The Aberdeen Republican Party has a long history of fielding weak candidates without a winning campaign strategy. Continuing the trend, this year’s flag bearer is Michael Canberg, a new resident and community organizer with a troubled financial history.
Canberg rose to local fame after triumphantly blocking the expansion of a Jewish school in Cliffwood. He successfully cobbled together a coalition of those opposed to development, opposed to burdening the public school district, and opposed to Jews from Lakewood "ruining the neighborhood".
Having acquired a name for himself, Canberg’s fellow republicans nominated him for mayor without regard for his personal history.
In May, 2017, a sheriff seized Canberg’s house in Manalapan. According to the Deed of Foreclosure, Tropicana Casino and Resort is listed among those parties with a prior interest in the house, which might explain Canberg’s history of personal bankruptcies.
The county lists either a tax sale or foreclosure lispendens (notice of foreclosure) against Canberg in 1997, 1999, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014, and 2015. In other words, from the year Canberg became an adult (1997) to the present.
Yet, the Republican Party doesn’t realize the irony of making Aberdeen’s debt (which is enormous) the centerpiece of its campaign.
At this point, I’d recommend the Aberdeen Republican Party reorganize as a church since it’s obviously a faith-based organization.
>>> Read more!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Aberdeen’s Hapless Republicans
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5:03 PM
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1 – 200 of 343 Newer› Newest»Well said Mr. Warren except I feel so betrayed by the democrats I'd vote for OJ Simpson over Fred the liar Tag-liar-weenie. I agree the R's need to better organize but the democrat only club of assholes has gotta go. Just because they gave us sewers we should vote for them my neighbor Maggie Montone thinks I say think again.
The costs we will have to pay for the sewers are a sin and some of my neighbors have installed new septics over the years. They installed new sewers as there systems failed waiting on democrats to keep their word. All we got were lies from the democrats under corrupt one party rule that must be stopped.
Even if only one republican gets in to bother and piss off the do nothing but spend big money our money democrats it'll be worth it.
Just another day in Councilweedmans neighborhood except Councilweedman is threatening to sue people legally now.
This time I meant Greg Cannon.
I say that since it was not a road rage incident involving a woman being followed and threatened this time by another member of the cannon family.
And this time surprisingly it's not a woman being threatened as it is usually women to be threatened and abused by a Cannon.
So it seems that Greg Cannon the self aggrandizing Councilman of Aberdeen is threatening to sue a male resident of Aberdeen because he posted Greg Cannon's drug arrest and expungement of his drug arrest record from 2013.
I am so confused when it comes to the Cannon boys getting arrested and magically having their arrest records expunged.
It seems so easy to do.
I am sure it has nothing to do with politics or political corruption of course.
Sure it doesn't right my fellow overtaxed voters in Aberdeen and Matawan.
They may not be up for reelection now but just remember these Cannon family facts for the next election.
My freezer will be full on Wednesday, but next year I'm gonna eat one of my own.
Doomed? If the democrats win again we are most certainly doomed.
The Aberdeen Republican Party has a long history of fielding weak candidates without a winning campaign strategy.
Truer words have not been spoken here in Aberdeen.
From past observations when you have people like Gus Toomey, who is running again, who appears to be like Cannon, they know everything and not do much of anything.
Is there an organized Republican Party in Aberdeen?
Even if only one republican gets in to bother and piss off the do nothing but spend big money our money democrats it'll be worth it.
William Sullivan will get our VOTE.
Did anyone check to see if those are actually all the candidate - in other words, how do you know it is the same Michael Canberg?
To your own point, what bank gives a minor mortgage after mortgage, if, according to you, all the borrower is doing is going into foreclosure? A LisPendens does just as much damage to a credit rating when applying for a mortgage as the actual foreclosure does....and anyway, how is it that he amassed all of these properties, as a minor, only to begin to not pay his mortgages and taxes as soon as he becomes of age....who is writing this fantasy?
What child/prodigy builds a real estate portfolio before legally able to do so, then according to your post, "as soon as he was an adult", disregard their entire discipline, and just what.....stop paying his mortgages?
Is this a real allegation? I ask again - did you do your homework, and make sure that all 8 of your dated allegations are tied to THIS CANDIDATE?
You could be right. County property records reference a Michael Canberg and a Michael J Canberg. I've only listed references to Michael Canberg. It's possible the records incorrectly refer to Michael Canberg when they should have referenced Michael J Canberg. I'll update or remove the post if the property records prove inaccurate.
Start to keep an eye out for the democrat scumbags to knock down the republicans sign. I got my money on that lil cuss doing it to try to make up for pissing people off for the last year who live by the old factory. Man are they getting screwed by the democrats 500 apartments and all that traffic.
I for one would love to see Councilman Cannons TRW. Then again with all that money he and the fellow corruptocrats have taken and hidden he's just fine. I mean just the bribes taken off of selling the senior housing property they're all fine. I can't imagine the money coming their way from the Somerset people alone they could retire. Let's do the corrupterdeen math. 500 units with a democrat senators law firm getting a $1,00.00 per apartment fee is a good start. Then I have got to figure locally our democrats will split a cool million between them. As you can see political corruption really pays in corrupterdeen.
Only 4 days left to go. 8:00pm Tuesday Polls close
No More phone calls, no more tv ads, no more junk mail and NO More attacks on people.
A night walk in the woods with our local vote seeking democrats? Yeah that sounds as enjoyable as dying.
Rain on and off today so golf I cannot play
stay in and catch up on Aberdeens taxes I will say
Seems Joe M is on a roll and I am also very glad
even though all he knows and says make some sad
No doubt the local politicians will try to defame him
our politicians will tell you there honest and they'll trim
Seems Joe M is very interested in letting all tax payers know
so much debt the town has garnered on what I also don't know
If paying 3M annually on the debt politicians say no big deal
when our politicians it seems do nothing but deal and steal
Whatever Joe M is doing I say thank you to him for sure
as I cannot last much longer here with politicians I can't endure
Closing in a month on my retirement abode in Delaware you see
glad I won't have to ever hear more about our thieves and CME
VInny Vinci wrote a mailer endorsing Mayor Fred and the two mannequins? And they think an old codger like Vinci holds any weight with people alive today? I know the deal on the stealing of washers and dryers and stoves and air units when Strathmore was being built by the cops working then. I know about the years he couldn't work nights as a cop cause his misses told the then police chief he couldn't. Forget that he sat doing nothing for years unless it was for his area as a Councilman. The years he was a paid commissioner at the fire house with Lou and his pals doing nothing. And they think a flier Vinny Vinci didn't even write a word on is a plus? Vinny Vinci like those he endorses is a joke and he's not funny either. And don't forget he hates Fred Tagliarini going way back. Honest Injin.
