even worse is our towns debt grows (now over 26 million) due to these highly questionable crony based projects that our democrats put forth as some kind of great benefit, which is only a benefit to our crooked politicians and their cronies.

Our only democrat so called leadership love using this Grant Money term like it is free money. It is not free moneyed worst of all it is merely politically awarded contract money to forge corrupt and illegal relationships with business people who will kickback to the democrats too long in power to stay in power. These two decade long democrats have truly done nothing that they can point to as an accomplishment much less any type of benefit to us taxpayers, much less this community.

We all will soon be barraged with campaign literature that is only lies of the supposed great financial benefit of the recent development all over town. It is all lies and the tax consequences to the school district will cost us all delay as our politicians lie, cheat and steal to maintain power. Our politicians have sold our town to the highest bidder and when they've completed these projects they will pack up their tens of millions in profit and we will be left with higher taxes and the same corrupt free spending democrats that actually do absolutely nothing truly beneficial for us their employers.

Anonymous said...

When is this water park that is nothing but a taxpayer vote buy thing opening? Just another taxpayer funded campaign strategy is all it is. Don't think so? Ask yourself when was the last time you saw a town politician much less a town politician asking for what us the residents think or want. How about you asking the dem candidates running this year why there isn't a resident advisory board or group to be involved with the town. A group that is not handpicked by the mayor like his puppets on the business group that has done what to get us a new food store for Cliffwood.

Anonymous said...

Graffiti on the old KFC still? Come on people if you've lived here for more than a few years you have to know things in Corrupterdeen take years.

Old factory developed 10 years
Sewers in Freneau 20 years
Senior housing 22 years
Beach park improvements 16 years
Development in Freneau 20 years then sold out
Finding nooks and crannies savings 3 years+
Transparency in government 3 years
Molesters appointed by democrats 10 years+
Business council not help businesses 5 years+
Business council actually a PAC 5 years
Mayor tries to fire town manager 5x
Councilman Cannon prevents manager firing 5x
Councilman Cannon defends drug offenders 3x
Councilman Cannon burned by drug offender 3x

This is your present democrat only leadership

Vote them out on Election Day

Anonymous said...

Confucius say
Beware of crooked people who walk a crooked mile

In Corrupterdeen that translates to mean

Beware the crooked politician who overspends

Anonymous said...

Cannon burned by drug offenders is some funny shit no doubt. We laugh at the people he has tried to help that were doing drugs the hole time. The rest of us he ignores except when he plays softball with us. As for the expensive machine you people talking about it on here keeps us laughing at the money they waste. We have walked past it laughing about it for years.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the favorite single bidder donor and possible employer of our mayor Fred is now in the concrete lifting business. I just saw an ad in a valpak mailer that even has a picture of this asshole duffus. No corruption my ass is all that can be said.

Anonymous said...

Ask our mayor a question he won't answer questions he just faked his concern to the point you think he really cares about our town. Just ask him if he's ever really done anything to improve our town or lower our taxes much less the towns 26million dollar debt.

Anonymous said...

It's 10:00 do you know where your do nothing self serving mayor and council are?

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the less you have to do the more you get paid on our dime working for Corrupterdeen. You've gotta see the latest salary guide going up at the next council meeting. Looks like $26.9 million dollars is easy to make happen under our free spending democrats. This investigation that's coming is going to be unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I love it I love everything on here and that the dems never responds tells me they are guilty.

M and M - LOVE IT said...

also known as Martucci and Montone

Here's some M's that really fit the bill


Anonymous said...

Leaving soon for airport taking a jet plane
leaving a town in corrupt political pain

Waiting on my UBER to arrive to start my trip
time away from this town in a very corrupt grip

Our politicians hide from their duties every day
betraying the public trust for illegal builder pay

How else could they put projects only in Cliffwood
truly ignoring the area residents for years not good

The projects are said to all be within a half a mile
no road widening unsafe residents it will no doubt rile

Some say that would never happen in Strathmore
fact since 200 units going up no low income for sure

This building boom leaves little doubt you see
big unchecked fees will pay for campaign courtesy CME

The sad thing is the towns debt continues to grown
due to the constant seeds of corruption democrats sew

UBER due to arrive in only a few to risk me away
vacation from this corrupt town where crooks pay to play

I can only hope that upon my return with a fresh new tan
that the republican candidates will start telling us their plan

Anonymous said...