Election 2015 = 4 year term
Cannon, Kelley, Swindle, Hirsch
expires 12/31/2019 (16, 17, 18, 19)
Election year 2017 - 4 year term
Tagliarini, Montone, Martucci
expires 12/31/2021 (18, 19, 20, 21)
Honest Injin got it straight Vin really hates Freddy boy.
How does a person who listed these highlights of himself get a state police arrest record expunged?
• Graduate of Matawan-Aberdeen Regional High School (2001)
• Graduate of the University of Notre Dame (2004)
• Graduate Villanova University School of Law (2007)
• Attorney
• First elected to the Township Council in 2009
• Parishioner of St. Clement’s Roman Catholic Church
• Volunteer Basketball Coach for St. Clement's Athletic Association
• Member of New Jersey Irish-American Bar Association
• Member of New Jersey State Bar Association
Got to give it to the scumbag politicians past and present in Corrupterdeen cause they can hate each other and still lie while they support the other scummy politicos. Right Fred T
Hapless Republicans are better than scumbag Democrats any day.
Norm sounds like he's talking about eating Cannon next year. I don't blame him he's oussed people off in the Cliffwood areas. Big mouth with a big ego and a lil cuss brain.
By the time you read this Mayor Tagliarini made his victory speech in other words republicans lose again! Thamk you Mr aberdeener Warren for this good post. Your Democratic team is better for the job.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
3 more hours and I will have once again bagged my limit of Aberdeen Republicans. I'm already psyched about next year when Greg is in my freezer too. I hear that weed is a good seasoning, so I bet he's gonna taste great.
I voted for them today but not enthusiastically. Just didn't want Fred's crowd to keep a monopoly.
I don't think the Republicans in Aberdeen have been serious about this for almost 15 years. They don't organize, they don't raise any money to speak of (I know, they're not in power, but still. Not even trying. Really), and they're not involved in the community.
They missed a lot of issues opportunities over the years, going all the way back to the Coren scandal. Not to mention neglecting the beachfront and the sudden firing of Stuart Brown (town manager). The Democrats had been all for Aberdeen Forge and the Spalliero project on Greenwood Rd in Freneau for years while Republicans backed a county park. The Democrats did a sudden 180 and came out for the county park and the local R's never even called them out on their switch. I could go on.
There are plenty of good people involved in our community who also happen to be R's. Joe M is one and there are others. It might be time for them to get together and organize a new Republican party in town.
Cousin Vinnie clearly got paid for his signature or some other form of compensation. He never saw a Benjamin Franklin he didn’t liked.
Michael Canberg goes bankrupt again. You have to give the guy credit he has been consistent his entire adult life. He is a perpetual LOSER. I wouldn't be surprised if it is disclosed that the democrats arranged to put Canberg on the ballot ensuring their own victory. How stupid can the Republicans be to put an incompetent bankrupt fool as their mayoral candidate. The Republicans have to get their act together and find competent people to run or we will never win an election in Aberdeen
Why can't Cannon come out of the closet? Cannon's obviously the *anonymous Nov. 8 12:21 AM* posting after just getting home from *the democrats we can't believe the voters are that stupid keep electing us again *victory party . I'll bet the PILOT-Developers slush fund paid for steak ad lobster at that party this year no doubt. Fuck you I say to all you democrats as you're all scum who use and abuse our town like your own politically corrupt to the core bank. You will get yours someday you can take that to the bank.
Speaking of Councilman Greg Cannon, can someone point me in the right direction to the story of his arrest and the weed, etc. I remember it on this site but I searched for old stories and can't find the link. I am starting to question if he's been leading me in the wrong direction.
Wil Borkowski
Why cant you Micheal Canberg come out of the closet? and identify yourself as the "anonymous Nov. 8 6:48pm" poster. Apparently you just finished another day in the office filing for bankruptcy against another gullible lender who like the republican leadership of Aberdeen failed to do their research and ended up getting screwed by you. WE republicans need to organize and put competent people on the ballot or we will continue to go bankrupt in the Canberg tradition. Michael don't hide if you identify yourself so will I.
Bend over Aberdeen cause we are screwed for another 4 years under the curse of the corruptocrats.
Maybe put in drug arrest by state police in 2013 using the name Greg Cannon in New Jersey. On his brothers arrest in Aberdeen you probably won't see anything as maybe his not so honorable lawyer brother probably improperly and immorally interfered and whitewashed the arrest. It was supposedly for a road rage incident against a cliff wood woman he terrified. Might have impersonated a police officer as well maybe. He used his brothers official police identification for a police department in north jersey i heard. Such an honorable clan as you can see. Or is it Klan maybe not much of a stellar at my age now.
The losers in town are the ones who voted for the democrats because the likes of Taggy Tags and his lap dog Lil Cuss.
They think they've got permission to continue to line their pockets at our expense.
So what our town has over 12,000 voters and 3,000 voted for Taggy Tags.
With less votes for the other two idiots who blindly, deafly and without a word of follow Tags orders.
That's not leadership approval from the all of the people in town.
That's permission from bamboozled people who wrongly trust politicians to do what's right.
Look around our town and tell me what the democrats have done besides the big builds that'll screw us soon.
Nothing is the real answer despite shiny toothy grins in campaign press releases.
Good luck cause me and mine are outta here before summer.
We can't afford the taxes that will be out of control because of the democrats favoritism and screw us over deals.
I'll bet Councilweedman is so glad Phil Murphy got elected. I'll bet the toking Councilweedman. Is playing Bob Marley 24-7.
The votes have been tallied and the corruption is on
why and how don't matter since taxpayer hurt rolls on
Fred and the other two think they've got a mandate
under review and soon may have a prison man-date
I hear some rumblings of changes next election season
with Cannon n the outs and they're are plenty of reason
Hear Fred and Carmine don't like the Lil Cuss one bit
they realize he's just a ego driven napoleonic Lil Shit
Going to be very cold out today so no golf will I play
I will play again soon down in NC soon on Turkey day
When does the streamlining of municipal government begin here in Aberdeen?
Shabbatt Shalom
Marijuana is soon to be legalized and our toking councilcreep Greg Cannon is beyond happy. Now if Governor elect Murphy can legalize political corruption Councilman Greg Cannon will be over the moon. Right Fred?
Which Cannon is in the closet? Really?
Mark my word that no good scumbag senator menendez is going to get off for selling his office to the highest bidder. See what we have to look forward to with the corruptocrats here in corruterdeen. Looks like politics like crime does pay for scummy politicos.
The Matawan Patch says that Fred Tagliarini won the election and he has a firm grip on Aberdeen. He's got a firm grip alright on everything illegal, immoral and politically corrupt that betrays us tax payers every single day. Right Carmino?
Have you seen the picture on Aberdeen Forward and Restore Matawan celebrating Election night?
We think it says a lot when you see the 2 Matawan ladies who won the election along with the councilwoman who won last year all standing behind the current democrat councilmen.
Why? They should have been up front since they were the winners not Cannon, Reeve, Vergaretti and Altomonte. Shame on them.
Same for Aberdeen. Montone stuck in back on stage next to Cannon who wishes he was that tall.
Good Luck, Matawan ladies.
The new governor spoke in from ofbthe teachers union his largest number of supporters.
Our mayor spoke in front of CME. Today his largest supporter.
Greg Cannon probably probably is singing Cause I Got High again since he's worried about being ousted.
Speaking of being ousted the abysmal town manager might be packing her desk real soon.
And on the abysmal front the next puppet manager possibility is purported to be Harvey Brenner. In order to continue the do nothing management and questionable spending on idiotic patronage spending. We hear that debt has us in great debt according to sources and the silence of the mayor tells me plenty.
F the democrats before I forget.
2 Veterans Day Events In Matawan This Weekend
Is there anything planned in Aberdeen for Veterans Day?
It was Saturday. I was sitting around, waiting for my unemployment to kick in and surfing the Facebook groups. As much as I would like to visit my old hunting grounds at the commuter lot, my mustached replacement scares me with his cop swagger. So, I decided to post yet another extremely long, extremely slanted comment about the people who fired me on one of the Facebook groups that they don't belong to.
It was after posting one of these comments that I became engaged in a discussion with someone who might actually be as long winded as I am. I never thought I'd see the day.
Be careful Joe you might get drafted to run with the republicans next time around. Unless you was to really piss them off then run.
Veterans Day is for veterans but not in corrupterdeen each year. It somehow has now become emergency worker day. Gotta get those votes somehow I guess. Losers all of the politicos in town.
I'll bet they threatened to take away Vincis don't block intersection sign at the end of his street. That's why he signed on to the Fred corruption campaign mailer. They all suck each betraying us residents one of them.
MMMMM!!!!! Just got my delicious Aberdeen Republican venison back from the butcher. Can't wait for next hunting season when I harvest a Democrat.
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down
as well as Tagliarini thinking he can wear a crown
He knows he has betrayed the communities in Cliffwood
now if only he'd repent his evil ways and try to do good
The corrupt leader of a group that do very little you see
unless of course it is to do expensive favors for CME
Speaking of the outright well known thieves over at CME
seems Joe M has been making news of known excessive fee
Often we can sure projects and made up work has been done
especially when campaign funds are needed and under the gun
Joe M seems to be onto something and spreading the word
I myself say that is long overdue and smells like a stinky turd
Seems after the election many more want to keep an eye out
I say that is good to keep pressure on those with CME like clout
The democrats sell their approvals and influence to the big bidder
all so that work and big money can be spent after the big bid rigger
It is a mandate from the people for Mayor Tagliarini and his Democratic team in other words the republicans lost EVERY DISTRICT in our town, Aberdeen!
This is the coupe de grace! The REpublicans were comlpetely rejected and its time they realize they are not wanted in Aberdeen.They shouldn't even bother running next election. Do they really think they can win?. I feel they should just stay out of it and let it be by acclamation!
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
I will miss your biting poems so good luck with you retirement place in Delaware.
Democrats won=Aberdeen lost
Despite the votes Aberdeen lost
They just don't know it yet
Right Joey Mac?
Go get em Joey Mac
A Cannon in a closet is so dead on.
Ivanhoe says the D's have a Mandate? That sounds like typical speak for Councilman Cannon the asshole extraordinaire of Aberdeen that he is.
*****News Alert*****
A New Jersey lawyer was just arrested in North Jersey for breaking into a home wearing only a t shirt and đź‘ So I have to ask has anyone seen Greg Cannon today? Yes he's that big an asshole and deserves nothing else.
I'm begging you. PLEASE run that blowhard ex parking lot cop next year! I would love to see him every time I look above my mantle and I would gladly buy a bigger freezer to store all the meat that he would provide.
Joe M is quiet for too long and that is not good.
Hilary Clinton says that Trump asking for an investigation of the uranium deal and the Clinton Foundation is an abuse of power. If that's not calling the kettle black. She's a sick and twisted woman who staked the claim on being abused when she is the number one abuser. She's sick is all I can say.
Shabbatt Shalom
Relax people Councilweedman will screw himself over again cause he can't help himself. Yes he's that arrogant, ignorant and egotistical. Right Norm?
Today’s latest heading on Aberdeen Town website
What's Happening in Aberdeen Township should be What’s Not Happening
During the past two years, the Township Council has gone to great lengths in working on passing ordinances in regards to vacant homes and abandoned properties. These ordinances are to ensure that the owner of the properties, private or bank owned are held accountable for the maintenance of. If there is a vacant, abandoned, empty house or property that you know of, please contact our Code Enforcement Office using the contact information below or as provided on this township web page. If the property has a for sale sign on it, we would like to know. Thanking you in advanced for your continued cooperation for making Aberdeen Clean. Office of Code Enforcement 732-583-4200 Ext 196
Aberdeen must have issued BLINDERS to their NEW Code Enforcement man because they want us to do his work because he is sure not doing from the looks around town.
His head must still be in the up in the clouds since they put out so many notices about hiring him making it sound like he was so good. NOT!
As for BLINDERS the mayor and council must still have theirs on because there are many issues besides vacant homes and abandoned properties that have not been handled all the time he has been an employee of Aberdeen.