A residents committee to tell our corruptocrats what we'd like to see done to benefit our own town and its residents? Yeah that is never going to happen under our current only democrat leadership. You gotta know our politicians know everything already so input from us taxpayers won't ever happen.

Anonymous said...

Looks like their might be a new single bid donor in Corrupterdeen as of today. It seems one of the Corruptocrats "special approval taxpayer screwing over and running out of town as fast as they can" developers was just infused with $70m dollars for their project in Holmdel. So it looks like there'll be tons of donations for the Corruptocrats to buy familial votes in town this year to cement their do nothing democrat only control.

Anonymous said...

Confucious says

Why have a town website showing events in town that have not been updated for over a year?

Pictures of events only show some events going back to 2016

Maybe because it's the same people in most of the pictures?

Who are we paying way too much to not do that job?

Anonymous said...

Development in Freneau 20 years then sold out?

That is wrong.

The truth is it should say


This is another truth of our corrupt to the core democrats who truly do not deserve reelection now or ever.

Please look into and consider voting for Mike Canberg, Bill Sullivan and Gus Toomey who are running in this years election.

We cannot afford to continue the democrat do nothing failures of the past twenty plus years.

It is almost as if the $26,900,00.00 debt has been built upon $1,100,000.00 a year that the democrats have been in power .

We cannot afford another term of the only self serving do nothing free spending democrats.

Anonymous said...

You know they're never going to build that movie theatre and hotel on Cliffwood avenue when they finish the projects.

Anonymous said...

Councilcrook meeting should be just not immoral spending and mannequins like Martucci, Montone, Swindle, Kelly and Hersch sitting silent. Leadership my ass.

Life is so unfair said...

OJ Simpson might get paroled today and our politicians still need to be investigated, indicted, found guilty and imprisoned.

Cliffwood Matters and Cliffwood Proud said...

McDonalds across town is opening this weekend so look for a barrage of pictures of Montone, Martucci and Tagliarini smiling as if they had anything to do with keeping that McDonalds in town. If they want to impress us over here in Cliffwood they'll take smiling pictures at the new food store that we still need over here.

Anonymous said...

Someone from Staten Island came over and was caught as a thief stealing lobsters from our Aberdeen Shop Rite? First off how did they even get in the store to steal anything since there's so much piled up or for sale in front of that store it is difficult to get in much less get out safely in an emergency? That one is for you Joey Mac. Secondly what is it with al of these unfavorable types coming over from Staten Island recently?

Is it some kind of criminal recruitment drive by our democrats and their whole buddies? I mean what with Carmine Visoney and our mayor Fred Tag-liari-weenie breaking laws or their sworn on a holy bible oaths of office and violating public service rules here in Aberdeen is it open season for thieves from Staten Island? Is that whats making these undesirable people possibly thinking since those two haven't been caught yet that Aberdeen is an easy mark to rob and plunder like our political pirates?

One more thing while I am on here. What is up with the lack of fake concern red alert calls telling us in this 100 degree heat that the town has cooling stations any longer? Are all of the senior citizens all dead or close to death waiting on the decades long senior housing promises passed on or just moved away because they can't afford our very high taxes? Is that why they are turning the senior housing into low income projects also because there are not enough seniors left to lie to?

Anonymous said...

Pot smoking councilman arrested and another who likes to drink and drug abuse by workers all on our dime. Is it me or is there a problem in our midst that our leadership is ignoring or allowing. What else is going on that we don't know about inside town hall.

Anonymous said...

Post number 194 of this subject is fang hilarious. It put Councilweedman Cannon in a Cheech and Chong skit I love that is titled "Is that you Dave; Dave's not here man". I mean look at these crooks and he's got the nerve to hook up his druggie buddy as the towns prosecutor. That was said on here and like everything else not disputed by anyone.

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