Which brings to mind, how many hours does he work in Aberdeen and how many in Matawan? Did the former Code enforcement man work in both towns?
Does he ever go on Lloyd Road going towards Route 79? Second to last house in Aberdeen on left side there is a new house that has been under construction for what seems like forever that had a full dumpster sitting there and it is now gone and more piles of trash are sitting on front of property for a long time and nobody especially person responsible for getting them to clean it appears to do nothing to get it cleaned up.
So Making Aberdeen Clean is a joke.
It was Saturday. I was still fired, so I figured I'd go bitch about the people who fired me on one of the various Facebook groups, run by the election losers. Today's bitch was about the equipment that they're auctioning off. It's not like I have anything else to do, being unemployed and all. It's funny, I never bitched when I was an overpaid meter maid. Wait...Forget I said that.
Looks like Big Mac is peeling back the onion and it for sure seems like Draglot and another of my former bros in the DB are pissed. As for dragnets post it looks like jealousy cause Big Mac gave out a lot of wood enforcing that lot. As for DB you know you ran your side biz on town time like others back there so just take your pension and STFU bro.
Yahoo its finally started and its time for our cockroach politicians to hide from exterminator Joe. Get em Joe we are all watching take em out and spank em.
for Fred Tagliarini, which can be verified by Monmouth County Election Results page, and we have 4 years to watch and listen carefully, question often and make him accountable to us.
So, we believe that we were duped, deceived, tricked, hoodwinked, hoaxed, swindled, double crossed, defrauded, mislead, bamboozled, suckered, snooker, cheated and scammed.
Ever hear the phrase “You can’t tell a book by its cover” that is what happened to all of us.
Why you ask?
Remember he was a salesman for many years and they usually have a sincere (false) way to talk to people so you believe all the things being said to benefit you. But, as many of you know or have experienced many salesman really only look out for themselves. Thus, the same for a politician.
11/17, 2017 Legal Notice and town email - DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS & OBSOLETE
Most Notably are the last 2 items on page as described below:
One New 4 Wheeled Pavement Profiler in the amount of $252,500.00 and One New 38500 GVWR TRI-AXLE 30’ Flatbed Trailer in the amount of $18,345.00 were approved for purchase in 2015 and possibly purchased then if not 2016 and are for sale now. Why? See council meeting agendas and minutes on the town website for Sept. 15, 2015, October 6, 2015, and December 01, 2015.
There was a town council meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2017 then on Friday, November 17, 2017 this comes out via legal notices and email.
Bids to be opened on Noveber 28, 2017
The next meeting is Thursday, December 7, 2017 which is a calculated tactic so residents cannot go to a council meeting and question why these two items are being put up for bid when we, the taxpayers, just bought and paid for them.
Who recommend the town buy these items?
Who in management authorized this?
Was any research done on this to see if Aberdeen really needed?
Why did we buy them in the first place?
Have they ever been used?
How many times?
How many streets were fixed?
How many employees were trained to use this equipment?
Why did mayor and council approved these purchases?
Brings us to shady deals again by the politicians at our expense.
$270,845.00 to be exact.
He, Fred Tagliarini, is not worthy of our trust and is certainly not concerned about spending our money foolishly and frivolously.
We drive thru the apartments by the tracks and I've gotta ask what's up with the brick ovens that are fenced in. Is that contaminated or what.
Hitting the ball today even though it's a bit cold
I could just mock Fred and his thieves it never gets old
Joe M has posted about an auction soon to happen
highlighting a politically corrupt insider deal again
Some big road scraping machine the town bought
accountability for never being used is being sought
Numbers wasted of taxpayers wasted is over 250K
rumblings town wants to buy sand cleaner but not ok
Is the towns huge debt not our politicians main concern
to me it is long overdue and something people must learn
With all Joe M must have going on I respect him no doubt
what Joe M says pisses of those with corrupt political clout
Off to hit the ball on a course to end up eventually in a tiny cup
hopefully one of these days Fred and the others get locked up
There's a group of us with side jobs. Not all do it on work time though much less right under the big guys noses.
Leaving early in the morning for Fla so y'all have a great thanksgiving.
A valid point was made that McAleer was not noticeably concerned about the township's spending habits when he himself was a part of the expense we paid. If he's such a stand up guy, then why didn't he say something before he had an axe to grind?
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks in other words thank you to the residents of our town, Aberdeen for reelecting Mayor Tagliarini and his Democratic team. AND thank you to Mayor Tagliarinini for leading our town so well.
Now is the time to unite behind our mayor and his team, for the good of Aberdeen and all the residents, as we look towards the future.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
What's Happening in Aberdeen on town website
Tuesday, November 12: Chanukah Celebration don't they mean December
Of course, Aberdeen Economic Business Council (EBC) does nothing to promote our businesses as they profess to care about.
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 25, 2017 is Small Business Saturday® – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. Please join the SBA and organizations across the country in supporting your local small business by shopping at a small business.
Fred Tagliarini and his buddy Carmine Visone are so full of themselves plus BS.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Aberdeeners
I wonder what the Black Friday Specials are inside town hall today? Could it be to sell off the AnP approvals to a connected developer that Mayor Fred knows the name of like on Menizer but a name Mayor Fred would not disclose. There's an honest politician right?
Here is something I will disclose about Mayor Fred. He is a disgrace him and the other miscreants he surrounds himself with like all kinds of mindless sheep screwing us over while lining their pockets or funding their campaign treasuries for decades of failure.
An investigation from top to bottom is an understatement. I have little hope one will happen but you never know. Until then we all are screwed and the connected goons around town hall like cockroaches are cashing in on our misery. Keep electing the same people and you get the same results nothing good for us residents.
Aberdeen Economic Business Council (EBC) fails AGAIN.
Finally, someone in administration, council or EBC woke up.
For months on the town website on EBC page it has a sentence "For a listing of businesses located in Aberdeen, please click here: Guess What No link to click just empty space after this for months and the Wham a PDF file appears.
PDF file is a sad show of support of our businesses. Very few business names with duplicates and putting their e-mail addresses is not good. Not much effort on the EBC members to really represent our business community.
Take the time and look up the local communities and the listing of the businees in there towns to see how it should be done.
Here is information for looking up Matawan, Keyport and Hazlet:
Donald Trump can't do anything right according to liberal Hollywood media types but the Kardashians are gloriffied for being self serving sluts and pigs. Speaking of self serving sluts and pigs how's the mayor and council of Aberdeen?
Norm is gonna eat one of his own soon. Seems Cannon is such an asshole even Norm and the others are tired of his pompous egotistical ways.
I'd like to send out a big thank you to the Aberdeen economic business council for their hard work and dedication to all of us small business owners who they help so much in this tough economic time. The pro small business signs they've placed all over town on billboards and smartly placed strategically at the towns boundaries and intersections all as reminders to shop our small businesses this holiday season and throughout the years is great.
I'd like to personally thank the Aberdeen economic business council of Aberdeen Maryland for all their hard work unlike our sister town in Aberdeen New Jersey whose inept and self serving business council only and selfishly help the politicians maintain corrupt and immoral control of the do nothing Democrats.
Did you know that Matawan and Aberdeen have a Shared Services arrangement for the Code Enforcement man to work in the two towns?
After reading the "All about Matawan" Facebook there are comments from residents from Matawan about the lack of code enforcement (junk on lawns, etc.) happening there just bears to the fact that is what is going on in Aberdeen also.
Guessing this person is making a good salary and it appears not doing his job too well as the many notices about his hiring in Aberdeen talked about his experience in the job.
So, we have two towns suffering for lack of administration oversight.
You can't respect what Joey Mack is doing? Its not like he has brought down an entire political party for betraying our community before in Aberdeen. Right Mayor Murphy and the Republican Party? Go get them Joey Mack send the democrats a big message that it's time to pack up and go.
Anyone going to the towns auction?
Hut 1
Hut 2
Somebody wake up Councilman Martucci
How come nobody screams racism when they call it Black Friday? F the democrats by the way.
Instead of PTT or Pass the Trash
we have
STT or Share the Trash
Draglot I really don't get it but if you're laughing it's at yoursellf I guess. Is it jealousy or just piling on a guy who it's said lost his job. Seems like a bunch of people go thru a revolving door over there. What's it cost us is my question.
Food store in Cliffwood won't happen because your politicians don't care about anyone but themselves. That's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They're in bed with crooked people and they walk a crooked mile.
What is stfu
Did Fred really say indebted. What an asshole like the dems didn't your town into a big mess that MC is putting out to the public. I'll be he's got a list longer than Santas. Can't wait to see what's next for sure.
Two days until the big Aberdeen machine auction and another selling out of our tax dollars under the corruptocrats. Aren't you so glad the corruptocrats won again?
And Aberdeen did what to advertise Shop Local to support our local small businesses? If only our towns businesses had an economic business council. I guess I should be happy since it only took six months to get the graffiti off the sushi place across the street.
Two subjects ago the topic was borrowing monies and that should have been the thing the republicans ran on. Overdevelopment costs will crush the next group up to try to be re-elected. That won't happen cause our taxes are going to go higher than ever and the water and sewer bills will climb high too. Have enough yet enough of the democrats that is.
Anyone know if it is true that Matawan Councilman Nicholas Reeve has been doing the Aberdeen website "What's Happening in Aberdeen Township"?
If so,Why?
Does that mean we now pay 3 different people to do public relations work for us?
(Shea, Parness Associates and now Reeve)
At What cost?
What happened to the Public Information person that was on staff?
Does anyone in management ever check the information put on the website?
Last week, the week of November 20, 2017, a notice was put on: Tuesday, November 12: Chanukah Celebration.
How long is Nicholas Reeve been doing this work in Aberdeen?
Love the poems they are creative and biting and go after those who fail to represent us to the best of their ability because they line their own pockets first and foremost. Nuff said.
If the dems wanted to improve our Cliffwood areas and the 35 corridor for the last two years where's the improvements so far. More lies from the dems as in dem rats.
And the democrat only political corruption rolls on and on and on. Right Fredocrat aka Fred-oh-you-rat.
Tomorrow's the auction
Some insider gets a great deal tomorrow
Bet it'll be a buddy of somebody on the inside
They better take the machine and hide
Once again under the democrats we take a ride
An expensive ride on a machine we didn't need
Because warnings our towns leaders don't heed
Anybody think I could get that paving thing at the auction fur $50.00.
Today is the Aberdeen auction of used equipment finally
much has been made of this by Joe M what'll be the tally
Most of the used vehicles served us well and will go easily
two on the list are brand new and thats a crime and sleazy
Joe M points out that a political insider might get a real deal
like most of the work contracts that are little more than a steal
It seems to be a vicious political circle of tax monies wasted
of course this is all well hidden by the media insiders created
It is amazing that a town our size needs even one paid media troll
under the democrats here too long we have 2 in a corrupting roll
Have to go now to enjoy this beautiful and warm November day
even better tomorrow when 18 holes of golf I will get to play
Wouldn't you people dumping on Mcaleer think he'd raise the white flag of surrender by now. I'd have given up long ago cause we lose when we fight city hall. Especially this city hall of corruption where greed and selfishness reigns supreme. A few more years and we are out of here without looking back I assure you.
It's auction day
It's auction day
How many politicians can I bribe today
In Aberdeen there are plenty to bribe 24/7/365
Hey Joey Mac do you think they made enough off todays auction to pay off the 34m debt :)
Will the town publicize the results from the sell off of the old equipment held yesterday?
We are at the beginning of a new time in our town, Aberdeen in other words the majority is united behing Mayor Tagliarini and his Democratic team.
The time is come for the remaining leaders of the remaining Republican party to stand down. They will never win so it is time to admit it to themselves and finally disband what's left of their party and focus on what's best for our town, Aberdeen. Ask Mayor Tagliarini what you can do for the town and I feel he will welcome you.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
Love the poems about our political idiots
Ivanhoe mentions the word mandate and instantly I thought of this. I for one hope Ivanhoe, who I think is Greg Cannon really goes to prison and ends up as all of the prisoners man-date.
and the political corruption and mismanagement rolls on and on and on. Right Freddie boy? Such a disappointment you are Freddie boy. And your lil dog Cannon too.
Let freedom ring
Free if democratic corruption and selfishness
We deserve better
We've deserved better for two decades now
The family that runs the childcare my daughter goes to got the bus at the auction. Anyone buy the brand new machine talked about on here a lot?
From Pelosi to Schumer all the way to our assholes Tagliarini and Cannon the too deeply entrenched democrats are our true enemies.
The buildings by the railroad going up now all of a sudden want to do solar on the roofs. All they've got to do is look at town halll to see that solar savings is all bullshit. Then again maybe the same company will do the roofs over there for a kickback to our politicians? Maybe one of the corruptocrats kids works for a solar company now? Where's the savings from the towns solar Bullshit Mayor Tag-liar?
How many employees in town hall could claim to have been sexually harassed. Better think about that Fred, Joe, Bob, Greg and the rest of you who know you've done wrong.
November 9 at 10:16am ·
The Aberdeen Forward and Restore Matawan teams celebrating their clean sweeps on Election Night.
With Democrats now holding both Mayor's seats and all Council seats in Matawan and Aberdeen, we look forward to a new era of unprecedented cooperation between our sister towns for the benefit of all residents.
People have always asked why the two towns don’t work together more. The answer was simple: Typical age old politics. The new era of working TOGETHER, and not “taking over”, is a breath of fresh air.
A shared services meeting has already been scheduled. Stay tuned...
GUESS THEY FORGOT THEY SAID THIS- unprecedented cooperation
What do you get when you build a $2,500,000.00 playground in a flood prone area? A couple votes and a big addition to the towns big debt. That ones for you Mcaleer :)
Politics Aberdeen style is a crime and in Aberdeen crime really pays.
I heard the new waterpark is going to double as an ice skating rink this winter. Such idiots and such a waste of money.,
Another stellar nonnturnout for the tree lighting at town hall. First observation it's the same night as Matawan you idiots. Then there's more workers and volunteers doing nothing as a show of what I don't know. The tree looks like dung!i have to say. And of course all the typical political do nothings taking credit for doing nothing. This town really has its priorities screwed up. I did ask one idiot about the waterpark and he set a world record getting away from me and my husband. Typical money wasted to show what just like the lie of a Main Street.
Tree lighting? More like lame lighting right Greggy?
All of our money wasted at the beachfront and worst of all it floods all the time. Indictments are a necessity for this mess. If only stupidity could be a felony instead of our politicos truth behibd their idiocy and wasteful spending.
Shabbatt Shalom
I heard Councilweedman tried to smoke the towns Christmas tree last night. Just say NO my ass you pompous asshole lawyer politician.
Of course the democrats won the election
They control the meeting agendas and minutes keeping voters unaware
They hide the results of the meeting results until people forget the topic
They spend vast amounts of money on frivolous engineering and legal work
They have two media outlets spreading their lies 24/7/365 liars all
They spend money where they need votes
They make a mint of money illegally from developers
They have a business group that fails our businesses
They have insider deals costing us a fortune
They hire and fire with little if any accountability
They eep their friends close but their enemies closer
They hold meetings illegally like Norm did for years
They protect political friends profit margins
They keep all the low income projects in Cliffwood never in Strathmore
They keep the engineering powerful well funded for contributions
They force businesses out of businesses if a business board member business suffers
They don't want a food store here for us in Cliffwood
They protect their cronies
They hire friends and families to do very little
They highlight a candidates finances when they know the CFO is in charge of all monies
And now that is all to soon come crashing down
I swear it is
We've had enough and we are pissed off
Stay tuned is all I can tell you as it is coming very soon
Sure you've heard it before but this time one guy is really pissed
And he knows more than the want publicized
Right Joe
Should have thought this out a whole lot better there Fred
A whole lot better
Did the big police roundup of perverts yesterday get the two long time big time democrat perverts here in Aberdeen.
Amazing how the dems are so crazy criticizing the republicans tax lowering that they say adds a trillion dollars to the debt. Where were they when Obama added 9 trillion plus to the debt? Hypocritical divisionists that they are. They all suck each and every Schumer and Pelosi loving one of them. And F the dems here too.
More car breakins in the A section again. Be careful and lick your cars or park in the municipal lot I guess is the answer.
What's past is prologue
All the cops got side jobs and side tail too. That's why the cops divorce rate is so high. And they're supposed to protect and serve while all they do is hide.
8:30 tomorrow morning the political thievery and fiscal mismanagement begins anew under the too long in power singular politically corrupt to the core democrats here in Aberdeen. Right Ivantoker?
Things not going the way you planned out Fred? Life's a BITCH and when you get to prison Fred that will be your new name.
Little frosty this morning to hit the ball no doubt
sitting here still can't believe democrats not out
Getting a later tee time when it warms up a bit
here considering latest rumor about the lil shit
Source says the mouth on the internet is a big problem
not sure of who he defamed will kick him in his rectum
Another possibility is another town employee is gone
now if we can only get the ones we have stop the fun
Long past the time to streamline town services it's said
seems a number of employees don't do much to get paid
Typical of government jobs many watch the work that's done
time new manager hired and mayor stays out how town's run
The democrats have a mandate to lead
As stated by Greg "weedman" Cannon
Talk about Fake News
I miss the Scooby Doo and Shaggy stuff
I rather have helpless republicans than the thieving democrats we've had for two decades now.
Don't look for the democrats to start buying new cars and spending their illegal bribes they got off of all this development too soon. They watch the movie Goodfellas a lot and know they have to keep a low profile and not be too flashy with all that bribe money. Right Norm?
How's things going Joey Mack just get em.
They hate McAleer and they hired a no work crony. All you have to do is look around. They like things messed up I guess.
Big disappointment the D's stayed in power. I guess liars, cheaters, stealers and heartless politicians won. Taxes going up no doubt for us but not the developers greasing our politicos.
Good morning Aberdeen except for the fact the same corrupt and immoral self serving democrats are in control and wasting our money catering to their cronies. Right Fred.
So I will ask again....Why wasn't your fabricated "hero" exposing all this "corruption" years ago? That's right, HE WAS PART OF IT! Now that he got kicked out of the circle of trust among thieves, all of the sudden he's once again a seeker of truth, justice and the American way. My god, you people are so fucking gullible. No wonder that little bald asshole is as powerful as he is.
Snow on the way no doubt they say
snow plow driver no doubt I will pay
Too old for shoveling more than fluffy snow
the wet stuff gets heavy that much I do know
Moving south soon and less snow expect to see
I'll miss the four seasons not the snow and icee
Won't miss the lying democrat thieves no doubt
each of them deserves indictment for selling out
These developments all over are problemstic
especially for Cliffwood that gave no static
Too late now they try to complain after the fact
especially going up against cpoliticians no tact
Most every town recognizes the importance of small businesses except Aberdeen of course. Unless you're one of the handpicked businesses on the business council that is. Right Freddy boy?
Happy Hannukah to all our Jewish Aberdeeners
I sat on Santa's lap today and asked for
7 indictments of the mayor and council
That's my Christmas wish 2017
Broken gate at the water park needs how long to get fixed? Let me guess it needs an overly expensive engineering study. No corruption my ass.
All the white stuff on the ground no golf for a while
not likely at all to make this golfer want to smile
Sure it is winter and snow on the ground is the norm
when you love to hit the white ball you don't want a storm
It will be a few days until it will be too cold to play golf
then it's either fly south to play or play WII TV golf
Been looking at all of this building going on in town as well
it will be a good christmas for our politicians hands in the till
You know these developers building in town are paying off big
why else so much building in town at once to retire off bid rig
Our politicians are cashing in now because they're getting old
like those before them they all learned from Norm who was so bold
Norm and his buddies like Corren and others were all no darn good
but our politicians learned how to lie, cheat and steal was understood
All this building looks good to those in charge but we will all pay
pay the price for greed they'll cash in and goodbye they'll all say
This is the corruption based reality you see here in Aberdeen
a bees nest of political corruption due to politicians not so clean
Is there sexual misconduct like is in the news every day in town hall Aberdeen?
What's it mean when there's a channel 12 truck in front of big macs house Fred T
Better call your weather bud Fred
Can Donald Trump do anything right? All these fake news articles and media bias combined with low life politicians who are just glad it's not them with a camera in their faces 24/7/365. Make America Great Again will happen despite the liberals and their media conspiracy.
Right Greggy? How bout no Greggy this year at the tree lighting. Probably abusing some woman in western Monmouth county this time from his multiple government jobs that his hypocritical ass used to complain about republicans having of course. But I'm betting Norm tosses his egotistical toking the bone ass to the wolves before next campaign time.
2.5m and if you breakdown how many people use it it's a big waste of money no matter what the politicos say.
Does anyone know if the Aberdeen Police Department still goes around neighborhoods when it snows to get cars off the street?
Hope so, since this past weekend during the snow fall there were at least 4 cars in the street snow covered making it hard for the plows to do their jobs and the street not getting cleared.
Is this what we should come to expect this winter?
Riddle me this Batman
What do you get with a joke of a mayor and an arrogant little toker?
Absolutely nothing
Right Mayor Carmino?
Business improvement along Hy 35 is another lie from the dems.
Is there any truth to a harassment lawsuit being filed against our Mayor Fred Tagliarini
Did anyone ever hear why the tire guy by Wendies closed. Just another empty business as long as it's not in there Strathmore it's all right.
Businesses will in fact be improved on the 35 corridor. All the ones on the mayors business council PAC that is. No corruption in Aberdeen my ass.
Tire guy was too close to a business the town uses and whose owners is a mayors buddy. That's what I heard yesterday from a town worker.
The only businesses that get help in corrupterdeen donate right Fredy.
GROSSLY NEGLIGENT=HILLARY CLINTON tipping the scales of justice improperly by James Comey
All I can say is FINALLY
The mayors got a lot of buddies and I hope when he gets to prison he's all the prisoners best buddy. Ouch
Harassment lawsuit? Really?
The revolving door at town hall swung open again with a employee canned for an accident it is said. How is it the incompetent puppet manager hasn't been shown the door yet. She got something on the thieves on the council. Wonder who's next to go.
Low income people in Strathmore that's a funny joke they keep the sections just like they like them. And that's against each other and fighting. They did throw a bone to Cliffwood with that water play area. Once in thirty years they did something big whoop.
All I want for Christmas is
You guessed it
Indictments for our corrupt democrat self serving mayor and council
They have betrayed all of us for decades
Don't any service provided to the town like the car repair buddy of the mayor have to apply and bid for all repair contracts
Sorry LSD flashback I forgot for a split second this is Corrupterdeen
If you are a buddy of the mayor you just get tax payer money for free no contracts
Just ask Ronald MCRoman the mayors buddy who steals MCDonalds statues he is a big buddy of the mayor
Don't forget how our ass of a mayor bought veterans votes by having his asshole buddy pay for flag poles to be installed on properties of military veterans. Got to know that will get paid back with our tax money. No corruption in townnmy butt.
Email Alert Aberdeen just now telling me that today starts the FINAL LEAF OICKUP. Maybe it's me but couldn't some overpaid town worker have put that Email alert out last week advising us that the FINAL LEAF PICKUP is starting today so just maybe the towns residents could get the last of the leafs out to the street. This is not the first time these idiotic Emails have been done like this by not giving just a little warning. We could bet if it was some bullshit town movie in the park or the mayors softball game we would have gotten mayoral phone calls every day.
The town website needs HELP! This website was created in 2012 and now in December 2017 it is has some new information that should have been available for the last 5 years.
Township recently added 2 new links on the home page for: Code Enforcement and Business Directory
Code Enforcement
So, the big question is: Who developed this sheet and at whose direction? Has the code enforcement man read this sheet? Answer, we think NOT. Since there are many things on this sheet that are clearly not enforced by Code Enforcement that can be seen all around town as you drive by and then you ask residents to inform you of situations relating to vacant, abandoned, empty house that clearly is his job responsibility. Should tell you that something is not being done. If we can see them why can’t he? We know of many problems around but think a person who gets paid to do this job should open their eyes and follow the sheet so he knows what his job is and what needs to be done here.
Aberdeen Economic Business Council
Was formed in early 2012 and here we are going into 2018 and they finally put a business directory together. Does Aberdeen really only have 20 businesses? According to the list they put on the website there are 36 listed but when looking you will see 7 businesses are listed more than once, two 3 times and five 2 times, equaling 9 extra listings out of 36. Out of that number 4 establishments are members of the Aberdeen Economic Business Council (EBC) members. What’s up with that? Preferential treatment for the chosen members? Why aren’t all the other businesses in Aberdeen listed in this directory?
Something is wrong with this whole operation when the entire business community is not promoted by the township. For example, take a look at the town website EBC page and read the self-promoting junk put on there with bio’s of certain people who are volunteers but not others, when nowhere else is there any information on other volunteers on the town site. Why?
Sad but true
Mayors buddy? You've got to be more specific then that cause he's the king of a hole buddies. King pompous ass to.
Took advantage of warmer weather out today
played 18 holes with one of my sources I'd say
Seems rumors have Joe M being a pain still
told he's not going away and some are quite ill
They thought he'd go broke from big legal fee
source says it's all been very tight lipped lately
Wish I had money to support him no doubt
new house draining me I'd love to see them out
Over the holidays I'm going to give Joe M a call
maybe this time he will want to talk of it all
Looked at the weather coming up really soon
seems playing golf will be down south at noon
Source is telling me he might retire very soon
things at the top might be shootout at high noon
Seems the powers at the top getting pushed out
#2 wants his shot kisses mayors ass no doubt
Going south for the holidays Saturday I'm told
away from our thieving politicians and the cold
Merry Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza to y'all
going south and I'll work on my southern drawl
Our politicians?
Can the toker councilcrook do legal work in a town where he is an elected official?
Matawan Patch has a pic and article of most of our thieving self serving politicians from the opening of the Hidden Village projects over by Strathmore. The only thing hidden at that place is the hidden
Political corruption
Political donations to buy quick approvals
Back room deals with CME
Illegal deals to ensure continual payoffs
Politically corrupt fee per sale to political lawyer
Involvement of preferential Arnone approvals
Disregard for playground designated area
Another betrayal by democrats of taxpayers
Deal to avoid Senior or COAH affordable units
School costs of students from this project stolen
Possible preferential politician apartment deal
No corruption in Aberdeen my ass
How can you tell a democrat politician is from Aberdeen?
It's so simple
They're the ones never afraid to tell you how much it costs for you to bribe them for anything and everything you want them to do illegal
Right Normie?
Still waiting on some big expose' from your big mouth friend?
You are funny.
You were telling stories of imminent raids on my house 10 years ago.
Where are they?
I know.
They're in your head,
Just like the guy who, up until recently, was part of the machine's big story.
Lick my taint.
That is all.
You're dismissed.
Another year and another piece of shit corruptrrdeen town calendar. You gotta love these assholes we pay way too much money when they can't even proof read a calendar. I just hope my toilet flushes when they're done over here. The worst part is they screw up and nothing happens so there's no incentive.
Checking in at EWR
Next stop Waikiki
Not thinking about Aberdeen or our scummy democrats for two weeks.
Talk about a Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas to all
To the town hall idiot democrats a big F You
Bribery and envelopes of cash is well know in Jersey much less to politicians in Aberdeen but when the sanitation guys give me a Christmas card obviously for a tip I wonder why it's allowed. Why does the town allow such a thing I'd ask except it's Corrupterdeen after all. It's east to say its just politics. I guess it is also the answer in Corrupterdeen because our politicians take tips that they're not supposed to ask for for or accept. Can you imagine the tips they got off of the developments soon to interfere with traffic all over town. Thieves all of them. I don't get tips where I work and the guy who makes more than me picking up my trash shouldn't ask for a tip either.
Happy holidays to all the Aberdeeners
My Christmas list 1 Aberdeen town hall gets raided by the FBI 2 quick investigation finds rampant abuse of icicle, mismanagement and criminality going back decades 3 immediate indictments are handed down by Fed grand jury 4 speedy trial results in guilty on all counts 5 life sentences for all current politicians and all politicians going back to 1996 6 prison sentences life terms with no possibility for parole
Happy Christmas to all
Reorganization in our town, Aberdeen! Your town council reorganizes on Januery 6, in other words come out to support Mayor Tagliarini and his Democratic team!
12 NOON on Saturday Jan. 6 at the town hall! Come out and celebrate that the new year is ahead of our town, Aberdeen under the steady hands of Mayor Tagliarini and his council.This is your opportunity to ask Mayor Tagliarini how you can help our community.
We invite you to join us in making Aberdeen a better place to live.
I'm parked in the old AnP parking lot and it's amazing that not only is the food store gone but the hair placecand nailnplace are gone. Subway hero shop and the pizza place are gone as well. Well if you want liquor or your taxes done your in good luck. Business group is a joke on this side of town. Thanks for nothing dems.
As in prison ho
That's for all our political ho's ruining Aberdeen
Imagine the Town Calendar arrived today usually it comes late January or February.
Same Old Shit
and an urgent appeal for help - signal of extreme distress
Guess who this Christmas list belongs to?
Matches or disposable lighters
Rolling papers
Blunts with blunt hollower
50 pounds of pot per month club membership
What is CorruptSanta and his evil Councilelves up to lately in Corrupterdeen. Bet they are going to have a really good christmas with all they've stolen from us taxpayers.
Just hit the Vingo for some holiday cheer and it looks like there was or is gonna be a big party at the basement company next door. Wonder if McDonalds catered it since the owner stole a Ronald McDonald statue. Gotta know our thieving politicians were all there sucking up. None of them are worth a shit.
Merry Christmas Aberdeen
What's Santa bringing the dems this Christmas season? Illegal payoffs.from uncaring developers for sure.
I'll bet the stockings of our corrupt Aberdeen politicians are filled with ill gotten loot this year. I hope next year their stockings are hung in their prison cells.
Coal in their stockings is all this mayor and council deserve this Christmas. Coal for betraying us tax payers and for selling their office to the highest dollar. Traitors one and all.
Your Aberdeen corrupt democrat politicians favorite Christmas Songs are
'All I want for Christmas' is my two condos for free
(right Norm, Coren, Robinson and Minutulo)
'Up on the roof top' I hope it's not the FBI surveilling us
'Away in a manger' i hid all my illegal bribe money
'Hallelujah' we haven't got caught for being so corrupt yet
'Rudolph' Guilianni would have caught us all by now
'Frosty the snowman' got nothing on our cold dead taxpayer betraying hearts
'Silent Night' at another council meeting for Martucci, Hirsch, Kelly, Montone, Swindle and Hirsch
***And Councilcrook Cannons***
'We three kings of dope dealers from afar'
'All I want for Christmas is a brand new bong'
***And finally Councilcrook Cannons all time favorite***
"I'll never smoke weed with Santa again'
Have a Merry Christmas all you Aberdeen residents
And have a Happy New Year
2018 in Aberdeen i hear is going to be really good and really public
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